Depressed Fairy

Chapter 488 The rolled soul becomes the wind to suppress the ghosts, and a monument is erected for t

"What a spiritual monk! He looks humble, but he is actually extremely arrogant! He is so arrogant!"

After listening to Guohunzi's words, the three figures solidified instantly, and dark ripples erupted from all over their bodies, stirring up a space and time, and distorting the void!

The violent power burst out, but it did not expand rapidly. Instead, it was shrouded by the power of time, affecting only a hundred miles in radius!


The seductive scholar raised his hand, tore apart a ripple, looked at it intently, and suddenly laughed.

"The body of an ancient thief and the face of a human being turned out to be three skewers." There was a strong look of ridicule in his eyes, "You are the most pitiful person who is caught between the two races. Become a tool for both sides, and now come here to die?" While speaking, he pointed out.

The three people on the opposite side immediately felt their souls turbulent and their spirits swaying!

"How brave! The lowly human race not only has no respect for the blood of our saints, but also dares to blaspheme the noble souls of our saints!" The three people who came seemed to be angry, "We were also human beings at the beginning. I was given this noble bloodline after having made great contributions to the Holy Clan! The glory in this cannot be explained by a lowly person like you!"

The seals on the hands of these three people changed continuously, and their figures gradually blurred, as if they were scattering their existence into the past and future time.

Unexpectedly, Juhunzi grinned even more when he heard this: "It's really ridiculous! It turns out that you are the most miserable group of people who forget their ancestors and betray their blood! I heard that you, among the ancient clan, are in all kinds of ways. You want to blend in, but you can't. Instead, you are despised everywhere, but you think you are noble in front of us. But today, it seems that in such a dangerous time, only you who wait for such a bunch of people will be ignored! Throw it out with hesitation and become an abandoned child, throwing stones to ask for directions!”

"That's nonsense!"

"Absolutely ridiculous!"


The three people on the opposite side screamed in unison, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, with time ripples all over their bodies!

"The reason why we are here is because the pure-blood master knows very well that with our cultivation methods, we can quell today's incident!"

"Oh? Then I'd like to take a look."

The seductive scholar looked at the three people enveloped by the ripples of time, formed seals with both hands, and bursts of soul shadows rippled all over his body!

at the same time.

Within the barrier, the atmosphere was solemn at the moment.

Everyone present seemed to have their own concerns, and no one really approached the stone tablets for a while.

Chen Yuan had no such scruples and fixed his gaze on a stone tablet, which was engraved with landscape paintings. It seemed to be a paradise in the cave, with high mountains and rolling clouds and mist.

Next to the painting, there is a poem.

"The clouds and mountains are surrounded by the meandering water, and the sages and saints in the fairyland are unknown. It seems to be describing a spiritual cave in the human world and the inheritance of the fairy family..."

He concentrated on his thoughts and immediately had various illusory scenes.

"World Master, what do you think? Senior Gou Chen's words were unclear. He said he was trying to understand the soul monument, but he didn't give any hint. Could it be that he is deliberately making things difficult for us?"

Feng Ming's voice suddenly came from the side, and it was clear that he was here to ask for instructions.

Chen Yuan glanced at him in surprise and noticed the change in the situation before him——

Everyone present has been vaguely divided into several factions and categories.

Immortals and demons such as Feng Ming, Mo Douchen and others have already come closer and followed Chen Yuan. Even the nameless female immortal, Huode Immortal Lord and others also came closer faintly. Even the long-haired, handsome-looking and somewhat strange The demon lords were all standing alone not far from Chen Yuan. When Chen Yuan glanced at him, they nodded to him.

However, there were also a few demonic Immortals who noticed him and seemed to be approaching him intentionally.

The rest are obviously distributed according to their distance from the various sects in the starry sky and their closeness to several self-proclaimed quiet immortals and demons.

Among them, the three Qing Jing Immortals from Zixiao Palace were surrounded by the most people. Unlike Feng Ming and Mo Douchen who did not go to Kunlun Mountain or the Five Demons Palace to join in the fun, Gu Ke, who also had friendship with Chen Yuan, The others will all follow Xuanyuan You.

As for the ferocious Lord, the nameless female fairy, etc., they all occupied their own corners.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yuan met Feng Ming's gaze and said, "Since it's a test, the questions are vague, so it's not weird." However, he thought of some interview scenes in his previous life.

"Understood!" Feng Ming's eyes lit up, "As expected of the Realm Master, he really revealed the secret with one word!"


