Depressed Fairy

Chapter 471: Delimit the boundaries and moisten all things, seal the immortals and cast a shadow of

Brilliant heavenly power, from top to bottom!

As the destiny appears, the entire Gouchen world seems to be roaring, and everything in the world is resonating with it!

Even the many immortals and demons in this world couldn't help but feel shaken, and then they all looked up to the sky and felt the unpredictability and supreme majesty in the bright light!

Father of Heaven!

With such a destiny, there is naturally no more majestic character in this world of Gouchen!

Even when Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and touched the destiny with his fingers, the majestic aura containing the wind and frost of the times rose up, setting off a strong wind that enveloped the entire sky, and a dense mist surged and spread.

In a trance, the sounds of all things, the sounds of history, and the illusion of the future echoed in Chen Yuan's ears and flashed before his eyes, allowing him to capture everything happening in this realm in an instant, but he naturally The mind will not be focused here, but it will be like looking at the moon in the water or flowers in the mist. It is just a rough glance, not detailed.

However, at this moment when fate returned to its original position, heaven and earth changed, and the cave sky was complete, there were still many causes and effects that he had cut off, and he could faintly sense them following a certain connection.

Among them, there was one spot on the east coast that particularly concerned Chen Yuan. He looked over according to his senses, and what he saw happened to be a scene where his disciple Wang Fuyin and several others fell into a space crack.

With a change of mind, induction arises on its own.

"It turns out that the dispute over Dongxu is not only about those immortals who have been trapped in the realm of merit for countless years, but also about the turning points and changes of the human race over the past many years, but it also involves the monks or true immortals. Destiny changes! This time the dispute over Dongxu is likely to involve a very wide range of things!”

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan felt prying eyes and probing thoughts from all directions, and even a few powerful yet obscure terrifying wills.

"This world will help you complete your destiny, but it won't be easy for others to see your feet."

After the thought fell, he pressed the seal with his hand, and in the vast world of hundreds of thousands of miles, countless mortal mist rose up!

"Even those who are confused in the world of mortals can use their fingers like arms and give orders freely!?"

After arousing a series of trembling and frightening emotions and thoughts, they turned into layers of clouds and mist, covering both the world and Chen Yuan's figure. Then he did not pause, pointed his finger into a knife, and gently moved wave.


That noble destiny instantly turned into countless radiances, scattered between the heaven and the earth, and integrated into all living things. Then every living thing growing here differentiated a little brilliance and merged into this vast earth vein, spreading the light towards the starry sky. The deeply displaced realm stabilized, and then the radiance gathered again and rose into the sky, covering the damaged sky and forming a barrier again!

The many ripples and fluctuations from the starry sky were finally isolated due to this, but at the same time, connections with other walks of life were also completely severed in the process.

Chen Yuan reached out and made a move, and many rays of light gathered on him.

As he chopped off his destiny, he also chopped off the cause and effect of his deceased body. However, the connection with Gouchen Realm was not severed. Instead, it became purer because it eliminated the chaos of Senluo.

After all, Chen Yuan's true body is already considered the master of half the world.

But the real changes occur at a more subtle level.

At the moment when the destiny was cut out, the light spread everywhere, and the entire Gouchen Realm was stabilized again, the light of the cave that was gathered up by Chen Yuan actually broke through many obstacles, flew out, turned into the light of glazed glass, and shrouded Chen Yuan. Yuan's body immediately seeped into his body!

Countless rays of light flicker throughout the body, causing ripples that penetrate the physical body's reality and reality!

In an instant, Chen Yuan's state that was stuck on the half-step cave actually trembled and changed further. Two mysterious principles of heaven and earth and the brilliance of Tao Yun appeared in his heart, and countless memories related to them appeared. It grows in my mind.

Complex and heavy!

Broad spirit!

All inclusive!

It was as if all the methods of constructing the world and moving the heaven were laid out in front of Chen Yuan for him to taste and consult! But it was not forcibly integrated into his consciousness.

But even so, this feeling is still very strange to Chen Yuan, as if the law of rhyme is already in his body, and the law of the movement of the cave has long been deposited in the depths of his memory, and now it is just reappearing and reviving!

"The laws of Tao Yun in two worlds? The realm of Dongxu!?"

After being slightly stunned, Chen Yuan first guessed, then shook his head and denied such an idea, because according to what is known so far, the biggest feature of the Cave Void Realm is actually the power of time!

"Moreover, the laws of Tao Yun that I understand today are still derived from the world of mortal world and the realm of Gouchen. It is more like a summary rather than an understanding. After all, this is not what I have really understood. It is more like reading a book. If I don't go If you touch it, you will not know the mysteries of heaven and earth. Once you touch it, countless information will come to you, and you will have some understanding in your heart, but it will not last..."

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan thought for a moment and had a rough answer in his heart!

