Depressed Fairy

Chapter 417 If you don’t understand the legal system, it’s really hard to distinguish between strong

The vision that filled the entire night sky suddenly dissipated.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse in the sky, and everything on the earth was silent, as if it was an ordinary night.

But for those who have personally experienced the battle between the two great fortune immortals, the huge contrast brought about by this calmness makes them frightened.

"What exactly is going on?"

In the Xiyue Divine Realm, several gods who were fighting fiercely with Yao Qin noticed that the terrifying will that had been hanging over them suddenly disappeared, and they immediately felt at a loss and felt a strong crisis.

They looked at each other, seeing incredible emotions in their eyes.

"Could it be that……"


The skinny Taoist Snake Protector made a quick decision. With a flick of his hands, countless shadows turned into long snakes, trying to wrap around Yao Qin. He spun around in the air, blended into the dark night, and fled far away!

When Yao Qin originally fought with several people, when Taoist Canglong obtained the golden man and gained the power of the world, he felt even more pressure, because many of those who fought with him were subordinates of Taoist Canglong. Canglong was full of energy. These subordinates immediately rose to the top.

Not only that, facing such a situation, he was also trembling with fear. If he hadn't been restricted by the inner demon curse, he would have escaped long ago. Even so, facing the increasingly arrogant and tyrannical momentum of Snake Protector and others, he not only gradually fell into a disadvantage, but also continued to withstand the verbal attacks from the other party after gaining power, and suffered physical and mental torture.

But I didn’t expect that all of a sudden, things would take a turn for the worse!

As the night sky cleared, he actually felt a surge of power blessing him!

"The luck of the dynasty! Heaven's favor!"

Yao Qin was startled, first confused, then surprised.

You must know that he is no stranger to this state. The Snake Protector and others who just fought with him have been in this state for a long time. Only when facing the Twelve Holy Seals, not only did they not be defeated, but they gradually overtook them.

"But these few of them are caused by their lord taking charge of the Dacheng Dynasty and refining the realm of heaven. I...I understand!"

Suddenly, a flash of light passed through their hearts.

"It's King Chen! It was King Chen who fought with the person behind the Dacheng Dynasty before! Although the person behind the dynasty has all kinds of advantages, great power, and even the ability to unite the country! But in the face of the method of controlling chaos, King Chen is still no match!"

After understanding this, he became energetic. He glanced around and saw that the people who had originally besieged him were hesitant. When he looked again, he saw the black figure that was escaping in a hurry. He immediately sneered and walked straight away. Chase him!

"Why did you escape? Where did the arrogance just now go? I'm not afraid of you knowing that your master has declined now. It's natural that the month will fall and the month will rise. It is fitting that my lord will enjoy the way of heaven! Since I have How could my lord, the vanguard, let you escape like this?"

At this time, Yao Qin had received the blessings of heaven and luck, and her mind was really like light. With one movement, she grasped the direction of the black shadow, and then pursued it!

A sharp voice came from the black shadow: "Yao Qin! There is no deep grudge between you and me. We had some connection back then, but now we are just our own masters, so why bother to kill them all?"

"Origin? Not deep grudges? You didn't mention this when you just started!" Yao Qin smiled coldly, "It's too late to talk about this now!"

The two of them, one after the other, crossed the vast land in a blink of an eye. When Yao Qin raised his finger and several holy words and seal characters rotated and fell, suppressing the shadow, he suddenly realized that this pursuit and escape had actually ended. It's time to reach a place filled with dragon energy.


Looking around, what caught Yao Qin's eyes was a ruined wall, but buried inside was the aura of a true dragon!

But... the dragon energy has faded!

"This is the capital area of ​​the Dacheng Dynasty?" After watching for a moment, Yao Qin saw the clues. "The direct bloodline of the dynasty has almost been cut off! So the dragon energy declined and the dynasty collapsed! It should be the noble blood of this dynasty, His destiny was connected with the person behind the dynasty, so he fell together, leaving the dynasty without a leader, huh? "

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the fallen snake protector struggling, his body disintegrating, turning into a dozen slender little snakes, trying to slip away from the sacred words and seal characters. He couldn't help but sneer, and pressed the seal with his hands.

at this time.


An indifferent voice sounded, and then the gilded mango, which was as gentle as jade, fell from the sky. With a calm gesture, he stretched out his hand to suppress all the dozens of small snakes, and then stretched out his hand to grab them, causing them to re-condensate into the form of a snake protector. appearance.

"Who are you waiting for? How dare you meddle in other people's business! My brother was just suppressed, but he has never..."


The gilded man shook his head, suddenly waved his sleeves, and put the snake protector into his sleeves.

