Qianlong Fort, Yang Square!

After the hatred is far from heartless

Those who respect and convince Yu Haoran believe that his final ranking will definitely reach the top ten and take up to thirty seconds.

Those who hate and hate Yu Haoran think that his final ranking will definitely not enter the top XNUMX, and it will take about ten minutes even to reach the XNUMXth place.

Those who stand still think that Yu Haoran’s final ranking may reach about thirty, and it will take up to five minutes.

When everyone at the scene speculated and estimated the final ranking of Yu Haoran, and the time it took to impact the final ranking, the name of Yu Haoran who had rushed to the XNUMXth position suddenly disappeared from the list.

“What’s going on?” Meng Zhengkai asked, looking up at the list above his head.

The Emperor Qin was frowning without silence.

When everyone was puzzled at the scene, they even began to wonder if Yu Haoran was eliminated by the third level. All the players from the XNUMXst to the XNUMXth ranked collectively dropped one. Yu Haoran ’s name appeared on the The position of the XNUMXst place on the list.

When the shock in the crowd just appeared and they were planning to discuss what just happened, Yu Haoran’s name disappeared from the list again.

The enemy is not alone after the war

Three seconds later, all the players in the 38th to 38th places also dropped one collectively, and Yu Haoran’s name once again appeared in the XNUMXth place on the list.

Taking a look at each other, both Qin Emperor and Meng Zhengkai found complex and variable expressions of shock, joy, doubt, sigh, etc. emerging from each other’s eyes.

Mo Leng refers to Mo Leng

However, what shocked everyone at the scene was that just one second later, Yu Haoran’s name disappeared from the list again.

Twenty-two to thirty-seventh place players dropped one collectively after three seconds. Yu Haoran’s name appeared in the twenty-second position on the list.

At this time, the heart was subjected to three strong shocks one after another, so that everyone on the scene was completely unable to think.

At this moment, they can only stare at the names that continue to disappear on the list, and then they watch the names reappearing in the eleventh position on the list.

For the fifth change in the name of Yu Haoran, even if it finally stayed in the eighth place on the list, the crowd was completely numb at the scene. There was no ups and downs in emotions, and the eyes were still empty.

However, when Yu Haoran appeared on the Yangtze Square through the cloud steps, the continuous ups and downs of emotions and the glorious eyes gradually made the scene suddenly sounded a fierce discussion.

“Unexpectedly, Yu Haoran, who has the strongest Pill Dao innate talent in Heavenly Profound Continent, is also so strong in innate talent and success in Martial Dao.” A three-married prospect Martial Venerable powerhouse from the west side of the stand, watching the station Yu Haoran at Yang Plaza couldn’t help sighing at his companions around him.


“The top demon Martial Dao innate talent, coupled with Heavenly Profound Continent’s strongest Pill Dao cultivation base, Yu Haoran’s chance of impacting the Emperor Wu realm in the future, I am afraid that it will be far stronger than the demon genius of the same period!”

“Holy, when Prince Consort hits the assessment of the first level, if he did not deliberately save his strength, would you say that his current ranking will break into the top three?”

Meng Zhengkai, who knows Yu Haoran Martial Dao innate talent best, is the first person to wake up at the scene.

When I saw Yu Haoran’s final ranking staying at the eighth position on the list, a bold speculation suddenly emerged in my heart.

“If it is the quick rule to implement the perfection boundary, to reach the strength of Martial Venerable’s peerless powerhouse with Prince Consort, I am afraid there is hope to impact the first place.” Withdrawing his attention from the list, he turned his eyes to Yu Haoran, who was standing in the central square, Emperor Qin Slightly unwilling to speculate.


After hearing Qin Emperor’s speculation, Meng Zhengkai also looked at the blue clothed teenager standing peacefully in the square with a smile on his corner, and couldn’t help sighing.

Sun Diyuan’s Enemy Study

If Yu Haoran’s assessment in the preliminary round wins the first place in the list, both his reputation and the reputation of the Great Qin Empire will have an unimaginable increase.

49 people!

Suncha picks up the Cold War Norge

Looking at the list of Wu Zhengjun, Yu Haoran was slightly surprised.

Although three days before the Hidden Dragon List battle officially started, he successfully promoted to the Martial Venerable realm with the help of his own medicine pill and the rich Con of Qi of Black and Yellow from Prince Consort, the fleshhy body grade, but cultivation in speed and state of mind The disadvantage of base, so that his assessment in the first pass and the 2nd level did not occupy any advantage.

Di Yuan Ke Bu Gui Sun Shu Institute Gu Ke Gang I

At this point, in the process of the third level assessment, he ranked to the 48th place in the list. It seems that in addition to the fleshhy body grade of Martial Venerable realm, I am afraid he has a secret he does not know.

In response to this, Yu Haoran not only didn’t care in the slightest, but came out with a happy mood in his heart.

Because this shows that Wu Zhengjun has truly matured and is more qualified and capable to become a powerful boost for his future impact on Martial Dao Peak.

Sight continued to look for familiar names on the list.


Seeing Qin Tianyi’s name appear on the XNUMXrd place on the list, Yu Haoran frowned.

If the reason for Tower Spirit ’s rapid improvement of Qin Tianyi ’s cultivation base is from Yu Qing Qiu Fox Race ’s use of 醍醐 initiation, then due to the influence of his cultivation base and realm ’s perception, he must not be able to use the strength of his cultivation base.

However, from the current ranking of Qin Tianyi, I am afraid that when Qingqiu Fox Race used Qin Tianyi ’s secret technique to improve Qin Tianyi ’s cultivation base, he also used the treasure to enhance the cultivation base and realm awareness.

The original contempt for Qin Tianyi was replaced with caution.

Then he continued to look for a familiar name.

Qin Minghao!

Seeing the 79th place on the list, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but feel a little surprised when the names of the elite children from the Imperial Family appeared.

The 43 Imperial Family elite children who participated in the Hidden Dragon List battle, whether it is cultivation base and strength, or origin and Martial Dao innate talent, Qin Minghao is not the most advantageous, and can only be ranked in the middle.

However, such an ordinary elite child was evaluated in the three stages of the preliminary round, not only surpassing all the elite children, but also his lover and elder sister, which he carefully cultivated, were also overtaken. How can this not surprise Yu Haoran.

In fact, not only Yu Haoran was surprised, even the Qin Emperor and Meng Zhengkai of the stands, after seeing Qin Minghao’s ranking, their eyes also appeared incredible expression.

However, considering Qin Tianyi ’s ranking just now, the intense Murderous aura that emerged from Emperor Qin ’s eyes, Meng Zhengkai did not dare to discuss with him why Qin Minghao ’s ranking is so high.

Because Qin Emperor is no longer the one who has the same cultivation base and strength as him, and can be suppressed by him everywhere.

Today, Qin Emperor has successfully broken through the realm of the Martial Venerable peerless powerhouse by converging nearly 60% of the air transport in the southern region, and has become a thousand emperor enjoying a long lifespan of five thousand years.

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