Chen Yuan looked puzzled, what secret did he reveal? I do not know how?

In the distance, Gu Ke, Xia Fei and others were also pondering and deliberating. It seemed that there was really something profound in Chen Yuan's words.

Even Demon Lord and others were thoughtful.

Di Sanyi even had a look of surprise on his face: "So that's it, this method of finding and understanding the so-called soul monument is also one of the assessments!"

When the others heard this, they nodded.


Chen Yuan was speechless, shook his head secretly, said no more, walked straight to a stone tablet, and took a closer look. His eyes were attracted by the landscape paintings and seal poems on it, and his thoughts of the soul immediately wavered. There are signs of leaving the body and escaping!

He calmed his mind, and the soul in the Niwan Palace rose, and the laws of heaven appeared from it, filling his mysterious body and blessing his eyes!

The Dongxuan Eyes suddenly pierced through the world, making everything clear. He saw a faint shadow of a soul in the stone tablet in front of him, faintly exuding the same aura as the seducing scholar.

Looking carefully again, the mountains and rivers on the stone tablet suddenly came alive, and for a moment they were lifelike, like a real mountains and rivers!

And that line of poetry, the strokes spread out and aligned with the soul's thoughts, as if it came to life, exuding a somewhat glorious atmosphere of humanity, which was actually very similar to the flowers of humanity condensed by Chen Yuan in the past!

Chen Yuan had the experience of killing three corpses to become an incarnation, and condensing the human realm into a holy word. In addition, he had refined the essence of three heavenly realms before and after, so he was particularly familiar with this realm. Therefore, at a glance, he could clearly see the meaning. and Xuanxu.

"This so-called soul stele is very likely to contain the incarnation of the outer soul of the seducing scholar. The entire stele itself is more like a large formation, a small universe, or it may be made of formations, qi refining, elixir refining, weapon refining, etc. Soul refining and other techniques are used to construct a small universe and great magical power! And the soul of the soul is contained in it. If it undergoes hundreds of thousands of years of precipitation and evolution, it may become a divine treasure!"

As soon as he thought about this, his mind suddenly became enlightened.

"Yes, if the stone tablet turns into a divine treasure, wouldn't the divided souls in it also evolve into the prototype of Heavenly Dao? Is Guhunzi going to condense ten incarnations of Heavenly Dao in one breath!?"

As soon as he thought about this, Chen Yuan immediately became interested. He raised his hand without hesitation and stamped his palm on the stone tablet!


Outside, the wind is howling!

The light of the soul rotated in the air and turned into a violent whirlpool, enveloping three figures!

Roaring and spinning, even though the breath of time and years was rippling all over their bodies, the contemporary soul marks of the three ancient hybrids were still touched. They were frightened and angry. Amidst the roaring, their soul acupoints were swept away, and then they were invisible. He grabbed it with his hand and froze it in mid-air.

"You have a good tone and a lot of momentum. In addition, with the name of the Taikoo clan, other people might be a little scrupulous about it, but in the eyes of Xiaosheng, it is nothing at all."

The seductive scholar smiled faintly, with an icy cold light flashing in his eyes: "If you don't have reinforcements behind you, and you have no backup plan, then prepare to die!"

"On your own!?"

Although they were restrained, the three mixed-blood ancients still refused to admit defeat, especially the leader, whose eyes were still arrogant and sneered: "You think you can kill us? We have the blood of the ancient saints flowing! Time will last forever and will last forever! Even if you kill our body now, it will only erase our form. Our mark will still be in the long river of time. It’s a pity that you will be back soon! Those who die will never see that day again!”

"Hahaha!" The seductive scholar actually laughed when he heard this: "Your ancestors probably joined the ancient clan a long time ago. They don't know enough about us and other majestic human beings. They really thought that they would sacrifice the blood of their souls to the long river, and their imprints would be hidden in time. Can you sit back and relax? It's so pitiful. No wonder you are so inexplicably arrogant when you come here. It is not difficult to completely kill you. Even a useless scholar like me can curse you. kill!"

A strange blue color appeared in his eyes, and ethereal and ethereal songs came from the void in all directions!

The music seemed to be tangible, winding towards the three of them.

The three mixed-blood Primordial clan members who were restrained immediately felt warning signs in their hearts, and they clearly felt that they were about to be in disaster!

"How is it possible! He really has a way to kill us who carry the blood of the Saints!?"

At this critical moment, a voice came from afar.

"My seductive little friend, please stop."

