Depressed Fairy

Chapter 409: Surprised to see the true hit, frightened the Demon Sect Ancestor

The cold air is overflowing and the yin energy is turning into wind!

Zhao Guangjun shuddered, and suddenly his eyes were filled with ghostly shadows and illusions. The originally solemn and oppressive hall suddenly seemed to have turned into a ghostly Netherworld Si Yamen!

Six ancient bronze doors with uncertain reality and reality stand in the air. A hand reaches out from each door, grasping the yin and yang veins, and pulling the true spirits of the officials and generals outside the palace!

"My puppet is not something you can control!"

The original demon's voice was cold, and without any other movement, his words condensed into sharp blades of thought, piercing into the hearts of those civil and military officials outside the palace!

Whoosh whoosh——

The sharp blade of the mind changed between reality and reality, and under the horrifying gazes of the Queen and others, it pierced the brows of the civil and military officials!

Suddenly, all the officials trembled!

This group of civil and military personnel had already had their minds reversed by the original demon's demon refining method, infected with the true nature of the demonic way, and had long been close to the incarnation outside the body. This sharp blade of thought would stimulate their demonic instincts and free them from imprisonment. Get out!

Unexpectedly, once this thought went away, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response!

Not only that, the original demon clearly felt that the original demonic nature that had been rooted in everyone's hearts through the method of demon refining, transforming and distorting their natures was being pulled by a torrent of powerful force, quickly peeled away from these people's bodies, and headed towards the six realms. The door to reincarnation falls!

For a moment, even Zhao Chen could see with the naked eye the mist-like black shadows, grabbed by the six hands in the door, quickly pulled over and integrated into them!

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts!"

" could we do those evil things!"


All the civil and military officials who were originally indifferent suddenly made movements and had different expressions. Some were howling miserably, some were pale, and some were crying sadly, as if they were suddenly awakening from a big dream!

The blades of thought stabbed by the original demon were all broken!

Queen Lou Li’s eyes are shining!

"Great magical power!? No! There are two great magical powers!"

The original demon's face suddenly became ugly. The magic light in his eyes changed, and he penetrated the reality and reality. He suddenly discovered that the method of infecting the minds of civil and military people by fighting in the air was a great magical power, and this method opened up the yin and yang and led to the six paths of reincarnation. , is also a great magical power!

"It's the devil's way, and it's the ghost's way. These two great supernatural powers, could it be that this person's path of merit can encompass the life and death of the devil? What is the origin of the person who took action? Huh?"

Suddenly, he noticed that deep in his flesh and blood, a strange thought was growing and growing!

"Absurd! You think that I am an ordinary demon cultivator, and my inner demon can take advantage of me when my thoughts are ups and downs? How arrogant!"

Along with the angry thoughts, the strange thoughts became stronger and stronger. As soon as the original demon moved his hand, there was a crisp "pop", and the smoke and threads on his body came back again, causing him to burst into unknown fire, which further increased the power of his thoughts.

But the ancestor of the original demon grinned and sneered, and with a thought in his mind, magic light surged from all directions, carrying a bit of the breath of the source of the demon, returning from the void and covering the god of the original demon!

Demonic deeds must be repaid eventually!

The origin of magic, trace back to its roots!

"The original demon is the origin, the source of all demons!"


The demonic fire boiled, the full moon rose, a little shadow of the cave, and a twisted world unfolded behind him. The incomplete magical power that imitated the way of the circle was instantly shattered, causing the original demon ancestor to break free from it, along with the inner feelings in his heart. That strange thought was also destroyed by the magic light!

But his eyes became colder and colder.

This is to bring back the great magical power "Demon Karma Must Repay" just now and break the abnormality on his body. For a person like him, he has lost his dignity and lost his dignity.

After cultivating to this point and competing for the authority of heaven, the reputation and majesty are no longer empty names, because it involves the changes in people's hearts and the tendency of the heaven in the small world, and really involves luck and interests!


A crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the bead in the original demon's hand that absorbed Lou Li's dragon energy.

He glanced coldly at Queen Lou Li next to him, and sneered: "Your Majesty is confused. Do you think that the person who hides his head and shows his tail is the savior you are waiting for? Don't look at that person's temporary majesty. I already know who he is!"

The queen's face turned pale, but Namorayana retreated slightly and looked back outside the palace.


Outside the hall, the black shadows on the civil and military officials were like strong winds. They were grabbed by six hands and kept falling into the six realms. Their own aura gradually became weaker, but their demonic nature became increasingly rare.

