Depressed Fairy

Chapter 441: Meet beyond the disputes and form an alliance in front of the Fairy Banquet of Immortal

"This "Huntian Technique" is divided into two parts. The upper part guides the Lord of the Cave Heaven to suppress the confusion of the mortal world, reject thousands of whispers, suppress the illusions in the heart, and become more empty and peaceful, while the lower part..."

Gu Ke listened to the inquiry and immediately introduced it, but after speaking, his voice dropped a few times: " is a Taixuan visualization picture! This picture is said to contain the practice method of the Taixuan realm."

Too mysterious! ?

After getting the "Record of Immortals", Chen Yuan knew the name and realm, and asked directly: "This diagram of Taixuan Contemplation, is it talking about the method of achieving Taixuan Immortal? This technique Can you point directly to the realm of Taixuan? What kind of realm is this Taixuan?"

Gu Ke hesitated for a moment and then said: "Tai refers to the extreme greatness, and Xuan refers to the remoteness and mystery. The theory of Tai Xuan can only intercept the principle of the infinitely vast and infinitely mysterious starry sky! As for the mystery in this matter, , it is not enough for us to know.”

Chen Yuan listened to this and thought silently: "Dongxu is the cave sky, and Taixuan is the starry sky? Then this quiet realm is between the two. I don't know how many mysteries there are."

He still remembers the description of a peaceful state in the "Records of Immortals", which is "One day, the sun comes to the sky and clarifies the universe, so it is selfless and untainted, and there is no tolerance."

"But in addition to this book, I also got several other explanations, including the personal explanation of the Demon Lord Qingjing, but each one is different and not exactly the same. However, considering that no one can achieve the realm of Dongxu, Demon Lord I am also a grade-skipping student, and the person who wrote the book has never cultivated to the realm of tranquility and immortality, and is just a hearsay, so it is inevitable that there will be differences."

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan looked at the green jade slip again. Since this is a method of cultivation, it should be more detailed, right?

"A secret book that can cultivate to the level of Taixuan Immortal should be a precious thing in Zixiao Palace in terms of realm. I'm afraid it won't be exposed easily? Just give it to me like this?"

While he was talking, he couldn't help but think of the "Record of Immortals", which also contained visualization pictures, but they were quite strange.

But when Gu Ke heard this, his expression was a little unnatural, and he said: "The state of Taixuan Saint is so mysterious and mysterious. When this state is not enough, even the Fortune Immortal would be unbearable to wait and see rashly. If not, It’s necessary, please don’t meditate easily, otherwise the disaster will be huge. As for how to make it happen, someone still needs help..."

"This helper must be someone from Zixiao Palace, right? It turned out to be a blank check." Chen Yuan immediately understood that the so-called lower visualization diagram was probably just difficult to separate, so it was attached to it, otherwise This time the opponent took out probably only the upper part. And the meaning of his words shows that he is not afraid of leaking it at all, because he cannot cultivate it!

But even so, this thing is still very precious, so Chen Yuan was not polite. He flicked his long sleeves and took the thing over, and then said: "Tell me, is there anything you need me to do." His hands were cold, accompanied by There was also a touch of coercion that invaded Chen Yuan's body along the way, trying to permeate Chen Yuan's heart, but it was suppressed by him in the blink of an eye.

Of course, such an object cannot be used just to make up for the misunderstanding. It is more of an excuse to draw Chen Yuan into their Zixiao Palace camp. No matter what happens, they will do something together to deepen their revolutionary friendship.

Chen Yuan has done a lot of these kinds of things in life, both in his past and present lives.

"Fellow Taoist, please speak quickly, so I won't go around in circles."

Gu Ke was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he felt happy in his heart. His original purpose this time was to make up for the negative consequences of his previous self-inflicted plot against Chen Yuan, but other than that , indeed there are other ideas, especially after knowing that Chen Yuan was collecting information about the Immortal and Demon Conference.

So, after thinking for a while, he said bluntly: "In a few days, the Immortal and Demon Conference will be held. This conference was originally facilitated by Nantian Palace. It seems to have an agreed date, but it involves There are too many forces. As long as they come together, conflicts will quickly arise. Moreover, everyone who comes to this world has their own goals and is not in the mood to delay for too long. In the end, Nan Tianting will advance the schedule to alleviate the conflicts. "

"Fellow Taoist has rich experience." Chen Yuan nodded without commenting too much.

Seeing that Chen Yuan neither spoke nor asked, Gu Ke had no choice but to continue: "So I want to use this as a reward to invite fellow Taoists to go to the Fairy and Demon Conference with me to participate in this discussion. I know that fellow Taoist is asking about this matter recently, and I think I have my own plans, but the source of this gathering of immortals and demons is the realm of cave. Fellow Taoist... Fellow Taoist, since you have joined the realm of Tao, you can no longer set foot in it. In this situation, this book is more suitable for fellow Taoists.”

