Mirror Lake Forest!

The blood-toothed monkey hanging upside down in front of its eyes is only over twenty centimeters tall.

If it weren’t for the red eyes and the two rows of sharp teeth that were bare and exposed, it would give people a cute and cute feeling.

“I have nothing to do with the different fires!” Yu Haoran expression replied indifferently, inspiring the ancestral witch body.


After hearing Yu Haoran’s reply, the blood-toothed monkey hehe sneered a few times, and then the monkey’s tail hanging on the branch shook slightly.


Taking a few steps backwards, looking at the torn shirt on the chest and the three deep bloodstains on the heart, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly gloomed.

If it wasn’t for the dark vomiting of the ancestral witch’s body in advance and the defense of the fleshhy body would be improved, the sneak attack of the blood tooth monkey just now would be enough to destroy his heart.

Looking upside down at a tree branch, as if the blood-toothed monkey had never left, Yu Haoran’s eyes glowed with a gloomy cold.

“Boy, it was just a little lesson.”

Ignoring the eerie light from Yu Haoran’s eyes, the blood-toothed monkey threatened with sharp teeth.

“If you don’t tell the relationship between you and the strange fire, then your sea of ​​knowledge is penetrated and Divine Soul is captured.”

took a deep breath, suppressing the constantly agitating murderous aura, Yu Haoran slowly dissipated the ancestral witch’s body, and then overdrawn the Origin Force and Soul Power.

Raise your arms slowly, and stretch out two fingers that suddenly turn black and white, cold and shouted like ice.

“Life and Death!”

Immediately afterwards, black and white fingers emitted a black energy and a white energy, respectively.

Since cultivation base breakthrough Martial Saint realm, after realizing the martial skills of the laws of Life and Death, Yu Haoran has never used it.

Not because the martial skill formidable power is too weak, but because the life and death of life and death is too powerful. The formidable power has even exceeded the secret technique of the overdrawn ancestor Bloodline.

It is also because the formidable power is too powerful that leads to the consumption of Origin Force and Soul Power by the martial skills of Life and Death.

With his perfect knowledge of the sea and perfect dantian storage of Soul Power and Origin Force, he is barely able to perform the Martial Skill of the Law of Life and Death at most once, and then will be in a coma because of the Origin Force and Soul Power lost instantly.

This is also the main reason why he has overdrawn part of Origin Force and Soul Power. He must ensure that he can stay awake after performing the martial skills of Life and Death.

Had it not been for the sneak attack of the blood-toothed monkey, which was too insidious, and it was not for its arrogant attitude that made Yu Haoran’s inner anger difficult to heal, he would not have used the martial skill of Life and Death.

Facing Yu Haoran’s life and death martial skills, blood-toothed monkeys were contemptuous at first, and their eyes even flickered sneer.

But when it felt the laws of life and death contained in black and white energy, his face suddenly changed, and when the fast-released monkey tail wanted to dodge the black and white energy, the life and death martial skill formed Black and white energy, which instantly crosses the obstacles of space, quickly shoots into its within the body.

Subsequently, the blood-toothed monkey was shocked to find that its life strength within the body was being rapidly withdrawn, and its body was undergoing accelerated aging.

This state of watching his life go on, but helpless, made him feel frightened, and made him want to open his mouth to ask Yu Haoran.

However, when the state of rapid aging is about to reach its limit, the life strength that was just forcibly detached just now quickly returns to its within the body, letting it discover with surprise that its strength is gradually returning to Peak.

In the blood-toothed monkey’s view, his ability to return to Peak must be because the law of human beings in front of the martial skill has ended, and his powerful strength has surpassed the damage brought by the law of martial skills.

When the blood-toothed monkey grinds its sharp teeth, wants to threaten fiercely, and then slays the human in front of it, the life strength that has just returned has begun to be forcibly removed.

Looking at another rapidly aging body, feeling another drop in strength, the heart of the blood-toothed monkey emerged with terror.

The panic that appeared in this time, far more intense than the first time, also caused its mind to show a weak spot.

However, when the blood-toothed monkey appeared weak spot and wanted to kneel down for mercy directly, it returned to the life strength of Peak for the second time, returned to Peak’s strength, and let it fall into an uncontrollable surprise again.

Surprise comes surprise, when the strength reaches Peak again, the blood tooth monkey not at all intends to threaten and sneak attack Yu Haoran as before.

Because Qiu Rao is worried that his life strength will be lost at one time, and that his strength will fall once.

And the result is just as it feared.

When life strength and strength return to Peak, the process of lapse and fall resumes.

From panic to surprise, then fall from panic again!

From hell to heaven, and then fall back to hell from heaven!

Life and Death The torture of the martial skill of the law of death made the blood-toothed monkey look at Yu Haoran’s eyes, showing endless fear.

At this moment, under the influence of fear, Yu Haoran asked it to sign a beast pet contract immediately, and it would obedience to be wild with joy.

But unfortunately!

The third experience of falling from surprise and horror, and falling from heaven to hell is the final process of life and death martial skill.

The blood-toothed monkey expecting from his eyes revealed that, due to the passage of life strength, he finally closed his eyes slowly.

At the moment the blood-toothed monkey just closed his eyes, Yu Haoran’s face paled like paper, and he sat down, quickly took out a fourth-grade Grade 9 Spirit Stone, and a watermelon-sized soul stone, and then began to recover overdraft. Origin Force and Soul Power.

One hour!

It took a full hour and nearly a Grade 9 Grade 90 Spirit Stone, and two watermelon-sized soul stones, overdrawn Origin Force and Soul Power, were considered to have recovered XNUMX%, and their pale complexion ended. Can be considered normal.

“When combined with Tower Spirit to perform the attachment technique, the consumption of Origin Force and Soul Power by the law of years and traces shows that I still have a low awareness of the dual laws of Life and Death.”

“Otherwise, it would never be possible to successfully apply the martial skills of Life and Death with an overdraft of nearly 20% Origin Force and Soul Power.”

After regaining his strength, Yu Haoran not at all Ma got up, but continued to think about and review his mistakes in the cultivation process with his eyes closed.

Ten minutes later, after discovering and reviewing his deficiencies, and making targeted make-ups and cultivation, Yu Haoran opened his eyes, got up, and came to the blood-toothed monkey.

Examining from the beginning to the end, Yu Haoran found that the strange beasts in the mirror lake forest, whether it is dragon pythons and sea lions, or scorching cows and blood-toothed monkeys, don’t seem to like using storage magical artifact.

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