Depressed Fairy

Chapter 463 The white and black flow transforms into a world, and the black and yellow body casts th


In an instant, Chen Yuan's five senses roared, as if a whole world exploded in his consciousness, creating a new world!

In the sky that had just calmed down, the strange phenomenon became intense again, and the sky was twisted, as if it was collapsing towards where Jianmu was!

The billowing mist of the mortal world and the nine heavenly auras boiled even more, condensing on the outer layer and boundary membrane of the entire cave. Just now, Gouchen Dongtian, which had reconnected with the outside starry sky due to the disintegration of the black and white phase, was blocked again!

Rolling majestic power came from all directions, carrying with it the lush scenery, black and white, turning into two powerful forces of yin and yang, flowing repeatedly in his meridians!


The mysterious body, which had been tempered to the extreme and extremely tough by him, actually showed cracks in the flow of this great power, as if it could not withstand such heavy pressure!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yuan's mysterious body, which had been tempered to the extreme, seemed to be about to collapse!

"This is not okay!"

Feeling that the mysterious body seemed unable to withstand the impact of the power of heaven, Chen Yuan immediately pressed the seal with his hand. First, the ninth-grade white lotus emerged under him, and the radiance surged, covering the physical body, calming the outline of the body that was about to collapse, and then The Xuwang Palace is suspended in the air, and the rainbow light of glass is scattered, which also calms the mysterious body!

After all, this body did not collapse. Instead, after the mighty power circulated for a week, it began to heal gradually!

However, as the power changed again, the cracks reappeared!

Fortunately, there are spiritual treasures to control the body and high-grade magic treasures to support, which finally prevents the mysterious body from collapsing.

Next, every time Wei Li turned around, his mysterious body experienced disintegration and healing, becoming stronger and stronger!

Not only that, there are also traces of black and yellow energy rising from the dantian, spreading towards the limbs and bones, and further integrating with the physical body!

Immediately following, the phantoms of all phenomena and the voices of hundreds of spirits slowly appeared throughout Chen Yuan's body!

The surging power of heaven has finally begun to merge with the physical body, hiding in every corner of the body. It seems that once it breaks out, it will have the power to collapse the world and break the sky!

"With such majestic power, this body has transcended the category of the nine-turn mysterious body. From now on, it should be called the mysterious body!"

Chen Yuan closed his eyes and sensed, while keeping his physical body stable, he also faintly noticed that deep in his body, there was a shadow that was slowly taking shape like a cave in the world. Hidden within it was something that truly belonged to a world. The power of a cave and heaven!

"My mysterious body is constantly reshaped and changed by the mighty power of heaven, breaking the limits. It cannot be broken or established, so it becomes more and more powerful. It can be called a mysterious body. However, the real power of heaven is integrated with flesh and blood. It is hidden deep in the body and can only be released. Only when it comes out and completely merges with the Tiandao Xuanhuang body can it show its complete power! This power should be called the Tiandao Xuanhuang True Body!"

As the real body of Tiandao Xuanhuang gradually stabilized, Chen Yuan gradually mastered the power of his new physical body. The rolling power of Tiandao finally stopped flowing out. He opened his mouth to inhale it, and slowly condensed into his body.

As a result, many strange phenomena that appeared again in the outside world disappeared, and the world of mortals and the Nine Heavenly Gang Qi that lingered around the entire Gouchen Realm were no longer strong, no longer rolling, and no longer shrouded and blocked the entire Dongtian Realm!

When those immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons who had been blocked in their way and left helpless saw this situation, they could no longer hold back. They immediately used all their methods and left in a hurry.

Among them was the Immortal Lord Huode, who controlled three types of heavenly fire and rose into the sky, like a flaming meteor, rushing straight out of the Gouchen Realm.

Not long after he left, a palace of flames rose up slowly, taking many of his servants and fans with him and completely leaving the cave.

"This place is so dangerous. I will never come again in the future. In this way, I will never meet the Lord of the Chenyuan Realm again." The weak Huo Tongzi looked at the vast land gradually receding outside the window, feeling deeply. Take a breath.

However, this person and a group of colleagues were hit by a wisp of the aftermath of Chen Yuan's suppression of the immortals. If he had not brought a life-saving magic weapon, he almost died, but even if he saved his life, he would have lost two hundred years of Taoism. It can be said that heavy.

Just a wisp of residual breath, not even the aftermath, severely injured the group of them. There were even people of the True Immortal level among them, and their power was evident! So much so that he was extremely angry and irritated with those Gouchen slave cultivators, but he was also extremely afraid of the Chenyuan Realm Master who was in charge of Gouchen. He only dared to talk about authority and never dared to take action again.

Therefore, when the Lord of Fire Virtue ordered the release of the slaves, the Fire Boy only muttered a few words to show off. In fact, he released the slaves faster than anyone else, and even secretly pushed everyone to leave as soon as possible.

