“Hehehehe! Hey! I have to come back a few more times, these guys!”

Looking at the clansman who has been lying down on the floor, Trebol smiled with a sense of accomplishment.

“They want to let me eat this. This must be poison, and it smells wrong.” Granulated Sugar said, holding the long spicy piece like grapes.

Already lying on the ground, Leo still has hope in his heart: Usoland, our strength is already…rely on you…

【Wu Solander once said: Don’t worry! In case there is any problem, I will come forward to settle it for you! 】

“Get out of the way!” At this moment, a long-nosed man in a Donquixote Pirates uniform ran out.

“en? Brother, where are you going?” the other staff couldn’t help asking.

What they don’t know is that this is Usopp after disguising. Seeing that there is danger, he is escaping here by having endured the hardships of a long journey.

“Successfully escaped! Forgive me, heroes of the Dongtata clan, I want to draw your hero’s posture into a cartoon and spread it to future generations, named’the upright and kind Dongtata clan’! What a! Loud name, so I have to live! And it was Franky, he is not good! Why hasn’t he come yet? How can a dignified hero go to death for the boast of himself? Bastard!”

Usopp ran away quickly, with broken thoughts in his mouth, “Although it’s good to escape successfully, where should I get out? That hole when I got here. I’m afraid I can’t get out by myself, right, no Is there an elevator? After all, it’s Franky guy!”

Here, Trebol is still using Den Den Mushi to urge the staff to hurry up and work: “Hey, I’m working hard. Labor? Now is not the time for you to watch the show, damned bastard! Hehe!”

Sugar pointed at the clansman who were injured underground: “What should these people do?”

“Hurry up and move the goods, don’t be lazy here!” The staff whipped the toys and told them to work quickly.

A urged clockwork toy thought to himself: Who is fighting against Donquixote Pirates? This is the first time someone has appeared in the eight years since I became a toy, no matter who it is, destroy this place completely!

“Now, what are you talking about, these guys.” Trebol looked at them kindly.



At this time, almost all The Tata clansman are all chanting the name of the legendary hero.

Sugar seems to think of something: “Usoland, they seem to have said this name before.”


“Hey, don’t say it!” At this time, Usopp heard the shouts of the Dongtata soldiers before they ran out.

“Now, Usoland? Is that who?” Trebol couldn’t help asking when hearing these chants.

Sugar Tucao him: “Didn’t I just say it? It’s the accomplice mentioned by this group of little Human Races, pig brain, you might as well die!”

Trebol retorted: “I’m not going to die, you stinky girl…” A smile appeared on Leo’s face: “Usolander… is our hero. ..”

Trebol came up to see him: “Hehe, hero? So is he here to save you?”

Another Tata fighter: “No Wrong, it’s not just us, Usolander…he told us that he will settle everything!”

“Including the toys that constantly work in this underground every day, as well as being in the factory. Those of us who are enslaved! And those who seem to be walking down the street with joy, but the toys that are dripping blood in their hearts! There are also those poor large people who have lost all Ace but have not noticed…Usolan Germany will rescue everyone, he is a legendary hero!”

[What a joke, I am not a hero at all, bastard! ]

Trebol said with a treacherous smile: “It’s so sad! You are all cheated!”


“You idiots are again Are you deceived?”

Some Tata people play drums: “Is it…really?”

Trebol continued: “Is it all hurt like this? Come to save you, what could be more persuasive than this! Where is your hero? Where is it? Now he certainly doesn’t know where to hide and laugh at you idiots!”

“Look at you I’m honestly saying that, no matter it is who, for this kind of man who is still a coward at a critical time, you should give up hope as soon as possible!”

Usopp is still running, but I heard Trebol’s words , Thought in his heart: Although it is a pity, he is basically right! You guys run quickly too!

Leo: “Shut up! Usolander can’t lie!”

[“I am a descendant of Nolade!!”]

Leo’s words immediately made Usopp’s heart as if was struck by lightning.

Leo continued: “Because he said that no matter what happens, he will save everyone! He and we have told us that the hero will never lie to us! If you insult Usoland like this, I will never let you go!!!”

Hearing this, Usopp’s eye sockets are moist, and although his feet are on his body, he still I feel I can’t run away anymore.

“Hehe! Give me a sense of suffering!”

Trebol said fiercely and went up to Leo.

A clear sound of “crack” came to my ears.

It is the sound of Leo’s fracture.


“hehehe, this crisp sound is really sweet. It turns out that the sound of the Dongtata tribe before their death was’Hangga’.”


Another Dongtata fighter: “Yes, Usolander will definitely make the’SOP Operation’ plan a success!”


“Hehe! It’s so sad, everyone is still dying when they die!”



Trebol ruthless, stepping on them one by one, the crisp fractures were loud and loud.

“Stop! Stop! You stop me!!!”

At this time, Usopp couldn’t stand it anymore, and finally dignified stood right at Trebol and sugar before.



See Usopp coming, Dongtata tribe Rays of light bloomed with hope on each of the soldiers’ faces.

Usopp: “When will you…you believe me! Idiot little Human Races!”


Usopp loudly said: “That guy is right. I lied to you all! I am neither a legendary hero nor Usolander! I am a little child and I don’t dare to cry even after hearing the name. The snipers of Straw Hat and Daimyo Dingding’s Pirate Usopp!!”

“Straw Hat and the crew?”

“Why are they here?”

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