Depressed Fairy

Chapter 436: One body can lead to many lives, everything depends on one’s wishes


After saying this, Chen Yuan felt something in his heart, and then he ignored the changes in the mind of the female demon Yuanshen, and put away the thoughts that entered the palace of King Dexu, and then sat cross-legged and concentrated, comprehending carefully.

Buzz buzz——

With this reaction, he immediately noticed the weak but active will of heaven that permeated the heaven and earth!

What moved Chen Yuan even more was that he detected a sense of admiration in it.

"The Heavenly Dao of Gouchen Realm has revived? No!"

After a moment of concentration, he suddenly understood.

"It's not that the way of heaven is resurrected, but that it's reborn like this world!"

When he inherited the realm of Dingyuan with paintings, and brought the interstitial places such as the Great Wilderness to Gouchen, and rebuilt the destiny of the realm, he was vaguely aware of it. Now he has just confirmed what he discovered at that time.

"That's right. Not only are the creatures returning and multiplying, but there is also a blank space. We are eagerly looking forward to it, and a new way of heaven will naturally breed. Even the original Ding Yuan's will of heaven was actually derived from the evil immortal, but it also left behind the way of heaven. The seeds of independence. But two hundred years is still too short, and the new Gou Chen Heavenly Dao is still immature compared to the original Shenzang Heavenly Dao..."

He closed his eyes, the immortals in his soul trembled, the death energy and blood surged in his mysterious body, dark lines appeared between his eyebrows, the Void King Palace that was originally held in his hand began to tremble, and a jade sword slipped out of his sleeve. It flew out and spun around in the air, trembling endlessly.

Immediately, the white jade lotus platform and other magic weapons and instruments flew out one after another, and they all resonated!

Between heaven and earth, the weak will of heaven suddenly became clearer, and a breeze fell straight down from the depths of the sky and merged into Chen Yuan's body!


Rolling air waves burst out with Chen Yuan as the center. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes peered into the void. His sight passed through layers of fog and finally saw a weak and illusory destiny.

Erratic, but from the moment Chen Yuan returned to Gouchen, he was vaguely connected to him. But unlike "Chen Wang" and "Chen Zu", which have bright destiny with clear direction and personality, this destiny is empty and uncertain, dim, even constantly twisting and changing, as thin as paper, like a gust of wind. It can be shattered even if it comes, and the name of the person contained in it is also changing and blurring——

He seemed to have the identity of the descendant of Qishan, and the status of the founder. In a trance, he actually had the destiny of a resident immortal. Chen Yuan even had a vague feeling of strangeness, as if he just needed to take a strong breath, Able to swallow the vastness of heaven and earth and all the myriad phenomena into his belly, nourishing the yin and yang of the universe!

"No, this is not an illusion, but a real reflection of heaven!"

After all, Chen Yuan has seen a lot, especially after experiencing the heavenly competition in the mortal world, he has already understood various changes in the way of heaven. He has also been exposed to several brilliant fates, cut off the cause and effect, and refined the way of heaven. Dharma, after a brief thought at this time, I understood the key -

"Gou Chen Tiandao is both a new life and a rebirth. It is weak and incomplete, so that the shadow I project in this world does not derive a complete, involved in all aspects, and internally self-consistent fate. However, It is precisely because of this incompleteness that my destiny in this world has various possibilities."

He narrowed his eyes and recalled all the past in Gouchenjie.

It is said that it is Gouchen, but it is not strictly speaking. Strictly speaking, it is the Dingyuan small world located in the corpse of the evil immortal.

Chen Yuan's main activities in Gouchen were all completed in the small world of Dingyuan, and he used the magical power of the Time Mirror to outline an identity background in the past history.

"This identity is naturally the identity of the successor of the ancient cultivator, and it reflects part of the fate;"

"In addition, among my few magical treasures and spiritual treasures, I have gathered the most precious treasures of immortality from the Gouchen Realm. Because they are intertwined with the Xuan Shen's life and soul, their fates are connected, and they are like immortals in the world;"

"Further on, the current situation of Gouchen is that I brought out the small world of Dingyuan and re-created it as a foundation, so I have the incomplete fate of the founder, and then..."

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan suddenly narrowed his eyes, and all his thoughts came together.

"The most critical point is that the foundation of the new life of Gouchen is actually the original Dingyuan small world. Even after it has developed to this day, the foundation of the Dingyuan small world has long been blurred, but the major sects, inheritances, and even the mortals who have multiplied everywhere, They can all be traced back to Dingyuan, so Dingyuan Xiaojie is actually the source of new life. "

"But this source also has its root, which is the Xie Qi Immortal. Although this small world was formed by the Xie Qi Immortal under the calculation of Yunling Immortal, it is still bred by the Xie Qi Immortal. This means that the new life Gouchenjie, tracing back to its origin, is equivalent to being bred by the evil immortal."

