Black market auction venue!

After the divine thought directly inspired the cloud chair and mist to form an independent space, Yu Haoran took Qin Lingfei to the cloud chair and threatened with a sneer.

“Ling Fei, you do n’t know what Yu Haoran means.”

“If I don’t want you to stay with me, even if your attitude is a hundred times firm, I have a hundred ways and a thousand ways to keep you from going.”

“So you better not make me angry, otherwise I will send you back to Imperial Palace now.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s sneer-proof decision, Qin Lingfei finally shook her head and sighed.

Then she looked up at Yu Haoran’s eyes and said emotionally.

“Haoran, if you have an accident, I will follow you immediately!”

“Ling Fei!”

Looking at Qin Lingfei’s hot lips, Yu Haoran, who was deeply moved, slowly lowered her head …!


As Yu Haoran inspired the cloud chair to form an independent space, the crowd at the scene gradually awakened from shock.

The powerhouse in the air was back to the cloud chair, and the powerhouse back to the corner of the yard was back to the rosewood chair.

However, none of the crowd at the scene offered the treasure for auction.

Familiar with Yu Haoran’s powerful Shen Jin was the first person to wake up from shock.

When seeing Lei Hejun, who represents the Golden Ox star chair, he did not announce the official start of the auction.

As the person in charge of the Shuang Niu Shan Heaven and Earth branch, Shen Jin took the initiative to stand out, and took out the three drops of ground milk prepared in advance and shouted.

“Three drops of XNUMX-year-old Earth Mind Milk, in exchange for a holy low-level defense Magical Artifact!”

Shuangniushan’s black market auction is different from ordinary auctions.

Black market auctions have neither fixed auction items nor auctioneers held exclusively by the sect master.

Each martial artist who came to the scene took out the precious lot that he did not need, and after showing it to the crowd, he directly stated the price he wanted to auction, or exchanged for the required treasure.

If someone is willing to exchange, it means the auction is successful!

If no one is willing to exchange, it means the auction failed and the substitution restarted.

For five hundred years, the market price can reach almost thirty fourth-grade Grade 1 Spirit Stones, which is enough for a sacred low-grade defense Magical Artifact.

Therefore, the sound of the auction in Shen Jin just dropped, and my mind returned to an old man in a gray coat at the auction, and immediately took out a silver-white defensive armor, and completed the first auction of the black market auction with him.

After exchanging three drops of XNUMX-year-old Earth Mind Milk, the gray coat old man not at all left the constructed high platform, but instead took out a piece of fist-sized, lacquered material from his own storage, Magical Artifact. Shouted loudly.

“The black gold capable of refining the low grade Magical Artifact can reach 70 pounds. You need to exchange for a fourth-order medicine pill that can eliminate Heart Demon.”

Then, the gray man’s gaze turned directly to the cloud chair where Yu Haoran was.

When Shen Jin took the initiative to exchange the soul milk, he interrupted the deep kiss between Yu Haoran and Qin Lingfei.

He reluctantly looked up and left his fiery lips that made him feel the heart of spring. Yu Haoran looked at the old man in the gray coat through the clouds and fog, and looked at the black gold on the hand of the old man in the gray coat.

Although he is not proficient in refiners, Tower Spirit, which is about to wake up, is a refiner powerhouse of unknown depth.

The black gold capable of refining the low grade Magical Artifact will definitely play an important role in his hands.

“Haoran, in the treasure house of Imperial Palace, there are several pieces of black gold weighing more than a hundred pounds.”

Seeing that Yu Haoran was interested in the black hand of the old man with gray clothes, Qin Lingfei, who was reluctant to calm down, reminded him quickly.

“If you want, I’ll have someone send you over right away.”

Qin Lingfei reminded Yu Haoran to extinguish the idea of ​​wanting to exchange, and then said to her.

“I’ll go back to Imperial Palace after a while, and then you will give me black gold!”

“Alright!” Considering that Yu Haoran would accompany himself to participate in the Secret Realm’s experience, Qin Lingfei had no opinion of any opinion.

“I have a fourth-grade Grade 1 solid Divine Pill here. I don’t know if I can exchange it for your black gold.”

When Yu Haoran gave up the exchange of black gold, the voice of the exchange came from the cloud chair space representing Dou Muxing Xingsu.


Without the slightest hesitation, the old man in the gray coat directly put the black gold in his hand into the cloud chair space by means of the Origin Force package.

Then, a pill bottle flew from the space of the cloud chair to the hand of the gray man.

Open the pill bottle and take a closer look to determine that the medicine pill in the pill bottle is the solid Divine Pill of the fourth-grade Grade 1. The gray man jumped off the platform and returned to his own rosewood chair.

After the old man in gray clothes left, it represented the powerhouse in the space of Dou Mu Xing Xing Su cloud chair. For the time being, he did not want to immediately bring out the item he had exchanged, so there was no auctioneer in the high stage.

But less than three seconds later, a Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouse jumped up the platform, then took out a jade slip and introduced it to the crowd at the scene.

“Unknown inheritance jade slip, you need to exchange for a fourth-order Grade 1 Dao Pill or Dao Grasping Stone that can improve the perception of the law.”

Unknown means uncertainty!

That is to say, no one knows whether the jade slip is inheritance of mind and martial skills, or secret technique and perception. It may also be a history record without much usefulness.

So, facing the requirements of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouse, the scene was silent for more than thirty seconds.

“oh! ”

Seeing that no one was willing to exchange with himself, Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouse sighed in disappointment, and then when he was about to jump off the high platform, a familiar voice suddenly heard in his ear.

“A Dao Pill of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX!”

Looking up at the cloud chair representing the starry sky of Liu Tutuo, the Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouse was immediately excited and nodded, and then the jade slip of his hand was sent to the cloud space by Origin Force.

Immediately afterwards, a glittering and translucent medicine pill flew from the clouds to the opponent’s hand.

“Many thanks to the Great Grandmaster!” Looking at Yu Daor Pill from Yu Haoran, although the grade is only Grade 1 Grade 3, the real effect is not lost in Grade 9 Grade XNUMX, Martial Saint Grade XNUMX Peak Realm’s powerhouse, excited cup one fist in the other hand thanks.

“You’re welcome!”

After a light reply, Yu Haoran did not directly check the records in the inheritance jade slip.

“Haoran, don’t you immediately see what is recorded in inheritance jade slip?” Looking at Yu Haoran, who directly put up inheritance jade slip, Qin Lingfei asked very puzzledly.

“Ling Fei, like this unknown inheritance jade slip, needs to be fully prepared before truly understanding its internal recorded information,” Yu Haoran explained casually.

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