Depressed Fairy

Chapter 439: The secretive mind leads to drunken dreams, and the way of heaven under the palm is sti


As Chen Yuan slowly retracted his arm, the overwhelming power also turned into streams of clear air and dispersed in all directions, leaving only a deep pit in place.

He lowered his head and glanced at the palm of his hand. The center of the white palm had exploded, and blood was about to drip. Every drop of blood contained rich spiritual energy. But with a thought, the blood returned to Xuan Shen, and the wound was quickly healed. After that, only a faint trace of blood remained.

"Sure enough, using a flesh and blood body to directly control the power of heaven, even if it is an incomplete and weak power of heaven, is still a bit reluctant. This is because my mysterious body is extremely strong, and my physical body alone has the peak of merit. , the result is unbearable, it can be seen that this power should not be controlled by the realm of merit..."

At this thought, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and whispered: "Dongxu... Dongxu... Sure enough, if you don't reach the realm, you can control it by force. In fact, there are many hidden dangers. I just don't know whether those who have crossed the Dongxu and achieved tranquility can do whatever they want. Harness its power.”

At the same time as the thought fell, a burst of divine light flashed around him, and countless shackle-like Shinto power and Shinto incense thoughts emerged all over his body, turning into complicated lines, sealing him up instantly!

However, without the person in charge, these divine powers were already like water without a source and a tree without roots. Therefore, as soon as Chen Yuan raised his arms, they were shattered and turned into intangibles.

But Chen Yuan did not relax his vigilance because of this. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the dark crack in the sky, focusing on alert.

When the crack was completely gone, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the bottom of the pit.

The two gods Zhang Zhineng and Chi Jian were among them, shrouded by two huge crystals and sealed inside. They were dying and fell into a coma, as if they were lying in two crystal coffins.

"These two seem to be just gods in the realm of merit, but if they are really allowed to summon the Qiong Tower and Yu Yu, the situation will be different! The Qiong Tower is not their magical power, but exists somewhere. Heavenly Palace, guided by the incense and fire spirit, is coming from afar! This is their trump card and their confidence to take action!"

Before Chen Yuan took action against the two gods, he specifically mentioned his past achievements. In fact, he was testing the two of them. After all, even the female demon king of the Five Demon Palace knew how to design traps, let alone the two gods?

"I knew before that if the Qingjing Immortal from another realm came to this realm, the realm would not be able to bear it and would be on the verge of collapse. Just now, when the heavenly palace of Qionglou Yuyu came from the void, the sky cracked and the four directions buzzed. It is already close to the scene of the arrival of the Immortal of Peace! If I really let the other party use it, even if I have the Heavenly Dao Dharma as my trump card, I am afraid I will have to go through a lot of fighting and fighting, and I will even have to expose many of the Tiandao Dharma's trump cards! Completely exposed, alerted and noticed by others, and eventually targeted!"

You must know that Chen Yuan's several attacks did not actually activate the true power of the heavenly law. He often just stretched his arms to control the opponent. Otherwise, he would use his full strength, which would naturally have an impact on the world.

"That's right, to deal with the female demon king earlier, I directly used the laws of heaven to win the battle quickly, without giving the female demon the chance to display her skills and magical powers. People who don't know much about it would think that this woman is too arrogant and doesn't know how to advance or retreat. This is also the case nowadays. "

"I have sensed Chen Tiandao in the past few days. Although this Dao is immature, it originates from a complete big cave. It is not as innately deficient as the Creation God's Treasure. It is very powerful. Even if it only masters a land thousands of miles away, it can still sense these two things in advance. The man arrived and used the power of heaven to suppress the two of them instantly!"

"If it wasn't suppressed instantly, it would have been a hard fight. Then there would be variables!"

Because of this, when the palm of the sky fell, what shocked Zhang Zhineng was not Chen Yuan's Taoism and magical powers, but the fact that he could control and master this side of heaven!

He was truly defeated by heaven!

At the end, he was silent for a moment and said to himself: "This is probably because those who are good at fighting have no great military achievements, because the source of the disaster was pinched before it expanded."

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yuan waved his hand and swung his long sleeves to pick up the two gods who were sealed in the crystal coffin.

"These two gods can communicate with the spiritual thoughts of the void. Now they are sealed by the power of heaven, cutting them off from the outside world and unable to be replenished. Therefore, they are getting weaker and weaker. They are just my guides. But since the Fairy and Demon Society are behind the two of them, Organized by Nantianting, my actions have undoubtedly offended this big force. I can't guarantee that I won't make things difficult after going to the conference. But this trip is going after all. Only by understanding the situation of Dongxu Realm and knowing other things People's progress is the basis for making decisions, after all..."

There was a sparkle in his eyes.

"I also want to compete with them for the opportunity of this cave!"