"And by chance, I inherited and usurped the immortal book and fate of the Xie Qi Immortal. In addition, I had the incomplete fate of the founder. Rounding this up, it is equal to the new Gouchen world being my birthright. Come out, I am the master of heaven! That’s why I felt like I could take the entire realm into my belly just now, but this is not an illusion!”

Thinking of this, his eyes sparkled with an indescribable luster.

"If I had not won the battle in the mortal world and had not gathered the laws of heaven, I might have thought that it was just an illusion. But based on these foundations, I could understand that it was actually a sign! It was me who gathered the second heaven. , and even become a sign of the second heavenly law!”

How powerful is the law of heaven?

Due to various scruples, Chen Yuan never had a real face-to-face discussion with the demon king who was ranked quiet. He only roughly knew that if he sacrificed the dharma that contained the law of heaven, the ordinary Fude Immortal would not be his opponent at all.

When he fought against the six fortunes, he had the upper hand and was almost destroyed, but if you really look into it, in addition to showing extraordinary combat power, Chen Yuan also had a carefully compiled strategy, separating the front and rear, and defeating them one by one!

But after the heavenly laws were condensed, Chen Yuan was confident that he could truly face the six deities and even more at the peak of merit, launch a strong attack, and win the battle!

Such an idea has actually appeared in the body of Demon Lord Shuilu and others. The other party's deliberate ambush, even with the trump card given by the Quiet Demon, was easily defeated. If Chen Yuan hadn't reacted in time and collected a few points. I am afraid that I will not be able to keep him alive, and I am even suspicious because of this, thinking that the things behind this are not simple.

"In fact, the most optimistic conclusion is that I, like those who covet, have underestimated my own combat power. The combat power possessed by this heavenly law is not only beyond my current half-step hole, but it is also very likely that it has already exceeded Having reached the realm of Dongxu, it is close to even being equal to the Qingjing Immortal!"

Realm does not equal combat power. What Chen Yuan pursues is the mystery of the Dongxu Realm. Perfecting his own path and gaining a glimpse of the avenue through immortality does not prevent him from obtaining combat power beyond the Dongxu Realm in advance!

"By analogy, if we can obtain the second heavenly law..."

When he thought of this, even Chen Yuan, who always prided himself on being low-key and cautious, could not help but feel a little restless. However, he quickly collected his thoughts and noticed a tremor and tremor originating from the weak will of heaven. fear.

"This Heavenly Dao is not afraid of me, but is asking me for help, because in a short time, there will be a crisis that can destroy this new Heavenly Dao!"

Chen Yuan frowned and then stepped forward.

"But everything is interdependent, and there are also opportunities hidden in crises. A crisis that is enough to subvert the way of heaven may not be an opportunity to perfect the way of heaven and perfect destiny! But before that, we must first collect and improve the intelligence and understand the immortality. The place where the Demon Meeting is held!”

Phew! Phew! Phew!

The jet-black crane flapped its wings and slowly fell down. Finally, it completely disintegrated in front of a house and turned into a few characters that fell down and were printed on a book.

"The three demons were suppressed with fists, and the Zixiao disciples were frightened away."

A pen with a shimmering light moved quickly on the paper according to the characters, writing a line of words, and then stopped writing.

The old man writing took a long breath, as if he was very tired. After pushing aside the book with a few pages written in front of him, he closed his eyes and fell asleep for a while before opening them again.

"The appearance has changed. I wonder if the immortal book has been taken away by others, or has been reincarnated to reshape one's life? It's just that the immortal roots can be taken away, and the immortal books can be usurped. But once the immortal roots and immortal books are obtained by others, the original fate of that person will naturally change. Although the fool left the door and received the command of the evil spirit, he still placed a trace of his thoughts on it, but he never saw his fate change, and I don’t know why..."

As he thought about it, the old man pinched the bridge of his nose. All kinds of thoughts went through his mind, and many fragments flowed before his eyes like running water.

"If it is said to be reincarnation, it actually makes sense. According to the Qi breath gathered through the Qi, the fool was calculated by Yun Lingxian and became someone else's house and Qi cauldron. If he does not change, he will end up with only One, so it makes sense to cast a thought and be resurrected in the sacred treasure attached to the Dingyuan small world..."

He thought about it like this, but knew that there were still many loopholes and doubts in it, so he flicked it with his fingers, but finally let out a groan.

"It's impossible to calculate! But there are no signs of changes in fate! In the final analysis, what we know now is only shallow, and we still need to investigate further."

