Depressed Fairy

Chapter 520 Xu Kun swallows the world, the palace gathers the clouds

Along with this sigh, a vague figure appeared from the void.

At the moment when this figure appeared, deep inside Chen Yuan's white lotus incarnation, and within the white lotus spirit, a force was aroused, and even faintly grew!

That power was twisted and illusory, and it contained a strong sense of madness. It seemed to have its own spirituality. After it appeared, it began to run rampant, trying to break away from the shackles of the White Lotus Yuan Shen, and then expand and replace the Yuan Shen. !

However, after all, Chen Yuan's White Lotus Yuanshen is only a differentiated thought projection from the original Yuanshen. Although it inherits the characteristics of the original Yuanshen, it is ultimately similar to supernatural powers, not the method of life. Feeling this strange feeling at this time, the White Lotus Yuanshen bloomed and actually rejected that twisted thought directly!

He opened his mouth and spat out, and the twisted thought flew out like a long snake, and then it was about to gather the power of the surrounding starry sky and grow. But the next moment, Chen Yuan pinched the thought with two fingers.

He looked inside intently, and the time aura was flowing in his eyes, and he saw that if this aura grew rapidly, it would suddenly turn into a twisted figure, with its own memory and some magical powers, but it was just a subordinate of a realm, a The extension of this power, from the inside out, will be enslaved by others.


Gently crushing this thought, Chen Yuan raised his head, looked at the blurry figure, and said: "This is to make me breed enemies. It is really twisted and weird."

He knew very well that the reason why he could reject and destroy this twisted thought so easily was because what was here at the moment was actually not his own body, but an incarnation. The power he inherited was incomplete, and it was related to demonic ways and distortions. Most of the powers such as , strangeness and so on are projected on the black lotus incarnation, while the power of the white lotus incarnation is more positive and biased towards Taoist supernatural powers.

If it is the true body or the incarnation of the Black Lotus here, the twisted thoughts that it triggers, and the twisted body that it breeds, are probably not trivial and cannot be suppressed overnight. If it is not checked for a while, there may be trouble.

Thinking of the characteristics of this twisted and illusory power, and then thinking about the breath of void felt at this moment, the identity of the person in front of him was completely confirmed.

The other party obviously had no intention of hiding it.

"Fellow Taoist, it's really a good trick. When you first joined the Tao, you should have followed the destiny and came to the void world that I control." The blurry figure said calmly, his voice was calm, and there was no emotion at all. fluctuation.

"Your Excellency is the Lord of the Void Realm?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "However, based on what you said, you actually know what happened to me when I became an immortal."

"Those who have distorted their fates or whose fortunes have changed, and are not accepted by the heavens and worlds in the starry sky, will be led into my void world, and their breath will be imprinted on the boundary membrane. ”

As he spoke, the figure of the Lord of the Void Realm gradually became clear. His appearance was elegant, his long beard was fluttering, and he was wearing a long robe. He looked like a scribe who had read poetry and books. However, his eyes were glowing with a faint gray light, and his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. Any emotional fluctuations appear cold, even a bit cold: "Unfortunately, although I noticed that someone used secret methods to avoid the guidance of the void world, I did not investigate carefully, so I missed the Taoist friend. Otherwise, with the Taoist friend's Talent, now you should become the guardian of my sect. When the time comes, the relationship between you and my master and slave will be extremely close, which will save you the trouble of fighting against the prime minister today. "

He seemed to be regretful, but there was no regret in his words. Instead, he seemed to be provoking.

Chen Yuan was not surprised, but asked with a smile: "So, you said I shouldn't come because you want to stop me?"

In the past three years, his White Lotus incarnation has been traveling across the sea of ​​stars, collecting things from the past to use as materials for enlightenment and foundation. He has actually met many realm masters, and has experienced seven or eight cave heaven realms, many of which are... The Lord of Cave Heaven and the Immortal of Qingjing, who had good intentions or were dissatisfied, took action to make things difficult for Chen Yuan.

He was not surprised that the Void Realm Lord had such a reaction. After all, there was still a grudge against the Mongolian Lord. Compared with the timely revenge of the Formless Realm Lord, the Void Realm Lord only showed up three years later, which was considered It's slow. However, the location chosen by the other party was somewhat different, especially since Chen Yuan had just noticed that there was a lot of void and twisted aura penetrating into the huge corpse.

