Gu Liang Shi Family, Mansion!

“Yushan, anyway, Yu Haoran is also the demon all-round talent of Heavenly Profound Continent. He can infer his specific whereabouts, which is enough to prove that you have succeeded in cultivation. Mobile phone terminal”

Seeing Gu Liangyushan’s tired expression, patriarch Gu Liangyangquan expressed a gentle relief.

“As for how to find out the exact location of Yu Haoran and complete the blood oath of the Heavenly Dao rule, leave this to me, let’s go down and rest!”

“Patriarch, elders, jade platform retires first!”

After hearing Gu Liangmingquan’s comfort and instructions, Gu Liangyushan got up and then pleaded guilty to the crowd and dragged his tired body out of the courtyard.

Just to be able to calculate the specific whereabouts of Yu Haoran, and not to appear incompetent in front of patriarch, Gu Liangyushan secretly overdrawn his life strength for nearly a century.

One hundred years of life strength is a kind of unbearable loss for Guliang Yushan, whose lifespan is only XNUMX years, which is the main reason why he looks so tired.

When Gu Liang Yushan left the courtyard, Gu Liang Mingquan’s smile was immediately replaced with a serious one. Looking at the crowd in front of him, he said in a low voice.

“Elders and church owners, Yu Haoran has already entered Leling City. The real danger of the Liang Family in our valley has come. What do you say next?”

“Patriarch, why don’t you wake up Old Jun ancestors in advance and let his elderly use the martial Venerable powerhouse ’s thoughts to track down the exact location of Yu Haoran?” After hearing Gu Liangmingquan’s interrogation, Seventh Elder Gu Liang Zhiqun, who has steward intelligence, immediately Proposed.


Gu Liang Mingquan, as patriarch, has not yet expressed his opinion. The third elder Gu Liang Qingru, who held the punishment of the steward, immediately opposed.

“Patriarch, Jun Old Jun ancestor’s lifespan has reached its limit.”

“If he wakes up the old man now, the environmental restrictions of the birth of Martial Venerable’s peerless powerhouse will not allow his old man to directly lose 30% of his lifespan, and he can only live up to the end of the South Region Hidden Dragon List battle.”

“Don’t you have the heart to let an Old Ancestor who uses the secret technique to survive for thousands of years, haven’t really revealed the style of Martial Venerable’s peerless powerhouse, leave in obscurity!”

Having said that, Gu Liangqingru glanced at Seventh Elder and suggested with a grin.

“Patriarch, Li Jun’s ancestors are not only more powerful, but lifespan 焱 Old Jun ancestors are nearly two hundred years old.”

“According to this Elder’s opinion, it is better to wake up Li Old Jun ancestors and let him take advantage of the martial Venerable’s peerless powerhouse to trace and kill Yu Haoran hiding in the city.”

“Gu Liang Qingrui, what do you mean?” After hearing the insidious suggestion of third elder, Gu Liang Zhiqun immediately turned his face and asked.

“Gu Liang Zhiqun, so what did you just mean?” In the face of Seventh Elder’s drinking, Gu Liang Qingru also turned to ask.

焱 Old Jun ancestor is a direct line of Old Ancestor from third elder, Li Old Jun ancestor is a direct line of Old Ancestor from Seventh Elder!

Although for the sake of Old Ancestor’s lifespan, they don’t want them to wake up before the Heavenly Dao rules are not completely perfected, which is reasonable and shows their filial piety, but in the face of the crisis of extermination, they are still plotting against their own gains and losses. Gu Liangmingquan as patriarch was very disappointed and annoyed.


Seeing the quarrel getting more and more motivating, at any time there might be a third elder and Seventh Elder to be torn down, Gu Liangmingquan furiously shouted.

Then, he looked at Great Elder, and found that there was a savage color in Great Elder’s eyes, and his thoughts were firmed up immediately.

“Third elder, Seventh Elder, this patriarch just said, Yu Haoran is a monster who is rarely seen for thousands of years. Not only is his Martial Dao outstanding, but he is also proficient in Pill Dao, Formation Dao, and Taoism. He has many hands. Hole card. “

Sharp eyes glanced over Third Elder and Seventh Elder, Gu Liang Mingquan ordered unquestionably.

“In order to be able to find out and kill Yu Haoran, Ben patriarch decided to wake up Old Jun and Li Jun at the same time.”

After hearing Gu Liangmingquan’s decision, the reluctance of the third elder and Seventh Elder immediately appeared.

But after seeing the coldness of Gu Liangming spring, when I thought that the family’s sleeping strength was most strong in the Dao into Old Ancestor, I couldn’t agree without the willingness.

“Since the two Elders have no opinions, take the time to wake up the two Old Ancestor!” Regardless of the unwillingness of the third elder and Seventh Elder, Gu Liangmingquan was immediately instructed.

Looking at the two Elders who turned away from the courtyard, Gu Liang Mingquan turned back and looked at the crowd coldly, saying solemnly.

“The two Old Ancestor who have been sleeping for ten thousand years, lifespan is about to come to an end. In order to make them live longer, if they can’t let them go, try not to alarm them.”

Speaking of this, Gu Liang Mingquan’s tone turned, and his voice suddenly increased.

“So, now, with the henchmen of Martial Sovereign and Martial Saint realm right now, search me all over the city for Yu Haoran’s whereabouts.”

“Tell your henchmen, if I can publish Yu Haoran’s whereabouts, this patriarch will be rewarding.”

“If he can kill Yu Haoran, not only will this patriarch reward him, but he will also let the three Old Ancestors of Martial Venerable realm personally guide him in cultivation, giving him the hope of impacting Martial Venerable realm.”

“As you bid!”

Faced with the promise made by Gu Liang Mingquan, all elders and the host did not show any excitement and excitement, and turned away from the courtyard after a listless utterance.

“Patriarch, you think about it!” The only great elder who didn’t leave the courtyard, walked to the side of guliangmingquan, asked with a hesitant look.

“Uncle, I already think about it!”

The heavy nodded, Gu Liang Mingquan said very annoyed.

“Over the years, the third elder and seventh elder have relied on two sleeping old ancestors, not only occupying more and more resources, but also ambitions.”

Pointing to those unhappy Elder and the host, Gu Liangming spring said a strong murderous aura.

“Look at these Elders and church owners who have been attracted. They are now only considering their own personal interests. They will not care about the life and death of the family.”

took a deep breath, Gu Liang Mingquan looked at Great Elder, expression continued with a sneer.

“Yu Haoran’s blood vow under Heavenly Dao rules is a disaster for the Liang Family in our valley, but it is also a chance to regenerate Phoenix Nirvana.”

“As long as you wake up the old Ancestor, Li Jun and Li Jun, regardless of the last two Old Ancestor’s shots, they only have a lifespan of about six months at most.”

“As long as the two old Ancestors, Xun Jun and Li Jun, die, I will let everyone in the third elder line and Seventh Elder line disappear, completely removing the hidden dangers for the family.”

“Mingquan, if Daocheng Old Ancestor wakes up, how can you explain to him?” Great Elder asked worriedly.

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