Depressed Fairy

Chapter 518 Qingfeng sees his ancestors returning, and the ancient times are in a hurry.

"Is this the forbidden area of ​​the Kunyu Sword Sect?"

Chen Yuan raised his head, looked at the mountain peak in front of him that looked like a broken sword, and felt the terrifying pressure radiating from the bottom of the mountain.

"Chief Immortal, even though you have unparalleled magical powers, this place is not something you can covet!"

Zhou Hui's slightly weak voice came from the side. He climbed the mountain road step by step, as if he were a mortal who had climbed the rugged mountain road for a long time. All the majestic momentum and terrifying power on his body were blocked, and no trace remained. His words seemed tough. , but the fear deep in his eyes could not be concealed.

Just now, the formation that had been protecting this place for more than fifty years was shattered by the sword light of the man in front of him!

It should be noted that the formation was jointly set up by five immortals in the March Sword Alliance. Without the guiding method, it would be difficult for even people of the Sanxian and True Immortal levels to break the formation, and there was no movement. Definitely not small!

If he didn't have confidence in this formation, he thought that he could expose the third ancestor of the sound transmission and slow down his footsteps at the same time, but he really didn't expect that it was just a blow!

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "You led the way here, otherwise it would be impossible to find the route just because of the foggy path outside. You were so cooperative all the way. I thought it was because of my ridicule that my shame showed up, and I turned into a guide. , to bring things right."

Seeing Chen Yuan's look, Zhou Hui had a slight thought of retreating, but he still said bravely: "This is not my intention..." He sighed, knowing that things had developed so far, even if he faced the master, he was afraid that He couldn't explain clearly, so he could only emphasize: "There are many guards in the forbidden area, including experts from the Yunxiao Sword Sect!"

"The treasures of heaven and earth are for those who are virtuous!" Zhou Hui took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the anger and fear in his heart, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "Today's general situation, with my March Sword Alliance! Yunxiao Sword Zongdang has flourished for three hundred years, and now there are no less than four immortals in the Sword Sect alone. One of them is guarding the foot of the mountain. There are also several rising stars with bright futures. It is because of such relics that they will directly belong to it. My three-month sword alliance! This is destiny! It cannot be violated!

Speaking of this, he gradually gained some confidence, and ignored the trembling Buyi people next to him, and continued: "Old Ancestor Chuanyin, although you have cultivated to the heavens, you are a true immortal of the generation, and now you may have achieved a certain level. It is a mysterious method, but the magical power is not equal to the destiny, and destiny has its own destiny! Sometimes, it is not the magical power that can do whatever you want! How could you know that the cultivation that the immortal has achieved now is not the arrangement of cause and effect, but for the sake of our sword alliance? become?"

Chen Yuan was startled when he heard this, and then he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "Everything in the world is created by you. I don't know how you came up with this knowledge." When he said this, he suddenly thought of the closeness of cause and effect in this world. "That's right. In such a place where cause and effect are strict, events that take place hundreds or even thousands of years may be decided in advance. Since you think that the Yunxiao Sword Sect will flourish next, you will naturally think that many causes and effects will point to this result. ,Unfortunately……"

It's a pity that he is not a person in this world, and he is even more frustrated and disqualified. Even if the cause and effect spider silk covers the sky and the earth, it can't completely snare him. At worst, he can just pat his butt and leave, so what is there to worry about?

He didn't say these words, and he didn't need to say them. After saying a few words to Zhou Hui, he stopped paying attention. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the broken peak from a distance.

The light of the stars turned in Chen Yuan's eyes, and the ability of the Dongxuan Eye was activated. His eyes passed through the layers of obstacles, penetrated the rock formations, and fell to the ground.

This place is actually an extremely empty place, with a cave like no other!

"A nearly broken divine treasure? In other words, a small realm attached to the spiritual veins of this place, in which..."

As the sight continued to deepen, several obscure auras appeared in the eyes like clouds, plain and peaceful, like a sleeping person. However, two of the auras were particularly strong and huge, but their bodies were blurry. Like in a dream.

"This should be the guardian Zhou Hui talks about. The two with the strongest aura are both immortals? Since this place is controlled by the March Sword Alliance and the Yunxiao Sword Sect, then there should be no immortals from other sects coming here. Guarding, but Zhou Hui just mentioned clearly that there is only one immortal guarding it."

"If Zhou Hui's words are true, then considering that there are only four immortals in the entire Yunxiao Sword Sect, it is really unreasonable to have half of them here. After all, this is equivalent to weakening the top power at once, and it is relatively independent there. There is something going on in this small area. It is difficult to leave quickly, and there is even a possibility of being plotted against."