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly felt something. He dismissed the books in front of him with a wave of his hand, then turned his head and looked out the window.

Outside, a black wind suddenly fell down and turned into a man in brocade clothes, with his eyebrows on his temples and his robe flying.

He glanced at the plaque, then clasped his fists and said: "Xuan Jing of Zixiao Palace, come to pay homage to Mr. Qing."

An old voice came from the house: "It turns out that you are the descendant of the Wuxiang Realm and the Ancient Holy Mirror. I wonder why you are here? Could it be because of the dispute over Dongxu?"

Xuan Jingjing, a man in gilded clothes, said: "You should not be called me like this, Mr. Qin. This junior is also somewhat interested in the matter of Dongxu. However, the reason for coming here this time is not all for this matter. The more important thing is to hear that you are here. From this world, I came here to inquire about someone."

"Oh?" The old man in the room was moved in his heart, "I don't know who the person you want to ask is?"

"Lao Qing must know about this person." Xuan Jingjing raised his head, and a smile appeared on his handsome, womanly face, "This person's name is Chen Shiji, and he also calls himself Xuyanzi. He has changed his name one after another. There are many false names, and more importantly, this person also usurped the immortal status of a disciple of the noble sect, which is a heinous crime!"

"Chen Shiji? Xuyanzi?" Mr. Qing's expression remained unchanged, and he just asked: "You said this person usurped the immortal books of our disciples? Do you have proof?" He had made some calculations before, and he had doubts. After hearing this, I naturally care.

"Not long after, there will be evidence." Xuan Jingjing said, changing the topic, "We, Zixiao Palace, have always been on good terms with Xuan Qi Sect, and Wuxiang Realm has also received help from Qi Sect to deal with such threats to Qi Sect. People have their own responsibilities, but..."

But before he finished speaking, a burst of mysterious energy blew out of the room——

"Since there is no evidence yet, then don't say more and wait until you have a clear idea before coming back."

As a result, light and shadow were flowing in front of Xuan Jingjing's eyes, and when he came back to his senses, he was already thousands of miles away, where he had landed.

"The wonders of Xuanqi are astonishing!"

He was neither surprised nor angry, neither happy nor sad, but instead praised him.

But a skinny old man walked out beside him and whispered: "It turns out that the Xuanqi cannot enter, young master, for this plan..."

"This time, I didn't expect to be able to persuade the elder of the airbenders. I just wanted to leave a seed so that I could use the power of the airbenders in the future." Xuan Jingjing shook his head and chuckled, "It should be said that everything is under control."

The skinny old man hesitated to speak.

Xuan Jingjing glanced at him and said, "You should think that I suddenly targeted this person for no reason?"

The skinny old man lowered his head and said: "The world master is very happy that the young master has returned from the sect. He knows that the young master has great ambitions and wants to achieve a state that has never been seen in thousands of years. He has asked us to come and assist him. This is a top priority. …”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xuan Jing's faint words——

"Mr. Chen may be the protagonist of this calamity! Moreover, more than a hundred years ago, the ancient mirror warned that it was this star field that was reflected. Since then, I have been paying attention to the Three Soul Star Field, and it is for this reason I noticed this Chen before anyone else. This person’s fate is strange and difficult to predict, but if my prediction is correct, it may conflict with mine!”

The skinny old man was startled, his face full of surprise.

Xuan Jingjing didn't say much, he just said to himself: "It goes without saying that Chen Shiji and Xu Yanzi have two identities. In addition, there is another identity! Although he worked hard and tried his best to Hidden, but after all, it is not perfect, leaving many clues. As long as someone is willing to connect them, it will not be difficult to discover the truth. Now I am just waiting for my few attendants to bring over the remaining souls obtained from the Cave Netherland, and just ask. confirmed.”

"Dongxu Netherland?" The skinny old man came back to his senses, "Young Master, that Dongxu..."

"Dongxu is extremely dangerous for us immortals, and we should not step into it lightly. Even so many immortals and demons have come this time, and they are all surrounding Dongxu and settling in the surrounding realms. I naturally know how powerful it is, but if we don't go, Some people are willing to take risks." Xuan Jing smiled calmly and said, "Everyone has something to ask for. Only by fulfilling their desires can they be driven. If I give them a big reward, I will naturally be able to use them."

The skinny old man frowned when he heard this.

But Xuan Jingjing waved his sleeves and said lightly: "Mr. Lu, I understand your worries, but how can there be no danger in seeking the truth? I have my own plan this time, and the outcome is nothing more than victory and defeat. At the moment The most urgent task, besides the remnant soul, is the incarnation of Yun Lingxian hidden somewhere. As long as we find that incarnation, we can persuade Xuan Qi Sect. In this way, my plan is done!"


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