Qianlong Fort, No. 51 In the Courtyard!

Sun Kedi’s Obstacles at the Inspection Center

Sun Yuanke is not cool, and then he catches the ball.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s detailed introduction, Bian Longfei’s eyes flashed a murderous aura, and he immediately patted his chest assured. !

“Master Prince Consort, up to an hour, Long Fei will give you the position of these XNUMX people.”

“Long Fei, yes, there are some features of your father.” Directly reducing the time by 30% bis, Bian Long Fei responded confidently, reminding Yu Haoran of the same excellent Bian Shengrui, could not help but praise.

“Facing with my father, Long Fei is still far away.” After hearing Yu Haoran’s praise, Bian Lixing was embarrassed by the modestly said immediately.

After reaching out and tearing the void in front of his eyes, Yu Haoran warned repeatedly while leaving a few bottles of third-order medicine pill.

“Long Fei, after finding out the specific locations of these people, went directly to the No. XNUMX other hospital to inform me.”

“Prince Prince Consort just used God’s thoughts to condense the appearance of twenty-nine people. Presumably you have already remembered it in your heart, so act now!” After the fissures in the void were completely recombined, Bian Longfei instructed the seven people behind him. .

“Yes, Third Young Master!” The seven turned around and immediately turned away from the other courtyard.

However, shortly after leaving the other courtyard, two people who once expressed their resentment secretly gathered together.

“It’s because of the nosy affairs of Yu Haoran that Great Elder is getting more and more powerful now, and the president’s ready-made has been a bit overwhelming.”

A younger man aged, expression asked gloomily.

“You said that we, as presidents, should help Yu Haoran find out where those people are.”

“Help, how can you not help!”

Another younger, younger man replied with a grin.

Keke Ghost Ship Observatory

Yu Keoran, the Department of Scientific Research, said coldly, “Yu Haoran, don’t you think the excuse just now is funny?”

“However, what to do after finding out the whereabouts of those people is not something Yu Haoran and Bian Longfei can intervene in.”

“I see!” The older youth knew the meaning of his companions with a little thought, and nodded with a grin.

After returning to the No. XNUMX courtyard, Yu Haoran not at all returned to his room. Instead, he sat down in a vacant lot in the courtyard, and continued to comprehend the ancestral witch martial skill while waiting for the news of Bian Longfei.

Time flies, and an hour has passed in the blink of an eye. Yu Haoran opened his eyes slowly, his eyes revealing a hint of doubtful expression.

Because of Disciple Yunxiang, he also contacted Bian Longfei a few times, knowing that Bian Longfei is a cautious person and should not make late mistakes.

But how long did the expression of not at all persist for a while, I was interrupted by knocking at the door.

“Come in!” Yu Haoran immediately signaled in a familiar atmosphere.

Pushing open the courtyard door, Bian Longfei walked in with a somber expression.

“Master Prince Consort, I’m sorry, Long Fei lived up to your expectations, not at all to complete your assigned task.” Taking out a jade slip and several pill bottles from the storage ring, Bian Long Fei said guiltily.

“What’s the matter?” Yu Haoran frowns asked, without receiving jade slip and pill bottle from Bian Longfei.

“Destroyed by villains, thirteen people left Qianlong Fortress overnight.” Bian Longfei’s gnashing teeth explained.

“Long Fei, this is not your fault. You don’t need to blame and guilt.” Reaching out to take the jade slip, and motioned to Bian Long Fei to put away his pill bottle, Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

A Study of Sun Yuan’s Cool Rivalry

After the auction, Bian Shengrui once told him about the idea and plan to seize the position of President of the Chamber of Commerce, so the villain who just reported secretly must belong to the president’s line.

He knew the relationship between Bian Shengrui and the president, but he did not consider beforehand whether the seven people had a president. The real responsibility lies with himself.

Thinking of the hatred of Bian Longfei’s gnashing teeth just now, Yu Haoran was afraid that he would directly kill the airy reporters in addition to his impulse, which would affect his father’s plan to take the throne and promptly remind and persuade.

“Master Prince Consort rest assured, Long Fei knows the importance.” Bian Long Fei quickly nodded to show that he would not be impulsive.

“Long Fei, first go back and use the medicine pill I gave you to improve your strength, strive for a higher position in qualifying, and get more blessings from potential Dragon Qi players.”

Fearing that the remaining sixteen people would run away overnight after receiving news, Yu Haoran instructed Bian Longfei to leave first while checking the information in jade slip.

After determining the exact location of the sixteen people, he went directly to the other house on the eighty-seventh by tearing the void.


Sun Keyuan hates war after fighting alone

After Sun Keyuan’s revenge, he hated the war and shouting, and tore up the void in front of him, Yu Haoran warned repeatedly while leaving a few bottles of third-order medicine pill.

The tearing of the void will create a certain wave of strength, so when Yu Haoran appeared in the other courtyard on the XNUMXth through a void crack, he immediately alarmed the owner of the other courtyard.

“Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?” Gong Bin, who rushed to the other courtyard, asked Yu Haoran with a dignified face when he saw Yu Haoran coming out of the void crack.

“Gong Bin, aren’t you to ask a question, when already knows the answer!”

One after another glanced over Gong Bin, and Gong Dongwei and Gong Donghui behind him, Yu Haoran said with a smile.

Yuanke is not the only enemy to inspect Moyang Modu

“I’m here to fight for residency in the other house on the XNUMXth.”

“Yu Haoran, don’t you think the excuse just now is funny!”

The No. XNUMX Belonging House where Yu Haoran lives, whether it is the area of ​​the building, or the landscape like Immortal Realm, and the Spiritual Qi that is close to the fog, the XNUMX House is not sure how many times stronger, how can Gong Bin believe him They are here to compete for the right to reside in the other house on the XNUMXth.

“Don’t care if my excuse is funny or not, or get out of the XNUMXth house immediately, or accept the challenge of this Prince Consort.” Take out the white stick directly, Yu Haoran threatened the Gongbin three.

After the enemy Qiu Yuan alone hated receiving the ball

“let’s go!”

Due to the defeat of the first round of the rematch, they were fortunate to see how Yu Haoran easily killed Martial Venerable Grade’s 1-year powerhouse. It was clear that the trio were not an enemy of Yu Haoran.

Therefore, in the face of the threat from Yu Haoran, the three Gong Bins left without hesitation.

Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a little hesitation as they watched the three Gongbins walking towards the courtyard gate.

Because he wasn’t sure if he could use the methods of planting stolen frames to force the three Gongbins to fight for himself.

He looked up at the loft in Yang Square, his hesitation was eventually replaced by firmness, and the law of consummation made him appear in front of the three Gongbin instantaneously, his eyes filled with the strong murderous aura.

“Gong Bin, when the three of you passed by my uncle, Ben Prince Consort suddenly lost a very precious Supreme Treasure.”

“So, the Prince Consort now needs to check the three of you three’s storage Magical Artifact to see if you stole the Supreme Treasure of the Prince Consort.”

After the revenge is not the enemy

A distant enemy is not cruel, hated by solitude

“Yu Haoran, don’t bully intolerably.” Gong Bin suddenly exclaimed angrily when he heard Yu Haoran’s planting of red fruit.

“Gong Bin, I am bully intolerably, if you are not convinced, you will teach me!” Yu Haoran provoked in a rogue appearance.

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