Qianlongpu, the eighth platform!

Yu Haoran’s arrogant behavior seemed normal to the audience around the stands. Product W

After all, the XNUMXth platform really has players who threaten him. Only Sun Mingze, who is ranked XNUMXth in the list, Li Yuan, ranked XNUMXth, Feng Yuhai, ranked XNUMXth, and XNUMXth. The two Shi Yanyu are four.

According to the rules of the first round of the rematch, only ten people need to stay in the ring at the end of the match, and they can directly participate in the second round of the rematch.

Then, five people including Yu Haoran, who obviously has absolute strength, can choose to sit by and watch the final result, and then easily win.

But for the competitors in the ring, Yu Haoran’s arrogant behavior caused their inner dissatisfaction.

However, in the face of the eighth place on the Yu Haoran list and the reputation of the famous earthquake Heavenly Profound Continent, no matter how dissatisfied, no one dared to stand up and swear, and no one dared to provoke.

After all the contestants were on the stage, the square’s list suddenly shot a hundred milk white energy.

The milky white energy falls on different platforms, and then the milky white energy immediately covers the entire platform, forming a defensive shield that can shield the power and the penetration of divine thoughts.

Because there are many top and peerless powerhouses in the stands around, there are blood and family relationships with the competitors in the ring.

If there is no defensive cover that can shield the penetration of power and spiritual thoughts, then no one can guarantee whether someone will secretly help their loved ones and Junior.

Helpless to withdraw the thoughts of paying attention to Qin Lingfei and the others, Yu Haoran retains only one thought of monitoring the opponents in the ring, and then continues to immerse himself in the ancestral witch’s martial skills.

After a hundred milky white energies formed a defensive cover, a majestic voice suddenly came from the square list.

“The game starts!”

Players who have previously known about the previous Hidden Dragon List battle, have not been surprised at all by the sound of the list, and they have begun to use martial skills to attack already selected opponents.

Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded in the central square.

Unlike other fierce battles, the atmosphere of the eighth battlefield seems a little weird.

Enemy hates you

Perhaps because of Yu Haoran’s leading demonstration role, Sun Mingze, Li Yuan, Feng Yuhai, and Shi Yunyu, who ranked in the top XNUMX, also retreated to the corners of the ring, with a gesture of standing by.

“The ranking of the list does not represent true strength.”

Enemy and Earth Science Academy

Yu Haoran’s arrogant and rude behavior has aroused the anger of many players at the scene, and the actions of the four Sun Mingze is equivalent to pouring fuel.

The enemy’s post-academic research institute lonely by the ball “kill …!”

A cultivation base that reached Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak’s top genius powerhouse, eventually couldn’t stand the stigma of being despised, and took the initiative to stand up and fire Fire Dao.

“So, why don’t you join forces to get these five arrogant guys off the ring, and then compete for ten places to qualify based on your strength?”

In fact, the hearts of more than XNUMX players at the scene were already provoked by Yu Haoran’s arrogant behavior, just because the inner fear did not erupt.

After all, the enemy hates the cold and the cold

Nowadays, after seeing someone actively stand up and join together, except for a dozen players with more complex minds, cultivation bases and average strengths who choose to remain silent, all the remaining players have responded positively.

Opening his eyes slowly, his indifferent eyes looked at the angered players, and then Yu Haoran closed his eyes again.

However, the left hand, which was originally empty, suddenly had an extra white stick exuding a bit of coercion.

“You led 40 people to siege Sun Mingze.”

Yu Haoran took out the Magical Artifact, not at all, and ignited the anger that had been ignited. The youth powerhouse that had been actively selected just now began to assign five people who besieged Yu Haoran.

“You led 40 people to besiege Li Yuan.”

“You led 40 people to siege Feng Yuhai!”

“You led 40 people to besiege Shi Yunyu!”

Obstetrics Department of the Moon

After arranging a team of four siege to Sun Mingze, the youth powerhouse found that there were nearly 70 people willing to participate in the siege, and immediately excitedly pointed at Yu Haoran and instructed loudly.

“All the remaining players follow me to besiege Yu Haoran!”


The voice commanded by the youth powerhouse had just fallen, and the two hundred players who were cheering for the crowd immediately drank.

After the far away alone Sun hated receiving the ball after the test

The combined drinking was deafening and immediately attracted the attention of countless spectators.

“It’s ridiculous to shake the big tree!” Watching the number of players who united and besieged Yu Haoran reached more than 70, and Qin Emperor at the top of the south side of the stand, his eyes looked scornful and scornful.

Before the cultivation base did not break through the realm of the Martial Venerable peerless powerhouse, Qin Emperor’s perception of power was relatively shallow, believing that people have more power, and everyone has a firewood with high flames.

But the moment he truly broke through the Martial Venerable powerhouse realm, he knew how ridiculous his previous cognition was.

Because in front of absolute strength, the number of people is actually very small and sad!

For the irony of Qin Emperor’s disdain, the cultivation base only had Meng Zhengkai, a second martial Venerable, who disagreed, but he did not object to Qin Emperor’s evaluation, only watching Yu Haoran slightly worried.

Opening his eyes again and watching the slowly approaching 70 people, Yu Haoran flashed a sneer of disdain.

There are more than 9 players on the XNUMXth platform. The only opponent who can challenge him is Sun Mingze. None of them is his opponent, including the Martial Saint Grade XNUMX Peak youth powerhouse who joined the crowd just now.

Directly inspiring the power of the ancestral witch’s fleshy body, the white stick clenched in his hand took the lead in launching an attack with a swipe that swept through the army.


After far, the enemy hated the ball and received the most

Although the opponents responded quickly and made defenses in time, in the face of the horrible sweeping force formed by the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body and blessing with the respected stick method.

The six players below Martial Saint realm were directly off the ring with broken arms and legs.

The nineteen players of the Martial Saint Early-Stage and the period flew directly in the blood, and then fell heavily on the ring.

The 38 players in Martial Saint’s advanced period were pale for an instant, and the sweeping force caused them to suffer certain internal injuries.

Only the seven Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak players were considered to have successfully resisted the formidable power of the stick method that swept thousands of troops.

But their faces were quite solemn at this moment.

Because Yu Haoran’s martial arts skill just performed, he did not use the slightest Origin Force and Soul Power, and only used the force of fleshy body.

Moreover, judging from the randomness he had just waved with the Supreme Product Stick, I am afraid that the fleshhy body power has only been used partly.

The results of it!

A glance at the six powerhouses who broke their arms and slapped their legs and fell to the ring, and dozens of people crying painfully in the ring, the strongest young powerhouse suddenly felt remorse.

The enemy’s enemies, the sun’s opponents, and the sun’s moon

The enemy Sun Qiu Fang Sun Qiu Naoyang slowly opened his eyes and looked indifferently at the players who were angry, Yu Haoran closed his eyes again.

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