Desolate Hunter

Chapter 106

“Even if it is a golden mountain, we can’t dig it now.” Liu Kai stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Gang, leading him to run forward.

Chen Gang glanced back, his face full of dismay. But he knew in his heart that it was really not easy to delay at this time. What he can do is to write down the location coordinates of this place, and let the family handle it when he returns.

At the same time, Liu Kai also noted down the coordinates of this place. Mankind wants to rise and become the master of Earth again, and needs the support of resources and weapons.

The raw materials in this place can be used to make weapons and can be exchanged for a lot of money. If Liu Kai can control his own hands, it will greatly help his future plans.

Of course, this is all in the future, and now is not the time to consider. Liu Kai discovered that there was another chaser behind them, apparently they had found the trail of the two.

“How do these people soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!” Chen Gang was very depre ed.

“They seem to have locked our position.” Liu Kai frowned.

Chen Gang thought for a while, his face changed involuntarily: “I see, they used a tracker!”

“What tracker?”

” The Base Three Great Families only have advanced instruments that can track the location of nearby hunters. The effect is similar to that of the Alliance, but its not as accurate.

It must be that they cant find us. Searching for the instrument. This also proves that Wang Family must be the one who started this time!”

“It seems that we want to go back to the base and really need a fierce battle.” Liu Kai glanced behind him. A look of helple ne .

“According to our speed, they will catch up without waiting to approach the base.” Chen Gang was very depre ed.

Chen Gang is tall and strong, far beyond ordinary people. But the weakne is obvious, and the speed is not as good as others. Especially for long-distance flight, there is no advantage.

“Then solve them here! Gangzi, you go to ambush in front, I will attack behind them.”

“Okay!” Chen Gang nodded.

“Gongzi, your task is to hold them in front, not to confront them head-on. Just give me two minutes, and I will be sure to solve them.”

” Understand. It’s just that they turned on the tracker, so they might notice your whereabouts.”

“I’m not worried about this.” Liu Kai didn’t care.

It should be Chen Gang’s built-in chip that the other party locked. The Liu Kai chip was damaged a long time ago, and this one within the body was placed later and was specially modified. They track the hunter chip, and it is difficult to detect this alternative of Liu Kai within the body.

The two negotiated properly, and Chen Gang continued to move forward, attracting the attention of the chasing soldiers. Liu Kai went to the side and circled behind the chaser.

Behind the two of them, several dozen meters, more than thirty silhouettes approached quickly. They were only part of the chase. After the tracker discovered the location of Chen Gang, they were sent here to hunt down.

The tracker has insufficient authority and can only detect the location of the hunter without knowing who it is. Chen Gang alone, they thought he was one of the hired people, not at all attracted too much attention.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as thirty people.

The Liu Kai chip has been modified and not at all attracted the attention of the pursuers. Quietly walked to their side, waiting for everyone to pa .

After the chaser pa ed, Liu Kai followed them, looking for a chance to strike.

This time I went out to save people. Liu Kai is not at all carrying too many weapons. The only two grenades were previously used on helicopters.

Liu Kais only weapon is the shadowle from the turtle shell.

“It seems that I can only defeat them separately.” Liu Kai held a dagger, borrowed trees and rocks to hide, and kept approaching the chasing soldiers.

At the same time, the chasing soldiers also discovered Chen Gang’s silhouette. As the gunfire sounded, Chen Gang had begun to fight back, trying to attract the attention of the chasing soldiers.

But he doesn’t have many weapons, and the number of medicine pill is even more limited, and he can’t hold on for much time.

Liu Kai did not dare to delay, and quietly touched behind the chaser. There was no shadow in his hand, and he went straight to the nearest person.

In the melee, everyone’s attention is in the front, and no one is simply paying attention behind them. Liu Kai succeeded easily, the man cut his throat without even humming, and ended with a short sound.

Kill one person, Liu Kai rolled on the spot and came to the second person’s side. There was no shadow in his hand, and it pierced the person’s neck.

The man trembled and instinctively opened his mouth to call for help. It’s a pity that the throat is damaged, and even breathing has become an extravagant hope, where there is still the po ibility of shouting. Persisted for a few seconds, and finally breathe one’s last.

His Final Struggle has attracted the attention of his companions. Someone looked back, his face changed greatly. Immediately reacted, raising the gun and shooting at Liu Kai.

How could Liu Kai give him this opportunity to throw away without a shadow in his hand and pierce the opponent’s throat? The distance between the two sides is only two meters, Liu Kai’s full shot speed is already very fast, plus the shadowle is almost transparent, and the trajectory is not clear in the air.

The man couldn’t dodge, and was directly hit in the throat by the dagger. Wuying’s speed is extremely fast, but there is still half a second of flying time, and finally the person uttered a scream.