"The light of the cave is indeed something similar to a key and an opportunity. Coupled with the cooperation of the Karma-Zhan method, it actually allowed me to go one step further based on the half-step of the cave! I have already touched the edge of the cave, but I still There is a barrier!”

As the saying goes, a slightest difference makes a thousand miles. Although Chen Yuan felt that he had mastered the essence of Dongxu and was only one step away, it was a completely different realm after all. One step away would prevent him from opening the door to the new world. That door All the wonderful things that followed, in the end, never fully blossomed.

"Perhaps, only by returning to the Dongxu Realm can this layer of window paper be broken. In addition, since the rhythm of the two realms has already appeared, it can also be understood. If I can understand some of the laws of Tao Rhythm, then Coupled with the Time Mirror and the Great Desolate Realm, it may not be possible to truly show the power of Dongxu!"

Thinking like this, he suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

"Now that this world has been isolated from the outside world, if you want to go to Dongxu, you have to take another road."

As the abnormality on Chen Yuan gradually subsided, the severed fate merged with the entire realm, and the fog that covered the sky and the earth gradually dissipated. But at the last moment, Chen Yuan raised his hand and pressed it!


In the wooden house, the banned Phaseless Realm Lord and others were shaken with fear. They were enveloped by the power of heaven and earth and were directly pressed into the void. Then they condensed into a piece of light and were absorbed into a magnificent palace. Suppressed in the depths.

Immediately afterwards, the Xuwang Palace rose and shrunk, and was held in the palm of Chen Yuan's hand. He then waved his long sleeves and set up a gust of wind to pick up the two warriors from the divine martial arts world. Then he stepped out into the starry sky.

Before the two warriors could figure out what was going on, many scenes in front of them were flowing like a revolving lantern, and they felt like the world was spinning. When they came back to their senses, they were stepping on the void, with the stars above their heads, and they were in the starry sky!

In shock, they were about to call out their natal divine weapons to protect their true bodies. After all, strictly speaking, neither of their cultivations could be considered as true immortals. If they wanted to cross the galaxy, they must Use external protection, otherwise just being exposed to the starry sky would be fatal!

However, after the panic, the two people immediately came to their senses and noticed that there was a layer of misty light surrounding them, covering the surroundings like a barrier, supporting them and isolating them from the outside starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them saw Chen Yuan standing in the void with his Taoist robes flying, and they quickly stepped forward to salute.

They had never felt it just now, but now that they saw Chen Yuan face to face, the two Shenwu warriors suddenly felt a heavy pressure on them, as if mountains and rivers were collapsing and rivers burst their banks. The powerful pressure rushed towards them, making them feel desperate!

Chen Yuan smiled, and the heavy pressure on the two of them, like a mountain and a sea, instantly dissipated.

He said: "Both of you are here from the divine martial arts world, and you are here to ask for help. Since the matter on my side is settled, naturally it is not easy to delay. But now Gou Chen Dongtian's contact with the outside world is almost cut off, but it is not easy to follow one place and two places. The gate of the world goes straight to Shenwu, so I need the help of two of you to help me determine the position of Shenwu Cave in the starry sky."

After saying that, Chen Yuan raised his hand and grasped it in vain. Threads of cause and effect fell from the two people's bodies and condensed in his hand, outlining a star map, indicating the location of the Shenwu Realm.

The two Shenwu people, named Lan Feng and Yi Tian, ​​were quite flattered when they heard this, but they still felt uneasy in their hearts.

Lan Feng couldn't help but said: "We are very grateful to the world master for his willingness to lend a helping hand, so we will go directly now? There are many immortals waiting for you in Gouchen."

Yi Tian couldn't help but said: "Yes, and it's about the ancient clan..."

When Zhen Lao and others were talking about the Taikoo clan, the two of them were also there.

"Most of the reason why those people met me was to be a human being. Now that I have reached an even relationship with Gouchen Dongtian, I should not cause any further complications. As for the matter about the Taikoo clan..."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "Since the old senior changed the topic by relying on other people's words, it is probably difficult to say what happened next. That's why the fellow Taoist Qinghuazi hinted that I had arrived in the cave. After that, let’s talk about other things.”

Lan Feng and Yi Tian looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

"When did the Realm Lord hint?"

But when I thought about the vast power of World Master Chen, he might know information that the two of them could not understand through telepathy. What's more, although they are not immortals, they have experienced many storms in the world of gods and martial arts, so even though they are curious, they also know such secrets that involve eternity. The more they and others know, the more dangerous they will be!

Chen Yuan seemed to have seen through their thoughts and smiled again: "Don't worry, since those people have said it, they will naturally find an opportunity to seal your memories without leaving any future troubles." As he said that, he changed the topic, "Okay, there's no need to think so much. When the last fellow traveler arrives, it's time for us to set off."

"The last fellow traveler?"