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan glanced at a few places in the distance, paused for a moment, and then left calmly.

"Oh? He actually discovered it? Amazing! Amazing!"

Seven hundred miles away, in a wine shop on the edge of the ancient road, a man in a dark cloak and a mustache looked surprised.

"Interesting! It's really interesting!"

Immediately, he burst out laughing: "I thought that if Chen Shiji wanted to unite with the way of heaven, his fate would be ordinary, and he would disappear from everyone in the future. I didn't expect that this person would unite with the way of heaven, but here comes Gouchen, He actually has the appearance of being in harmony with the Dao! If he can really become the master of Gou Chen, he will still be a famous figure in the world, and he may still be the protagonist for a while!"

Opposite, a petite figure in red clothes said after hearing this: "Master Night Demon, you actually value that Chen Shiji so much? However, this man is indeed extraordinary. Zhang Zhineng is a heavenly patrol star with a fifth rank. Rank, its divine pattern can communicate with the palace of a constellation, and with the help of the god of tranquility in the past, in the past, the weak defeated the strong, leapfrogged the level and fought with the immortal of tranquility, and still managed to save his life without damaging his roots. However, this time he was defeated by one person. It’s really unexpected that he was banned on the spot.”

The black-clothed Night Demon Young Master looked at her and smiled, and said with a smile: "Mr. Dou doesn't know something. This Chen Shiji killed that stupid Demon Prince back then, so that I could get ahead and achieve what I am today. He is really My benefactor, I heard that you and the other five demon sects were plotting against him. It happened that I was also planning on him, so I came over to see if I could wipe out the cause and effect of that year. I didn’t expect that there would be no such chance!”

Lady Dou, who was dressed in red, took advantage of the situation and said, "Young Master Night Demon is really affectionate and righteous. He is in line with the purpose of my holy sect. I wonder when he will join my holy sect?"

Hearing this, Young Master Night Demon had a strange expression, and then shook his head and said: "This matter is not urgent. It is better to wait until the matter of Dongxu is discussed. If I don't die, there will be nothing else."

Dou Junnu didn't bother, and said instead: "That's fine, we'll talk about it later. However, although the young master is not a disciple, he is still a member of the demonic path. You still have to be careful in this dispute about the cave. After all, it is easy to hide from open guns." Hidden arrows are hard to guard against, and aside from other things, the holy sect’s rival, Zixiao Palace, has many arrangements in this world. They always seem to be sanctimonious, but in fact they are full of bad intentions and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. According to me. You know, there are several people arriving in this world before and after, and there are arrangements everywhere. Not to mention, I met a group of people in the starry sky a few days ago, and they seem to be related to Zixiao Palace..."

"How could this happen!?"

At this moment, the disciples of Zixiao Palace who were talked about by Dou Junnv, Gu Ke, Gilded Tan and others were at the foot of Banqi Mountain, looking at the deep pit left by the palm of the sky, feeling The aura of Heavenly Dao that was slowly dissipating looked at each other.

Ever since that day when they saw Chen Yuan take action to suppress the demon, they were shocked and never stayed away.

Gu Ke originally thought that he would use the opportunity to win over Chen Yuan, but as if he suddenly woke up, he changed his original plan and handed over the leadership to Liu Jintan, and planned to follow this nephew to visit Chen Yuan in person. Yuan, prepared for this for several days, and collected a lot of intelligence and information.

When they realized that Chen Yuan was collecting information about the Association of Immortals and Demons, they thought they had found a breakthrough. They were planning to use this as an excuse to pay a visit to close the relationship between the two parties and make up for the rift after they were discovered that day. However, they did not expect that... Just in time to see Chen Yuan's hand reaching towards the sky!

"The star patrolling god in heaven can still communicate with one of the heavenly palaces! He ended up like this! He's not much better than that demonic witch!" Gu Ke's expression became more serious, and his eyes were filled with thoughts.

The gilded man was also shocked, but he didn't have much surprise. Instead, he said: "This is the ability of Mr. Chen Daoyou. The longer time goes by, the more he shows. It's just that he started late and his original reputation was not high. He has been noticed and taken seriously by all parties. Now, he has set his sights on the Fairy and Demon Conference, and he will be famous by all parties soon..."

He did not continue to say what he said later, but Gu Ke knew it well, so he sighed and took the initiative: "I missed the opportunity. If I didn't have such a plan before, I would have followed my nephew's idea in advance. Recruiting him, reminding him of the trap of the Demon Gate, may have resulted in good intentions, and he has even agreed to join me in Zixiao! Now that he has missed it, it will be even harder for him to achieve his wish when he becomes famous!"