But even so, he was still trembling with fear. Until this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, and in his heart he hoped to never see the terrifying Chen Yuan Realm Master again.

During the prayers of Huotongzi and others, the Flame Palace broke through the Gangqi layer, and the mountains and rivers were no longer visible, replaced by the boundless starry sky!

In the distance, there were several rainbows and streams of light that broke through the swirling Gang Qi layer and accelerated away.

But further away, there were two more streams of light, going in the opposite direction with everyone, and rushed straight into Gouchen Cave Heaven!

In the stream of light, there were two men who were driving war eagles with strange mechanisms. They were both strong and strong, with surging energy and blood. There was even more intense blood shining on their foreheads. It was obvious that they had cultivated martial arts energy and blood to the point where they broke out of the body and merged with the heaven and earth. , The terrifying realm that is concentric with the avenue!

Not only that, the weapons held by the two of them emitted bursts of brilliance, swinging open the starry sky, cutting into pieces the aura, and driving away the obscurity of the world of mortals!

Boom! Boom!

Amidst the two loud noises, the two of them shook the earth and mountains without using any body-protecting skills or sacrificing any protective weapons. They simply relied on their physical energy and blood, and fell into a deep mountain, setting off a violent wind. , blowing thousands of miles!

In the center of the strong wind, two figures jumped up.

"This is the Gouchen Realm? Why has it been completely blocked in the past few days, making it difficult to enter?" One of them was young and had sharp edges. "I wonder if there is help here! After all, it is a barren cave, and it has not been long since it recovered."

"This world, like my Shenwu world, is also connected to the Dongxu world. It can be regarded as connected with the same fate. Now Shenwu is raging for external demons, and the son of destiny has died. Previously, this world was closed inside and outside, and it was probably to stop those external demons! "The other person is quite old, probably in his fifties. "In short, we must first figure out the power structure in this world and find the person in charge. No matter what, we must give it a try!"

While talking, the two of them identified their direction and quickly locked onto a place where Qi and blood gathered and became active. Then they walked through the air and galloped away. But after a few steps, they stopped slightly and looked up at the strange thing faintly emerging in the sky. The light and shadow made me wonder.

"Why is there another vision?"

"Just practicing in seclusion, there are such visions accompanying you. The cultivation level of the Xuyan Ancestor is simply beyond imagination!"

Looking up at the endless strange phenomena in the sky, Liu Zhiguang, who was temporarily staying in a corner of Jianmu, couldn't help but raise his head and sigh. Then he looked at Wang Fuyin not far away and said: "Brother Wang, let's take a break from the visions today. It should be Is Daozu about to leave confinement? Why don’t we go see him as soon as possible?” As he spoke, the impatient expression on his face almost turned into reality.

But Wang Fuyin shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. The disappearance of the vision does not mean that the master has left seclusion."

Liu Zhiguang was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but said: "Even if you don't leave the seclusion, you, the direct disciple, can't still go and pay homage?"

Wang Fuyin was waiting to say more, when suddenly his heart moved and he turned his head to look outside the courtyard.

Liu Zhiguang also noticed it and looked at it intently.

They haven't gone far since the lockdown was lifted, and found a place to stay in the village next to Jianmu. They have been adjusting their breath here for the past few days, and they haven't seen any comrades.

Outside the courtyard, a figure appeared. It was Zi Wenji who had a friendship with them in the prison of Huode Immortal Lord. He was originally an ancestor of the overseas side sect, and his cultivation level was close to that of the Yangshen. Although he had been in trouble for many years and his realm had declined, his power was still there. Not small, he has a high prestige among Huode prisoners, and he once took care of two people.

As soon as Zi Wenji appeared, he bowed to the two of them, and then said to Wang Fu, "I'm taking the liberty of visiting you. I hope you don't blame me."

"What did Zi Lao say? We are friends in need!" Liu Zhiguang immediately rushed up to greet him, but he also saw the purpose of the visitor, which was probably related to Wang Fuyin, so after a few words, he asked about his intention.

Zi Wenji did not beat around the bush and said immediately: "I came here this time because I have something to ask Brother Wang for help."

Wang Fuyin asked: "What's the matter with Zi Lao?"

Zi Wenji took advantage of the situation and said: "Brother Wang, you are a Taoist disciple with a profound background! Many things that are difficult for us are not a problem for you. This time I am here to talk about a hidden danger, which is related to a secret. I hope Brother Wang, you can present it to Dao Ancestor." As he said, he further explained: "When we were released on that building, I couldn't say much because of the many people talking. After that, there were There are so many trivial matters that it has been delayed to this point. This matter involves a hidden place, which seems to be connected to a twisted void. There are often strange situations. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after experiencing this extraterrestrial disaster, I realized that the world is dangerous. Don’t dare to hide it…”

Wang Fuyin didn't care much at first, but later he became more energetic.