"Are you here for this ancient corpse? Are you trying to stop me because of this ancient corpse? Or..."

Chen Yuan's eyes glowed with a little sparkle, and a lot of information flashed through his mind, and finally connected together: "He is the one who came to me? That Lord of the Void Realm, he is related to the ancient clan, as a Is his father also related to the Taikoo clan? "

The Lord of the Void Realm did not answer, but looked towards Chen Yuan, his eyes bursting with twisted light!


The void that was originally enveloped by the breath of nothingness suddenly shattered, causing Chen Yuan's body to fall into the void together with the surrounding space, and then a huge black shadow swam from the depths of the void!

The black shadow was like a swimming fish, but it was so big that it was unimaginable, even bigger than the ancient corpse!

Kun of the Void!

The Lord of the Void Realm fell on the big Kun's head and looked at Chen Yuan indifferently, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"With your talent, you must have had amazing opportunities to get to where you are now. Unfortunately, this road to this era is too narrow. It can only be walked by one person and cannot carry two people."

He said calmly: "The reason why you shouldn't come is because if you just seek a starry sky avenue, if you have strong luck in the future, you may really get a Taixuan status. It's a pity that you are too greedy and reach out to the field you shouldn't touch. Originally, I would not attack you because of a child, but it's a pity, it's a pity..."

As he said, the Lord of the Void Realm changed the subject: "Xu Kun, swallow this man and refine him into the 'Hundred Void Scenery'. It can be regarded as leaving him the last trace in this starry sky and ten thousand worlds, and it can be used by me in the future."

The Xu Kun opened its huge mouth and wanted to swallow this piece of void into its stomach!

After Chen Yuan fell into this piece of void, he immediately felt that the surroundings were sticky and chaotic. As long as the mana on his body was released, it would be eliminated by the void and it would be difficult to retain. At the moment when Xu Kun opened his mouth to swallow, there were infinite whispers, and the gravity of the starry sky exploded, trying to take him into his stomach!

Chen Yuan turned his head and saw that the belly of the virtual Kun was in chaos. Several huge cyclones like caves were rotating and colliding. Earth, fire, wind and water appeared in it, as if they were born from some kind of power of heaven and earth, but they were immediately destroyed by the chaotic cyclones, and nothing existed!

He looked through the crack and could vaguely see a realm appearing inside?

"Is the Void Realm in the belly of this Kun?"

The thought flashed through his mind, but his hand did not hesitate, and he pointed at that place!

A jade slip broke through the air!

The yin and yang in the sword rotated, and the projections of the five imaginary gods surged in the reflection of the sword blade!

"One Qi Five Realms Sword Light Art!"

The jade sword blessed with the imaginary gods expanded rapidly at this moment, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a mountain that reached the sky, and pierced directly into the mouth of the virtual Kun!

This ancient Kun was obviously used to being rampant, and didn't care at all. He let the sword mountain rush into his mouth, and then he didn't stop, but continued to burst out the gravity of the starry sky, wanting to swallow Chen Yuan as well!

But at this moment, the jade sword roared, and the five worlds descended into the belly of the virtual Kun!

In an instant, magma surged, fairy mist swayed, and five different states of heavenly power suddenly erupted, and then turned into countless sword lights, roaring in all directions. What was contained in each sword light was not destruction and tearing, nor annihilation and destruction, but the various laws of Taoism that constructed the world!

Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Earth, Fire, Feng Shui!

These forces continued to emerge, but were constantly eroded by the chaotic cyclone!

Between appearance and erosion, a stalemate occurred.

Boom boom boom——

The collision of the two forces actually caused a corner of the virtual Kun to collapse, revealing many empty thoughts, as if countless people's empty thoughts were hidden in this beast.

But soon, a distortion appeared in the sword light, which began to corrupt and alienate these upright and pure sword lights, causing the vitality in them to gradually degenerate, and many desires continued to expand, and the ownership of the sword light was also shaken.

"Xu Kun is formed by twisted nodes, close to the void earth veins. I combined the emptiness and nothingness of the starry sky creatures and refined it into the second soul with the "Great Void Return Liquid Source Flow Method". Its twisted body is immortal and has the root of the Tao body that surpasses the Qingjing Immortal. It has the ability to corrode and become empty. When fighting with my Xu Kun soul, it is eroded all the time."

