New Palace, Second Layer.

“Don’t let Straw Hat and the others go to the 3rd floor!” The people of Donquixote Pirates blocked the people in the arena and prevented them from hitting Doflamingo.

“Shoot them off the horse!”

“If you want to fight, come at us!” The long-legged Brugili has long legs like a whip to knock down the enemy one slice.

“Decapitated high-heeled shoes!”

Dellinger flew up and kicked Bullicki in the chest. Bullicki vomited blood and fell.

“The’Long Legs’ were done?!”

“Hey! Straw Hat, don’t look around!”

Cavendish reminded Luffy loudly .

Cyrus said: “This so-called’birdcage’ is a lie! Even if you knock all the’victims’ down, everyone will not be saved! I think the truth is exposed in toys At that moment, he decided to kill everyone in Dressrosa.”

Cavendish continued: “Doflamingo will never let information leak out. Now here is like an isolation If you think there will be a miracle, if you wait for the end of the game, everyone will be finished! Apart from moving on to take down Doflamingo’s first level, there is no way to escape from this island!”

“No matter what happens, it will be calculated and corresponding Doflamingo. If the only thing he miscalculated, it is that he will gather all the wacky and powerful fighters from all countries in the arena today. Let’s get together!”

Cavendish got more and more excited: “So we will never lose! Because no matter what, I will win the first level of Doflamingo!”

Luffy immediately is not happy about this: “What did you say, didn’t I say that Brother Ming was beaten by me?”

Luo: “I said that too, Straw Hat is in charge!”

Cyrus did not want to fall behind: “I am very grateful for you, but I should still come (take the first level of Brother Ming)!”

Luffy’s green veins violently: “soldier, what did you just say? Didn’t you say that I came to beat them?”

Cyrus retorted: “That was my personal battle! It was us who defeated Brother Ming. It’s your responsibility! I must stop the grievance ten years ago!”

Luo was even more unconvinced: “In terms of time, my grievance with him ended 13 years ago. It’s down!”

Luffy said stupidly: “Then I was thirty years ago!”

Cavendish complained: “Will you please write a draft before boosting? How could you possibly Older than I am? You guys will go down for me!”

Luffy: “Go down by yourself!”

Cavendish looked angry: “You give me a good memory !”

Luffy’s face is fighting intent, shouted loudly: “Okay! Just rush to 4-Layer! Little horse!”

At this time, suddenly appeared in front of you. A group of giant toy dolls blocked Luffy’s path.

“What’s the matter? These dolls?”


Above the stone statue of Pica, Zoro and Pica are still fighting .

Zoro deliberately released the water to test Pica’s strength, and then badly said with a smile: “With your strength, do you still want to win the head of Straw Hat?”

Zoro’s Laughter is a great irony for Pica, Pica’s ability to spur fruit, sharp stones roll from all sides.

At this moment, Zoro saw three people flying in the sky.

Robin, Bartolomeo and Rebecca.

Zoro couldn’t help but feel strange, and said to them: “You guys, can you fly in the sky for Mao?!”

Seeing Zoro, Bartolomeo instantly became excited: “Zoro Senior! Do you remember signing…signing…”

When seeing Pica’s attack, Robin shouted: “Zoro! Please block the enemy! We have important things to go to the other side Go!”

“Got it!”

Zoro casually said, and then a strong sword intent condensed on the three swords: “Santoryu · One thousand and eighty Worry wind!!”

The great sword aura burst out of the sword, and directly cut off Pica’s huge rock arm.

When the Pica deity saw this, his eyes almost flew out.

When Rebecca saw this, his eyes widened. She had never seen such a powerful swordsman!

“I forgot to tell you a sentence. The Straw Hat group not only has the’Magic Sword’ and the’Straw Hat’. Remember, I will become the world first sword sooner or later. !”

Bartolomeo was already moved in tears: “Zoro Senior!!!”

The lower level of the underground trading field, the scrap yard.

“I ask everyone to climb in order! Because this long ladder is very easy to destroy!”

Kanjuro drew many distorted and distorted ladders out of thin air, and wanted everyone to climb up. .

“Thank you so much, warrior!”

“No long ladder is straight. It’s so hard to climb!”

Kinemon spit: ” You still dare to pick and choose, you guys are weak!”

“It would be nice to be able to climb up!”

Kanjuro and Kinemon are eager to save everyone out. Yes, but this painting technique is very hehe.


Inside the man-made Devil Fruit factory.

“Hateful, those little people are rioting!”

“Hurry up and shoot and stop them!”

I am tired all day long here. The clansman of Dongtata got the information sent by their partners, so they stopped working, and slapped around in the factory to leave.

“Wait, if you make trouble and leave here, Mancheri’s disease will never be cured!” Donquixote Pirates guards fooled them like this.

Man Xie Li, daughter of the patriarch of the Tata tribe, also known as Princess.

“Hey? How can this be?” Some Dongtata fighters heard this and immediately believed.

This is their greatest strength, but also their greatest weakness. It is easy to trust others.

But some fighters who were told by other partners were still sober, and immediately plugged those trusted partners with small earplugs: “Don’t listen to him, Jie!”

When other partners saw this, they followed suit: “If you wear earplugs, you won’t be able to hear your lies!”

In order to overcome the fatal shortcoming of being easy to trust others, everyone Put on earplugs, and then one after another shot at Donquixote’s guards.

“Dongtata tribe revolves!”

Although the Dongtata warriors are small in size, they are amazingly powerful. Picking up the feet of these large people is like a roulette wheel. Spinning up, many Donquixote guards were quickly thrown into a daze.

The guards at the back were very anxious when they saw that they couldn’t resist the Dongtata tribe: “Contact Young Master quickly!”

The guards quickly took out Den Den Mushi and dialed the number of the palace. .

“You guys don’t want to succeed!”

Seeing that they asked Brother Ming to prepare to move in to rescue the soldiers, they hurried up to beat them with one blow, and then snatched Den Den Mushi over: “Everyone! Release all Den Den Mushi immediately, don’t leave them a chance to call for reinforcements!!”

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