You Niu Shan, the peak!

“If according to your introduction, Yu Haoran is either a swordsman who uses the space to consolidate and sharpen his Sword Art, or is pushing his own extreme potential. I think he should finally be able to break into the sixth 11th-layer.” Thinking carefully After a while, Qian Shuhao also said with some uncertainty.

Although the tone of judgment is not too certain, with the cultivation base of Martial Saint Grade 3 Early-Stage, the first time you enter the sword tower, you can break into the sixth 11th-layer, which is enough to prove that Yu Haoran also has the same in the Kendo. Pill Dao and Formation Dao’s amazing innate talent.

More importantly, with Liu Xing, Yu Haoran is not only more ordinary, but also ten years older.

In the evaluation of Martial Saint powerhouse, who is proficient in kendo, Liu Xing who broke into the XNUMXth floor of the sword tower has great hopes to become the peerless swordsman of Martial Venerable realm in the future.

Then, is Kendo innate talent Liu Xing even more outstanding Yu Haoran, is it 100% capable of becoming a peerless swordsman.

Qian Shuhao’s high appraisal of Yu Haoran made Martial Saint powerhouse from Lingxiao Pavilion a little uncomfortable inside, so he was unconvinced to prove to Qian Shuhao.

“Senior Qian, I don’t know what the final result of Liu Xing will be?”

“The potential has been exhausted, and the last stop is on the XNUMXth floor!”

Even without careful consideration, Qian Shuhao directly gave the other person a depression-free evaluation.

The XNUMXth floor of the sword tower!

Looking at the Martial Saint Grade 6 swordsman who condensed in front of his eyes, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and then fully released the suppression of his cultivation base.

Because by killing eighty-one Martial Saint Grade 5 swordsmen, and then combining the experience of the previous generation to break through the sword tower, he knows that from the sixtieth floor of the sword tower, the multiples of the level of difficulty will directly increase ten times, and continue to suppress cultivation. base is purely courting death.

Therefore, he can only face the next swordsman challenge with a flourishing cultivation base.

“Mount Tai topping!”

The flourishing cultivation base, in conjunction with the creation of nearly half of Sword Art, the iron sword of the hand continued to hit the swordsman who had just condensed out of space.


Accompanied by the loud noise, the Martial Saint Grade 6 swordsman who had just emerged was directly smashed.

“Mount Tai topping!”

Taking advantage of the powerful momentum, the two swordsmen gathered together were forcibly forced together, and the half-made Sword Art instantly smashed the two swordsmen.


When the space-integrated Martial Saint Grade 6 swordsman reached eighty-one, Yu Haoran not only used the ultimate speed, but also began to mobilize the power of the fleshy body.

Mount Tai’s top-down sword trick pays attention to the dual cooperation of momentum and strength, forcibly killing each other with a violent crushing momentum.

Originally facing the difficulties of 72 Martial Saint Grade 6 swordsmen, after using the fleshhy body grade, crushing the swordsman became more relaxed and killed the swordsman faster.


“Xing’er, how do you feel?” Liu Xing, who was still smiling with a smile on his face as he returned to the summit through the south gate of Jianlou, asked Martial Saint powerhouse from Lingxiao Pavilion immediately.

“Uncle Ling, the gains are great!” Thinking back to the swordsmen who faced different realms and strengths just now, he could not help sighing at the rapid improvement of his Sword Art and strength.

Subsequently, he was suggested against Uncle Ling.

“Uncle Ling, I intend to stay in Shuangniu Mountain for a while, and then continue to use the sword tower to improve my Sword Art cultivation base.”

“Yes!” Undded quickly, Uncle Ling agreed with relief.

“Look, Yu Haoran broke into the sixth 11th-layer!” When Uncle Ling was planning to go to Zuo Niucheng to search for Inn with a better rental environment, a shocking reminder came from his ear.

Looking at the flashing light on the west side of Jianlou, Uncle Ling expressed shocked expression.

But then, he turned his attention to Qian Shuhao, who also paid attention to Jianlou.

With the introduction of many people, Yu Haoran’s success in Kendo can be accurately judged. This kind of vision can further prove Qian Shuhao’s amazing innate talent in Kendo.

If he can recruit Qian Shuhao to join the Lingxiao Pavilion, with the profound knowledge of the Lingxiao Pavilion, Qian Shuhao has great hope to break through Martial Venerable realm and become the peerless swordsman of Martial Venerable realm.

If Ling Xiao Pavilion has a peerless sword, the top powerhouse can definitely surpass Ice Snow Palace and Flowing Clouds Sect, becoming the second top sect after Void Jade Palace.

Although I had the idea of ​​recruiting Qian Shuhao from the heart, Uncle Ling not at all acted immediately.

Because he knows his identity and status is not suitable for soliciting, but intends to let Liu Xing, who also has Kendo innate talent, come forward.

“Mountains bursting and ground splitting!”

After using the fleshhy body grade, not only can they easily kill eighty-one Martial Saint Grade 6 swordsmen, but even Martial Saint Grade 7 swordsmen who have just emerged from the space can also be killed.

However, when the number of swordsmen gathered in the space reached sixty-three, the level of fleshy body and the formidable power of the original Sword Art was not enough to easily kill the siege of so many swordsmen.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not panic at all, directly inspired the ancestral witch body, with the help of the stronger ancestral fleshhy body, and regained an absolute advantage.

Of course, this absolute advantage is very modest in improving his own Sword Art, and it is far less than when he used the Basic Sword Technique in the beginning.

Sixty-three Martial Saint Grade 7 swordsmen persisted for less than twenty minutes under the self-made Sword Art blessed by the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body, and all were bombarded.

The 72 Swordsmen of Martial Saint Grade 7, only persisted for fifty minutes, and were also thoroughly killed.

Eighty-one Swordsmen of Martial Saint Grade 7 made Yu Haoran spend some means, but they only persisted for an hour and a half and were slaughtered.

“The place where the East Gate enters the sword tower is still my old man from Cangshan!” Yu Haoran relied on the powerful ancestral witchy fleshhy body to forcefully kill the 7 Martial Saint Grade XNUMX swordsmen gathered in the space. The rock grabbed the Martial Venerable powerhouse, and suddenly he got up and said.

Subsequently, he did not solicit the opinions of everyone and rushed directly to the east gate of the sword tower.

Frowning slightly, Qian Shuhao ended up just shook the head, not at all.

And those who were dissatisfied with the overbearing and unreasonable elderly of Cangshan began to report for themselves or show their powerful strength for the remaining two places.

In the end, a quasi-Martial Venerable Peak Realm powerhouse and a Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouse from the first-rate sect Iron Blood Sect were awarded the remaining two places to enter the sword tower.

Whether it is the overbearing and unreasonable old man in Cangshan, or the two powerhouses who have just been granted a place in the sword tower, when they arrive at the three entrances of the sword tower, not at all sit on their knees and bend like before, but stand in place while tuning. Interest, while waiting for the sword tower to open.

Because in their opinion, even though Yu Haoran ’s kendo innate talent is amazing, it is definitely not the opponent of more than fifty-four Martial Saint Grade 7 Peak swordsmen, due to the influence of his cultivation base and the time of cultivation.

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