The voice came from further away on Changhong Road, and with it came a tall and muscular monk.

This monk has a thick lavender beard, and his appearance is somewhat exotic. He is wearing a gray monk's robe, but his whole body is swollen. The powerful force under his clothes seems to be bursting out at any time!

"Huh?" The charming scholar stopped for a moment and looked back.

At the same time, Old Master Bi Shou's voice also came from the side——

"Shi Zhaoyou, a monk like you, why do you want to prevent fellow Taoist Brother Guhun from killing these ancient bunches?"

His black-clothed incarnation stood in the sky, staring at the gray-clothed monk with an unkind expression.

Monk Shi Zhaoyou grinned and said without any concealment: "These ancient thieves are already grasshoppers after autumn and can no longer jump. Rather than letting them die in vain, it is better to hand them over to the Sa family and make them useful. ”

The seductive scholar just asked calmly: "How does the mage want to use it?"

"We are lucky enough to have passed on this inheritance. We originally thought that we would be able to compete with good students in the exam, but we didn't expect that something strange happened. The original layout might not be good enough." Shi Zhaoyou said, and looked at the old man The Taoist priest glanced at him and said, "The original test of the Sa family was to set up the Vajra Subduing Demon Realm and let the people who seek the inheritance compete in a magic battle. After deciding who is the best, they would then send the projection of the Samana protector to fight with them. But now that I think about it, they are There are many people in the group who will go to the Era battlefield in the future, so they might as well let these three-headed skewers be their opponents. After all, these humane juniors have fought with each other a lot, but not to mention dealing with the Taikoo clan, even if they touch them, they may not be able to do it. I’ve encountered them several times and I probably don’t know how to deal with them, so I just used these three people to teach them a lesson!”

"How dare you insult our bloodline of the Saints like this! This is an unforgivable crime. Sooner or later there will be retribution... ah!"

The three mixed-blood ancient tribesmen listened to the conversation between the three of them and didn't even notice themselves and others. They even treated them like animals in their words and couldn't help but roar. However, as the seductive scholar clenched his fists, he immediately screamed.

"We are all dead, so we are not afraid of retribution. What's more, even if you are such a scoundrel, who would risk your life for you and other bastards like you who have no mother or father and no love?" Gouhunzi suddenly said. If nothing happened, he closed his fists and turned around and said: "Are you sure the mage can make use of these three strings? If Xiaosheng's prediction is correct, these dogs are just sent out as cannon fodder and spies. The ancient clan There should be other back-up plans and arrangements behind them. The mage uses them to arrange them. Are they sure they can control them? "

"With this Saint's layout, we all know that besides inheritance, he has other plans. Letting those ancient thieves do whatever they want is what should be done. However, the Sa family still hopes that this inheritance will not be affected. Those who plant a few seeds for the future with human nature will be able to put these three people to good use. As for the backhands that the three of them may have hidden in them, there is no need to worry about it. In the hands of the Sa family, they will have their own way to save them. Castrate them and make them worse than death, so that they can be used by the Sa family!"

When the three of them heard this, their faces looked horrified, and they couldn't help but struggle. But they were all restrained just now, how could they break free now?


Guohunzi did not insist. He flicked his hand, and the three of them felt the power to restrain themselves suddenly lighten up. They were overjoyed and were about to break away. Unexpectedly, they heard countless Sanskrit chants coming from the void, and then a A golden light fell and turned into a five-fingered mountain to engulf them directly!

But it was the gray-robed monk Shi Zhaoyou who raised his hand like a mountain and directly pinched the three of them in one palm!

The old Taoist priest looked at it and sighed: "I'm afraid these three people are just the beginning. I just hope that the follow-up will not come too hastily and mess up this inheritance. Originally, it is unclear whether the Dongxu Realm can benefit one or two. It's easy to calculate. I just hope that some of the details can be passed down from us. It would be a pity if the inheritance is incomplete because the ancient thieves are too late."

"Even if the real person says this, the young student will not deliberately let go. How many people can pass and how long it takes to pass depends on themselves." The seductive scholar said, his eyes turned to the barrier restriction below, and then he was stunned. .


A slight crack is emerging on it, and it is expanding rapidly, accompanied by a chaotic artistic conception, which actually shakes the foundation of the soul of the seducing scholar slightly, making his immortal body tremble.

"This is?"

Gouhunzi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The old Taoist priest in black suddenly opened his eyes wide, feeling familiar.

"That's it! I've only experienced this feeling a while ago. Could it be..."


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