"This posture..."

"It's just an appearance!"

As if he had a glimpse of Morayan's thoughts, the original demon's voice became colder and colder, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it!


With a cry of surprise, it was Chen Zengyu who was picked up by the volley!

"Huh?" Morayan was confused when he saw this, and suddenly his eyes condensed, with a red light in his eyes, and he saw the lines of cause and effect extending out in the void!

Infected by darkness, the threads quickly turned black, carrying the terrifying will and original demonic power of the original demon, heading towards the other end of cause and effect!

"My original demonic path is the root of all demons! The origin of the demonic sect! The cause and effect source of the demonic path! Although the person who secretly acts has some abilities, he only chooses to use the method of the demonic sect and the art of cause and effect to act. You’ve already lost! Do you really think I didn’t notice anything strange about this person when his demonic karma was returned?”

The original demon pinched Chen Zengyu's neck and smiled coldly: "As long as you know that behind the holy gate is my original master, you can't take action without reason. There will always be a reason! This Chen Zengyu is the reason! This person and the person who took action have a deep connection! Magical power, the source of cause and effect! Retrace the original path!"

In the third dark devil eye on his head, a huge blood-red pupil suddenly appeared. It turned gruntingly, eerie and strange, and then emitted infinite magic light!


Chen Zengyu trembled suddenly, and in an instant, dark lines covered his body. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was instantly possessed by the devil. The source of his blood reversed and exploded, turning into blood lines, following the cause and effect, and following the magical power that resonated with the blood just now, piercing the void! Pointing directly at Chen Yuan!

In Lushou Mountain, it had returned to calm after the witch surrendered, but whether it was the mountain king or the cultivators, they all looked at Chen Yuan with a look of doubt.

Since Chen Yuan killed Sha Feiyan, he held the corpse and pinched the seal with his hands. The whole body was filled with mist, and the scene of the heart was looming. His flesh and blood were trembling constantly, and he seemed to have three heads and six arms! The pressure that emanated from him alone made everyone silent, not to mention that he had just reversed the situation and killed the arrogant and domineering Demonic Yang God, which made everyone even more afraid.

So, although some people vaguely guessed what Chen Yuan was doing, they were secretly anxious and dared not speak out!

But suddenly!


Blood flew in the sky, and black wind suddenly rose in the void!

The terrifying demonic aura broke the boundary between reality and illusion, turning into red blood arrows, flowing against the current!

The blood arrows traveled between reality and illusion, not in the world, but reflected in people's hearts. Everyone who saw it covered their chests and cried out miserably, with demonic thoughts surging in their hearts and red light flickering in their eyes, as if they were possessed by the devil.

The aura of the devil spread, disturbing people's hearts, and turned their awe into madness. The words that they dared not say originally, under the urging of the devil's will, burst out crazily-"This person is indeed spying on the ancestor of the devil! But isn't this courting death?" "If he can suppress the devil, how can he spy on the devil?" "Finished! We will be destroyed here today!"... But there are also a few people who are firm in mind. Although the devil's thoughts make them irritable, they still maintain their minds. Like the wine in the river, he heard the words and said angrily: "Why destroy your own prestige? If you are afraid of the devil, why do we come here? Kill the devil today, even if you die, you will have no regrets!" The crowd was in chaos for a while, but the aftermath of the blood arrow caused them to attack each other, and they were faintly ready to fight! And Chen Yuan was the first to bear the brunt. He looked up and saw that the blood arrow fell into his eyes and pierced into his heart, pointing directly to the origin of the immortal way! In the Niwan Palace, the Yuanshen trembled, and the Xingkong Heart Demon was exhausted, and its demonic nature was suppressed in an instant.

"The way this demon cultivates actually has some meaning of the source of the demonic way, and is also good at causal attacks. Moreover, he may have a blood relative related to Chen Shiji, and he came here according to the cause and effect to break my immortal way and immortal way."

He was not panicked but happy: "My immortal way is not afraid of these. If it can be released at will, the power is still higher than the great supernatural power. It's a pity that there are many restrictions. It can only be used when it is related to fate, heaven, and luck, and I can be used as a medium to exert its power! I didn't expect that it would come to my door today!"

When he thought of this, he gathered the power of the Yuanshen, and no longer defended, allowing the blood arrow to pierce into the deepest immortal book talisman!

"I was just trying to test the waters, to see what this demon woman is up to, and to find out the realms and practices of the other families. I didn't expect it to develop to this point! The other party's demon cultivation is obviously also in the realm of virtue, so I won't be polite!"