"Even so, we have to come to the door and explain it clearly." Gilded Tan was also regretful, but quickly cheered up, "At least make good friends with Chen Daoyou and leave a good relationship. It just so happens that he wants to know about the Fairy and Demon Conference. I'll wait. Just tell me."

Thinking like this, the group suppressed their shock and headed towards Qishan Sect.

Unexpectedly, this scene fell into the eyes of several birds as black as ink.

"Sure enough, a jade with this level of talent, even if it falls into a mud pit, has long been coveted by others."

On the top of the mountain, the old man of Xuanqi Sect held a wooden staff and stroked his beard, thinking: "But what they said is true. After the Fairy and Demon Conference, this son will become famous in the world. Everything will change, and it is inevitable that everything will change." Thousands of turbid qi corrode, and it may be difficult to discern the true meaning. If you miss the opportunity and are unwilling to cooperate with Xuan Qi, then it will be a great regret for him and for my Xuan Qi sect, not to mention that people's hearts are changeable, and so are all the sects. There are different people, some are like this coca and the gilded man, who want to make friends with me, but there are also people like Xuan Jing, who are plotting behind his back. "

After thinking about it, the old man suddenly had an idea: "There is a cause and effect relationship between the father of Xuan Jingjing and Xuan Qi Sect. This time he came to ask for help because of the cause and effect. Due to the agreement, I really can't understand it. Although he had the means to hinder Xuan Jingjing, he could insinuate him and help him at critical moments. After Xuan Jingjing took action and the agreement was gone, why not just take action to protect the child and eliminate the cause and effect? "

Thinking of this, Qing Lao stroked his beard and smiled.

"Now, just waiting for Xuan Jingjing to take action, I don't know how far he has planned."

"Not even the star patrol envoy of South Heaven is a general? I thought that after facilitating this matter, Chen would be more or less involved in a hard battle. Let me see some of his trump cards. Unexpectedly, I was only shocked, and the rest was still hazy, like fog. See the flowers inside.”

At this moment, Xuan Jing, who was hung up by Qian Laoji, was sitting cross-legged in the luxurious flying boat, looking at the black-backed bronze mirror in front of him, thinking quietly.

"What kind of trump card does he hide? The female demon king holding the Quiet Treasure is not a general in one, that's all. Even the Star Patroller who has mastered a side of the heavenly palace and can burst out the power of the Qing Jing Immortal level in a short period of time is still there. I had no time to launch the divine descending formation, but I was blocked by a face-to-face!"

As he thought about it, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Although this person has a secret method that can hide his destiny, which makes it impossible to predict, but just looking at these two performances, it can be proved that the trump card hidden by Chen's family is most likely the power of tranquility! Perhaps it was obtained from The world is bound to Heaven, so it can be used to seduce Chen Heavenly Dao? Or is it related to the Demon Lord?"

Finally, he shook his head.

"No matter which one it is, it doesn't matter. The key is how much great power Chen can exert. Is it a sudden burst of power, or can he continue to exert it? Judging from the two times he took action, the former is more likely! Such a situation Come on, as long as this person is still in the realm of Gouchen, he himself is not qualified to compete for the opportunity of Dongxu, but whoever can get his help will undoubtedly have a great advantage, even if he follows the channels and sends the news to him! Nantianting may not be useful. After all, all parties have agreed that it will not end well. Otherwise, the whole family will end, and the dispute over Dongxu will end without a problem. "

Thinking of this, Xuan Jing suddenly smiled.

"In this case, I will not be my enemy for the time being and let him help me, help me set foot in the cave world, and achieve the status of the protagonist of the starry sky! After all..."


Outside the flying boat, there were sudden sounds.

Xuan Jingjing stood up, walked straight to Feizhou's door, raised his hand and pushed it.

"If it can be proven that he is the ancestor of the sect in the cave, then I have a chess piece in my hand that is enough to restrain and command him!"


The ship door is open!


Thousands of miles high in the sky, the strong wind was so strong that it caused Xuan Jing's clothes to fly.

The skinny old man came from outside, holding five beads in his palm. There was a soul struggling and twisting inside each one.

"Only five?"

Looking at the object in the old man's palm, Xuan Jing frowned.

"After all, it involves the realm of Dongxu. There are many internal and external catastrophes. Not to mention the heavenly catastrophe and the demonic catastrophe. Even the human catastrophe has been encountered several times. Therefore, many people have been damaged by the people hired by the young master." The old man said, hesitating. After a moment, he stopped his hand slightly, as if he wanted to persuade again.

But Xuan Jingjing didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He raised his hand to grab it, and a few beads fell into his hands.

He pinched one of them, squinted his eyes and looked at it a few times, then smiled and said: "Well, it's really not something you can ask for. Let's start by confirming this person's identity. I hope that I can get Chen before the Fairy and Demon Conference is held. Thank you for your help!”


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