Depressed Fairy

Chapter 448: There is no other way to be born, and there is only one person who can reach the top.

"How tyrannical! How domineering! How arrogant!"

Looking at the flying boat, the many immortals and demons watching each sighed with shock, but then they all heard Chen Yuan's words, and their faces became gloomy.

But these words of Chen Yuan were spoken after he raised his hand to calm the god and caressed Jianmu with his hand. The fierce and domineering figure and the weird and shocking supernatural powers still remained in their hearts, affecting their thoughts. Therefore, the words of rebuttal and the action of challenge cannot be revealed for a while.

Even Xuan Jing, who was scheming, looked solemn at this time, and his hands holding a few beads were trembling slightly.

Behind him, the skinny old man Lu Lao didn't know when he had arrived behind him, and he sent a message: "Young Master, this person is more dangerous than originally expected, and judging from his acting style, he is even more ruthless and decisive. Even the God of Heaven is Don't take it lightly. If he knows that the provocations in Heaven are all driven by the young master, I'm afraid he won't be kind! Young master, stop it!"

Unfortunately, his words seemed to have the opposite effect.

Xuan Jingjing's somewhat wavering thoughts suddenly became firm, and then he took a long breath and said softly: "The more dangerous it is, the more powerful it is, and the more valuable it is for me to use."

He glanced at Mr. Lu, who had an anxious look on his face, and lowered his voice: "Just like you said, my roundabout way of encouraging Zhang Zhineng will be discovered one day. When that time comes, it won't be me who can't stop." Stop, but how to resist Chen's accountability and revenge! Now that the matter has come to this, I can no longer turn back and can only move forward!"

"Young Master, why are you doing this! It's unwise to provoke such a powerful enemy for nothing! Is it because the past was too smooth?" Mr. Lu finally couldn't help it anymore and said reproachfully: "However, although there are hidden dangers now, , but it is still a small contradiction. As long as the young master sincerely apologizes and asks the master to give out precious things as an apology, it may not be possible to turn the conflict into friendship! A decisive and decisive person like Chen Jiezhu should not become an enemy if he can make friends. It is a bit contradictory. Maybe it can turn into an opportunity to make friends!”

But as soon as he finished speaking and saw that Xuan Jingjing's expression remained unchanged, he knew that his work was useless, and his heart was full of confusion and confusion.

"You don't understand. I was not sure at first, but now I am 80 to 90% sure that the ancient mirror is likely to fall into his hands. For this reason, he and I cannot coexist. It's just whether I go to him or he comes. Just look for me." Xuan Jingjing said calmly, "We live a lifetime and strive to be the first. Now that we have embarked on the path of seeking the truth, what fun is there if we can only try our best to achieve nothing? It’s just death, but it’s nothing compared to being stuck in the middle of nowhere for thousands of years.”

"The ancient mirror..." Mr. Lu's expression finally changed: "It is your companion treasure, young master. Could it be that..." As he spoke, his face showed bitterness, "Old servant understands, but..."

"Don't worry," Xuan Jingjing completely calmed down at this time, "Although his deeds are astonishing, he is too conceited and provoking the gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas who have arrived in this world is really unwise and unnecessary, and will be the root of failure." He pinched the bead in his hand and said, "No matter how powerful a person is, there are weaknesses. If you show this weakness at a critical moment, it will make him lose his sense of control and be suppressed by the group of immortals and demons. Then it will be my time to take him under my control!"

"Huh? My mind is wandering. Is there someone else who wants to plot against me?"

In the flying boat, Chen Yuan, who was worried about Xuan Jingjing, felt something in his heart.

"Violence can suppress you for a while, but it cannot suppress you forever, and those with scheming intentions may act more covertly." Beside him, the gold-plated man couldn't help but say: "Fellow Taoist, you have suppressed me today. Although the God of Heaven can intimidate the heroes, it is not a long-term solution, let alone take the lead. This meeting of immortals and demons is such a hot potato! How can it be so easy to control and manage if it is not good? A chaotic battle..."

"Fellow Gilded Taoist, there is no need to worry. I have no intention of suppressing this meeting for the rest of my life. As for this meeting of immortals and demons, I have my own plans. I don't need help from others. Don't worry." Chen Yuan comforted him. He didn't want to control it. His original intention was to All the comers were swept away, not a single one was left behind, and all were expelled from Gouchen!

It's a pity that I can't express my thoughts directly.


Seeing that he was not getting enough money, Gilt Tang felt helpless and thought to himself, "I am not worried about this, let alone helping. I am just being dragged into a deep pit, okay!"

At this thought, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at Coca in the distance.

well! Alliance of Tao Hearts!

"At that time, the sword light flashed, and the sky-reaching tree that was connected to the sky and the earth, like Optimus Prime, suddenly broke. When it fell, the sky wind fell, and the pressure came from itself. Even if it was far away, there was a kind of sky. The ground collapsed and the feeling of doomsday came, not to mention that after that, a hand covered the sky again, reviving all things and reshaping the tree that reached the sky. There were even many plants and trees growing along the way, and spirits were born out of thin air and flying among them. Traveling..."

