Depressed Fairy

Chapter 461 Whoever said that there is no long life in the world said that two eras are destined

Tai Lisheng hesitated again and then said: "The Taikoo clan is not monolithic. There are many differences and each has its own characteristics. All I know is the situation of the clan I have lived in."

"Oh? These ethnic groups based in time are actually divided into factions? Each has its own affiliation? Is there a difference in spheres of influence?"

Tai Lisheng was stunned for a moment, with a look of admiration in his eyes, and continued: "Of course there are, but unlike the starry sky clan like the human race, which divides its power by star fields, regions and caves, the ancient clan divides its power by eras and epochs. Each one takes his own side.”

There really is! ?

Divide spheres of influence by era and era?

This concept is really abstract!

Chen Yuan thought like this and said casually: "So, which ancient ethnic group do you belong to in this era we are in? What are the characteristics of this ethnic group? Can you tell me?"

Tai Lisheng smiled bitterly and said: "I...I am not actually a member of the ethnic group. Although there is ancient blood in the blood, the ancient ethnic group attaches great importance to the purity of blood. But as your Excellency said, these two people who are mainly from the human race Era, it is true that the Jie Clan that we belong to is the leader, so all human beings have to go through calamities in their cultivation. The more calamities there are, the stronger the Jie Clan will be!"

"Jie clan?! Two eras?" Chen Yuan immediately sensed the difference and said seriously: "In the era when the human race was the lord of the starry sky, there were only two eras?"

"In terms of the ancient calendar, one era lasts about ten thousand years, so the strength of the human race is two epochs. The era before this was a great battle between the Wu clan and the human clan, and after that, it was the Xuanshu clan , the five eras before and after were all led by the Jie Clan," Tai Lisheng's voice gradually lowered, "The Jie Clan used the Jie Clan as a basis to rule the starry sky, so it was not visible, and because of its characteristics, most of them settled in the Wu Clan Era. Therefore, it is rare in the years when the human race is in power.”

The implication of this is not that there are only two eras for the human race, but that there are two eras in the human-dominated era. The rest of the time the human race will probably have to compete with other races, or be at a disadvantage.

But the more Chen Yuan listened, the more outrageous he became. There were flaws everywhere, and some were beyond his imagination. If the man in front of him didn't look as usual, his mind was calm, and his words were vaguely consistent with the aura of cause and effect in the void. He almost thought that the other party was talking nonsense.

But even so, the information revealed in the words was still a bit hard for Chen Yuan to imagine.

For example, this person settled in a certain era. This is not a community or a country, but there is still a difference. Moreover, if the person in front of him is mentally normal and is not talking nonsense, then the so-called Black Rat Era, let alone this race, Just saying that this race is located after the human race era, doesn't it mean...

"The future is also under the control of that ancient clan?"

If you live in the past era, it stands to reason that there will be many space-time paradoxes and time continuity issues, and if you are still leading the future era, wouldn't you be able to know all the historical trajectories of today? Are all the changes in the world under the control and observation of that ancient clan?

How to fight this?

It’s simply outrageous to the point of being irresistible!

Even with Chen Yuan's mind, when he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a heavy pressure, as if a mountain had fallen, pressing on his heart, making him breathless.

Moreover, if necessary, they can even go upstream and take action when the human race is weak, without resorting to the realm of cave.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.


Suddenly, Chen Yuan's mind moved, and he thought of the world of immortals that he had experienced before, and an incredible idea popped out of his heart.

"Did this ancient clan imprison the time in the starry sky? Moreover, could they be subject to many restrictions? They seem to be living in time, but in fact they cannot do whatever they want? Otherwise, how can the human race rise, and why should they suppress it?"

While talking, he suddenly remembered his time mirror.

This accompanying treasure is closely connected with time. It is of great help to Chen Yuan and has all kinds of incredible abilities. However, it has huge limitations and cannot control time and cause and effect as he wishes.

Immediately afterwards, more thoughts emerged in his mind: "Living in time, time is the house, and we cannot manipulate it randomly, otherwise the foundation will be shaken, the house will collapse, and time will not exist. This group of ancient people, Aren't they the first to be unlucky? From this perspective, they will be more inclined to maintain the stability of time and space. However, they are mainly from different eras and different ethnic groups, but they are on the same timeline. How can they ensure the stability of each other? Can we divide the Era forces without influencing each other?"

The more he thought about it, the more Chen Yuan felt that it involved all aspects. Even a group of people who were best at calculation and planning would probably have a big problem with this. So how could the Taikoo clan control it?

"The specific reason is not something we can know." Tai Lisheng shook his head, then changed the topic and said anxiously: "But the top priority right now is urgent! Just as your Excellency said, In order to suppress the growth of the human race, Taikoo withdrew from the Dongxu realm, but now the foundation of this extraction has been shaken. Many human race immortal monks are trying to regain control of this realm, which has touched the bottom line of the Taikoo clan, so next, they are afraid that We will officially intervene! We will even gradually devote most of our efforts to this era! By then..."

