E Yuan Court!

In the face of Yu Haoran’s rejection, Qin Lingfei could only sigh and did not continue to force. !

Because in her opinion, the life and death of Heavenly Martial Sect powerhouse is in line with her own love for men, and the latter is more important.

“Ling Fei, congratulations on your successful realization of the special strength of Law, the cultivation base’s successful breakthrough Martial Saint realm, and becoming one of Heavenly Profound Continent not just in name only, but also in reality’s powerhouse.”

Unwilling to continue tangling the topic of Heavenly Martial Sect, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Qin Lingfei, shifting the topic with joy.

When four maidens were attacked with a sneak attack by daggers, although all their energies were focused on how to resist the poisonous nature of Datura, Qin Lingfei’s powerful anger and the power of the law that was used when hunting and killing the maidens fluctuated. Let him clearly feel Qin Lingfei’s true cultivation base and strength.

Martial Saint Grade 2 Early-Stage’s cultivation base has the strength not to lose to Martial Saint Grade 4 Early-Stage!

“Thanks to the Black Conspiracy Fire and the top medicine pill from the Prince Consort, otherwise, it would be difficult for me to successfully break through the Martial Saint realm before the Hidden Dragon List battle begins.”

Hearing Yu Haoran’s mention of his cultivation base, Qin Lingfei’s eyes were tender and he immediately put his worries about Heavenly Martial Sect behind him.

“My Prince Consort, thank you!”

Reaching out and touching Qin Lingfei’s hair, Yu Haoran said softly.

“Stupid girl, I’m Yu Haoran, I’m all yours, let alone Yihuo and medicine pill, thank you so much.”

The sweetness that emerged from the heart instantly made Qin Lingfei flew directly into his arms, and then began to enjoy each other’s precious time.


The black market, as its name implies, is a market that cannot be seen!

Because Shuang Niu Shan does not belong to the rule of any force, it is also a transfer station at the junction of the central and southern regions. Most of the frustrated people live in Shuangniu Town in Shuangniu Mountain.

Therefore, the mixed situation of cattle, ghosts, and snakes has actually made the black market in Shuangniushan more and more prosperous.

As the highlight of the black market, the semi-annual auction will not only bring together most of the top powerhouses in Shuangniushan, but also attract powerhouses from the seven top sects and many inheritance families.

These powerhouses who come to participate in the auction will come up with the treasures that are not needed for the time being, but belong to the top-level treasures in exchange for the treasures they need.

Therefore, every black market auction, there will be some amazing top-notch treasure.

Left Niucheng, a rundown street in the corner of Nancheng!

Qin Lingfei couldn’t help looking at the powerhouses with restrained atmosphere and outstanding temperament, either rushing, leisurely, or walking together, or laughing into a more dilapidated courtyard on the street. Eyes and faces reveal incredible expression.

“Haoran, is this what you call a black market auction?”

“Ling Fei, don’t need to make a fuss about nothing, don’t have any holes in the courtyard.” Reaching out to embrace Qin Ling Fei’s waistline, Yu Haoran said mysterious and secretive while taking her to the shabby courtyard.


Perhaps it was because Yu Haoran was too young, or maybe Qin Lingfei, who had no silk gauze, was so stunning that when they first came to the gate of the courtyard, they were blocked by the young masters responsible for maintaining the black market auction.

“Please show me the invitation card!”

The smile on his face narrowed instantly, and Yu Haoran watched the youth indifferently.

“Things without eyes, do you know who I am?”

Although Shuang Niu Shan does not have any rule of power, the black market auction is also held in a fixed place and at a fixed time.

But the guests who can come to the auction are either the powerful Loose Cultivator or the big shots from the top Grandmaster and inheritance families. Both need someone to guide and maintain the normal auction.

Therefore, I do not know which black market auction was held by the powerhouses of the three Chambers of Commerce.

And this black market auction happens to be maintained by the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth.

Because of his deep friendship with the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven, he would be blocked by his friends today.

No matter what the other party’s thoughts ultimately came from, it made Yu Haoran extremely angry. Especially when there is a beautiful lady around him, it makes him feel a thick Murderous Aura.

“No matter who you are, black market auctions have their own rules.”

Ignoring the threat of Yu Haoran, the young master of Martial King Grade 9 Peak said with the same indifference.

“So, if you want to enter the black market auction, you must show your invitation.”

“Why don’t those people need to show invitations?” Qin Lingfei asked, looking at the youth who ignored the powerhouse passing by.

Because the actions blocked by the young masters in front of them are either directed at themselves or against Yu Haoran.

“The Seniors are so extraordinary that at a glance they can tell whether they are top powerhouses or VIPs from top powers.”

In the face of Qin Lingfei’s questioning, although the attitude of the young master was much milder, the tone of reply still showed a slight contempt.

“And you!”

The young master laughed and shook the head.

“Okay, good, very good!”

Facing the humiliating contempt of the youth, Yu Haoran extremely angry laughed again and again with three sounds, and then a strong baleful qi desperately suppressed the young master with a look of hope and a smile.

“Boy, I have lived in Shuangniu Mountain for several months. Whether it is to open the Jianlou Sword List or the realm that successfully broke through Pill Dao Great Grandmaster, it has caused countless people to watch.”

“Since you are the Chamber of Commerce man in heaven, you should know my relationship with your Chamber of Commerce, and there is no reason to not know me Yu Haoran.”

Take a step forward, intensely to the extreme baleful qi, forcibly forcing young masters to kneel on the knees.

Barely raising his head, the young master stared at Yu Haoran with hateful eyes.

Ignoring the hatred of the young master’s eyes, Yu Haoran continued to ask.

“You didn’t stop other people from entering the auction, but they stopped me from Yu Haoran, which shows that you are intentional.”

“And you and I have never known each other, and have never met each other. There cannot be any hatred between each other, so there must be someone behind the scenes to instruct you.”

Taking a step forward, Yu Haoran asked with an angry look.

“Say, who directed you?”

The eyes full of hate flashed a moment of panic, and the young master quickly lowered his head and did not dare to face Yu Haoran directly.

“Don’t you think I dare not kill you!” The natal sword weapon that appeared instantly in the hand, placed directly on the neck of the young master, threatened by Yu Haoran murderous-looking.

Author Yan Yunyu said: There are only four changes today, and the next chapter still will be filled tomorrow. The year is near, and work is getting more and more busy. Yan Yun sometimes updates the time is unstable, and sometimes can only update four chapters to fight for the next day. This has brought a lot of inconvenience to everyone, Yan Yun apologizes here, and hopes that all sisters can forgive me.

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