In front of the sword tower!

“Last name, you dare say I’m not beautiful!” Stopped at Yu Haoran less than three meters away, Guan Yunduo fiercely questioned. !

After a cold glance at the official clouds, Yu Haoran stepped back and went to the east gate.

“Stop it for me!” Shin appeared in front of Yu Haoran, Guan Yun’s face frowned coldly.

“Everyone who knows and understands Yu Haoran knows that in my eyes, there is neither a so-called gender distinction nor a noble and lowly jealousy. Some are friends and enemies.

“I will treat my friends as warm as spring.”

“But to treat the enemy, I will be as cruel and ruthless as the harsh winter.”

Looking at the official cloud standing in front of him, Yu Haoran said slowly rising strong murderous aura.

“If you don’t want to die, immediately disappear from my eyes, otherwise, the sword tower is your buried place!”

“Young man, it’s too much!”

When Guan Yunduo stepped up because of fear of Yu Haoran’s strong murderous aura, his face paled a few steps back, an old man in a gray robe appeared in front of her instantly, counteracting the influence of the strong murderous aura for her After that, the expression gloomy questioned.

“Old fellow, the number of quasi-Martial Venerable powerhouses that have died under my Yu Haoran’s hands in the past few months has more than twenty, and there is no shortage of quasi-Martial Venerable Peak Realm powerhouses.”

Looking at the gray robed old man of the Martial Venerable realm in front of the cultivation base, Yu Haoran secretly excited the body of the ancestor and witch, and threatened Murderous-looking.

“I don’t know if you can survive the powerhouse of Martial Venerable Realm.”

“is it!”

Asking a sneer, the natal knife suddenly appeared in the hand of the gray robed old man.

He then said with a sneer that raised a strong murderous aura as well.

“The old man wants to weigh your means and see how confident you are, and dare to say such arrogant words.”

“Young Master fulfills your wishes!” After a response, Yu Haoran directly inspired the ancestral witch body.

1000 meters giant!

Although affected by the rules of the sword tower, Yu Haoran, who turned into a 1000 meters ancestral witch, is only a few dozen meters high in the eyes of everyone on the top of the mountain, but with a sword tower that is also compressed next to it, everyone can imagine the huge The sense of oppression brought by the body.

The Guan Yunduo and Teng Yunjie, who are directly opposite the 1000 meters giant, felt and felt the oppression, which made them tremble.

However, for the gray robed old man of the cultivation base that reached the second Martial Venerable realm, the expression is only slightly dignified, not at all with the slightest fear.

After all, Yu Haoran, who turned into a 1000 meters body, is just Martial Saint realm.

Even if the powerful fleshhy body can increase the pressure of oppression, at most it can only affect the martial Saint Grade 7 cultivation base’s martial artist.

With slightly bent legs kicking hard, Yu Haoran took out the purple sticks as the sky rose.

“A stick in the sky!” Yu Haoran, clenching the purple stick, yelled as his body descended quickly.

“The devil is born again!”

Feeling that the purple stick contains the power of the second Martial Venerable Peak Realm, the face of the gray robed old man changes slightly.

Subsequently, he also rose to the sky, applying the Zhan Family inheritance Blade Technique for tens of thousands of years.

A blade Qi containing a strong baleful qi, after detaching from the natal knife, quickly condensed into a demon with a height of nearly 100 meters and two curved horns on its head.

With a sound of 100 meters, the demon roar towards the sky, then stretched out his two huge palms, and fiercely grabbed the purple stick that came quickly.


With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but change the complexion.

Although the demon’s hands holding the purple stick tightly were directly shattered, it also fully offset the power of the one-stick stick approaching one third.

The demon who lost both palms seemed to sneer without pain, then lowered his head with a pair of horns, and fiercely slammed into the purple stick!


With the 2nd roaring through the clouds, the demons transformed by Blade Qi were shattered directly.

But all the power contained in the purple sticks is also consumed.

Looking at the hand holding the natal knife, the gray robed old man rushing fast, the rapidly descending Yu Haoran expression remained unchanged, holding the stick in one hand and the other in a tight grip.

Subsequently, a trick containing the ancestor’s will, directly hit the natal knife of the gray robed old man.



The heavy punch blasted in the natal knife, not only did not make a sound in midair, but Yu Haoran and gray robed old man did not bounce back because of the collision of power.

Seeing the slightly strange face painting in front of you, most of the powerhouses at the Martial Saint realm at the scene knew that this situation was even more dangerous.

Because they are now fighting for their own energy strength, and who has accumulated energy to take advantage, then not only will they be able to win, but they will also be able to hit their opponents instantly.

“Boy, although your potential is very outstanding, your cultivation base restricts the accumulation of Origin Force and Soul Power. Fighting the accumulation of energy with the old man, the old man can consume you forcibly.”

The fight for energy is temporarily in equilibrium, so the two can stay in the air.

Hold the gray robed old man of the natal knife tightly with both hands, threatening proudly.

“is it!”

Yu Haoran sneered and asked a question, then put away his purple stick and took out a medicine pill from the storage ring.

The active right hand, holding a pill bottle and shaking it to the gray robed old man, Yu Haoran also said proudly.

“Old fellow, don’t you forget that Yu Haoran, in addition to innate talent in Kendo, is a Pill Dao cultivation base that has reached the Peak Grandmaster realm’s Pill Master!”

“The last thing Pill Dao Grandmaster lacks is the top medicine pill.”

Pour all the medicine pill in the pill bottle directly into the mouth, Yu Haoran expression shouted.

“With the reserve of medicine pill in the Young Master Storage Space, I can consume your old fellow directly.”

“Let’s try it!” Seeing the use of medicine pill to restore Origin Force and Soul Power’s Yu Haoran, the proud color of the gray robed old man’s face disappeared instantly, and ultimately only the provocative words of gnashing teeth.

“Try it out and see who is consuming it at the end!” Yu Haoran replied with the same gnashing teeth.

“Duoer, it seems you’re in trouble!” He stepped to Guan Yunduo, watching Yu Haoran and gray robed old man who were fighting for energy in the sky, Teng Yunjie said grave.

“Yunjie Senior Brother, who let me be humiliated by the surname Yu!” The gray robed old man who guarded himself was about to fall into the Life and Death crisis, Guan Yundao said resentfully.

“Dour, actually Grandmaster didn’t mean to humiliate you at all.”

Feeling the hatred of Guan Yunduo’s gnashing teeth, Teng Yunjie said with a smile.

“Because of the grande’s fiancee, Ling Qin of Great Qin Empire is a peerless beauty with a peerless look and a quality that is not inferior to Fairy of Ninth Heaven.”

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