"Secretary of Zixiao Palace!"

As soon as Yao Qin saw the other party's appearance, his expression immediately changed. The anger that someone had snatched away his prey just arose, but it disappeared in an instant. Instead, he saluted respectfully.

"Oh, you do have some knowledge and vision, and you are better than these two beasts." Piantu emerged from the ground, holding a ferocious liger in his hand, which was the prototype of the lion protector.

He threw the liger beast to the ground and said: "This monster also has some abilities. He has developed the magical power of the universe in his belly. He can swallow the clouds and rivers with one mouthful. It's a pity that he met me. His belly is so wide. , how can it be wider than the earth?”

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Brother Tu." A stream of water fell and turned into a person, none other than Xing Shui. "If Senior Brother hadn't taken action, I almost let this guy escape." She glanced at the gilt tantan again, "The little snake has also been captured. , plus the shrimp soldiers and crab generals I have here, Canglong’s subordinate team has been almost wiped out. As a meeting gift, it should be enough to satisfy the Taoist. "

After saying that, Xing Shui looked at Yao Qin again: "Who is this person? Is he also a subordinate of Cang Long?"

Yao Qin was listening with cold sweat all over his head. He was shocked when he heard this and wanted to explain. Then he heard Gil said: "This is probably a subordinate of Taoist Chen, and he is acting under his orders."

"Oh?" Xing Shui immediately became interested, "Are you that Taoist's subordinate? Just right, just right. Can you tell me about him? It will also help me to have a clear target when I visit."

When Yao Qin heard the name "Taoist Chen", he immediately understood something, and then showed a confused look on his face. Although he knew that Zixiao Palace was extremely powerful in the world and was not easy to deal with or mess with, but now that his life was in Chen Yuan's hands, how could he dare to reveal information at will without permission?

Seeing the troubled look on his face, Xing Shui didn't force him, knowing that he must be in trouble.

Instead, Na Tutu said: "Actually, you don't need to be embarrassed. If we know correctly, the Immortal Lord Fu Fu you are loyal to is really Chen Shiji who walked out of this world two hundred years ago, which is what adults call Chen Shiji. Ancestor, we already know this person’s background, and I’m just asking you a question to confirm it?”


When Yao Qin heard this, her face was filled with doubts.

Chen Zu?

Two hundred years?

Chen Shiji

What are these people talking about?

King Chen is an outsider and has nothing to do with this world, nothing more than...

Suddenly, he thought of the defeated Cang Long, who seemed to have wanted to usurp someone's position, and it was immediately clear.

It seems that he was intercepted by King Chen.

After thinking about this, Yao Qin couldn't help but secretly shake his head when he looked at the people from Zixiao Palace in front of him.

"I still haven't seen King Chen's methods. I think I understand King Chen's background, but you don't know that what you know is only a scale and a half, and a leaf that blinds your eyes!"

As he was thinking this, his expressions changed one after another, making it difficult for Dai Jintan and others to see the clues.

After thinking about it, Gilded Tan simply said: "If it's not easy for you to reveal it, fellow Taoist, that's fine. In fact, we already know that the Taoist was bequeathed by a senior and was able to achieve what he is today in two hundred years." , Now the senior’s close relatives have also come to this world, and are about to visit Taoist Chen. I’m just worried about being presumptuous, so why not ask fellow Taoists to introduce them to us? "

Yao Qin secretly shook her head after hearing this.

Return the legacy of our predecessors? I heard that there was a discrepancy in the information. I am afraid that in the end, I will be slapped in the face by King Chen!

However, after all, he couldn't afford to offend the disciple of Zixiao Palace. The other party treated him politely, so it was hard for him to refuse. However, he himself was not clear about the situation here, and it was also hard for him to accept rashly.

"You still have something else in mind." Gilded Tan smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, why don't you go with us to see that senior first, we will find out by then." With that, he, his junior brother and junior sister went ahead.

Yao Qin hesitated and followed.

The road ahead was rugged and full of ruins, but in front of the road ahead of a few people, they heard a rumble, and a majestic city rose from the ground, absorbing the surrounding ruins, reorganizing and recasting them!

"This is……"

Yao Qin was stunned and felt a surge of momentum!

In the dark night sky, deep in the dark sky, there were three figures flying in the sky.

A clear air lingers around the body, and the spiritual energy around him trembles, as if he is worshiping the king, and he wants to merge with him all the time. It is the Yunling Immortal.

A path was wrapped in pitch black. Even though they were thousands of feet high in the sky, there were still many black shadows around their feet, teeth and claws showing, and each one contained strong demonic energy. It was the original demon.

