Holy poison!

“Since my debut, I have only received one disciple. Her name is Yunxiang, a daughter from an Elder in the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth.”

“Because her mother once encountered …!”

“So, my criteria for accepting Yu Haoran, innate talent and potential are second. I really look at character and humanity.”

After a moment of narrative, Yu Haoran bluntly stated his own opinion of Fang Man.

“Fang Man, whether it was your first meeting in the forest of Jinghu Lake, or I just used God’s thoughts to see your attitude towards Li Zhiyuan.”

“To be honest, your performance disappointed me.”

“Senior, I admit that I am too smooth and hypocritical, but all this is forced.”

Yu Haoran’s outspokenness made Fang Man realize that the other party was not willing to accept himself as an apprentice, and his heart was sighed in relief.

It is not that he does not want to accept it, but because some of his previous actions have made the other party dissatisfied, Fang Man also explained sincerely.

“Senior, before you meet your brother, whether it is Loose Cultivator while cultivation alone, or the elite disciple that has been guarded, the actual persecution makes Junior have only one idea in his mind, that is to live and live well.”

“Crafty plots and machinations are just means to survive, and I don’t want to use these unseen means inside.”

Explaining here, Fang Man suddenly couldn’t help but smiled bitterly.

“As for Senior Brother Li, I can’t help it.”

“Because Senior Brother Li’s status in the Holy Drugs is too special, so special that even the inheritance disciple of Sect Lord, the grandson of fifth elder, must please him falsely.”

“Why?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“Because Senior Brother Li can heal the tyrannical emotions of the other beast, and win the favor and friendship of the other beast.” Fang Man was both helpless and somewhat puzzled.

“At Grandmaster, Fang Man was right, Zhi Chuan certainly has this special ability.”

The sound of Fang Man’s explanation had just fallen, and Zhong Wenda immediately confirmed and added.

“So he is a very special being in our holy drug religion, even if I have to let him everywhere.”

Having said that, Zhong Wenda looked up at Heiman Divine Dragon, with a look of helplessness and a bit of depression.

“Because he can not only keep Heman Divine Dragon willing to stay in our holy poison religion, but also some special poison we need, he also needs to enter the mirror lake forest to find.”

With my eyes closed, I thought about it carefully, and finally found out why Li Zhiyuan was able to heal the tyrannical emotions of the alien beast and win the favor and friendship of the alien beast.

But for this reason, Yu Haoran’s shock was like a stormy sea.

However, whether this reason is true, or whether the speculation is correct, you need to see Li Zhiyuan himself, and then check it by special means.

“Naka ​​Sect Lord, can you please visit Junior Brother Li!”

“of course can!”

The secret of Heman’s Divine Dragon, Li Zhiyuan is the only informant in Disciple, of course, there is no need to hide him.

“Let’s go!” Thinking of Li Zhiyuan still staying in the other hospital waiting for Fang Man, the second elder poisonous soul signaled immediately.

Subsequently, he flew directly to the other courtyard to pick up Li Zhiyuan.

“Fang Man, in fact, the reason why I do not want to accept you as a disciple, apart from what you have done before disappointed me a little bit, the real reason is that you are too dangerous. It is even more dangerous to play with your brother Heiman Divine Dragon. Ten times, even a hundred times. “

Taking advantage of the second elder poison soul to pick up Li Zhiyuan’s gap, Yu Haoran said directly into Fang Man’s eyes.

“Senior, I don’t understand!” Fang Man asked in panic.

“Fang Man, to boast, today at Heavenly Profound Continent, there are very few people who can truly surpass my Yu Haoran in the poisonous way, and I am afraid that only the legendary poisonous kingdom powerhouse is left.”

Put your hands behind your back, and look out to the south, Yu Haoran said grandly.

“With your body within the body owns more than 30% of the Divine Dragon Bloodline, and the black man who can control the second place in the Poison Ranking is highly poisonous.”

“Even without my teachings of Yu Haoran, it would take five to ten years to surpass everyone in the Holy Base of cultivation base and poison.”

“With the teachings of my Yu Haoran, within two years, you will definitely be able to break through the poisonous grandmaster. Within five years, there is a 70% chance of becoming a poisonous grandmaster.”

“By that time, with the highly poisonous formidable power of Heiman, unless the Supreme Expert of Emperor Wu real shots himself, no one in this world will be your opponent.”

“Even Yu Haoran, who is proficient in poisoning, is as far away as I can go.”

Looking directly into Fang Man’s eyes, Yu Haoran asked seriously.

“Fang Man, what would you do if you swapped my position?”

Facing Yu Haoran’s serious questioning, Fang Man couldn’t help but take a few steps back and lost his thoughts.

Great Elder and the others, as well as Black Man Divine Dragon, were also stunned by his questioning, and began to consider the pros and cons.

“Junior Sister, why are you here?”

When everyone was lost in thought, a voice full of surprises and doubts suddenly awakened everyone present.

Perhaps because Yu Haoran questioned his character just now, in the face of Li Zhiyuan’s enthusiastic greetings, Fang Man didn’t deal with it in the same way as before, he retreated directly to Heman Divine Dragon, and then continued thinking about Yu Haoran’s seriousness. Questioning.

“Junior Brother Li!” Yu Haoran greeted immediately, unwilling to let Li Zhiyuan bother Fang Man’s contemplation, but also wanted to really determine if he was as he had guessed.

“Senior!” Li Zhiyuan said subconsciously after seeing Yu Haoran.

But I suddenly thought that the young man in front of him was not yet his own age, and he chose to shut up immediately.

In this regard, Yu Haoran walked to him without paying any attention, and then reached out and held him without objection.

“Senior, what do you want to do?”

Li Zhiyuan, who was stretched out by Yu Haoran’s left hand and pressed his shoulder tightly, thought that he could use his own powerful defense to directly break his own sword, and immediately forgot the disadvantage of his opponent’s age, and asked in panic.

“Zhiyuan, don’t disturb, there is no malicious intention in Grandmaster.” Knowing that Yu Haoran wants to check why Li Zhiyuan can heal the tyrannical emotions of other beasts, he often orders Li Zhiyuan’s second elder poison soul for the outer sect Elder Golden Dragon. .

After hearing the instructions from second elder, Li Zhiyuan slowly calmed down.

Shennian looked at Li Zhiyuan from beginning to end, and was able to confirm his suspicion pretty close.

But his conjecture was too shocking. In order to avoid mistakes, he directly grasped Li Zhiyuan’s palm and forced a few drops of blood.

Subsequently, a few drops of blood were dripped at the fingertips of the left hand and the five fingers, respectively, and began to use the inferential numerology to calculate Li Zhiyuan’s Qi.

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