“Hey, Straw Hat is in charge. Where are you going to untie my handcuffs? Wearing the Kairosaki handcuffs in this way will give Doflamingo my life in vain.”

Luffy has been riding. Niu rushed forward as if he had forgotten that Luo was still handcuffed, Luo reminded him.

Luffy smiled and said, “Aiya, there will always be a way! Anyway, let’s go now!”

When I heard this, Luo was not happy: “You are Where is the confidence?! In that case, go back to the high ground just now and find the key! Once you start a fight, you will either win or die, do you know?”

While talking, Death God The cow led them to the front of a square aisle.

Fanke brother pointed to the passage and said to them: “Here, Straw Hat, go in! The entrance is guarded by us!”

“Okay! Many thanks!”

In this way, Luffy forgot about Luo being handcuffed and rushed directly into the passage.

The two brothers Jet and Abdullah were knocked down by the door frame.

Fanke brother spit: “Hey? What plane are you two doing?!”

“Fell? What are those two idiots doing?” Luffy twisted I vomited too much, and then ignored them, raised his fist and shouted, “Okay, don’t care about this, go forward! Niu Niu!”



At this time, Den Den Mushi on Luo’s body rang.

Luo was inconvenient, so he asked Luffy to answer the phone.

Luffy took Den Den Mushi and said nonchalantly: “Moximosi, I am Luffy! I want to be the man of Pirate King!”

It’s Robin: “Are we on the high and low you were on just now, where are you now?”

Luffy: “Oh, Robin, we are in the passage now, and we are going to that one called’Sunflower Tian’s place.”

Robin: “Oh, Viola, she found the key to Terra male handcuffs!”

Luffy: “Hey? Really? “

Rome said: “Nico is in charge, if you bring it, how shall we meet?”

At this time, Leo jumped onto Robin’s palm and interjected Said: “Hello, I am Leo from the Dongtata clan! Now I want to bring Rebecca Princess, Bartolomeo and Robin Rand to your side quickly.”

Robin continued: “Wait a minute, let’s meet in the sunflower field on the 4th floor!”

Luffy is strange: “Hey? How are you going to catch up with us?”

Robin “I’ll explain it later. Anyway, we’ll see you in the Sunflower Field!”

The call was hung up, Luffy turned his head and smiled and said to Luo: “Look, I’ll say there will be a way. “

Luo’s eyes turned white and spit out loudly: “It’s a coincidence, okay!”

The more Death God took them in, the damp and gloomy they got. , The sea water has not even passed the cow’s belly.

“Compared with this, this place…”

Luffy felt as if he had come to an end, and the front was pitch black: “Isn’t this a dead end? Why is there still water? !”

“Furfurfur! This is just a well that is about to collapse, it is not a shortcut!”

At this time, a silhouette came slowly from the passage. , A familiar voice came from Luo.

This person is exactly the Donquixote ·Doflamingo they are looking for!

Brother Ming said with a treacherous smile: “You seem to have lost your key, Luo.”

“Why are you here?”

Luffy shouted, punching Brother Ming in the face.

“Furfurfur! I’m here to save you! What a low-level trap I would fall into… Where is a shortcut!”

Brother Ming extend the hand With the palm, I easily fisted Luffy’s fist, and then pointed the index finger at the Death God bull: “Bullet line!”

Several thin white lines were shot out, directly piercing the Death God bull’s body.

“moo! !”

Death God The cow screamed in pain and fell to the ground.


Luffy went down anxiously to lift the cow up.

Luo Ze said: “Leave it alone! Straw Hat is in charge!”

In this way, Luffy also fell in the shallow water.

Brother Ming joked: “There is no sense of crisis at all! It’s so boring, just like you, anyone can take care of you!”

Death God Next, Luo was handcuffed by handcuffs, and Luffy fell into the sea and couldn’t get out even a little bit of strength.

“Niu…Niu Niu…Cheer up…” Luffy called feebly.

Brother Ming continued: “The guy outside who wants my head is very fierce. Thanks to you, you can find so many helpers in this situation! Your special ability is already at the top of the war. It’s obvious, but I didn’t expect myself to be such an idiot!”

“Luo! Why did you choose him? You should be a more visionary person, right! When you were a little demon I’m going to be calmer than now! Cunning! Isn’t it? What makes you so weak!”

Brother Ming now really doesn’t understand why a smart person like Luo should be like Luffy People who don’t seem to have a good brain to cooperate.

And Luo retorted loudly: “Shut up! I didn’t intend to be like you! I was redeemed!” Upon hearing this, Brother Ming smirked. It’s even more powerful: “Furfurfur! Do you mean my brother Classon? Since you don’t admit your weakness! Why is it so ugly as you are now dead!”

Brother Ming said , Ready to activate the fruit’s ability to act on them again.

At this time, a man stabbed up with a three-pointed spear, directly pierced Brother Ming, came over with a knife, and cut Brother Ming horizontally in two.

“Straw Hat big brother! Are you okay?”

It was Abu Dola and Jet brother who started with Brother Ming. They have been following Luffy and the others, thinking To repay.


And didn’t expect, although Brother Ming’s body was severed, it quickly became a circle of thin lines, his laughter Still reverberating throughout the passage.

Seeing this in a hurry, Luo looked bitterly and said: “Sure enough, it is Avatar, this is a’line puppet’!”

Abdola: “Although I don’t know what happened What’s the matter, but first pull the Straw Hat big brother up!”

Luffy was dragged up by these two brothers like this: “Saved! Thank you so much!”

Jie Special scratching his head: “Where and where…”

Abu Dola: “But why is there only half of his body left? What’s the matter? Are we going to kill the boss?”

Luo: “Idiot, this is fake! Are you guys here for a joke?” Abu Dola quickly said: “Ah! Actually, it’s the bastard named Kelly Fank just now! He lied to us all!”


Jett: “We who know the truth intend to stop him, didn’t expect Doflamingo to show up, more He didn’t expect that he killed Kelly Fanke! I don’t care a little, I really don’t know where enemies will come out!”

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