You Niu Shan, the peak!

The peerless powerhouse of Martial Venerable realm has shocked everyone at the scene.

And the martial Venerable realm’s peerless swordsman is the legendary realm, which is the existence of the top sect that can be fought alone.

Proficient in Kendo Martial Saint powerhouse’s high evaluation of Liu Xing not only made Martial Saint powerhouse from Ling Xiaoge’s face full of smiles, but also made everyone on the scene have a deep awe of Liu Xing who is passing the barrier.

“Senior, do you know what you think of Yu Haoran from the Great Qin Empire?”

Although Yu Haoran’s behavior is more overbearing, in order to avenge the human martial artist elite, he severed the mountain range alone and quasi-respected beasts. It also made some people on the scene respect him, and could not help asking those who are proficient in Kendo Martial Saint powerhouse.


I glanced at the second 17th-layer of the sword tower that just turned on the rays of light. The surname of Martial Saint powerhouse just laughed twice, not at all to give any evaluation.

However, from the disdain flashed from his eyes and the slight disdain revealed by the chuckle, everyone knew that he did not like Yu Haoran at all.

In response to this, the few martial artists who just held up for Yu Haoran were also silent.

After all, in contrast to Liu Xing’s fast pace, Yu Haoran’s performance is definitely not in line with his reputation.

Sword House Second 17th-layer!

“A little bit of stars!”

With a soft drink, the iron sword of Yu Haoran’s hand seemed to shoot countless stars out of nowhere, and the stars instantly penetrated the eyebrows of the 9 warrior Grade XNUMX swordsmen.

After the eighty-one swordsman Grade 9 swordsman disappeared, Yu Haoran still stood still and closed his eyes to feel the gain of the Sword Art he had just created.

Subsequently, the thoughts generated through consciousness entered the second 18th-layer of the sword tower.


With the sound of extreme speed, Yu Haoran instantly condensed the swordsman from the space of the sword tower.

But he imagined that the dead body separation screen not at all appeared, and the swordsman who suffered the Basic Sword Technique draw style, only a white mark appeared on his neck.

eyebrows slightly frowned, Yu Haoran couldn’t figure out why he didn’t achieve the result of one hit with his speed and basic Sword Technique.

However, when he saw the sword of the swordsman’s iron sword glowing silver white, he suddenly remembered that he still maintained the strength of Martial Apprentice Grade 1.

With the Basic Sword Technique to advance the mystery, and then use the cultivation base of Martial Apprentice Grade 1 to break directly into the second 1th-layer that can consolidate the Martial Ancestor Grade 18 swordsman. Yu Haoran is full of infinite Basic Sword Technique for the mystery promotion. look forward to.

At the same time, he also knows that the reason why he can understand the Basic Sword Technique so deeply is also related to the previous kendo cultivation base and a large number of Sword Art martial skills that he read when entering the sword tower, which has strengthened him to continue to collect a lot of martial in the future. idea of ​​skill.

Martial Apprentice Grade 2’s cultivation base, no!

Martial Apprentice Grade 3’s cultivation base, no!


Until the cultivation base was promoted to Martial Warrior Grade 1, he was considered a swordsman who successfully killed Martial Ancestor Grade 1 by drawing on the Basic Sword Technique.

Later, he began to cut through the swordsman with the speed limit and the basic Sword Technique drawing style.

Since Qian Shuhao broke into the XNUMXth floor of the sword tower, the speed of breaking through the barriers has slowed down significantly.

It took almost an hour for the sixth 11th-layer of the sword tower to light up the sword light.

Liu Xing, who entered the 50th floor of the sword tower, was slightly slower than Qian Shuhao, although he was a bit faster than Qian Shuhao.

For the same hour, he only broke into the fifth 14th-layer.

As for the unfavorable Yu Haoran, it gradually attracted everyone’s attention.

Although the speed of Yu Haoran’s breakthrough is still not very fast, it seems that there is not much difference in the time it takes to pass through each floor.

What’s more, he has now broken into the 36th-layer and is also facing a siege by 9 Martial Ancestor Grade XNUMX swordsmen.

The 36th-layer of the sword tower!

“Squatting earthworms!”

Also accompanied by a light shout, Yu Haoran and the iron sword in his hand, like a smooth blue snake, quickly swam between eighty-one swordsmen.

By the time he stopped, the 9 swordsmen of Martial Ancestor Grade XNUMX realm had their bodies separated at the same time.

Looking at the slowly disappearing Eighty-one Martial Ancestor Grade 9 swordsman, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

With the higher swordsman cultivation base condensed in the space of the sword tower, the strength of the swordsman is not only getting stronger, but also the Sword Art being performed is getting deeper and deeper. It is difficult to easily kill the opponent.

Therefore, while further improving the cultivation base to Martial Warrior Grade 7 Peak, he also started to use some martial skills.

Of course, the martial skill used is only used to resist the swordsman’s attack. Finally, the swordman’s attack on Sword Art is still the basic Sword Technique’s draw.

Close your eyes in place and realize the gains of your own Sword Art, and then enter the 37th-layer of the sword tower through your imagination.

Looking at the swordsmen who slowly formed the cultivation base to reach Martial King Grade 1, Yu Haoran did not continue entrusting himself, and directly raised his strength to the martial arts Grade 1.

It is still using the speed limit to reach the swordsman’s side in an instant, and then with the back of the iron sword, fiercely patted the swordsman’s chest.

As a martial artist condensed by energy, the shot swordsman, although the entire chest collapsed, did not spit blood.

However, after the swordsman fell heavily to the ground and slowly disappeared, Yu Haoran knew that the cultivation base of Warrior Grade 1 was enough to deal with swordsmen in the Martial King Realm world.

“It seems that Qian Shuhao Senior’s limit should be on the 62nd floor of Jianlou!”

Look at the time has passed two hours, Qian Shuhao still stays in the sixth 11th-layer of the sword tower, the enemy Martial Saint powerhouse gave his judgment.

“Cenior, what about Liu Xing?” Martial Saint powerhouse from Ling Xiao Pavilion, immediately heard Liu Xing’s final result after hearing Qiu’s powerhouse’s judgment of Qian Shuhao’s final results.

“Reluctantly be able to enter the sixtieth floor!” Qiu Jiando powerhouse replied somewhat uncertainly.

Although the final result is Qian Shuhao’s 2-Layer, for Martial Saint powerhouse of Lingxiao Pavilion, this result still excites him.

After all, Qian Shuhao is a kendo powerhouse that has been famous for nearly a century, but Liu Xing is just a kendo genius who has just emerged. He has huge potential and opportunities to catch up in the future and surpass Qian Shuhao.

“Senior, so I don’t know how many layers Yu Haoran can eventually break into?” Martial Saint powerhouse, who was just concerned about Yu Haoran’s performance in Kendo, couldn’t help asking again.

But at this time, the enemies of Kendo Powerhouse were silent.

Because of the 37th-Layer level from the 15th-layer to the fourth 9th-layer, Yu Haoran’s time was only more than ten minutes more than the first thirty levels.

This shows that Yu Haoran may have sharpened his Sword Art with the help of a space-integrated swordsman, or it may be suppressing his own cultivation base and challenging his own limits.

But in either case, it shows that Yu Haoran is neither like the ridiculous waste of the crowd at first, nor the kendo mediocrity that he considers himself.

Therefore, in order to avoid being beaten in the end, he decided not to give Yu Haoran any evaluation and judgment.

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