Depressed Fairy

Chapter 457 Holding a mirror to open up the underworld, waving your sleeves to take orders from anci

The pitch-black color, gurgling like black water, was constantly eroding Mount Sumeru. In the blink of an eye, this mountain range turned into reality and was riddled with holes!

Chen Yuan concentrated on sensing, and then he noticed that inside the mountain, the body of the robbery was covered in darkness, twisting and moving forward slowly. The whole body could not be said to be soft and boneless, it was almost as if it was melting. !

"Banning...can't even ban it?"

All the immortals and demons behind were shocked when they saw this scene!

They had all experienced Chen Yuan's monstrous power, and they were even more frightened. As long as Chen Yuan drew a circle, no one dared to break through at will. However, under Chen Yuan's attack, no one dared to break through. It's a surprise to be able to succeed completely.

"Could it be that these dark things are more difficult to deal with than Master Chen Xuzhi and other top figures?" Feng Ming muttered, but looked at Qing Lao, "How to deal with these things?"

"There are ways to deal with it in the records, but times have changed. The methods used at that time were to deal with the most primitive tribulation shadows, not the strange and mutated existences now." Ching Lao squinted his eyes and observed the changes in the pitch-black color. Compare it with the literature and classics I have read in the past, looking for the key to changes and giving suggestions.

Precisely because he valued Chen Yuan, he could not give out countermeasures mechanically, so as to prevent the problem from being unresolved in the end and leaving hidden dangers instead.

Chen Yuan is also thinking about countermeasures.

"In this case, my original plan to seal them off and then slowly explore them may not be possible." He put his hands together, and strong winds blew around his body, causing his clothes to flutter. "These dark things are It was caused by the transformation of Gou Chen's creatures, and the number involved was so huge that if it could be reversed, a lot of people could be saved. Not to mention that such a change was related to Dongxu, so it was best to find out the root cause. Now it seems……"

He took one step forward, and the wind and cloud followed him, and then he made a seal with his hand!

In the sky, countless stars fell like sword light, pointing directly at the already shaken mountains!

Supernatural power, Ten Thousand Swords and Stars!

Each sword light contained an unusual artistic conception. After penetrating the mountains, it pierced every dark figure!

Amidst the screams and wails, many figures exploded on the spot and turned into specks of black water!

But there were also a few who also pressed the seals with their hands and blasted out the spells!

One of them condensed the dark handprints and turned into a big hand of stars, trying to grasp the stars in the sky!


Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise on his face.

"Star Mahamudra?"

The moment he saw this move, many past memory fragments suddenly flashed through Chen Yuan's heart. Among them were scenes of teaching disciples and teaching secrets in the Dongxu Realm, as well as scenes of him facing those forms in the Mo Shou Realm. The scene when there is a weird demon species.

"The close connection between the demon species, the black shadow, and Dongxu, and the skillful use of this other person's unique skills..." After thinking about this, Chen Yuan's eyes became sharper, "So these black shadows, in addition to being nearly immortal, In addition to being immortal, he also imprinted the magical powers of the Dongxu people? Or is it related to the dead Dongxu people? In that case, we may have to use another method to deal with such existences! Need to try my hand again!”

After the thought fell, the eight hands of his Eight-Armed Heavenly Law came together two by two, and in the blink of an eye he made four seals!


Behind, between the roar of heaven and earth, the yin and yang millstone has arrived, and a closed door suddenly appears from the void!

Great magical power! Only my six paths of reincarnation!

At the same time, Chen Yuan's eyes went dark for an instant, and his body squeezed the seal with his hand and silently used another great magical power!

The method of rotation of mind and body between gods and demons!


The next moment, the millstone rotated, the door of reincarnation opened, and the cold breath came out. The depths of the dark door seemed to hide all things in the netherworld, and a terrifying attraction erupted, sucking up the darkness in the mountain and heading towards the door. Falling in!

Once you enter this door, life and death are separated!

But the next moment, countless pitch-black individuals instantly melted and gathered together, directly shattering the Sumeru Mountain and turning into a pitch-black river. Countless wills gathered together during the tremor, forming a certain aggregate, and a mysterious one. Beings come together! Then he took the initiative to hit the door of life and death!

Wake up!

Chen Yuan's heart trembled, his whole body tightened suddenly, and he felt a creepy feeling in his heart, as if some terrifying existence was opening its eyes and looking towards him!

Not only him, but also all the immortals and demons far away were trembling at this moment, as if something existed had awakened!

"Could it be the will of 'tribulation'!?"

Qing Lao's eyes widened with a look of shock.

