Depressed Fairy

Chapter 427 The rise and fall of the heavens is ultimately difficult to determine. Whether or not th

The starry sky evolves as if it were real.

There are many realms distributed in the starry sky transformed by that light. As long as anyone present knows a little bit about the starry sky, they can find that this is the scene that outlines the Three Souls Starry Realm.

Even Chen Yuan, who didn't know much about the situation in the starry sky, saw a few familiar names marked under a few stars, and saw the stars marking the cave world suddenly enlarged, and the evolution of the human world inside , after it seemed real, I understood.

"This person is using magical powers to deduce the world of stars and humans!"

But as he looked at it, he noticed something was wrong.

In this "Dongxu Realm", everything is calm. If there is any disturbance, it is that hundreds of years ago, the eight-armed god and demon caused a certain disturbance after he escaped from the trap, but he was soon eliminated by the younger generation who rose up behind him. They worked together to seal the town, leaving behind a legend of conquering the devil.

After that, all kinds of joys and sorrows were staged in the entire realm, but one thing was very clear.

"No one ascends in harmony!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"The incident of the Eight-Armed God and Demon was actually an opportunity for my rise. After that, I founded the Dongxuan Sect, which stirred up the stagnant Dongxu Realm, or at least caused a lot of turmoil in Dongzhou. As for Hedao's ascension, if Looking back now, it is clear that I was designed and calculated! Many of the changes after that were due to my failure!”

He looked at the starlight deduction in front of him again, and the reason was readily apparent——

"What the Lord of the Dream Palace deduced was the evolution of the Dongxu Realm after I, Dongxuanzi Chen Yuan, was eliminated. The result is..."

No trouble, just like before.

After that, several more stars were enlarged one after another, and the changes were deduced one after another in the realm of divine martial arts, the realm of Rahu, the realm of formlessness, the realm of nothingness, the realm of big heart demons, etc.

Among them, the one Chen Yuan is most familiar with is the Spiritual Immortal World, and the others have only heard of their names at most.

These include the world of immortals and the world of mortals.

Chen Yuan is not familiar with several other realms, so he does not know what is special about the deduction content of these realms, but he is clear about the spirit fairy realm. After all, the master of the spirit fairy cave and the ring master are both because of Because of him, he fell into dust and suffered heavy losses. Many immortals who were originally trapped in the spiritual fairy world took the opportunity to escape. It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire realm was turned upside down.

But in the star deduction in front of us, the world of immortals has not changed much. Just like it has been for countless years, it is going through reincarnation and playing out the stories of the past. Looking at the time points, it is like playing the mythical version of the Three Kingdoms story. Same.

As for the early deaths of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, the replacement of Dong Andu, the fall of the Lord of the Circle, and the lack of the Way of the Circle, nothing happened at all.

Looking at the mortal world that he named himself, it is even more weird.

Chen Yuan's Heavenly Dao Dharma is already half the world master, but in this star deduction, it was not "Chen Zu Chen Shiji" who really gained control of this world and became the cave master, but the evil Buddha. And the day of its achievement is not today, but seventeen years later!

Chen Yuan's expression was solemn precisely because of this. He realized that no matter who the master of the Dream Palace was, what his identity was, and what power he had, at least one thing was very clear.

"This person noticed me! Even though I changed my identity and name many times, changed my course of action, and implemented a low-key and cautious style, this person still noticed me!"

There is no doubt that the star deduction in front of us is the development that the realm should have after extracting his influence and actions.

The next development proved Chen Yuan's idea.

The deduction seemed to have stopped, and several stars that had received special attention were quickly enlarged with the wave of the man in the black bird mask and appeared in front of everyone.


He said calmly: "What you have just seen is the realms that have undergone the most drastic changes in the past three hundred years, and each of them is of great importance. Needless to say, the importance of the Dongxu Realm, the Spiritual Immortal Realm It is also hidden that in the recent era, the only person who has set foot in Dongxu by his own strength. Although it is a trick and it is difficult to interfere with the outside world, he is also a real Dongxu Immortal, and the world of Shenwu hides the secret treasure of transcending the world. The Rahu Realm is the remnant of the ancient demon, the Formless Realm hides half of the Tao Fruit, the Void Realm is the source of the distortion of the starry sky, the Great Heart Demon Realm was once the place where the hearts of saints and Buddhas fell, etc..."

He introduced several realms one after another, which made the people present more and more nervous and concerned. However, some people soon raised doubts: "But as far as I know..."

"There's no rush." ​​Xuanniao stopped asking, "I know what you want to say, and that's the key."

He raised his hand and pointed, and the starry sky deduction changed again, but this time there were some more people in those caves.

It was like someone pressed the rewind button, everything returned to the beginning, and then started again, but this time the development was completely different.