Chen Yuan was listening, and when he heard this, he suddenly felt blessed!

"The realm of Cave Void involves time!"

He seemed to have a sudden enlightenment, and everything before and after was connected together!

"Although I still don't know why the ancient clan, who can exist in time, still want to follow time to stop the rise of the human race, instead of directly strangling the human race from the source and taking action when the human race is weak, but their purpose of withdrawing from the cave is, In addition to disrupting the cultivation realm of the human race, I am afraid it is to eradicate the possibility of the human race’s involvement in time!”

After the Dongxu is extracted, the Fude Immortal needs to reach a higher level. To jump over the Dongxu, he must gather the seeds of the Dongtian and eventually transform into a Realm Lord. Only by relying on the Heavenly Way of a Realm can he have a certain chance to forcibly ascend to Qingjing, thus To master the power of Dao Yun and Heavenly Dao, one must also master the laws related to space.

"But time skipped!"

At this thought, Chen Yuan suddenly spread his hands.

A gleam of light appeared from his palm, it was the light of the void! Unexpected opportunity!

"This light is caused by the collision of the mirror light of the prehistoric mirror and the time mirror. The prehistoric era is space, the time is time, and the cave sky and time are combined to reveal the void! So that's it! That's it!"

Many thoughts came to his mind, and finally they came together to form an idea.

"We must climb into the cave! Otherwise, it will be difficult to compete with the Ancient Ones!"

Opposite him, Tai Lisheng's expression changed rapidly after Chen Yuan spread his palms. The strange state of being far and near seemed to be suddenly broken, and he fell down.


His eyes reflected light and his expression was complicated.

Chen Yuan quickly put away the light again, already knowing in his heart that before heading to Dongxu, he had to reorganize the two mirrors and even get to know his companion treasure again.

Then, he raised his head and said, "You just said that Taikoo will intervene. Are you here to help us?"

"That's right! After all, I also have human blood, which involves destiny, both public and private, so I can't ignore it!" Tai Lisheng gathered his thoughts and said seriously: "If you don't make preparations and don't know what's going on, all life will be ruined in the future. In this starry sky, All heavens and realms will collapse, and billions of living beings will be destroyed!”

"Okay! Then you can settle here first, and I will discuss this important matter with you after I finish handling the matters at hand." Seeing that the other party was still waiting to say something, Chen Yuan added: "Don't worry, it won't cost much. long time.”

Tai Lisheng hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and left.

"It's better to say that if what he said is true, then we can get a lot of information from this person."

Chen Yuan was thinking in his mind that someone outside asked to see him again. After getting permission, a young girl came in. It was the male demon Tu Xiang and the female demon Qu Yan arranged by the Demon Lord. They were left behind by Chen Yuan before. When Jianmu's side calmed down, , they dare to show up.

"Sir, people from Zixiao Palace and Xuanqi Sect are outside and want to see you."

Chen Yuan waved his hand and said calmly: "I can probably guess what they are going to say. It's not important. Let them wait outside."

The young girl was stunned when she heard this.

Good guy, this is the Xingkong Sect. I pay you a respectful visit, but I have to wait outside for fear of getting angry! Especially the one named Xia Fei, who looks like he has a bad temper! There is also the Zixiao Palace. I heard that someone from the Zixiao Palace died at the hands of this man. He thought he was here to ask for punishment. How could he wait?

However, the two of them did not dare to disobey and could only accept the order and retreat. To their surprise, both those from Zixiao Palace and Xuanqi Sect nodded calmly and said nothing.

"Be good! Are the many rumors about this building before true?"

Seeing this scene, Tu Xiang was very surprised and secretly whispered: "Mr. Chen, did he really blast out all the gods and Buddhas in the sky?"

"Keep your voice down! You can't talk about this casually, as you might offend others!" Qu Yan quickly reminded: "Just wait patiently. In a few days, the truth will become apparent!"

The two little demons were whispering, and another voice came from outside——

"Kunlun Mountain Fengming asks to see Master Chen!"

"Mo Douchen, please see the Lord of Chenyuan Realm!"

"Good guys, the Young Master of the Phoenix Clan and the Big Heart Demon Prince!? Big shots are coming to visit again!"

The two little demons looked at each other after hearing this, and hurriedly greeted them. However, they also knew that Mr. Chen would not be seeing guests at this time, and seemed to be busy with something.

In the quiet room, Chen Yuan raised his hand to make a seal, and two mirrors flew out, one empty and one real.

The virtual one is the fundamental treasure Time Mirror that is connected to his life and stores his soul, but the real one is naturally the Primordial Mirror that has just been refined and has not yet been completely tempered.

"In addition to these two mirrors, this time it is necessary to not only outline the fate, but also have the will of heaven. It is time to start refining the second heavenly dharma. Otherwise, there will really be people from the ancient clan coming, but there will be no pressure at the bottom of the box. Backhand."

After the thought fell, a strong aura suddenly rose from his body, resonating with the universe!


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