The scream was only a moment, but it was enough to attract everyone’s attention. More than a dozen guns were turned and pointed to where Liu Kai was standing.

“Oh my God!” Liu Kai cried out in surprise, a forward pounce, withdrawing without a shadow, rolling on the spot along the side slope.

At the same time, the spirit shield technique was used to resist this wave of lasing. Using the momentum of the ramp to escape to one side

The appearance of Liu Kai attracted nearly half of the firepower. More than a dozen people turned their directions and pursued Liu Kai.

But they underestimated Liu Kai’s speed, and when they chased down the ramp, Liu Kai was gone.

On the tracker, there is no display of Liu Kai’s location. They gue ed that Liu Kai was not from the base, but one of the wanderers outside.

There is no way to track, they can only give up chasing. Returning to the battlefield again, attacked Chen Gang. But this time they were prepared, leaving two people to guard the rear. Liu Kai wanted to sneak attack again, simply did not have a chance.

“Sneak attack fails, so you can only use fire to attack. It’s just that this place is empty, and even if you use fire protection, it is difficult to kill. Unle , let them go to that place !” Liu Kai pondered in his heart, looking towards a col not far away.

That place has dense weeds and small terrain. As long as a fire can trap thirty people to death, it is definitely a good position for an ambush.

But if you want to lead it, you need Chen Gang’s cooperation. They were chasing Chen Gang, Liu Kai within the body’s chip, unable to attract their attention, and there was no way to provoke them.

“Chen Gang, did you see the 100 meters south of the col! You go to that place to attract the chasing soldiers.”

“No problem.” Chen Gang agreed and walked out of the bunker. After that, he jumped out and went straight to the mountain col.

Chasing soldiers behind, naturally will not let him go, follow closely from behind to chase the past.

Liu Kai spared one side and rushed to before the col. After waiting for a while, after the chasing soldiers rushed in, they looked for a place to be upwind, and directly used the fire imperial technique to ignite the sky.

In the col, there are dense weeds. Once ignited by the flame, it quickly turned into a prairie fire. More than 30 people were chasing soldiers, instantly plunged into the flames, simply unable to resist.

The sorrowful cries are everywhere, and everyone is struggling in the flames. This scene is shocking.

Beyond the flames, Liu Kai frowned and stood, his face a little ugly.

“Liu Kai, what’s the matter, what’s the matter?” Chen Gang approached and asked in a low voice.

“These thirty people are all human!” Liu Kai sighed.

“What about human beings! They chase us, we can’t kill them. Liu Kai! I found you are still too kind.” Chen Gang’s tone was casual, not at all. taking seriously.

“It’s not a kindne . It’s a pity that I just died like this.” Liu Kai sighed.

Before that, it doesn’t matter if these dozens of people die, who will let them hunt down themselves. Liu Kai is kind, but not pedantic, and will not take pity for the enemy’s death.

But after knowing the truth, Liu Kai’s mentality changed. These people are chasing themselves, but acting on orders. If there is a full-scale war with Foreign Race people in the future, these people are also members of human power. It’s a shame to waste the internal consumption in this way.

Chen Gang doesnt know this, and he doesnt care about it. “What a pity is this. There are many such raised killers in the three families.”

” Does your Chen Family have it too?”

“Naturally, there are.”

“There are no restrictions on the base?”

“There are naturally restrictions, but not There is no loophole. The killers raised by the three families are attached to the guards on the surface. The difference is that they are not under the jurisdiction of the guards, and only listen to the orders of the three patriarchs.”

“If I want too A team…” Liu Kai eyes flashed.

Chen Gang scratched his head: “Do you want such a team too?”

“Yes.” Liu Kai nodded.

“As for the base, I can help you solve it. But raising such a private team requires a huge amount of money. You must be mentally prepared.”

Such a killer team , That is a job that can be killed at any time. Their treatment is much higher than that of ordinary guards.

“I know this, I will find a solution.” Liu Kai nodded.

“Lets go back to the base?”

Liu Kai shook his head: “You go back first, I have something to deal with.”

“Well, then you Be careful yourself.” Chen Gang exhorted, returning to the base alone.

He came out this time to rescue the little girl. Now that I know this is a trap, not at all the whereabouts of the little girl, there is no need to delay.

Liu Kai also wanted to return to the base, but when he solved the chase just now, he saw a silhouette flashing past.

It was a black cat with a smooth heartbeat. If Liu Kai didn’t admit his mistake, it should be briquettes.

The appearance of briquettes will certainly not be an accident. It reveals the silhouette, it should be to attract Liu Kai’s attention, there is something to discu .

Liu Kai sent Chen Gang away, and then turned a direction to the place where the briquettes disappeared. After arriving, I searched a little, found the clue left by the briquettes, and followed all the way to the foot of a mountain.

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