Further away, a figure appeared, it was the man in plain clothes who had talked to Mr. Qian before.

He looked at the winding dark river and frowned: "How could such a thing happen? Is this the will of the ancients to wake up in advance after sensing the threat? This Chen Shiji actually has such means? In such a short time, Time has grasped the pulse of calamity and made him feel threatened? "

At this moment, several strands of will broke through time and space and descended on the Gouchen Realm. Simply relying on will, they outlined several vague figures. One of them went straight to the man in plain clothes, but it was the outline of a slender woman. Zheng Dao: "Senior Brother, could this person who is confronting Jie be the one in the sect that Senior Brother Qing previously reported to be the Qi Seed?"

The man in plain clothes was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Yes, it is this person."

The woman said: "To be able to shake the calamity itself, you are really talented and gifted. Why doesn't Senior Brother quickly lead you into the door? Instead of watching here?"

The man in plain clothes was silent for another moment, and then sighed: "I originally thought that Ying Yuan in the Shenwu world was the best choice for the son of Xuan Qi, who could entrust a sect with destiny, but I never thought that barren Gouchen could also breed such a child. Waiting for someone. However, you are wrong about one thing. Brother Wei is watching here, not because he is unwilling to take action, but because it is useless to take action! This robbery shadow and intention are even weirder than what the questionnaire says. It’s a hundred times more terrifying! Don’t say that I only have one clone here now, even if my real body comes..."

"...No matter how sophisticated the method is, it goes through life and death, but it is just useless!"

The dark river crosses the sky, like an earthly python, stirring the sky. With a sudden swing, it shakes the heaven and the earth. Even the will of heaven in the depths of the sky is shaky, as if it is about to be beaten down by this blow!

Immediately, the door of life and death swayed open, and the long black river roared into it, dyeing the entire netherworld black!

Under the long river, a man wearing a tattered cloak walked alone, leaving deep footprints on the ground with every step, as if he was under tremendous pressure.

He raised his head, looked at the scene in the sky, sighed and smiled bitterly: "The person who took action is really powerful. He actually has magical powers that can penetrate life and death. Ordinarily, facing the immortal and immortal Tribulation Shadow aliens, if he can trigger the door of life and death, he can directly kill them Dragging him to death would be the best!"

"However, life and death originally originated from the will of the ancient times. Being triggered at this moment has awakened a little bit of the will of the ancient calamity! In this way, not to mention killing, even capturing and banning can't be done! After all, Jie Ying In fact, the essence of "Dongxu" is the same as the loss of Dongxu. It is the manifestation of a certain rhythm and principle of heaven and earth. If you cannot understand this, everything you do will be in vain. "

"The worst-case scenario is that after the robbery enters the netherworld, it will also infect the netherworld and turn it into a domain of disaster. Instead, it will strengthen the power of the shadow of robbery! In turn, relying on the six paths of reincarnation, it will interfere with the present world, and finally Let Gou Chen fall completely! After all, no matter how powerful this person is, he still doesn’t understand the ancient clan!”

As he thought about it, although there was a look of worry on his face, he was also excited: "However, since I am here, I can tell this person this! With this person's strength, it is very likely that he was raptured in the palace in the dream. It’s just that heroes are often strong-willed at this time. If I give advice rashly, it’s hard for me to tell the whole story. It’s likely to be self-defeating and lead to conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings. I still have to pay attention to methods. After all, it involves It’s a trivial matter in itself, but if it delays time and allows the ancient clan to succeed in suppressing the situation in Dongxu, then I will be a sinner for thousands of years!”

He was thinking about using his magic power to stir up his soul at the same time, and he would first freeze Heihe for a moment to make his next words more credible and not be regarded as being in the same camp as the Dark Tribulation Shadow.

Unexpectedly, before anyone could take action, the sky suddenly changed!

Suddenly, a mirror suddenly flew up behind Chen Yuan. The mirror was shining brightly, and it seemed to reflect the world in a trance, even the starry sky was reflected!

The prehistoric mirror!

This mirror, which was just refined by Chen Yuan, has almost the same internal structure as the mirror of time, and even the principles of its operation are almost the same. Therefore, after just a few breaths, it was mastered by Chen Yuan skillfully and used like an arm. At this moment, it was sacrificed. After coming out, it even merged with the great magical power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and merged into the door that penetrated Yin and Yang!

The way of heaven shook, and suddenly there was a loud tearing sound between heaven and earth. A piece of heaven and earth was peeled off. It was first absorbed by the ancient mirror and turned into the light in the mirror. Then it shined out and merged with the door of life and death, opening up a space. , infected with the death energy, turned into a small underworld and half of the Netherworld!


