Greenbit periphery.

Doflamingo grabbed the beaten half-dead Luo, took Caesar’s heart, and came to Admiral Fujitora with a grimace: “This is a long time ago, about 800 years ago. The story of a year ago… Twenty countries gathered in the center of the world and built a huge organization… The founders of these kings brought their families to the Holy Land Mariejois to live, only the royal family of Alabasta I refused, so to be precise, it should be nineteen families…”

“…Only where they have lived until now, the descendants of the creators of King’s Landing world are called’Celestial Dragon’ means that these nineteen countries lost their Royal Family eight hundred years ago, do you understand?”

Fujitora was quietly listening to him talk about the history of the world.

Brother Ming continued: “These countries naturally elected the next king, which resulted in a new Royal Family. Taking Dressrosa as an example, the newly elected Royal Family is’Rick Royal Family. ‘And as the creator of the world, it is the Donquixote clan who set off for Mariejois!”

Fujitora was also surprised after hearing this.


Go back in time.

Dressrosa, in front of the bullfighting arena.

Sanji pointed to herself with a solemnly vowed look: “I am most worried about Nami Young Lady! Nami Young Lady definitely wants me to go instead of you to save her. So this trip I have to run!”

Zoro didn’t want to fight with him anymore: “It’s alright, you go quickly!”

Then Sanji gave Kinemon a blueprint: “Kinemon, this is the map to go to the’Toy House’ where your companions are being held.”

Kinemon took it over: “Oh, thank you so much! Sanji your excellency!”

Then, Sanji took out a Den Den Mushi and handed it to them: “After seeing Chen Qi and Luffy, use this to contact the Sonny! We need to reconfirm your current situation, I will go to the Sonny. Now.”

Back to now.

Sanji went to rescue Nami and them, Zoro and Kinemon were waiting outside the arena for Chen Qi and Luffy.

Zoro asked, “So, how can we see Luffy?”

Kinemon hugged his arms and said, “Because I have nothing to do, I just stood here thinking about countermeasures. ! However, all methods are completely closed… If there is an abnormal behavior, it will be as before, attracting the enemy’s pursuit.”

Zoro and Kinemon have exactly the same posture: “That Cut the wall into eight segments!”

Kinemon’s sharp-mouthed fangs spit at Zoro: “That’s an abnormal behavior!”

Zoro: “That… Don’t cut it quietly?”

Kinemon: “It’s not about the strength and the size of the imposing manner!”

What they don’t know is that at this time, Bartolomeo is secretly watching them. With an expression of admiration, he said: That’s’Pirate Hunter’ Zoro Senior! From the legend of the Whiskey Mountain Big Slash, to the Santoryu Swordsman who exhibited divine might on Judicial Island! Like Chen Qi Senior, as Luffy Senior’s right-hand man, support him! It’s so cool! This excitement is totally uncontrollable…

Dressrosa, the palace.

“Gladius, can you calm down first?” Baby-5 persuaded a fully armed man next to him.

The man named Gladius had a grim face, holding his arms and said: “Baby-5, do you know how much that woman’s betrayal…has had an impact on our operations? Originally, she should have been black I just grabbed it and read the battle plan in his mind, so that we can crack their battles, one by one let them disappear! What is the idea of ​​this guy?”

The woman he was talking about was naturally a violet who had turned her back.

Gladius became more and more angry, his head inflated like a balloon.

Looking at him like this, Baby-5 couldn’t help being surprised: “Eh, calm down! Do you want to break out here?”

Although he is very angry, Gladius still controls I live on myself: “I hate the guy who doesn’t follow the plan and time. I hate it hundreds of thousands! In addition, he betrayed us… No, betrayed Young Master. She must not be allowed to live in this world. Violet has been wrong since last night. Think about it. With her clairvoyance, you should have seen the Demon Sword Straw Hat and their ship since yesterday.”

…. ..

Northeast of Dressrosa, towards Greenbit.

The two were riding on a toy horse, and Sanji said to Violet: “Aiya, isn’t that good? Violet-chan, you have to go to the port and wait for me obediently! Hehehe!”

Violet said: “Marine is already all over the port. You’d better gather in another place.”

Sanji: “Is that right? Marine…”

Violet continued: “There are a total of four Battleship… Marines who came here at least have more than 3,000.”

Sanji couldn’t help but ask: “In such a short time, you Can I get so much information from just one person?”

Violet explained: “My clairvoyance is within a radius of four kilometers. With the help of my eyes like a bird, I can let my sight fly freely and survey everything. As long as you stay here, you can see what happened to Dressrosa. So, you don’t have to worry about me, I will never be caught by the chasing soldiers.”

Violet’s fruit ability is undoubtedly “Celestial Eyes” “.

When she heard this, Sanji was a little anxious: “So, you are going to stay in this country?”

Violet: “No, don’t worry. In After this, I will…”

Dressrosa is offshore, and the Sonny is heading for Green Butte.

Because of Brook’s witty surrender, everyone defeated and captured Chora.

Nami: “Okay, what should I do with this guy (Jora) now?”

Momonosuke said: “Bone Ji, please let Zai give her a Hit!”

Brook: “Please! Your imposing manner is pretty good.”

Chopper arms across chest: “Speaking of throwing into the sea, she is another Ability User. “

Nami said: “Anyway, let’s go to Telan first.”

Chopper was a little puzzled: “But, what is going on asking us to receive Caesar?” “

Brook said: “Yes, Doflamingo has resigned from Shichibukai, we should return Caesar to him.”

Joola has been bombarded by Nami’s lightning. Burnt, lying on the ground said: “You guys… seem to know nothing, great, oh oh oh oh oh! Little military leader, he didn’t plan to do anything with you little demons at all! Little military leader He simply did not fire Shichibukai!”

Everyone was surprised when she said this: “Then…what is going on?!”

“Quickly say ! What is the reason?” Chopper asked loudly.

Qiaora smiled more sinisterly: “You have fallen into the trap I designed! Here she has learned of your overall plan, and now your friends are caught one by one That’s it!”


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