"Are they the immortals from other sects of the March Sword Alliance? It doesn't make sense. After all, there really is something going on. They have other ways to support this place, such as teleportation methods, or restrictions set up in advance."

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Chen Yuan's mind quickly, and he vaguely grasped a certain context.

"Anyway, now that we are here, we have to go in and take a look. No matter who is guarding there, with the true strength of my incarnation, I should be able to deal with it."

At this thought, he focused more power on his eyes, which trembled slightly, and the light in them even spilled out and began to distort the surroundings!

Zhou Hui and Buyi on the side felt panic and retreated hastily. Then they saw the scene around them begin to change and distort, as if they had fallen into water!

Chen Yuan's gaze went deeper and deeper, and finally he saw a brilliant brilliance, like an aurora, entwining in the center of this small realm and meeting at one point.

His eyelids twitched, and there was a white lotus trembling in his eyes. The two bodies in the two worlds trembled at the same time, as if they were resonating. The same gorgeous auroral intersection overlapped at this moment, and there was a hint of yin and yang.

"It went more smoothly than I expected. I thought I would get at most circumstantial evidence this time, but looking at it now, there is a good chance that my guess will be directly confirmed, and even if it is not the same, it can be confirmed by two aspects."

After the thought fell, he felt a few figures speeding towards him in the distance. He laughed, suddenly waved his sleeves, then pointed out with a finger, tore the space apart, and stepped out.


The sky that had been cloudless before suddenly suddenly became turbulent, and the violent winds actually rolled up the figures that were rushing towards them!


Suddenly, a ray of sword light tore through the violent wind and destroyed the sky!

Immediately, the leader of the Sword Sect, Zang Feng, came with his sword. After landing, they only saw Zhou Hui and Buyi Ren, who were pale-faced. They immediately frowned and asked: "Tell me, what is going on! After that, you guys Go to the law enforcement hall to receive the punishment yourself!”

His expression was serious, his eyes were like swords, and his whole person exuded an edge, which was completely different from his previous demeanor when playing chess with others.

Zhou Hui looked up, opened and closed his lips, and whispered: "The third ancestor of Chuanyin Pavilion..."

"What do you mean?" Zang Feng raised his eyebrows, "Chuanyin Pavilion? Sure enough, it is related to Sun Sheng? Where are the others?"

Bu Yiren said eagerly: "Master! He is the third patriarch of Chuanyin Pavilion! He has appeared!"

"The third ancestor of Chuanyin?" Zang Feng's eyelids twitched, "That's complete nonsense. That third ancestor is a lie. No one has ever seen it. Are you trying to use this as a prevarication on me to escape punishment? That’s a bit ridiculous!”

But a voice suddenly came from behind him——

"The third Patriarch has left seclusion? Are the rumors true?"

Hearing this voice, Zang Feng's expression suddenly changed. When he turned around, what came into view was an illusory figure that seemed to be wearing sword armor, and a ring of swords could be faintly seen behind him.

Zang Feng suppressed the surprise in his heart, raised his hands and said, "Junior Brother Lian Jian? Are you here?"

"It's just a projection." Na Lian Jian waved his hand, "Shanmen received a message from my senior brother and knew that there might be something strange where the ancient ruins are, so I was asked to investigate." As he said that, he looked at Zhou Hui and Bu Yiren, " Did you just say that this person is the third ancestor of Chuanyin Pavilion?"

"Yes, yes!" Bu Yiren quickly replied.

Lian Jian asked again: "What's the proof?"

"Then Sun Shengqin admits it or not! Even Master Uncle..." Bu Yiren glanced at Zhou Hui, "Even Master Master is not that person's general, so he must be an immortal! The immortals in the world today, Everyone has a name, I’ve never seen that person dressed up like that!”

"You lost so easily?" Zang Feng looked at Zhou Hui and was about to say something when he saw Lian Jian wave his hand.

"Your entire cultivation level has been sealed. Your soul is stagnant and even more frozen. It is indeed not something that ordinary people can do. But as Senior Brother Zangfeng said, it is better to unblock it first..." After that, he said lightly. With a casual wave of his hand, a ray of light fell on Zhou Hui.

Zhou Hui suddenly became energetic, thinking that he could finally get rid of his weakness and sweep away his decline. Unexpectedly, the Hua Guang fell on him, and fine lines suddenly emerged from all over his body, directly absorbing the Hua Guang, and tightened it a little. !


He groaned and his breath became even weaker!

"Huh?" Zang Feng frowned more and more.

Lian Jian's expression changed and he looked confused, then nodded and said: "It's interesting. This banning method seems to be quite subtle. In this case, it is not good to unblock it rashly, otherwise it may hurt you. Apprentice. It can be seen that that person has some abilities, so we need to investigate carefully..."