In the empty hall where the fog had dispersed and drifted, Liu Zhiguang, wearing a Bai Ze mask, sat at the long table, recalling the scene he had seen a few days ago with emotion, and his words were full of emotion and wonder.

"The doomsday and the vitality are intertwined. Those scenes are truly unforgettable. There may not be another time in this life."

Not only him, but Wang Fuyin, who also disguised his identity, as well as the civet cat and the other two people in the corner, also looked stunned when they heard this. They couldn't help but recall it, and there were tremors in their hearts.

Chen Yuan, who had just arrived and sat next to Bai Ze with a ghostly face, could not help but tap the table and praised: "It's really amazing! Amazing! It's breathtaking!"

At this time, three days had passed since he had suppressed Lei Bu Zhengshen. Three days had been enough time for many things to change. One of them was that the palace in the dream also received news, and another meeting was held for this purpose.

Chen Yuan was waiting for the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who arrived at Jianmu to come to his door. Unexpectedly, no one showed up. Just as the Dao Fruit fragments mutated, he simply entered the temple to see what was going on. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he heard someone When I was talking about him, and everything I said was true and from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but cheer.

Beside, Bai Hu and others had expressions of surprise upon hearing this.

"Bai Ze, you were indeed present at the meeting of immortals and demons!" Bai Hu spoke bluntly. He first revealed the key point, and then changed the subject, "But what did you just say? Someone cut off the tree that reaches the sky with a sword technique? Then? And it gave birth to all things? It was so vague that a certain family couldn’t understand it, and it wasn’t about discussing important matters together, so why did it start?”

"The so-called tree that reaches the sky should be a building tree."

At this time, Xuanniao, the Lord of the Dream Palace who was sitting at the top, spoke with a calm tone, showing his erudition: "There is a sky-reaching building in the east of Gouchen. This meeting of immortals and demons was held on it. Previously, Didn’t Fellow Taoist Civet Cat say that?”

After a pause, he continued: "Furthermore, the so-called Immortals and Demons Consultation Conference will inevitably gather people from all walks of life, involving many sects and factions, many of whom have enemies, so it is normal to fight and fight. Besides, these, It was mentioned a little bit last time.”

"Have you told me? A certain family's memory is not very good, but I happen to know a thing or two about Jianmu." Baihu seemed to be frowning under the mask, "As far as I know, Jianmu is the essence of Yimu, and it has the favor of heaven and earth. , can connect the sky and the earth, and it itself contains great vitality. If there is only one building tree in a world, this tree will inherit the destiny of the tree of the world, and it will continue to grow and persevere. The leaves have the power to revive dead people, flesh and bones, and their branches can even summon ghosts and souls. Their skins are also tough and unbreakable, making them an excellent material for refining defensive weapons and magic weapons!"

"Mr. Baihu is really knowledgeable!"

Some of the others immediately praised him sincerely, obviously they had never heard of this in the past, while others were thoughtful, as if they had gained something unexpected from Bai Hu's words.

"Where." Bai Hu just shook his head, "I also learned this by accident, and it was after the last meeting." After saying that, he looked at Bai Ze, "I am just telling you that you are sure to meet Is it really Jianmu? Even if this Jianmu is Fu Dexian, it can’t be cut off with just one sword technique..."


Beside the long table, there were a few whispers, as if they had tasted something from these words.

Bai Ze emphasized: "This is what the immortal who traveled with us said in person. That immortal is still affiliated with an immortal king who participated in the Immortal Demon Conference! Looking at his appearance, he was also very frightened. There was also a The originally arrogant Immortal Boy has become as silent as a cicada since then, looking like a warrior."

As he was talking, he thought of something, pointed to the woman wearing a civet cat mask on the other side, and said: "This fellow Taoist should also be there, why not ask her?"

The latter was silent.

"An immortal affiliated with the Immortal Lord?" Bai Hu was very surprised. He did not ask the civet cat Taoist friend, but said: "Speaking of which, Bai Ze, your cultivation level does not seem to be high, why can you go to the Immortal Demon Conference? ? Is he a descendant of the Immortal family, a powerful blood relative? "But it doesn't look like it."


Bai Ze seemed to be choked. He didn't know what to say next. He actually wanted to ask about the mark on his body, but he was worried about revealing too much information.

It should be noted that the reason why I can speak without any burden here is because this is the gathering of incarnations of my mind. The people attending the meeting are scattered all over the starry sky. The mountains are high and the roads are far away. No matter how high the cultivation level is, they can't control themselves.

But things are different now. Not to mention that the colleagues in the palace who are obviously at the immortal level are located in Gouchen. Once exposed, they will inevitably feel uncomfortable in this palace in the future. Let’s just say that there are countless mysterious skills and secrets in the world. In a dream The dream master's great magical power is still suppressing him in the palace, so outside forces cannot interfere here. However, once his name, appearance, and life history are known, there is a risk of being taken advantage of.