"Do you still need a companion for the meeting?" Chen Yuan already understood what the other party meant, but he deliberately said: "I already know the location of the meeting of immortals and demons. In addition, there is no invitation or exclusion in this meeting. As long as you go there, you will be welcome. You can see people." As he spoke, he raised the jade slip in his hand and said, "If I don't agree to this request, will I have to return the thing to you?"


Gu Ke was speechless for a moment, and even Gilt Tan and Xing Shui looked at each other.

Logically speaking, in order to make up for the previous misunderstanding, one should not bring out an object of this level. The reason why he presented it was because he wanted Chen Yuan to help them in the Fairy and Demon Conference. It was all connected. After all, As long as such a precious thing is collected, who would be embarrassed not to help? That would offend Zixiao Palace!

For independent disciples like Gu Ke and Gilt Suan who live in the same realm, offending Chen Yuan will not only cause them to lose allies, but they will also suffer difficulties in the future. But for ordinary immortals and demons, regardless of their potential, offending Zi A big force like Xiao Palace will still lose more than it gains, and will fall into endless risks!

"You're joking, don't take it seriously." Chen Yuan suddenly changed the subject, "But if you ask me to accompany you to the meeting of immortals and demons, you won't just be a spectator, right?"

Such twists and turns made Gu Ke's mood also have ups and downs, but after many years of hard training, he quickly calmed down and did not pursue Chen Yuan's changes. He immediately explained: "It is inevitable that there will be conflicts, but fellow Taoist Now I can suppress the Water Dew Witch with my backhand. If I can master the methods in this book and support each other, it will be difficult to shake even the fairies and demons everywhere! "

"So you want me to be a bodyguard?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Gu Ke suddenly felt something in his heart. He was waiting for further explanation when he heard Chen Yuan continue to ask: "Let me ask you a question. I am just following you to the meeting of immortals and demons. In the event of a possible conflict, I will protect your safety. That’s right? You don’t want me to escort you to the Cave Realm, right?”

Hearing this, Gu Ke perked up and immediately responded: "The realm of the cave is illusory and illusory. We just want to get it. It is known to be difficult to determine. How can we get fellow Taoists to vouch for it? We only need to go to the meeting of immortals and demons. Just protect us, if possible..." Afterwards, he hesitated, and finally said: "We will sign a Dao Heart Alliance with our Taoist friends, and we will never drive or instruct at will."

"Alliance of Tao Heart?" Chen Yuan knew about this restraint method and swore an oath to Tao Heart. Once violated, there would be backlash, even for immortals and demons. "In this case, we need to carefully finalize the details, just in case you wait. If I take the initiative to provoke a powerful enemy, wouldn’t I have to get involved in it for protection? I always act cautiously and don’t like to cause trouble. If I am..."

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to worry so much." Gu Ke shook his head, "I'm just going here to give Nantian Ting some face and collect some information. I'm definitely not looking for trouble. Of course, if fellow Taoist is worried, This statement can also be added to the agreement.”

The purpose of collecting information happened to be the same as Chen Yuan's. In addition, he could also get an additional book of true spiritual practice. Chen Yuan did not refuse, so he didn't hesitate. After agreeing with them on many conditions, they made an agreement.

Because Gu Ke and others originally wanted to use a common experience to get closer to each other, and Chen Yuan had just made several verbal maneuvers, which really made them feel uneasy, so the agreement of the Heart Alliance had very little agreement with Chen Yuan. , He only stipulated that he, Gu Ke, and others would not take the initiative to stir up trouble, but would protect the safety of the three of them, and that they could take the initiative to retreat when facing an irresistible enemy.

In contrast, the agreement between Gu Ke and the three of them was so detailed and stringent that after they agreed to travel together in three days and left Qishan Sect, Xing Shui couldn't help but said: "Uncle Master, is this agreement too strict? ? Although we have the reputation of Zixiao Palace, we will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if that fellow Daoist Chen causes trouble and causes a dispute, according to this agreement, don't we have to take action on his behalf? "


Gu Ke suddenly stopped, as if he had woken up, but after a while, he could only say helplessly: "This... Fellow Daoist Chen seems to be a cautious person. In addition, he has no desire or desire for the realm of Dongxu. If you treat us well, why would you take the initiative to cause trouble?" Seeing that Xing Shui was still waiting to say anything, he waved his hand, "Don't say any more, go back and make preparations."

"I have people from Zixiao Palace traveling with me, so I can keep them in front while I hide in the dark. It's low-key and unobtrusive. I think I can collect information safely without irritating anyone."

In the quiet room of Qishan Sect, Chen Yuan thought like this, and then looked at the jade slip in his hand.

"Well, since the tone of this meeting of immortals and demons has been set, there is no need to think too much. Let's first see how this peaceful method of crossing the void is."

As soon as he thought about it, he raised a spiritual thought and poured it into it!


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