After listening to a few words, he thought for a moment and said: "According to what you said, Zi Lao, this place is not far from here, and is located on the east coast. Why don't we go and find out first, and then make sure it's done?" Tell the master. "He still wanted to make a difference in his heart. Telling his teacher again would be a waste of time, not to mention that his teacher should be in retreat at the moment.

Zi Wenji thought for a while, then glanced at the gradually dissipating vision in the sky, nodded and said: "It's okay, it won't take long, half a month at most." He also felt that his words were unfounded. And after several years of changes, I don’t know if it still exists there, and I plan to go there to confirm.

"It seems that there are still some turmoils in this world that have not subsided, but they are all minor troubles. How can there be no risks in the mortal world? There must be some things that should be left to the people of this world to handle on their own."

In the quiet room, the Heavenly Law behind Chen Yuan slowly closed in, and then he opened his eyes!

His eyes were dark and deep, as if there was a whole world hidden in them!

There are complex lines all over the body that are constantly changing. The lines are extremely small and the same color as the skin, just like the texture of the skin, but there are infinite mysteries hidden inside, recording the wonderful changes of everything!

Feeling the rhythm of the Dao patterns on his body, Chen Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "This second will of Heaven is indeed condensed and hidden in the essence. It only needs to be released to transform the Xuanhuang body into the true body of Heaven, but Just like the laws of heaven, we still know what is happening, but we don’t know why. Being able to use the power of heaven is not through understanding! By the time this happens, no matter what happens in the cave, no matter where the realm is, the difference between these two worlds will not matter. It’s mysterious and needs to be understood carefully, huh?”

Suddenly, Chen Yuan's mind changed, and all the phenomena of heaven that were closely connected to his own will reflected some changes into his heart.

"Someone is here so soon? Well, it still doesn't hurt enough, but it's good to come this way, just for a show."

As soon as he thought about this, Chen Yuan flicked his sleeves, and a person appeared in front of him. If not Lin Xiangjuan from the Eighth Sect of Qishan, who could he be?

Lin Xiangjuan's face was full of confusion and shock. A moment ago, he was discussing with his classmates whether the visions in the past few days were related to the ancestor. As a result, he turned around and arrived here. Before he could be surprised, he saw someone sitting upright. Chen Yuan quickly saluted.

After receiving the gifts, Lin Xiangjuan asked carefully: "Dare I ask..."

Before he could speak, Chen Yuan said: "In an hour, two people will come to Qishan to inquire about the situation. Use this object to bring those two people here." He stretched out his hand to grab it, and a leaf condensed out of the air. , with a flick of his finger, it landed on Lin Xiangjuan's hand.

"You already know how to use this thing, go ahead." After saying that, without waiting for the other party to respond, Lin Xiangjuan disappeared with a flick of his long sleeve.

After seeing one person off, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, then nodded and said: "I didn't expect that a few people are still waiting outside, and there are a few more. It's okay to meet them all, but before that."

As soon as he turned his hand, there was a piece of black jade in his palm. Then Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and smiled freely.

"It doesn't matter, he is dead after all. The cause and effect of the grudges will be left to the evolution of heaven and his own creation. Now that the threat of the ancient clan has appeared, and you are sent to us, there is a reason after all. Maybe after that , You are also the key.”

He didn't hesitate at all, he pressed his hand and broke the jade stone.

Suddenly, a figure could be seen rising from it. It seemed to be a man wearing a long robe with wide sleeves, but it was a black shadow. After three kowtows and nine bows to Chen Yuan, he turned into the wind and left.

After finishing this, Chen Yuan took out two more beads.

The beads glowed brightly, and two figures could be vaguely seen in them, each different.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yuan took out one of them, crushed it into pieces, and a shining remnant soul appeared.

Chen Yuan spread his hand, and the soul fell into his palm. He pinched his fingers with his other hand, and the aura of heaven filled the air around him.

"If you are in Dongxu, I may not be able to manipulate it, but now that you are in Gouchen, it will be a good time for you to be reincarnated. Thirty-three years later, we should renew our fate as master and disciple."

The soul turned into a person, similar to the black shadow just now, and he also bowed his hand towards Chen Yuan, and then was put into the door of life and death that appeared out of thin air by Chen Yuan.

"This positive and negative, one true and one false, the two disciples appear one after another, and there are thirty-three years of heavenly cause and effect, which may also reflect a catastrophe."

Waving his hand to disperse the aura of heaven in the room, Chen Yuan lowered his head and looked at the last bead. After pondering for a while, he finally did not crush it, but put it in his sleeve.


The door opened, and the yawning little demon outside the door was startled, and then he hurriedly saluted.

"Go to the main hall and let him know, and I will see you there."


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