After saying that, he raised his hand and suddenly grabbed it!

Whoosh whoosh!

The Heart Sword shot out from his eyes and flew straight towards Zhou Hui!

"Don't resist, I want to find out the reality of that person in your mind, and see what the abilities of the self-proclaimed third ancestor of the Sound Transmission in your memory are."

After the words fell, two sword lights pierced the eyebrows of Zhou Hui and Bu Yiren respectively, reaching directly into the sea of ​​consciousness and flipping their memories.

Suddenly, a figure in black appeared in many clips, and it turned out to be a Taoist priest in black.

"This person..."

Lian Jian was about to investigate carefully, but he saw the black-clothed Taoists in the memory fragments turning their heads and grinning at him!

"not good!"

Lian Jian's expression suddenly changed!


Zhou Hui and Buyi Ren both screamed in surprise, then spurted blood from their mouths and fainted!


Then there was a shattering sound, and the projection of the sword covered his chest, and then suddenly shattered and disappeared invisible!

"Ah this..."

Everything happened so fast that even Zang Feng, who was so close, had no time to react. When he realized what happened, his face immediately darkened and his eyes showed surprise.

"Not only did Lian Jian fail to detect the true identity of the person who claimed to be the ancestor of the Sound Transmission, but his projection was shattered by the backlash? How... is this possible? Lian Jian is the most talented person in the Sword Sect in the past three hundred years. The fastest one, the Qitian Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Technique, may have reached the third level of cultivation, and he won’t even give in to Master Crimson Eyebrow. How could it be like this?”

As he thought about it, his eyes turned and fell on the torn ban in the distance.

A crack in the void is slowly closing, covering up the darkness within.

At the same time, three thousand miles away, among the continuous sword peaks, a thick sword light standing in the mountains and reaching into the sky suddenly shook. The original realm of unity between heaven and man was shaken, so the light shrank and returned. A cave in the mountains.


In the cave, Lian Jian, who had been in seclusion to meditate on the Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Art, opened his eyes. Twenty-eight flying swords formed a circle behind him and rotated rapidly.

"The black-clothed Taoist has some skills and should not be underestimated. No wonder Senior Brother Zangfeng hurriedly summoned him."

He thought for a moment, made a plan, and stood up.

"Although Heaven wants me to prosper in the sky, I still have to survive several disasters. If that person is really the third ancestor of the sound transmission, it may be one disaster. That ancient ruins are an opportunity for the future of the two saints, and are related to the rise of the sect. , we can’t ignore it, even though my uncle is here to guard me, I still go to suppress the battle just in case.”

Just at the moment he stepped forward, a twisted will suddenly reversed time and descended from the future time and space!


The next moment, a brand in the Lianjian True Spirit expanded rapidly!


The bells ring in all directions!

That brand continued to transform, and finally turned into a will, shattering the will of Lian Jian, the Hedao Sword Immortal, and directly occupying the entire body!

His eyes suddenly turned dark, but his face showed horror, exhaustion and shame!

"This is the seventh time! This must be the seventh reincarnation! In the previous six times, no matter whether it was a forced killing, or the activation of the descendants of the slaves in the entire ban, or sneak attacks or calculations, they could not kill the Chen family. Killing! It’s simply unbelievable! If he continues to get the remains of the Pangu clan, it will be really bad. Not to mention it’s Taizu’s order, I’m afraid it’s the entire Era battlefield. The situation will be chaotic because of this!”

Having said that, he failed six times in a row and had to consume the source of ancient time to use the retrospective magical power. This person's original source was damaged, and even the mark of the magical power was crumbling.

"If I continue, it is very likely that my mark will leave this body and return to the source of time and space! Therefore, this time should be regarded as the last chance! However, it is difficult to gather the power of the entire world..."

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind!

"No, it's not all the power. The so-called power of the demon gate has never been mobilized!"

His thoughts started to spin, and he gradually came up with an idea.

"In this reincarnation, I have to act cautiously. I can't make Chen's affairs public from the beginning like before, and let the three sects and four sects confront him directly, only to be defeated by him one after another! I have to take a roundabout way and covertly first Only by accumulating strength and not surprising him can we win with one blow!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized another advantage of his -

"Then Mr. Chen doesn't know my details, and he doesn't know me now. He has revealed several times before that he likes to be low-key and cautious. He doesn't think he will be high-profile in this world. If I don't provoke him, he will definitely act in hiding. If we don’t completely confront the three sects and four factions in a short period of time, we will be able to preserve the strength of these families!”


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