Know the sea!

“So to speak, Tower Spirit You also want to occupy my fleshhy body by means of Seize Body For Rebirth, and get a new life from now!”

Looking at Tower Spirit, whose eyes can’t be concealed, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly gloomed, forcibly suppressing the Murderous aura that appeared constantly in his heart, gnashing teeth asked.

“No, don’t get me wrong, I won’t get a new life through Seize Body For Rebirth.”

Feeling the murderous aura of Yu Haoran within the body, Tower Spirit quickly shook his head to deny it, and asked seriously.

“Yu Haoran, you have run through that many ancient, ancient, and ancient relics. Did you hear of Five Elements Essence?”

After being firmly denied by Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran’s constantly emerging Murderous aura weakened slightly.

After hearing the Five Elements Essence he mentioned, he thought for a while, and then nodded.

“Five Elements Essence, born out of yin and yang, followed the original Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Martial Dao.”

“It can be said that Five Elements Essence is the foundation for building the entire Heaven and Earth.”


nodded agrees with Yu Haoran’s evaluation of Five Elements Essence, Tower Spirit said excitedly.

“Yu Haoran, if your cultivation base can break through Valkyrie Realm, then you can use a special force to help me isolate the induction from the tower in the ontology domain.”

“If I can get the energy of Five Elements Essence, then I can reshape the fleshy body by Five Elements Essence energy, completely detached from the identity of Tower Spirit, and have a new life.”

After hearing the true purpose of rebirth from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran had been crushing a boulder in his heart.

Later, he thought that since meeting Tower Spirit, Tower Spirit has been helping himself by making an all-out effort.

Now that Tower Spirit has the goal of fighting for his life, then he should do his best to help him fulfill his wish.

Therefore, close your eyes and think back to the experience of the previous life, and finally think of the fall of one of its original energies.

“Tower Spirit, I know that deep in the death swamp, there seems to be a fairy vine with the energy of Essence of Wood.”

“Yu Haoran, what you said is true!”

Having just stated that he needs the energy of Five Elements Essence to reshape the fleshy body, Yu Haoran directly gives a drop of the original energy.

This kind of good thing to lose pie makes Tower Spirit incredible for a while.

“In the previous life, when I was under the leadership of the ethereal rat and escaped the death swamp aborigines, I once saw a mature immortal vine in the aboriginal Holy Land.”

“Tower Spirit, the Essence of Wood contained in the mature immortal vine, should be able to meet the energy you need to reshape the fleshy body.”

Yu Haoran introduced the details of the past life when he saw the immortal rattan to relieve the doubts in Tower Spirit.

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit stood up in excitement, and then began to circle around the tower of the ontology domain. After nine full laps, he was regarded as calming his emotions.

After sitting back in front of Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit thanked him seriously.

She waved her hand to signal Tower Spirit no need to be so polite, and Yu Haoran went on to tell her next story.

Tower Spirit’s complexion gradually began to condense after hearing that he had obtained the pill technique, Fuxi gossip figure, and the broken Heavenly Cycle Star Fight Formation from Miao Cangshui’s hands.

“Tower Spirit, do you say that the opportunity gained by Miao Cangshui and the use of various means under the lonely Danbu are related to the arrangement of Heavenly Dao rules?

Looking up at Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran asked the second question that he had accumulated.

“To be more precise, is the reason for Heavenly Dao’s intervention?”

A deep glance at Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit’s silent nodded, is an admission of his speculation.

It’s just that Tower Spirit didn’t reveal more secrets about Heavenly Dao’s rules.

In this regard, Yu Haoran knew that Tower Spirit might have some fears about the Heavenly Dao rule, and was unwilling to discuss too much about the Heavenly Dao rule to avoid attracting the attention of the Heavenly Dao rule.

So, he took the initiative to expose the topic of Heavenly Dao rules and continued to talk about his experience during this time.

“Not good!” Tower Spirit shouted abruptly when he heard Yu Haoran mentioning that he was in front of everyone and admitting that he could make the third-order Grade 1 Danzundan.

“Tower Spirit, what’s wrong?” Yu Haoran asked nervously.

“Yu Haoran, how long has it been before you admit that you can refine Zundan in front of everyone?” Tower Spirit expression grave asked without explaining Yu Haoran’s question.

“About twenty days!” After thinking about it, Yu Haoran replied.

After hearing the time given by Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit immediately got up and returned to the inner tower.

After 30%, return to the Tower Spirit in front of him, reminding expression grave.

“Yu Haoran, three days, you can only stay for a maximum of three days, you must leave Shuangniu Mountain.”

“Tower Spirit, no matter if you leave Shuangniushan three days later, but you have to give me a reason to leave!” Tower Spirit’s weird move just now made Yu Haoran’s inner confusion more and more serious, Could not help but ask directly.

“In four short days and long ten days, the Qing Long Family of the ancient Four Great Guardian God Beasts Bloodline will send a Law Enforcer to kill you,” said Tower Spirit expression grave.

“Why?” Yu Haoran questioned immediately after hearing the explanation from Tower Spirit.

Between themselves and the Qing Long Family, not only did they not have any grievances, nor did they even have any real contact with each other. They sent themselves by Law Enforcer to kill themselves.

“Because your ability to refine Zundan has broken the rules established by the four guardian families.” Tower Spirit said word by word.

“Tower Spirit, I don’t understand!”

Since ancient times, the number of Pill Dao Great Grandmasters capable of refining Zundan will surely exceed one hundred even if there are no thousands. Why are those Pill Dao Great Grandmasters not hunted down by the four guardian families.

“Because the four guardian families need to gather all their strengths to complete a plan that has been in preparation since ancient times.”

“Now that they are getting closer and closer to their plans, it is absolutely forbidden for any rules to be broken.”

Explaining this, Tower Spirit asked with a long sigh.

“Yu Haoran, think about it carefully. For the last XNUMX years, has there been no record of Heavenly Profound Continent, or is it rumored that Pill Dao Great Grandmaster has refined Huandan?”

Close your eyes and think about it for a while, a trace of cold sweat gradually emerged from the forehead.

Because he suddenly thought that when the first Avatar accepted Pill Venerable inheritance of Yaogu, he once said that when Pill Venerable successfully broke through Pill Dao, he was suddenly assassinated by a group of black clothed persons.

Moreover, with Pill Venerable’s Pill Dao cultivation base, the success rate of refining Huazundan will not be less than 80%, but the entire record of Yaowanggu for Pill Venerable also has no information about Huazundan.

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