You Niu Shan, the peak!


A terrible howl of anguish suddenly caught everyone’s attention at the summit. !

“Who is this person and how have I never met?” A martial Saint Grade 1 Early-Stage year martial artist whispered slightly to himself.

“Not very old, strong, and fierce enough, it seems to be either the elite disciple of the first-class sect or the core child of the inheritance family.” Another white-bearded old man of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak praised speculation Yu Haoran Origin.

“I’m not very young, and my shot is so vicious, I know it’s not something at first glance.” Another young man who looked at Yu Haoran’s displeased eyes, expressed taunted disdain.

“Aren’t you stupid, don’t hurry up and help me.”

After the fist was crushed, Yu Haoran released the palm of his hand.

The Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man who took a few steps back while taking Healing Medicine Pill, shouted at several colleagues.

Without using any Origin Force and Soul Power, only the powerful fleshhy body can directly block Iron Fist and crush the attack of the companion. This shows that the young man who seems to be young at this age is definitely a Martial Saint level. Powerhouse.

So, in the face of the roar of his Martial Sovereign Grade 7 companions, none of his comrades dare to help.

And with the indifferent gaze of Yu Haoran, they obediently gave way, a gesture of submission.

“Are you still not a man!” Seeing several companions actively surrendering to Yu Haoran’s domineering, Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man suddenly slammed.

“If you don’t want to die, you better shut up immediately.” Yu Haoran threatened with frost as he walked towards the sword tower, near the still-foul-mouthed Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man.

“Boy, you have the courage to kill me uncle, otherwise, you are big …!”

Facing the threat of Yu Haoran’s frost, the Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man continues to be threateningly act recklessly.

But he hadn’t finished the threat, a strong Origin Force directly penetrated his heart.

“You, you dare to do it to me.” Looking at the pierced heart, Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man who can’t die for a while, said something incredible.

Although it is said that the martial artist breakthrough Martial Ancestor Realm, after condensing his own Divine Soul, he can achieve the extent that the fleshhy body is destroyed and the Divine Soul is indestructible. Survive.

This is not only because the opponent will not give Divine Soul a chance to survive and come back, but also because Divine Soul died quickly after losing the fleshhy body to provide energy.

“Little boy, my big brother, the violent blackness, will never let you go.”

It was the moment that Divine Soul was about to perish, and the Martial Sovereign Grade 7 robust man left a threat that everyone on the scene could not resist the complexion changed.

In this regard, Yu Haoran expression continued to move towards the sword tower unchanged.

Maybe it was because of the powerful fleshhy body that was just exposed, or maybe because of his fearless domineering, let all the Martial Sovereign masters in front of him automatically give way.

However, when he came to a young man in his thirties or so, with a handsome appearance and outstanding temperament, he held his hands on his shoulders and looked at Yu Haoran with a sneer, without any intention of giving way.

“Get out!” Yu Haoran looked coldly at the temperament youth.


Facing Yu Haoran’s frosty drinking and repulsion, the temperamental young man suddenly screamed, and asked with a somber expression.

“Boy, do you know who this Young Master is?”

“Three numbers!” Ignoring the other party’s drinking and asking, Yu Haoran gave indifferently the time limit that he could endure.

“This Young Master is the Wu Family from the Central Region’s mountain range.” The temperamental young self-introduced.

After hearing the youth of temperament, there was a shocking discussion at the scene.

Some martial artists who came from the southern region, or were too far away from Qilian mountain range, did not know what the Wu Family behind the temperamental youth represented, and hurriedly questioned some martial artists who knew the situation.

“Wu Family, inheritance is more than thousand years old. Not only is the family strong, but also the ancestors who have appeared in three peerless powerhouses of Martial Venerable realm, are the true overlords of the mountain range.” A Martial Saint powerhouse who knows Wu Family very well , Expression shocked introduced.

I also heard the introduction of Wu Family by others, and the shocked expressions of the people around him.

“Three seconds have passed, you can die!”

But to surprise the temperamental youth, or to make him angry, is Yu Haoran’s contempt for the Wu Family, and Yu Haoran’s arrogant arrogance.

“Arrogant and ignorant kid, this Young Master will show you the way first.”

The temperamental youth who took out the sword of his birth instant screamed, and the sword stabbed directly at Yu Haoran’s brows.

Martial Saint Grade 1 Early-Stage’s cultivation base, Martial Sovereign’s natal sword, seeing the means exposed by temperamental youth, Yu Haoran secretly stimulated the power of the ancestral witch’s fleshy body, and his lightning fast fingers clamped the sword Device.

At this time, the point of the sword was less than one centimeter from the position of his eyebrow.

“Really strong fleshhy body!” Watching the temperament youth mobilize Origin Force and Soul Power to drive the sword, but the sword is completely motionless, which sighed everyone at the scene.

“Give me a hand!”

Looking at the temperamental youth who drove the sword, Yu Haoran screamed, while the two fingers holding the sword sharply turned, a strong shock force forced the temperament youth to let go of the sword.

A glance at the imperial sword sword of average quality, but suitable for improving the quality of Ruyi Bell, Yu Haoran directly put the sword into the storage ring.

“Kid, give up this Young Master’s natal sword!” Storage Space isolated the psychic sword from the mind and heart, and the temperament youth screamed with anger.

In response, Yu Haoran’s reply was very simple. It was a fist that incorporated the law of fastness. When the other party could still respond in the future, he was directly smashed into his head.

Utilizing the blood and brain plasma splattered by the Origin Force, Yu Haoran continued to walk towards the sword tower.

With the strength of the fleshhy body, not only can it grip the Magical Artifact of the Royal Realm, but it can also directly kill the powerhouse of Martial Saint Grade 1. Yu Haoran just showed the domineering and strength when he murdered a murderous aura. All powerhouses below the Martial Saint Grade 7 Peak in the front were all cleared in the first time.

Looking at the front of the cultivation base reaching Martial Saint Grade 8, the temperament was slightly feminine in the powerhouse. Although Yu Haoran didn’t say a word, the indifference of his eyes flashed a hesitation in the face of the feminine powerhouse.

In the end, Yin Rou Nian Powerhouse sighed and then gave way.

However, standing behind the powerhouse of Yurou Nian, a thin azure clothed old man whose cultivation base reached Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak, looked at Yu Haoran with disdain.

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