The Lord of the Void Realm stood proudly above Xu Kun, staring at Chen Yuan indifferently, and said lightly: "Even if you have supernatural powers, every magical power, every magic formula, and every sword light still contains your own will. As long as you touch it, , will be infected and distorted by the void! This is the Kun of Nothingness, there is nowhere to hide! You had a chance to touch the essence of nothingness, but unfortunately, you missed it in the end because of your little cleverness, so you are destined to fail here. "

"You not only want to fight with me, but also want to shake my heart with words. Don't you think that you can't beat me with magical powers, so you attack my heart first, try to shake my heart, and then use your void method to take advantage of the void? Then you have found the wrong person. "

The source of countless sword lights, Chen Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, stretched out a finger, and pointed upwards!


The bell sound reverberating in the void resounded in all directions!

A huge palace appeared from the void!

The Void King Palace!

As soon as the treasure appeared, it immediately suppressed one side. Even if this place was swallowed by the Void Kun and many Dao rhymes were in chaos, it could not stop the sudden appearance of the Void King Palace!

The door of the hall was wide open, and black flames, rich time, five elements, and all living things rushed out from it. The immortals and demons that were sealed in the hall screamed, realizing that their own power was squeezed out, and turned into rolling clouds and mist, rushing out of the hall and gathering at Chen Yuan's fingertips.

In silence, Chen Yuan's body in the depths of the cave sea suddenly trembled, and several runes appeared on his left arm, following the soul hole in his body, and shuttled away. Then he pondered slightly, and then pinched the seal with his hand, and a huge and vague figure appeared behind him, and then slowly drilled into the soul hole.

In the void, the brilliance of Chen Yuan's white lotus incarnation fingertips increased greatly, and then he flicked his finger.

"One Qi Chaos Sword Light Art!"

A colorful condensed sword light whistled out, and many figures appeared around the sword light. Many thoughts were floating in it, including the residual thoughts of near death, the wailing devilish blood light, and then the thoughts of no form, and even the ancient will that could touch time and space!

The Lord of the Void Realm narrowed his eyes, as if he understood something.

"You actually sealed off so many people, and want to use their will to resist the erosion of the void? Want to attack Huanglong directly? But it's useless. Xu Kun swallowed the eternal heavens and carried the emptiness of all spirits. Nothing can fill its emptiness, let alone hurt it! Since I stand here, I am already invincible. Don't you understand?"

Chen Yuan laughed.

"Can't it be filled?"

These many wills were controlled by Chen Yuan, integrated into the sword light, and finally turned into a sky-wide brilliance, piercing into the body of the void, ignoring the so-called void erosion, and pierced directly into the depths of the chaotic cyclone, and then exploded!

A flower of humanity actually bloomed in that depth, and then countless human saints burst out like a silk thread, and among them, the power of time burst out, which turned the truth that had been deposited in the flower for thousands of years into a splendid article, bursting out continuously!

Classics, history, and collections! All things in the universe! Astronomy and geography! The universe is primordial! The secret of the mysterious skills! The rules of heaven and earth! The common sense of heaven and earth!

All these things clearly gathered the knowledge of many caves and heavens, trying to include the common sense of operation between the heaven and earth, the laws of humanity, human relations, and the legendary stories, turning into countless sounds, which spread throughout the body of Xu Kun in an instant!

There were also several glowing runes flashing in it, releasing the sound of the Tao stored in it!

The Xu Kun suddenly trembled and let out a wail!

"Power cannot be filled, but this sound of the Tao and the rhythm of the Tao may not be impossible to fill! You rely on emptiness and distortion, and I use moral articles to educate, complementing each other, each with its own characteristics!"

As he spoke, the huge Xu Kun actually roared, and then the huge body began to twist and tremble rapidly, as if carrying unspeakable infinite horror!

The Lord of Nothingness, who was connected to his mind, was not much better. Following the connection of his will, a surge of knowledge came roaring in, like a cramming, without any distinction, without any care, without understanding the reason, without explaining the fundamental law, just coming in a rush, impacting Xu Kun's will!

The Lord of Nothingness blocked the information from the second soul with his mind, and breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Chen Yuan: "The sword light of the distracting thoughts of the crowd was just an outer disguise! In this case..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed slightly!

Opposite him, Chen Yuan was suddenly close at hand, and his hand was pinching the seal.

"In this case, it's my turn to make a move, the Heavenly Dao Dharma, show!"


The huge figure rushed up, holding the Heavenly Dao Dharma of the Ten Directions World, and descended into this void!


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