Holy poison!

Yu Haoran thought that Li Zhiyuan was a very savvy and decent person when he first encountered Jinghu Forest, but now it seems that he has a tendency to degrade IQ. !

Fortunately, Zhong Wenda, who came quickly, and five old men with white hair, let him get rid of Li Zhiyuan’s entanglement.

“Five Elders, this extraordinary young man who looks like Dragon Phoenix, is Yu Haoran in Grandmaster of Heavenly Profound Continent.” Pointing at Yu Haoran with a gentle smile on his face, Zhong Wenda was introduced.

Maybe it’s because Yu Haoran is too young, or it’s because Zhong Wenda talked to them in the wrong way.

The five Elders reacted indifferently to Zhong Wenda’s enthusiastic introduction.

“At Grandmaster, these five prestigious old men are the five Elders of our Holy Poison Doctrine, and the cornerstone of our Holy Poison Doctrine.

Facing the five Elders who treated Yu Haoran indifferently, Zhong Wenda laughed slightly awkwardly, and then pointed at the five old man introduced.

“This is the Great Elder poison, the second elder poison soul, the third elder poison source, the fourth elder poison wisdom and the fifth elder poison.”

“Junior Yu Haoran, I’ve seen five Elders!” I didn’t care about the indifference of the five Elders. After Zhong Wenda’s introduction, Yu Haoran immediately paid respectfully.

The identity of the Great Qin Empire Prince Consort, the amazing innate talent of Kendo, the achievements of Pill Dao and Formation Dao, respectfully respect the Junior etiquette.

No matter how despised Yu Haoran is, the five Elders are embarrassed to continue their indifference.

Therefore, as the second elder poison soul that usually assists Zhong Wenda in processing the sect transaction, on behalf of the five Elders, the expression regains indifference.

“At the Grandmaster, this Elder just heard Sect Lord say that you are not only proficient in poisonous tracts, but also confident that you will cultivate a Grandmaster of poisonous tracts within three years and teach a great grandmaster of poisonous tracts within ten years.”


While nodded confirmed, Yu Haoran glanced at Zhong Wenda with a little dissatisfaction.

It’s no wonder that the five Elders who have a good personality will be so indifferent to themselves that the root cause really lies in Zhong Wenda’s body.

Like the words of Grandmaster and Great Grandmaster who cultivated poisonous tracts just now, they can only be spoken from their own mouths, so that people will not feel arrogant and conceited, and will not make people feel sick.

Fortunately, he knew the character of the five Elders in his previous life, and he knew how to eliminate their inner disgust.

“The poisonous soul, Elder, wants to break through the state of the poisonous grandmaster. Only by deep research on the poisonous way still not enough, you must hold the determination of nine deaths and still alive, and then try the poison to truly understand the poison. Power, the source of poison. “

“Only in this way, can you truly understand the true meaning of the poisonous Grandmaster realm, and be able to successfully break through the state of the poisonous Grandmaster, and promote the poisonous Great Grandmaster in the future.”

Based on previous cultivation experience in the poisonous way, Yu Haoran gave a solution to the Grandmaster realm that has troubled the second elder poison soul for decades.


After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation and theory of the poisonous Grandmaster realm breakthrough, the second elder poison soul suddenly realized that he looked at him in shock and didn’t know what to say.

“The poisonous source, Elder, as the saying goes, things must be reversed!”

Seeing the second elder poison soul of the Grandmaster realm that had cleared the comprehension, Yu Haoran smiled attentively, then turned his attention to the third elder poison source, continued to crack the dilemma he faced, to prove his success in the poisonous way.

“If you want to make a medicine pill capable of black-ball saliva Self-destruction by containing the inflammatory poisonous high temperature, you must use the low temperature methamphetamine to compress and seal the uncontrollable inflammatory high temperature.

“Only the balance of hot and cold and the fusion of ice and ice can successfully make a medicine pill that can be Self-destruction upon impact.”

Lie Yan’s research has been carried out for almost a decade, and it is no secret that the sect of poison and the affiliated sect.

So, for Yu Haoran’s existence of Lie Yan’s split body dan, not at all surprised Elder, the poison source.

What really surprised him, perhaps it was deeply touched, was his pill concocting theory and explanation just now.

“Zhiyuan, you step down first!”

The response of second elder and third elder has fully proved Yu Haoran’s amazing achievement in the poisonous tract.

After making eye contact with Zhong Wenda and the four Elders, the Great Elder idiot was instructed against Li Zhiyuan.

“Yes, Great Elder!”

How IQ is degrading, you can also see the importance of the matter. Facing the orders of Great Elder, Li Zhiyuan immediately gave a command and then quit the square, then went straight to the other house where Heiman lived.

Looking at the direction Li Zhiyuan was leaving, the second elder sighed, the poisonous soul couldn’t help.

“At Grandmaster, the trouble we have is ready, related to the survival and death of the Holy Poison, so we hope you can make an oath to ensure that everything you see today and everything you know will not be leaked.” After Li Zhiyuan left, Great Elder expression demanded solemnly.

If anyone else makes such an unreasonable request, Yu Haoran will surely turn away, but in the face of Great Elder and the holy poison that has saved him in previous lives, he immediately swears by Heavenly Dao rules.

Not a common vow, but swearing by Heavenly Dao’s rules. Yu Haoran’s move just now won the trust and favor of five Elders.

“At Grandmaster, please come with us!”

Great Elder reminded him, followed by four Elders and Zhong Wenda directly into the air, and then flew into the depths of the Holy Poison.

Yu Haoran didn’t hesitate and immediately flew into the sky, following them to the forbidden area of ​​Holy Drugs.

“This, this, this is the descendant of the ancient Divine Beast Heiman Divine Dragon directly to Bloodline!”

Immediately after falling on a mountain that was designated as a restricted area by Holy Drugs, Yu Haoran was stunned by the length of several hundred meters and the pure black Divine Dragon trapped among the rocks.


Great Elder confirmed nodded with a hint of pride and joy.

“It’s the Black Man Divine Dragon with the purest ancestor Bloodline.”

Black Man Divine Dragon is a very different kind of Dragon Race. It is very strong and docile, but it is not subject to Dragon Race because of its highly toxic nature.

The venomous poison contained in Black Man’s Divine Dragon within the body is the Heavenly Profound Continent XNUMX poisoning list that surpasses the life-threatening herb, ranking second in poison.

After being shocked, Yu Haoran gradually discovered the anomaly of Heiman Divine Dragon, as if its own life strength was slowly losing.

But Black Man’s Divine Dragon’s own powerful defense makes it impossible for Divine Dragon to enter its body smoothly, and it is impossible to see the real reason for the loss of life strength.

In desperation, he could only propose to Great Elder the idea of ​​approaching the Heman Divine Dragon.

“At Grandmaster, wait a minute!”

Yu Haoran’s request not at all surprised Great Elder. After reaching out to signal for a while, he flew directly to Heiman Divine Dragon’s body, and then used special means to communicate with Heiman Divine Dragon.

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