Dressrosa Palace, south.

The fighters of the arena defeated the fellows of Donquixote Pirates in one fell swoop.

“Man Shirley? What is that, villain?” The giant Helding did not know how his injuries recovered, lowered his tall body and asked Leo, the captain.

Leo: “Mancheri, she is our Princess.”

Cyrus said: “Stop talking nonsense, everyone first climb that high ground, that is The center of this’birdcage’!”

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding people cheered: “Oh oh oh! Great, Sir Cyrus, now we can be saved!”

Old Cai followed shouted loudly: “Can you guys not be so childish! Anyone who has spare capacity will come with us!”

Next to BABY- 5Immediately fascinated by Old Cai’s manliness.

Near Central Street.

“hmph, terrified and over-cautious little mouse, as long as he is forced out—”

Brother Ming muttered to himself while walking on the street, citizens Did not dare to step forward.

However, everyone has seen that the rate of contraction of the birdcage has accelerated.

“Hey, hurry up and stop, Doflamingo!”

It was another exclaim.

The distance from the’birdcage’ shrinking to the central street has several points of bell, and the population in the center is getting denser and denser.

“Run! The contraction speed is still accelerating!”

“I really don’t plan to stay alive, that bastard!”

“He plans to Before Lucy is resurrected, this country will be completely shredded!”

“We can only figure out a solution! Clean up Doflamingo and let this bird cage disappear!”

Competition The soldiers on the field were so excited that they shouted.

“hmph, what a bunch of idiots who don’t know the situation.” Brother Ming in the distance heard their loud cries, muttered, “You exposed Straw Hat’s Location.”

The block to the northeast of Zhongxin Street.

“Okay, let’s go together! My shield won’t be shredded!”

Bartolomeo crossed his arms, and a huge barrier stood in front of him , Blocking the’birdcage’ in front, the speed of the birdcage here really slowed down.

Zoro is also beside them, and three knives are also against the’birdcage’.

Bartolomeo continued to shout: “Everyone follow Zoro Senior’s instructions, continue to push!”

“ao ao ao!”

Other fighters People, such as Helding, Chinjao the Drill, Iliza Bello II, Nico Robin, and Captain Leo all helped push them together in an attempt to slow the shrinkage of the birdcage.

At this time, dandelions floated all over the sky.

“What is this?” Everyone couldn’t help asking.

“This is healing dandelion.” Leo replied like this, “That is the dandelion seed formed by the tears of Princess Mancherie.”

“Dandelion seed?”


Leo continued: “Well, the fluff of dandelion can give people miraculous resilience on a large scale. Princess Mancheri is now worried about the injured people, so she keeps tears. In this way, it should be able to save a lot of lives.”

“But this ability has a big shortcoming, that is, it only has several points of resilience, so those that were originally unable to move The strength of the soldiers will drop suddenly. I’m really sorry, if there is enough time, everyone can fully recover. This is the best way for us to accumulate strength at the moment.”

As Leo said , The kind-hearted Princess Princess kept in tears. The tears condensed into small dandelions and floated in the air. Not only did the person who encountered it healed his injuries immediately, but also recovered his physical strength.

The cute and soft vine Cherie is still crying on the high ground.

Her tears seem so great.

This is her battle.

On the street.

I don’t know how many little dandelions are floating in the air.

“Hey? Why did the wounded recover?”

At this time, Fishman Hack ran across the street with Usopp on his back.

Rebecca is also looking for father Likuwang.

She ran, and met two people on the street.

Doflamingo and Violet.

“Viola Aunt?” Rebecca wondered why she was here.

Viola looked back at her: “Rebecca, why are you here? Don’t do stupid things.”

She is afraid that Rebecca will see Brother Ming restrain her I couldn’t help my anger, and went straight up to do it.

Viola continued: “If you die, how can I meet Cyrus big brother and Royal Father?”

Brother Ming’s face is still calm:” So why are you here? Viola?”

Viola said: “Although Donquixote Pirates has been destroyed, I haven’t counted this cadre yet!”

“Hey? Viola Aunt?”

Hearing this, Rebecca immediately turned pale with fright.

I saw Viola drew a dagger from her cloak and said to Brother Ming: “Either you will die or i will die today! Doffy!”

It turns out She had endured Brother Ming for too long, and she wanted to root Brother Ming desperately.

“Furafur, didn’t expect you to be bloody like this, Violet.” Brother Ming said with a treacherous smile–

At this time, the central block was already crowded. People, and the’birdcage’ is still shrinking, there is a panic here.

“We have escaped here, there is no way!”

“Wow! The’birdcage’ is coming over here!”

“It’s so dangerous. Now people all over the country are concentrated here!”

Northwest of Dressrosa, the man-made Devil Fruit factory.

“The strength is not enough, but he went back!”

“Must hold on!”

Franky brought this group of Tata The soldiers are still trying their best to hinder the progress of the’birdcage’.

The same goes for Zoro, Kinemon, and Kanjuro.

“The rate of contraction seems to have stopped?”

“Hey? This seems to be true.”

Zoro they are pushing forward I found that the bird cage did not move anymore.

Is it because the pushing force is too strong, making it unable to move forward?

Not only that, but they also heard the voice of’Tuk Tuk Tuk’.

It is the sound of bamboo sticks hitting the ground.

Zoro and they turned their heads to look. It turned out to be Marine Headquarters Admiral, Fujitora Issho.

“What are you doing here?” Zoro couldn’t help asking.

Fujitora Issho said as he walked by: “Oh, the old man can’t see who is in front. But you can’t leave these fools alone. Although it may be an utterly inadequate measure, it’s also Let’s do my best!”

“The whole team, no matter who it is, help push the birdcage!”

At this time, a Marine Major commanded behind Marines went to push the birdcage one after another.

“As you bid!”

“Everyone who doesn’t know Haki will go to the factory!”

Zoro turned his head: “Marine?”


Because Fujitora Issho is here, there is naturally a marine of battallion.

“Let us help too!”

The citizens on the street also wanted to do their best and came up to help Marine to promote it.

“Speaking of strength, we won’t lose!”

“This is our island, we have to defend it!”

“Everyone push it together!”

At this time, Dressrosa immediately became an unprecedented unity——

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