The height of the palace, Second Layer.

“Wow! Master Pica has taken control of this land!”

The big rock face of Pica on the wall smiled strangely: “Get ready to take the move. , See if you can dodge my attack?”

Zoro spit out loudly: “You are too ugly, idiot!”

“Nani Yo?” Pica violent .

The guards complained: “You are the idiot, right? Pirate Hunter!”

“Don’t say anything to make Master Pica angry, okay?!”


“Treading Stones!”

Under Pica’s anger, a huge rock spike appeared on the ground and fiercely attacked Zoro.

Zoro easily jumped away with a little foot, and said with a smile after landing steadily: “The bigger the head, the better, it will be more enjoyable to chop up like this!”

Listen When he said this, Pica was even more angry.

On the other side.

Baby-5 is fighting with Old Cai of the Eight Treasure Marine Corps.

BABY·5shouted loudly: “Why don’t you speak clearly?”

Old Cai also shouted: “What exactly are you referring to?”

BABY·5: “You…you actually need me so much?!”

Old Cai looked dumbfounded: “What rice?!”

Highland Second Floor .

There was a fat man standing on the still rock spike.

“en? Is that who?”

“Yes…it’s Lord Mahabais!”

Guards: “Just Mahabah If Lord Stanislaw shot, even Elbaf fighters would have to be injured badly with many teeth knocked out!”

While they were talking about Elbaf, Giant Race fighter Helding climbed up the high ground from below. “I’m so sorry, that guy… just leave it to me.”

Seeing him, Zoro slightly startled: “Hey? Are you the giant in the arena?”

When he saw him, Mahabasi said: “Oh? Who am I? It turns out to be Helding. I haven’t breathed out after being attacked by me. Then I will add more weight to you!”


Mahabais spoke and jumped off the rock spikes: “Come on! Roronoa, Helding! Bais of destruction, Bais of hell!!”

It turned out that Helding had fought with him just now, and Helding was clearly defeated.

At this time, Mahabasi used his fruit power, his body became extremely heavy, and he fell fiercely.

But Helding stood up resolutely and moved towards the opponent strikes with a punch.

Although Helding’s fist is not small, it is not as powerful as Mahabasi’s body and is directly pressed to the ground.

“haha, be crushed into meat sauce! Helding!”

Just when everyone thought Helding was going to be squashed, the strength on Helding’s arm was once again It broke out and forcibly pushed Mahabais back.

“What rice?!” Seeing this, the eyes of the guards of Donquixote Pirates almost flew out.

“Wow! Lord Mahabais is about to hit the birdcage, it’s dangerous!”

Herding’s strength is amazing, and he directly pushed it onto the birdcage.

Just when everyone thought he was going to break the cage, Mahabasi actually fell down.

“Master Mahabais!” The guards exclaimed.

Even Zoro didn’t expect the bird cage to be so hard.

“Hateful, even Mahabais…”

Pica said bitterly, attacking Zoro again.

But another person came up to block it.

It’s Ilizabello II. He said: “Pirate Hunter, I’ll help too! My Fist of King can produce extraordinary formidable power for one hour. The power of that stone monster is yours. Have you figured it out?”

Zoro looked back at him: “So it’s you!”

“This king is named Ilizabello, but it belongs to King Liku Old friend!”

Zoro smiled and said: “Well, I understand your kindness, but I want to solve this stone monster myself!”

Ilizabello hearing this “It’s better to take back the scabbard for your sword. After all, no one knows what will happen next! But now that you have said this, then this king will do it!”

Zoro’s face Suddenly it became a little dignified: “I’m afraid there is another attempt at breaking the stone!”


On the other side.

Babao Shuijun Green Pepper, Old Cai vs Lao ·G, BABY·5.

Lao ·G made a random punch, and it seemed that he could hardly fight back the green pepper.

Hey guys: “It’s really Lao ·G, who completely suppressed bounty’s 500 million bounty crime!”

Hearing this admiration, Lao ·G is even more so Proudly: “This is Diwengquan! G!”

“I say…old man opposes your marriage!”

Qingjiao fights not far away Old Cai said.


It turns out that from the very beginning, Green Jiao didn’t pay much attention to the battle with Lao ·G, but only paid attention to Old Cai.

Old Cai could not help but vomit: “I said grandfather, so you were eavesdropping at first! I didn’t plan to marry this guy (BABY-5) at all!”

Everyone was stunned: “So they are talking about the topic over there?”

BABY-5 also makes a fuss about nothing like a mental illness: “What are you talking about?!!! “

Old Cai continued to complain: “What is the accident with you! Who wants to marry you!”

Green Jiao said to him: “Cai! Don’t forget you The marriage contract with Huo Lisa, the daughter of the Erbao Shui Army leader!”

Old Cai said: “I don’t care who I marry as a wife! Even if it’s two treasures plus eight treasures, it’s a’ten treasures of water’. Jun’s marriage is yours!”

People are dissatisfied: “Too much! Ignore Lao ·G Lord!”

“If this goes on, your lord I will definitely be angry!”

Old Cai said angrily to BABY-5: “Keep me away, Donquixote Pirates! You weird girl is my enemy!”

BABY-5: “How is this?! Don’t you need me so much? How can you spread?”

When I heard this, Old Cai laughed:” Wow ka ka! What a fool! Listen well, I need you go die for me!”

BABY-5 froze for a moment: “Hey?”

Old Cai: “If so If you let you continue to do evil, Straw Hat, they will be tired of you. When the time comes, what kind of gratitude will they talk about! So you have to let you villains die! Get enlightened!”

After listening to his this remark, BABY-5’s reaction was unexpected. Her right hand turned into a short gun and aimed at her head, and smiled and said: “Understood, as long as I can help you, I will go to death!”

Hearing this, Old Cai I was extremely shocked: “Hey? Wait…wait!”

BABY-5 still smiles: “As long as someone thinks I can help him, then I feel very happy!”


Old Cai hurriedly went up to block: “Hey! Are you an idiot? That’s all I just casually said that’s all! If you just cut it on your own like this, I will feel sleepy and sleepy even if I win!”

Green pepper quit: “What are you doing, Cai! Leave her alone! To prevent her from ruining herself, is your head broken?!”

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