Some people rise up with passion, suppress the current world, create sects, and attack the Ascension Hedao!

Some people are rebellious from humble backgrounds, singing loudly all the way, slaughtering a large number of people, sweeping away the current world and becoming a saint in the flesh!

Some people survive in desperate situations and hide in hiding. Then with one move, they become invincible and kill all the enemies in the world!

Some people are resurrected after death, rebelling all the way, overturning the order, and finally stirring up the world and overthrowing the master of the alliance!

Some people come back with force, crush with force, destroy everything, kill the heroes in the eyes of everyone, and achieve the power of heaven!

With the emergence of several characters, the original development paths of several caves were completely different, and their final changes were also advanced one after another. They were all concentrated in a period of time, which ultimately contributed to the changes in the realm, and there were vague connections between them. In the end, the point and Faced with this, a chain reaction occurred throughout the Three Soul Star Territory, attracting the attention of several major forces, and an undercurrent surged!

Seeing this unusual result, everyone was shocked but also understood.

"As you can see, according to the calculations of the ancestor worship, the real calamity will still be at least fifty years, or even a century or a hundred years later, but it has changed due to the changes in these realms and caves."

The Lord of the Dream Palace spoke again: "These realms are of concern to all parties because they involve so many. Several large sects across the sea of ​​stars must restrain each other to maintain balance, and neither of them is involved in the realms. However, In the end, the sudden rise of several characters changed the balance, causing the original balance to break, which in turn triggered the actions of various forces. "

His voice gradually became more solemn and heavy: "Right now, the calm in the Three Souls Realm is just a superficial calm, like under the calm lake. In fact, there are turbulent undercurrents. All forces are accumulating strength. It only takes one spark, maybe it will happen." It breaks out completely! By then, everything may be different, and there is not much time left for us..."

He did not continue, but everyone fell silent.

The man wearing the candle dragon spoke at this moment: "Dongxuanzi Chen Yuan from the Dongxu Realm, Wuzu Yingyuan from the Shenwu Realm, Night Demon from the Luohu Realm, Xuanjing from the Phaseless Realm, Mo Douchen from the Big Heart Demon Realm, and Wuzu Realm from the Void Realm. Mr. Yun Yun, the King of Chen in the Immortal Realm, Chen She, and the new Cave Master in the Chen Yuan Realm, Chen Shiji, these people are actually the anomalies that caused the calamity to advance!"

Listening to each name, everyone in the meeting certainly had their own thoughts, and Chen Yuan's eyelids also jumped.

Good guy, he was very familiar with several names, but at the same time he was slightly relieved.

"It seems that the situation is not as bad as I thought. I thought someone had connected my path all along, but now it seems that several vests have not fallen off. Although a lot has been exposed, but since Being treated as several independent individuals, there is room for manipulation. Not to mention, I used the Dao Fruit fragments to sneak in. If I operate it properly, I can always get first-hand information in the future, which may be of great use. "

While he was thinking about it, he heard the Lord of the Dream Palace suddenly say: "Although he is an odd number, he may be the protagonist of Starry Air Luck."


Xuanniao followed up and said: "Two deduction contexts, one without the participation of these people, and the other with the existence of these people, have such a change, especially the latter as a reality, has almost caused a chaos in the Starry Sky Sect, so that Measuring the calamity in advance is enough to prove that these people’s destiny is extremely important, enough to change the changes in the starry sky!”

He raised his head, his sharp eyes shining through the mask, and everyone he saw couldn't help but sit upright.

"Just like in the cave sky, there is the protagonist of the cave sky, who can become the master of the world. Every era has its protagonist, who can change the tide. The starry sky also has its protagonist in a certain period of time. The protagonist of this calamity is, It is very likely that among these people..."

Xuanniao pointed at a few stars transformed from the illusory cave sky.

"Among these people!"

"The protagonist of Star Calamity!" Bai Ze couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, "It's really incredible! If it weren't for chance, how could I know the secrets of such a character! But even if I know it now, I still can't help but sigh. I feel too far away, too far away..."

Then, he couldn't help but recite those names, feeling more and more in awe.

Chen Yuan glanced at him sideways and said nothing.

The Lord of the Dream Palace then added: "But you don't have to worry about this. The fact that we can obtain the fragmented medium is also due to luck. It naturally has its place and is extremely heavy! It should be noted that the protagonist of Calamity Tribulation can rise quickly and set off a frenzy. But how it ends depends on our methods! The final merit and harvest will be beyond imagination!"

As soon as these words came out, the turbulent mood among the people in the congregation gradually calmed down, and many people's uneasiness also disappeared a lot.

"A good method, but..."

