Depressed Fairy

Chapter 452 The past time is nowhere to be found, now the wind and thunder send Tathagata

Fury and murderous intent burst out from Chen Yuan's body, instantly resonating with the power of heaven and earth!


The sky is covered with dark clouds, and thunder appears!

Tongtian Jianmu was immediately shrouded in heavy pressure. Regardless of the level of cultivation, everyone on Jianmu felt depressed and solemn.

In the hall, Chen Yuan's body produced bursts of twisted light, his anger turned into reality, and the God of Stove Fire who reacted belatedly flew out!


But in this rage, the star's big hand suddenly stopped, and even the terrifying pressure was partially withdrawn by him, keeping away from the wandering souls!

A burst of hot breath, containing the aftertaste of destruction, swept across the hall.

Crack! Crack!

The hot breath passed over the bodies of many immortals and demons, crackling sounds erupted, and wisps of destructive aura were released. If everyone present was not in the realm of merit, the aftermath of this wave would be enough to seriously injure various places.

Hula la——

The edge of the hall is already on the verge of collapse.

But no one paid attention, their eyes were all focused on the big star hand.

"I'll take action as soon as I say I'll take action, without any warning, just to stir up trouble!"

"This Xuan Jingjing is from Zixiao Palace. Isn't he the same as the Master of Chenyuan Realm?"

"Xuanjing seems to have crushed a few Prisoner God Beads. What happened to these wandering souls that were released? They are so weak, but they blocked the attack of Chen Yuan Realm Master?"

A series of spiritual thoughts intertwined.


Slowly exhaling, Xuan Jing waved away the murderous aura wrapped around his body and calmed his mind again.

In his perception, the big hand hanging above his head continued to exude a terrifying and deadly aura!

Even if you drive your spiritual thoughts closer, there will be a stinging pain!

In the flash of lightning, his cultivation at the peak of merit and his many life-saving methods seemed to be reduced to paper, and there was no way to resist him!

“What a stunner!”

Xuan Jingjing looked at Chen Yuan with a touch of exclamation: "Even though I have overestimated Chen Jun, looking at it now, I still underestimated your methods! It's just..."

His eyes turned to the wandering souls, and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Fortunately, I am fully prepared." As he spoke, a strange stone flashing red, gold, and white suddenly appeared in Xuan Jingjing's palm.

This stone is like glass. Between the three colors, it exudes a transparent and mysterious aura, spreading in all directions like a breeze.

The scholar in Tsing Yi standing at the top was startled.

"The Three Life Stone? No, the spirituality of this stone is not strong. It should just be the Su Hui Stone that failed to transform, not the Three Life Stone that can lead people to think about the past."

As soon as he spoke, the others looked at the stone with eager eyes.

"I didn't want to use my trump card in this situation, because this is a bridge to communicate with you and should not be used to save my life. Unfortunately..." Xuan Jingjing ignored the reactions of others and took out the three cards in his hand. After crushing the colored glazed stone, he raised his hand and scattered it, making dots of light fall on a few weak wandering souls.

The wandering souls were originally mutilated and therefore confused, but when they were shrouded by these stars, they began to tremble. Their confused faces gradually showed signs of clarity and understanding, and even their vague figures gradually solidified. , showing the silhouettes of two men and one woman.

"The few remnant souls I obtained for me have long since lost their foundation due to being settled for many years. They are confused and do not know themselves. If they did not still have some evil virtues with them, I am afraid they would have turned into ashes in the underworld. However, I am here. The Wisdom Stone was obtained from the Gate of Heaven. Although it is not as good as the Three Life Stone that can see three lives, it can still re-energize a residual soul and gather the lost thoughts from the long river. "

As he spoke, he looked at the three remaining souls who were gradually regaining their clarity, with a smile on his face that said he had everything under control.

The two men are one old and the other young, while the woman is slender and light, but her life essence is not high. She is just the incomplete soul left behind after the death of a mortal.

"Are these the souls of three mortals?"

Seeing this scene, even the God of Stove Fire, who had a gloomy expression, frowned and did not take action rashly. To him, the sudden conflict between the Chen Yuan Realm Lord and the Zixiao Palace was both weird and exactly what he wanted.

"Where is this place? I remember that I died in the fire..."

Under the attention of all the immortals and demons, the older man's soul was the first to wake up. Then he saw Chen Yuan and was startled at first.


Soon, the other two people came to their senses one after another.

When the young man saw Chen Yuan, he called him "senior brother", while the woman called her "junior brother", but there was some confusion in his words.

After the three remnant souls spoke, they also felt that the people around them who were paying attention to them all exuded a sense of oppression that made their hearts tremble, as if a single thought could destroy their own souls!

Outside the hall, Gu Ke and others also noticed something unusual, with doubts and confusion on their faces.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Chen take action against Master Xuan Jingjing?" Xing Shui asked with astonishment on his face, "Are we going to take action? Also, those wandering spirits..."