Although Bai Ze Liu Zhiguang's cultivation level is not high, he still has these reasons and concerns after surviving in the cave cage of Immortal Lord Huode for several years.

Fortunately, Bai Hu didn't mean to go into details. Seeing that he didn't say anything, he didn't say much. He then turned to salute the civet cat and asked politely: "I dare to ask fellow civet cat, what is this meeting of immortals and demons doing now?" The same thing, how exaggerated is what fellow Taoist Bai Ze said?"

"How could I ever exaggerate?" Bai Ze and Liu Zhiguang were struggling at first, but when they heard this, they couldn't help but mutter.

It’s just that those who were not attending the meeting, after listening to Bai Hu’s introduction to Jianmu, felt that Bai Ze’s description was exaggerated, but they didn’t think that he was deliberately covering up and exaggerating, they just felt that it was his level of human being. No, what you see may not be the truth. It is probably 70% true and 30% false.

In comparison, the civet cat Taoist friend who had vaguely revealed his identity as an immortal, or even a Fude Immortal, was undoubtedly more credible, and they all immediately focused their attention on him.

The raccoon cat took a deep breath, but did not avoid it this time. Although his voice was still low and he was quite uncomfortable when speaking, he still nodded and said: "Everything Bai Ze said is true."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was immediately silence in the Dream Palace, with only a few people and Chen Yuan nodding silently.

Immediately afterwards, the civet cat said: "Not only is it true, there are also flaws."

This time, the surroundings were quieter.

Instead, the raccoon cat's voice became particularly serious. "I don't know the specific method used by the realm master to cut Jianmu with his sword, because I was in seclusion at the time and didn't see it. But later, I saw with my own eyes that he merged with the heaven, transformed the way of heaven into his own, and nurtured all things. His use of the way of heaven and nature has reached perfection! He can actually cross the realm and control the sky, which is really the pinnacle! I have never heard of anyone who can do it! Even my master can't compare to him! If I can learn a thing or two from him, my method of transforming the heart of heaven can be further improved, but... "

As she spoke, she lowered her head, her voice slightly low: "I have no friendship with that person, and I am under the order of my master. It is not good to change my purpose in the middle of the journey. I don't know if I will have a chance to ask him for advice. But that kind of method is really amazing. If he really uses the Heavenly Dao of Gou Chen for himself, wouldn't he be equivalent to the master of a world? Then in Gou Chen, there is already some ability of Dongxu, and it is infinitely close to tranquility. Who can be his opponent? "

The woman did not notice that the more she talked, the quieter the surroundings became.


Just then, Xuanniao coughed lightly, breaking the silence, and he said: "Daoyou Limao, from what you said, you already know the identity of the person who took action?"

"Of course." Limao nodded, only in this matter, she seemed to have forgotten the discomfort.

Baihu and others could not help it, and looked like they wanted to ask questions.

Finally, it was the Candle Dragon who took the initiative to speak: "Who is this person? You just said that he is the master of a realm? But since he is a realm master, he is not pure and quiet, and he also has his own heavenly blessing, so it is difficult for him to easily set foot in other realms."

The raccoon hesitated for a moment, and still said: "This person is the master of the Dust Realm, Chen Shiji!"

"The master of the Dust Realm, Chen Shiji?"

"It turned out to be him!"

"Isn't this the person mentioned in the past, who is suspected to be the protagonist of the starry sky?"

"It's no wonder that the master of the new realm can set foot in other realms, but he has just been promoted to the cave heaven, and he has not nourished and consolidated, but he actually went to interfere in the Immortal Demon Conference. Isn't he a realm master? He can't achieve the cave void!"

"That's not right! If it was this person, how long has he become the master of the cave heaven, and he is so powerful?"


When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but talk about it.

However, Liu Zhiguang, Wang Fuyin and others were also stunned, and then their eyes widened and turned to look at each other.

The former was fine. When Liu Zhiguang was Bai Ze, he had heard the names of Chen Shiji and Xu Yanzi in the dream hall. He just didn't want to reveal his identity, so he didn't say much. Then he was trapped in the hands of Huo De. He didn't avoid complications, and he didn't even mention it to Wang Fuyin.

Besides, he didn't expect that the person who could cover the sky with one hand was the Ding Yuan benefactor and the real person who recreated Gou Chen!

"It's only been two hundred years!"

After being shocked, Wang Fuyin quickly calmed down and revealed his thoughts as he should.

"Master, he is such a person! The more he practices, the more unfathomable he feels. No matter how high the immortals and demons are, as long as he makes a move, he can win the battle, without exception!"

But soon, he suddenly felt a little ashamed: "Master is so powerful, but I am so useless. I am ashamed to be the disciple of the master! If Master needs to save me in this difficulty, it is even more useless. It's better to die..."

He was thinking.

In the corner, a slightly hoarse voice suddenly asked: "Is there really such a person in the Gou Chen Realm? On par with the Cave Void, close to the Pure Land? If it is true, then isn't there hope? He... where is he?"

At the end, his voice was trembling a little, filled with urgency!


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