Chen Yuan pinched his chin and began to think: "He said that among those people there were the protagonists, and I barely accounted for half of them. If you don't take into account the factor of being discouraged and disqualified, I actually have a good chance of competing for the protagonists. If you include those who are here today, , that is to say, you can also get a share of the outcome of the so-called calamity. After all, it is not a loss. "

At this time, a clear female voice suddenly sounded from somewhere on the long table——

"I dare to ask the dream master, the people I just talked about are all the protagonists of Starry Sky? Or which one are they?"

Chen Yuan followed the sound and saw a figure shrouded in white mist, and his slender body outline could be seen.

"That's a good question." Xuanniao's voice was filled with admiration, "Of course there is only one, and although all of these people are possible, if we talk about it in depth, there is still a difference in severity. Who exactly is it? If we can really determine who it is, , why should we be so troubled?”

"Let me tell you." Zhulong spoke again, "First of all, these people are making waves in their respective caves. They are at least the protagonists of a cave and a certain stage, but the protagonists who have their own luck also have restrictions and limitations. , often after completing the destiny or mission, or after a certain period of time, one will lose the destiny. From this point of view, the Martial Ancestor Yingyuan of the Shenwu Realm, the Night Demon of the Luohu Realm, and the Chen of the Lingxian Realm have already completed their missions. Wang Chenshe, or Dongxuanzi of the Dongxu Realm who became an immortal, or Chen Ancestor Chen Shiji who made the return of the master of one side..."

As he spoke, he frowned.

"The luck of the surname Chen is probably good lately. There are a lot of people named Chen here."

After inserting this sentence, Zhulong returned to the topic: "These are either limited by fate, or have complete fates, and their realms are still subject to considerable restrictions. They may all lose the protagonist's luck. Compared with , the remaining few are not only still on the journey, but they are also in a realm that involves the heavens, and they are very likely to be the protagonists of the starry sky in the future!"

"Starry Sky Protagonist."

When the projected consciousness slowly returned, Chen Yuan still savored the term.

"It would be great if this group of people could focus their attention on other people. I just want to go further west on the road of enlightenment. As for the protagonist of the starry sky and the calamity of all things, there is no trace of it. I don't want to be involved, and it can't be related to me. This kind of thing is like the mastermind behind the scenes, and I have nothing to do with it."

Thinking of this, he recalled that the Lord of the Dream Palace reminded everyone at the last moment that they would not be summoned in the near future, but he did not prevent others from meeting in dreams, and also asked the participants not to mention that at will after leaving the Dream Palace. The names of several people prevent the causal connection from being noticed.

"The identity of the Lord of the Dream Palace is worthy of scrutiny. If the entire Dream Palace is controlled by him, then this person may have a close connection with the Dao Fruit Fragments. In addition, it is not difficult to see from this person's words, Normally, you can also use the medium to go to the dream palace..."

Thinking of this, he collected the Dao Fruit fragments without any intention of trying again.

"The storm is about to come, and time does not wait for us. It is better to sort out the heavenly ways of this world first and see if we can condense a true body of Dharma that exceeds the current realm, and then go to the cave to prepare for the upcoming disputes in the cave and make arrangements. . If the calamity is really going to affect the heavens, we must be prepared before it happens, and the higher the level of cultivation, the better."

As soon as he thought about this, he raised his head and looked into the distance. As far as his eyes could see, he saw the colorful scenery of heaven.

The eight-armed dharma image slowly appeared behind him, and the entire mortal realm trembled slightly.

the other side.

In a courtyard built deep in the mountains, a strong man in short clothes took off the Bai Ze mask on his head, revealing a resolute face, and then took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect that this calamity could be brought forward by one or two people! The protagonist of the starry sky is really terrifying! If I hadn't had the opportunity to obtain the fragment of the Morning Star, I wouldn't have heard of such things. I'm afraid that it was the origin of the disaster. I don’t know how I died! It’s better now, I have a bit of an advantage, but it’s difficult to take advantage of it.”

He thought for a long time and finally shook his head.

"Although the new person I met today seems to have a high level of cultivation, in the end he is just a new person in a dream. The best opportunity is to have a casual conversation. It is not easy to ask for advice. Even if time is tight, you have to take it slowly. After all, for those big shots For me, fifty years is an imminent danger, but for me, it’s hard to say whether I can survive fifty years. Therefore, I still can’t be anxious or aim too high, I have to start with the opportunities around me.”

After thinking about it, the man stood up and opened the door of the quiet room.

The servant who had been waiting outside quickly came over, lowered his head and said: "Young Master, you are out of seclusion, old lady..."

"I'm not busy." The person waved his hand, interrupted the other party, and asked, "Let me ask you, have you invited Mr. Fuyin?"

"I've been here for two days. If the young master doesn't come out of seclusion, he will leave."

"That can't be done!" The strong man was startled and said secretly. Every time he falls into a dream, he only lasts for an hour or two, and then a few days pass outside. It is really inconvenient, "I should go visit first!"


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