The gilded man narrowed his eyes and looked at the wandering souls from a distance. There were various rumors about this young uncle in his heart. He was thoughtful and gradually felt uneasy in his heart.

After the initial surprise, Gu Ke said bluntly: "Although it was an accident, since Junior Brother Xuan Jingjing came here as a disciple of the Wuxiang Realm, he is naturally negotiating with Daoyou Chen in this capacity at the moment. As for other things, …”

He closed his eyes and whispered: "Since we have an alliance with the Tao Heart, how can we intervene at this time?" As he spoke, his expression showed both solemnity and relief.

“What a touching reunion.”

In the palace, many people could see at this time that these wandering spirits were clearly related to the arrogant and domineering Lord of Chenyuan Realm. From the looks of it, their weak spots were actually grasped by Xuan Jingjing, and they all looked like they were watching a good show. .

Even the God of Kitchen Fire remained silent and just watched from the sidelines. However, the increasingly dense and depressing atmosphere around him still made him more cautious.

In addition, there were a few people, such as Master Chen Xuzhi, who felt the changes in the world around him, frowned, and felt uneasiness in his eyes.

Among the crowd, there was also a female immortal standing in the corner. Feeling the mighty thoughts surging between heaven and earth, her face showed surprise: "Heaven and earth are angry at the same time, and the heart of heaven shines! This person is really the master of the mortal world, not the Gouchen world. host?"

It's a long story. In fact, from Chen Yuan's action, to Xuan Jing's crushing of the ball, to the three wandering souls awakening to the wisdom of their previous lives, it only took a few breaths.

At this time, people's hearts were in chaos, but Xuan Jing didn't see Chen Yuan say anything, and the atmosphere around him became more solemn, so he narrowed his eyes and said: "I did not invite these people to intimidate the world master, my intention is to reunite your master and disciple! To show your sincerity, let me add more fuel to the fire.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his finger and a tortoise shell flew out.

"Sinking River Tortoise Shell?"

When the scholar in green clothes saw this object, he showed surprise again: "The preparation of this mysterious mirror is so complete, even the divine object that can record one's life and spread one's thoughts has been found! It is worthy of being a son of the first world..."

The tortoise shell rotated in the air, turning into layers of radiance, covering all directions. Three ripples of thoughts came out of it, and were about to envelope the three wandering souls, but the next moment, a hand broke through the light and grabbed the tortoise shell.


The tortoise shell was trembling endlessly, and it was actually difficult to break free.

Xuan Jingjing was not in a hurry, but instead said: "World Lord, this object has no hidden dangers, but it is a rubbing of your experiences over the years, so that your closest relatives can instantly understand the mystery."

"Don't do this." Chen Yuan's eyes seemed to have flames beating, but his voice was extremely calm: "You have even found the remnant souls of master, junior brother, junior sister, etc. You probably know my identity completely, but You made a mistake."


At this time, the remnant soul of the old man suddenly laughed: "We must have been dead for a long time, right? That night, I remember that my whole family suffered disaster, and the person who did it..."

Chen Yuan took a deep breath, turned around, lowered his head, and said to him: "So that Master can know that the sect that took action was the one who had a grudge against you back then. This sect has no existence now, and its name has been recorded in history by the disciples." "Erase."

"Okay, okay!" The old man's remnant soul smiled happily, and then pointed at the tortoise shell, "Even without this thing, I can still see that you are not what you used to be, you should be a god-like figure! Such a thing Come, I will die without regrets as a teacher, what is there to be attached to? Life and death are determined, the moon waxes and wanes, this is the way of heaven..."

The young remnant soul also said: "Senior brother, could it be that all the nonsense you said when we were carrying water have become true? Then my trip was not in vain! In the future, under the Nine Springs, I can let them know about me. Background! No one will dare to bully me after death!"

The woman's remnant soul chuckled and lowered her head slightly: "It's not Junior Sister You, it's Senior Sister. You must remember my appearance, and don't forget us."

After saying this, the three remnant souls all stopped smiling and said seriously: "Let's do it."

Xuan Jingjing's smile suddenly froze and his eyes widened!

Chen Yuan turned around and pointed, and a pitch-black black rainbow burst out from his fingertips and penetrated Xuan Jingjing's body directly!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The next moment, Chen Yuan's eyes flashed red, and then turned into darkness. The eight-armed image jumped out of his mind, and the terrifying pressure that exceeded the peak of merit was released without reservation at this moment!

violent! crazy! violent! nothing left!

Jianmu shook in the huge earthquake!

In an instant, the entire palace was shattered!

The flames of anger rose together with the inner demon starry sky, and spread all over the world in an instant!

The place where Chen Yuan was turned into darkness, with countless stars twinkling!