Life and death were wide open, and the long black river drove straight in. In the blink of an eye, it was half submerged. They all fell into the small netherworld that had just been opened. It did not reach the sky above and did not touch the earth below. It was neither in the world of the sun nor in the netherworld!

However, the will in the long river that had just woken up and was still confused suddenly noticed, and it was about to stop the impact and block entry!

But that's it.

"Reacting now? It's too late!"

With two eyes, Chen Yuan sneered, and with two palms together, the demonic energy surged from his body, and the dark wind roared around him!

"The mind-body transformation method!"

The great magical power "Revolution of Mind and Body, Gods and Demons" was fully activated, and the figures that formed in the dark river suddenly reversed into chaos. Each and every one of them showed an aura and outline similar to Chen Yuan's, as if their body had been taken away. Same!


This scene made the eyes of the man in plain clothes and many foreign wills jump.

The long river that was turbulent a moment ago became so chaotic in the blink of an eye that the will behind the river was scattered. It was no longer able to control it, and could only let the rolling black river be driven by inertia, at the gate of life and death. While being pulled, all of them were submerged in it!


The door is closed.

Chen Yuan swept his long sleeve, and the ripples were like a ring, passing in all directions in an instant, sweeping away the last remaining dark residue.

Suddenly, there were no clouds in the sky, and the sea and rivers were clear.

A breeze blew by, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

Within the universe, there is a sense of transcendence and lightness, which is the relief after all the dust has been swept away.

The will of heaven gradually sublimated, removing the remaining barriers and obsessions, exuding deep joy, and integrating with Chen Yuan's will with that heartfelt trust.

Chen Yuan's expression moved, he smiled, reached out and reached into the long river. The ripples of the river swept across the ancient and modern scenery, and a incomplete and ever-changing destiny flew up like a reflection in the water and landed on his The palm quickly solidified and gradually bloomed with a bright light.

"Although there were twists and turns and many accidents, in the end it was a blessing in disguise, but..."

He raised his head to look at the sky and said softly: "Don't worry, I'm not trying to refine you and turn you into something in the palm of my hand. I'm just trying to imprint the charm of heaven's way and achieve my own dharma! But before that..."


On the other side, the man wearing a tattered cloak widened his eyes. All his original plans, considerations and worries were in vain at this moment!

"How... how is it possible! This robbery shadow was banned so easily! This person actually opened up a realm in a short period of time? What kind of magical power is this? Moreover, he can be so targeted Even the will of the ancient calamity was instantly shattered. Could it be that in this short period of time, he understood the reality and essence of the calamity? But... how could this be possible? It’s the classics related to the ancient clan!”

Not to mention this person, even the old man in the distance was shocked and inexplicable.

Although his understanding of Jie Ying is not as good as that of the cloaked man, he knows that the Lord of Chenyuan Realm has very limited understanding of the Ancient Clan. Because of this, when he saw the sudden reversal of the situation, he realized how many surprises there were in it!

Then, Chen Lao became energetic: "With such a talent, I can finally make my junior brother admit that he is no longer obsessed with Zhenwu Tianmingzi!"

The man in plain clothes, the others, and the Advent Will were all really shocked at this moment.

"Opening the heaven and earth with bare hands, could it be that this person has also achieved tranquility? How could he still come here? Could it be that he is an incarnation?"

"It's not like it! It's not like it! It's very different! And I think this person's method of controlling the world is also very weird..."

"Who is this person? Fellow Taoists, can you tell me? I have only paid attention to Zhenwu, Liuli and other realms before, and I don't know much about this barren world. Xuanjun, you are incarnated here, so you should know it well. Can you tell me a few things?"

Many wills asked questions one after another, and the man in plain clothes who came in person was undoubtedly the best person to ask. Even his junior sister couldn't help but ask in detail.


Su Yi was about to say something when her expression suddenly changed!

But Chen Yuan, who was standing on top of Qingming, suddenly looked back at the man in plain clothes. With a flick of his long sleeve, a burst of light swept across, completely compatible with the power of heaven, and swept eight hundred miles in the blink of an eye!

When the man in plain clothes came to his senses, he was already in the starry sky.

"Yuguang magical power?"

After waving his hand to disperse the uninvited guests and the will from the outside world, Chen Yuan no longer delayed, raised his right hand, and clenched it suddenly. The fate in his palm trembled, and then it was completely formed!

An artistic conception that is supreme and transcendent, transcending the heavens, emanates from his palm leisurely, and integrates into his body bit by bit!

Gou Chen Ming Ge, the father of heaven!


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