Qianlong Fort, Yang Square!

After the end of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle, it was the rules that drove Heavenly Dao to a complete sleep, and all living beings took the opportunity to realize the anti-day move. With the help of Qianlong Fortress, they gathered hundreds of years of hardship for Dragon Qi. The clothed year powerhouse already has the hope of impacting Emperor Wu’s powerful realm. Product W

But Yu Haoran just hit the humiliation of the heart just now, but he suddenly felt that his Emperor Wu realm’s sudden hope was blinded, which made him suddenly angry.

“Hey, those few words that turn over and over, you didn’t bother me, it doesn’t mean I’m not tired of hearing.” Seeing that Qin Lingfei’s mental trauma was not serious, Yu Haoran, who was slightly angry, put it in her ear Wave your hand, a nasty expression sarcastic.

Yu Haoran’s sarcastic words and actions made countless spectators smile around, but the powerhouse that was jealous of the purple clothed year did not dare to laugh, and could only endure forcibly. This also made the atmosphere suddenly strange.

“Hu …!”

After taking nine breaths in succession, the purple clothed powerhouse reluctantly suppressed the anger that had reached the edge of the outbreak, and then he sat directly at the purple dragon throne and looked at Yu Haoran with a gloomy gloom.

After Qin Lingfei and Guli left the ring, Yu Haoran’s name suddenly flew off the list, and then merged with him within the body while forcibly bringing him to the ring.

Immediately after, Chang Jianzong, who had already participated in the first round of the finals, also flew off the list, and then integrated and forcibly brought him to the ring.

“Wheel Fight!” After seeing Chang Jianzong who was forcibly brought to the ring, Qin Emperor suddenly stood up and looked at the powerhouse gnashing teeth of the purple clothed year.


Turning his head to glance at Qin Emperor who got up in anger, at the same time as the powerhouse nodded in the purple clothed confession, he immediately proudly said.

“Although our seven saints could not personally kill this kid, I could use the sub-Dragon Qi to change some rules of the game and let him end up in a wheel battle of 99 players.”


Facing the shameless proudness of the purple clothed powerhouse, Qin Emperor was speechless.

“Imperial Father is out of wrath for a while!” Yu Haoran turned and comforted Qin Emperor.

After the death of Suncha Zhanyue in the distance

“Jumping clown is not something I look at, nor is it worth your anger.”

After the relief, Yu Haoran directly took out the white stick of Zunjingpin, and then pointed at Chang Jianzong’s threatening road.

“Either concede or die!”

Facing the threat of Yu Haoran, Chang Jianzong first looked up at the empty cloth clothed powerhouse in the middle of the year, then looked at Yu Haoran with his stick pointing at him, and his expression was very sad and grinning.

Sun Ke Qiu Qiu Qing Ship Academy made me alone

Subsequently, he took out an ordinary holy sword product, his eyes revealing a trace of tragic expression, asking for help.

“Senior brother Yu, I can’t help myself, please show mercy!”

“There’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, you have no way!”

Seeing Chang Jianzong not at all accepting the painful lessons of the first game, he still fortunately thought that he did not dare to kill the killer, and Yu Haoran expression responded abnormally indifferently.

“Chang Jianzong, since you choose this road to hell, don’t blame me for the ruthless Yu Haoran’s shot.”

The white stick of the hand matched with the strength of the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body, Mount Tai was simply pressed, and Chang Jianzong was directly smashed into a pile of meat.

Jie Yuan’s Enemy Gathering Enemies

Yu Haoran shot ruthlessly and directly bombed Chang Jianzong. Not only did everyone at the scene not be shocked and disgusted at all, but they very much agreed with and appreciated his approach.

After all, deterring some lucky opponents by means of ruthless bombardment, and letting them actively choose to admit defeat to maintain their most Peak status is the best way to deal with wheel battles.

Therefore, even Chang Jianzong’s relatives and friends, in the face of his death, in addition to feeling sorrowless, the target of the hatred that is emerging is not Yu Haoran.

It’s the purple clothed year powerhouse sitting on the purple dragon throne.

As Yu Haoran withdrew the white stick, Chang Jianzong’s name carried a 98-meter colorful giant dragon and a one-meter colorful small dragon flying away from the flesh.

After Yu Haoran’s 1.7 m Cai small dragon successfully swallowed each other’s 1.7 m Cai small dragon, Chang Jianzong’s name and colorful giant dragon disappeared into the list.

Immediately after, the 99th-ranked name on the list broke away from the list, integrated and forcibly brought Wang Qing to the ring.

“Either concede or die!” Yu Haoran also threatened Wang Qing with a stick.

Sun Buqiu Fang Qiu received solitary masters

Sun Buqiu Fang Qiu received the solitary master to learn “boy, you must die today!”

Hou Fang Qiu Fang Jie Xueyue Yuefan Moxing

Looking back and forth from the bodies of the purple clothed powerhouse and Yu Haoran, Wang Qingyan had both deep helplessness and a nameless anger.

The targets targeted by Anonymous Rage are both high-purple purple clothed year powerhouses and ruthless Yu Haoran.

If it was not for the acquiescence of the purple clothed powerhouse and the others, how would Gu Li dare to harass Qin Lingfei blatantly, and how could Gu Sheng oppress Yu Haoran in an unreasonable manner.

If it weren’t for the character of Yu Haoran regardless of the law and of natural morality, the purple clothed year powerhouse would not forcefully change the rules of the finals, leaving itself in a dilemma.

However, when Yu Guang of his sight saw a pile of meat mud near his feet, helplessness and anonymous anger were immediately replaced by fear, and he quickly arched his hands to the list above his head and said.

“I surrender!”

“hmph! ”

Unhappy eyes stared at Wang Qing, the purple clothed year of Powerhouse could not help but coldly snorted.

But no matter how angry the powerhouse was in purple clothed year, with Wang Qing’s initiative to concede, his name carried a 1.7 m color small dragon off his body.

After the 1.7 m Cai small dragon was consumed by Yu Haoran’s 1.7 m Cai small dragon, Wang Qing’s name reintegrated into the list.

Enemy Division to Ghost Enemy Warfare

Giving a hand to Yu Haoran, Wang Qing turned around and left the platform. After returning to the Yangtze Square, he kept anxiously paying attention to the purple clothed powerhouse. He didn’t know when his punishment would come.

However, when ranked 98th, the XNUMXth and XNUMXth players also entered the stage and lost, and the powerhouse did not make any retaliation in the purple clothed year, Wang Qing finally sighed in relief.

The death of Chang Jianzong, and the integrity of Wang Qing and other players, pointed out the best way for the subsequent players.

From the XNUMXth-ranked player to the XNUMXst-ranked player, they all gave up at the moment when they entered the ring.

This keeps Yu Haoran in the Peak state, while the length of the colorful giant dragon within the body has reached XNUMX meters.

Under normal circumstances, there are a total of 40 players from the XNUMXst to the XNUMXth. The length of the colorful giant dragon swallowed and obtained should reach four ten meters.

But who allowed Wu Zhengjun to directly kill the 38th ranked Ma Baohua in the first round, only XNUMX players directly conceded.

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