Sword Domain space!

But at this time, a death threat alert made the complexion changed that Amman couldn’t help but. Product W

Without any hesitation, he immediately took out a red dress from the Storage Space and quickly put it on, then began to observe the source of the deadly threat.

Later, she saw a purple stick above her head, coming fast.

“Who are you?” Feeling the terrifying power of the Martial Venerable realm in the purple stick, Amman asked with a terrified expression.

Unfortunately, the answer is her faster and stronger strikers with purple sticks.


It was too late to provoke the Magical Artifact of its own defense, and it was too late to mobilize the Origin Force and Soul Power to counterattack. The cultivation base reached a quasi-Martial Venerable realm. The true strength was not lost in Amman, which was a Martial Venerable realm. Meat puree.

After losing the strongest Amman, the effect of Zhao Jie and Huanrong driving the charm soul bead was immediately discounted, and Jian Yu, who burned the Tao heart, slowly restored calmness.

Ignoring the giant that landed in front of me for the time being, Jianyu directly used the strongest Sword Art to crush two magical soul beads, while also killing Zhao Jie and Huanrong, whose battle strength was not so strong.

“You are the Prince Consort!” Jian Yu expression shouted in shock when he saw Yu Haoran, who had removed his ancestral witch fleshy body and restored his original appearance.

“Jianyu Senior, just turning into a giant is just a secret technique performed by Junior.”

Yu Haoran explained briefly, and then turned to look at Lu Yuze and Xin Lina who were still immersed in the joy of fish and water, and couldn’t help disappointing to shook the head.

Subsequently, he ejected a strong Origin Force, which directly shocked the two people in an excited state.

“Master Prince Consort, are you?”

Stunned Lina is normal, but why should Lu Yuze be stunned? This is where Jian Yu is puzzled.

“Jianyu Senior, you are so kind!”

Looking at Jian Yu who still did not find Lu Yuze’s sinister intentions, Yu Haoran really didn’t know what to say, and could only sigh with a bitter smile.

“Master Prince Consort, what do you mean?” Jianyu asked more confusedly.

“Jianyu Senior, this woman’s cultivation base is only Martial Sovereign Grade 7 Early-Stage. Even if Meishu reaches the Great Accomplishment realm, I am afraid it is difficult to confuse Lu Yuze whose cultivation base reaches Martial Saint Grade 3 Peak.”

“What’s more, the swordsman’s ability to resist the temptation of Meishu is far better than that of ordinary martial artist, and Lu Yuze is the genius of Kendo cultivation.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s reminder, Jian Yu, who was out of control, took a few steps back and looked at Lu Yuze unbelievably.

“Master Prince Consort, why did he do this?”

Recalling Lu Yuze’s respectful attitude towards himself at sect, thinking of the fact that he was the first to tell himself that he had learned the story of the Peerless Sword Remains Cave House, Jian Yu really couldn’t figure out why he framed himself.

“Jianyu Senior, do you remember when we first met, you asked me why I didn’t look at Lu Yuze!”

In previous lives, even if the mind suffered heavy damage that could not be repaired, and even if he lost the hope of being promoted to a higher realm, Jianyu had not troubled Lu Yuze.

This shows that Jian Yu’s heart is too kind, and also proves that Lu Yuze’s usual disguise is too good.

Therefore, Yu Haoran hopes that he can see through the essence of Lu Yuze and let him make a determined decision to make a choice, not only for himself but also for his disciple Lu Yuan.

After all, with the strong rise of those three people, the situation facing Lu Yuan in the future is even more severe. At any time, the danger of Taoism collapses, and the danger of fighting will die. He is not allowed to waste energy and time in Lu Yuze’s waste body .

Jianyu nodded, motioned to remember.

“Jianyu Senior, I heard you received a disciple named Lu Yuan five years ago, didn’t you?”

What unexpected to Jianyu was that Yu Haoran suddenly shifted the topic to his own discipline, but he not at all interrupted Yu Haoran’s topic, nodded confirmed.

“Yes, Lu Yuan is indeed the only direct disciple that old man received five years ago.”

“Senior, how about Lu Yuan’s own innate talent? What about innate talent in Kendo?” Yu Haoran asked with a smile.

“A hundred years of rarely seen demon evil, a rare Kendo talent once in a thousand years, the future must be able to surpass the old man and become the peerless swordsman of Martial Venerable realm!” Jianyu is both proud and introduced.

“Sword to Senior, now you should know why Lu Yuze framed you!”

Shrugged, Yu Haoran finally reminded him, and then he started to collect the magical artifact of the Amman trio’s storage, and picked up the charm soul beads that were not destroyed by the purple sticks.

Magical Artifact, which is not evil, is the person who uses Magical Artifact to see all evil!

The charm soul ball, if it is not used to do bad things, is definitely a Divine Item that can enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

This is also the most important preparation when he marries Qin Lingfei in the future, but he doesn’t know if he is willing to cooperate with himself.

“Lu Martial Nephew, for Yuaner’s future, but also for the hope of Heavenly Sword Sect, I can’t help but Martial Uncle!”

After repeated checks and balances, the feeling of master and disciple finally defeated reason. Jian Yu stepped in front of Lu Yuze who was faint. After apologizing, a strong word energy directly gave Lu Yuze and Xin Lina to Cut into two pieces.

Looking at the storage ring of Lu Yuze’s fingers, he walked straight to the side, then bent his knees and began to dissipate Jian Yu with the pink energy remaining within the body. Yu Haoran couldn’t help but feel rejoicing.

Later, he directly took away Lu Yuze’s storage ring, and immediately checked the Storage Space’s collection, and finally found the jade slip that recorded the imperial sword surviving cave house.

“It turns out!”

After looking at the records in jade slip, Yu Haoran finally learned the origin of the Sword Domain in front of him.

Haohai Jianzun, a kendo of ninety thousand years ago, a loner Kenose Loose Cultivator, but a better relationship with a ancestor of Heavenly Sword Sect.

Ninety thousand years ago, although the rules of Heavenly Dao are not as incomplete as they are now, it is very difficult to break through Martial Venerable and Wu Di.

However, Haohai Jianzun relied on his amazing innate talent in Kendo, and relied on the Basic Sword Technique’s insights, not only successfully breaking through the Martial Venerable realm, but also condensing the Sword Domain, becoming the only one in that era. A peerless swordsman.

But unfortunately, the suppression of the Realm by the Heavenly Dao rules made him eventually die in the backlash of Emperor Wu’s Realm breakthrough.

Looking up at the height of nearly ten thousand meters, there are only nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Jianshan, Yu Haoran’s eyes reveal a pity expression.

One meter !

With just one step, the distance can exceed one meter.

However, this one meter gap made Hao Haijian, who had the potential to become Emperor Wu, lose all of his credit.

Then he couldn’t help sighing, and then started to climb Jianshan.

“Master Prince Consort, be careful!” Jian Yu reminded loudly after he had just reached the bottom of Jianshan, successfully dissipating the remaining pink energy within the body.

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