"what happened!?"

"not good!"

"Don't you have a weak point to control? Why did you suddenly take action?"

"Master of Chenyuan Realm! Xuanjing is plotting against you, what does it have to do with us!?"

"This person really wants to fight against us!?"

The God of Kitchen Fire was on guard for a long time. He immediately made a seal with his hand, and a blurry sun disk was about to rise behind him. Unexpectedly, the next moment, infinite starlight burst out from the depths of darkness, and there was something that corroded the divine way hidden in each one. The random thoughts in the world hit Him like raindrops, directly impacting Him three thousand miles away!

"Inner demon!?"

On the edge of the darkness, Mo Douchen felt the trembling changes in the source of the demonic path in his heart, and his face showed shock. Then he pressed the seal with his hand to suppress the source, but he never thought that in the next breath, there were dark shadows in front of him, and he entered the environment, and his demonic heart was tortured. !

"I...the prince of inner demons, torture the inner demons for others!?"

"What kind of fire is this!?"

On the opposite side, Feng Ming and his junior sister also looked shocked. Seeing the terrifying fire roaring with anger, they had a strong premonition of danger, so they grabbed his junior sister and quickly retreated.

The fire soars into the sky and shakes time!

"It's all chaos!"

At the top, the scholar in green sighed and swung his long sleeves. The strong wind roared, trying to collect the stars, the starry sky, the sky-reaching fire, etc. into his sleeves.

But the next moment, countless voices rang out from the void, a flower of humanity bloomed, and a halo of light spread out, directly suppressing the strong wind!

Immediately, countless words fell, faintly suppressing the extraordinary power!

Feeling that the breath in his body was getting darker, the old man on crutches stared: "The Holy Word of Humanity!"

Master Chen Xuzhi gave a bitter smile and held the seal with his hand. Just as he was about to calm down, his heart was suddenly shocked. A ninth-grade white lotus suddenly appeared in front of him. The full moon rose in the lotus. A vague figure could be seen vaguely, also holding the seal!

"The sky and the earth have atmosphere!"

The majestic energy fell from the nine heavens, covering Jianmu, and calmed everyone in an instant!

"This energy..."

Feeling the strange aura that permeated everywhere and continued to rise and fall, Xia Fei and others from the Xuanqi Sect were inexplicably surprised: "This aura has some innate power and seems to be consistent with the way of heaven. No wonder Lao Qing asked us to pay attention to this." Chen Yuan Realm Master! Only this skill of controlling Qi is something that not many people in the sect can match! At least Xia is no match for him!”

Then, he smiled faintly: "In this case, a certain family and others can't help, and they can only rely on the Wuxiangjiezi alone. He is the son of the world lord, and with his background behind him, he can still escape with his life. !”


Amid a roar, in the center of the ruins of the main hall, the dark starry sky suddenly closed in. A figure flew out from it, rolled awkwardly on the ground twice, and then the whole body's momentum exploded, leaping up, and then turning into a ray of light without hesitation, heading towards Heaven and!

If it’s not Xuan Jingjing, who is it?

But at this moment, his clothes were in rags, his hair was messy, he had many scars on his body, his chest was full of blood, and his left leg was broken at the knee! It was extremely messy, but his face remained determined!

He made a secret with his right hand, took out a piece of uncertain black jade from his left hand, and threw it forward!

"The door to the world of mortals, open!"


The dark clouds that covered the sky and the earth were penetrated by a powerful force. The power from the distant realm came and gathered, suppressed, enslaved the worldly obstacles, gathered them together, and turned them into a door!


The door opens, and there is nothingness inside, leading to an unknown place!


The whole building shook again, Chen Yuan raised his hand and pointed!

Huge meteorites comparable to mountains fell from the Nine Heavens, and the fiery breath seemed to shatter the heaven and the earth, directly burning the layers of the world inside and outside the Nine Heavens, and even smashing the door directly!

"The power of heaven and earth!? Are you really refining Gou Chen Tiandao!? Are you two caves?"

Xuan Jingjing's expression suddenly changed, but he did not panic. The seals on his hands changed, and the magical objects obtained from his father appeared one after another on his body, all trying to help him leave.


The world suddenly became silent, and everything froze.

Chen Yuan climbed to the sky in one step and came to Xuan Jingjing, reaching out to grab this person.


At this critical moment, the Xuan Mirror's chest, which was suppressed by heaven and earth, suddenly trembled, and then transmitted infinite light, and an ancient bronze mirror emerged from it, breaking the seal of heaven and earth.

"It's just you who forced me!"

He looked at Chen Yuan who was very close, narrowed his eyes, and roared: "Open the Great Desolate Mirror!"

The next moment, light poured out of the mirror like a bursting river, trying to engulf the whole world!

But at this moment, Chen Yuan felt a shock in his chest, and then it emerged!

Time mirror!


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