One is dressed in plain white, with long hair flying in the wind. He carries two swords behind his back, one black and one white. Although the sword energy is locked in the scabbard, it still exudes an awe-inspiring force!

This person is called Sword Demon Sanren, but although he is named after Demon, he is the sword cultivator who dominates the world. He is assisted by Demon Dao. He is also a true immortal of merit and virtue. He is based in the far west border of this continent. Recently, this In two years, Shengsheng had kneaded the area where many countries stood together to form a united country.

They looked down at the royal capital that was slowly recovering, with different thoughts.

"This latest outsider really has some abilities." The one who spoke was the sword demon. His eyes were like a sword, he could see through many illusions and pointed directly to the core. "In a short period of time, he has gathered the way of heaven, refined the earth's veins, and even more closely related to the history of this area. Changhe communicates and draws a city from the past to rebuild the capital. If he succeeds and establishes the core of the three talents of heaven, earth and people, this piece of heaven will be completely in his hands. "

He retracted his gaze and looked to the left and right: "Are you two planning to take action? The one has already spoken out and given a lot of reward. I will not begrudge the sword in my hand, let alone wait until this suddenly appears. The disruptor will take action when the situation becomes stronger.”

When the original demon heard this, he smiled coldly and said: "Sword Demon, don't say that I didn't warn you! The reason why this person can take over Dacheng Tiandao so smoothly is because of his identity! He is the 200-year-old Chen Zu and Chen Shiji who left this realm before! Worship and belief in this person are spread all over this Dacheng. In recent years, they have even extended to other realms. With such a foundation, no matter what If you don’t do anything, if you stand there, the great enlightenment of heaven will come to you.”

"Huh? Chen Shiji?" The sword demon looked surprised, "I have heard of this person's name. It seems that two hundred years ago, he was just a member of an ordinary family. Because of his good luck, he became a great man for a while. The protagonist of Destiny rose up along the way, and finally, due to fate, he broke through all the obstacles and went to a higher level of the cave. He was said to have ascended. However, Shenzang's ascension has never been considered true. I also know this person's experience. , His ability to leave is related to the struggle between the upper realm sects, and it can be regarded as a fate, and he has great luck, but even so, he has become a true immortal in two hundred years and can suppress Canglong..."

He shook his head: "Perhaps someone is acting in the name of others, just like the blue dragon, just one step ahead."

"This person is different, he has secrets hidden in him!" The original demon smiled coldly, and then said: "This person has many tricks and is also good at calculations. If you fight against him, you will feel that you are unable to relax and have a good time! Canglong and I are just like that. For example, no matter how many advantages you have before, once you encounter that person, he will be calculated and targeted by layers of calculations, and in the end, he will be defeated and banned without using any real means! "

After hearing this, the sword demon laughed and said nonchalantly: "If what you said is true, then even though this person is capable, he is inclined to be gloomy and calculating. In fact, his inherent deficiencies and weaknesses have been revealed! I think he came here to deal with it. You are a primitive demon. You have been preparing for a long time. You can only succeed if you catch your moment of negligence and suddenly burst out. Looking at the fate of the Canglong, it is actually not difficult to guess that Chen Zu's destiny has already been mastered. , being plotted and locked up with hatred, so as long as you are careful and don't fall into his plan, you won't be able to escape."

"What you said clearly means something." The original demon narrowed his eyes, "Want to take action alone?"

The sword demon smiled and asked: "Do you still want to join forces? If word spreads, will there be a reputation? You must be scared out of your wits! In this case, let me go and meet this world's Chen Zu, Look what he has..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yun Lingxian's eyes were peaceful, not changed by the sword demon. He just said calmly: "This person has a cause and effect with me, so I should come first."

"Is there a cause and effect with fellow Taoist Yun Ling?" Sword Demon narrowed his eyes, "So, fellow daoist must know this person's background? Is he really Chen Shiji? And what does he rely on to be able to win the battle between just two people? Ranked in the Immortal Class for a hundred years?"

The original demon also looked over, with a hint of understanding flashing in his eyes.

"Yes or no, it doesn't matter. After today, there will be no such person in the world." Yun Lingxian said, taking a step forward and walking towards Jingyang City, which had restored its old outlook.

"Hey! Extremely conceited!" The original demon smiled coldly, turned into a black shadow, and flew downwards.

The sword demon frowned and thought for a moment, but made no move, but then a strange rune appeared on his forehead, causing the sword demon's eyes to darken instantly, and countless whispers echoed in his mind, altering some of his thoughts.

"Well, since you are entrusted and paid, you can't hold onto any obsession with swordsmanship. Why don't you go and have a look, so that you can respond if the situation goes bad."

After the thought fell, he turned into a sword light and flew straight into the city!


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