As soon as the two Shenwu warriors finished speaking, there was a sudden surge of darkness in front of them. In the dark starry sky, it seemed as if a piece of human-shaped painting peeled off, condensed into a human shape, and finally condensed into one person, none other than Tai Lisheng.

Such a strange scene left Lan Feng and the two in a state of silence.

"I've met Realm Master Chen." Tai Lisheng saluted Chen Yuan with his hands raised, "You seem to have expected that I would come?"

"After all, you are different from others. I need you to guide me and make a guide for the rest of the journey." Chen Yuan's smile remained unchanged, his eyes calmly glanced to the side, his eyes were piercing the void, and his eyes were full of mystery. He showed a bit of coldness, then waved his long sleeves, and the misty air enveloped the surroundings, leading the group of people into a stream of light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

As soon as Chen Yuan left, Gou Chenjie, which had been covered inside and outside, was revealed again, and eyes were focused on it again, and then they all showed surprise and surprise.


In the cave, Chen Lao looked back and sighed: "Yes, let's go. After all, it is a step too late. The climate has become such that even the Master of the Phaseless Realm is not his opponent. This path of Qi refining, It can be said to have come to an end.”

"Lao Qing's words are wrong." Qinghuazi looked at the sky with a playful expression, "We all know that the cave is incomplete. Except for those two who are in a special situation and have unlucky luck, everyone else is almost hopeless. Taixuan, the path of cultivation has stopped at the peak of tranquility, but that does not mean that the combat power has stopped and there is no progress! As a new world leader, he has not yet achieved tranquility. Defeat the Phaseless Realm Master in the late stage. If we go one step further in the future, we may not be able to achieve invincibility at all levels, and even fight Taixuan across levels, it will still be a powerful force!"

Chun Lao turned to look at him, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "But it is not a cave. After all, he is controlled by others. Once he enters the battlefield, even if his combat power is comparable to Taixuan, he is still like duckweed. With his talent, it is really It's such a pity. It's better to wait until the battle of Dongxu is over and the dust of the only realm has settled. I won't let the Chen family see the saint or enter the battlefield, and I will take him to the Xuanqi Realm."

"What Qing Lao means is to see if he can get an opportunity for good fortune?" Qinghuazi looked surprised.

Ching Lao nodded and said: "If he is as you said, once he enters the realm of purity, his skills are better than those of Taixuan, then if he can meet others in our Xuanqi Sect and inherit the fortune of the past, he will be able to advance or retreat on the battlefield in the future. It also gives me an extra layer of protection for the supreme combat power of my human race, and at the same time, it also allows me to inherit the Xuanqi Sect and become a proud successor!"

Qinghuazi was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I have no control over this matter. However, I will report it to the superior."

"Thank you." Mr. Qing said, stretched his body, concentrated on the feeling, and said: "Now that the affair is over, it is not good for you and me to unblock our memories and stay here for a long time, so we should go as soon as possible. Go to the cave, as for you..."

He, Qinghuazi and others glanced at Feng Ming and others. Everyone in the latter group changed their expressions. After all, they had just heard the secrets of the ancient clan. They were feeling ups and downs. When they saw the eyes of several seniors, they suddenly felt a sudden change in their hearts. I was shocked, thinking I was going to block my memory.

But then I heard Chang Lao laugh and say: "It's time to find a place to go to Dongxu. However, Gouchen was originally connected to Dongxu. Now the opportunity of Dongxu has appeared, and many restrictions have disappeared. We could have gone directly, but When that Master Chen left, I don’t know what he did, but he actually cut off the contact between the two parties. Now you can only find another way. "


"World Master Chen is gone?"

"The Supreme Elder is gone? This... we still have many things to report!"

"How is that possible? Mr. Chen promised the Demon Lord to let us two follow him!"

"The connection between the two worlds is severed?"

Hearing these words, all the immortals, demons and little demons present, as well as Lin Xiangjuan and others who had just come over and wanted to meet and ask for advice, were all surprised.

But there were a few people, such as Mo Douchen, the nameless female fairy, etc., who immediately turned around decisively and left quickly!

After that, there was unavoidable disturbance here, but as Zhan Lao and others left first, many superficial disturbances turned into undercurrents, intertwined with the many sect forces that had just moved into this world.


On the other side, Yizhi Buddha and others, who had sensed the changes in the world and came in a hurry, stopped midway.

"We still have no chance to meet Boundary Master Chen today, so we should go to Dongxu and look for another chance."

For a time, figures all over the world rose into the sky, either escaping into the void or stepping into the starry sky.

This new world of Gouchen, which has gone through hardships and weathered many hardships, has regained its calm on the surface. However, in the future, all kinds of things surrounding this world, originating from various major sects, will cause many storms. Thousands of years later, this world will be even more... The gas phase is different, but this is a follow-up story, no need to elaborate.


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