As the thought fell, a stream of blood arrows, like comets, penetrated into the immortal records with the power of the original demon! In a blink of an eye, it grasped the root of cause and effect, and then eroded and devoured Chen Yuan's immortal way!


In the depths of the immortal records, a little cause and effect appeared, and the appearance of Chen Shiji as a teenager emerged, and then slowly changed into the current appearance of Chen Yuan! Sitting in the full moon!

In the Louli Palace, the original demon also saw the appearance of Chen Zu in the moon, and was stunned at first, and then understood!

"Blood source? The person who attacked from a distance, is he the blood source of this Chen Zengyu? No, not a direct bloodline, but a source of luck connected with bloodline. Is this... the so-called Chen Zu in the Dacheng legend?! And is... the realm of virtue!? Impossible! How is it possible!"

The moment he saw the truth, the original demon felt confused.

"A cultivator from the Shenzang small world escaped by chance two hundred years ago. Even if he had some luck and luck, how could he achieve such a realm!? This... It's only been two hundred years, how did he cultivate to this point? It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense! Not good!"

The mind was confused, the inner demon grew, and he was about to kill it, but suddenly a great sign of terror came from the bottom of his heart. He was shocked to realize that the cause and effect of the original demon's great magical power had fallen into nothingness, and then there was a terrifying cause and effect reversal!

Disheartened and disqualified!

The original demon's mind was suddenly confused, his five senses were buzzing, and his mind was confused!

The dragon energy that he had gathered with great difficulty suddenly became chaotic, and most of it disappeared in a blink of an eye. The original great demon status that he had obtained by refining all the demons and suppressing a world was actually shaky and lost five points of its majesty!


The high-level Moruoyan noticed it at the first time, and felt that the original demon that had suppressed him for hundreds of years suddenly became unstable and his aura declined, and there were some signs of the disintegration of the demon!

"Hmm? What's going on?"

The sudden change, although he had long had his thoughts, was in doubt for a while and did not make any other moves.

The original demon immediately woke up and was shocked.

"What kind of evil magic is this? Can it actually cut people's fate and luck from a distance?"

In an instant, he couldn't care less whether the other party was the so-called Chen Zu. In despair and instigated by his inner demons, he had many evil thoughts and did not stop. Instead, he further aroused his great magical power, and the demon eyes on his forehead suddenly glared. Big, shot out a bloody light, fell on Chen Zengyu's body, based on cause and effect, to forcibly tear the void, open the space channel, and descend to the other side.

But the moment the space crack appeared, Chen Yuan on the opposite side raised his hand and hit the Void King Palace!

The palace door opened, and the raging gray mist rolled in like a river, surged along the space passage, roared out, and filled the upper floors in a blink of an eye!

"The world of mortals!?"

The original demon was enveloped in the world of mortals, and then its aura fluctuated violently!

The world of mortals is like a plague, which confuses the roots of immortals and demons.

The number of mortal mist in the newborn realm is rare, and they are coveted by immortals and demons from all sides. However, foreign demons such as the original demon, although they possess the seeds of the cave, are caught off guard and shrouded in so much mist, they seem to be naked. The man fell into the oil pan, his body exploded everywhere, and the demonic energy was scattered in all directions like smoke and rain!

"This is……?"

Mo Luoyan's eyes widened. Before he could recover, he was enveloped by the overflowing red dust. His face immediately changed dramatically in pain, and he stepped back again and again, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a hand stretching out from the crack. .

The hand seemed to be just flesh and blood, but it instantly broke the layers of restrictions around the original demon. With a palm print, the original demon flew out and fell into the depths of the palace. Then he grabbed the broken dragon energy bead and held it as if it were empty. , then the wind and light surged up, picking up the Queen, Chen Zengyu, and the sealed-off Zhao Guang together!

Strange to say, no matter how exquisite the bans and seals that were placed on Zhao Guangjie and others in the palace were, they would fall apart if they were poked by the light emitted by this hand.

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Luoyan did not take action in the end, and even subconsciously took a few steps back when Guang Guanghui came close.

"Damn Zu Chen!"

Deep in the palace, the original demon burst into rage and tore apart the mist of the mortal world, revealing its miserable look——

His robes were torn, and most of his flesh and blood were exposed, revealing the appearance of a real demon with white bones, but there was gray mist like insects on the white bones, which kept gnawing and sizzling.

"Want to fight? Okay!"

Another hand stretched out from the crack in space and violently tore open the crack!

Mo Luoyan immediately saw the figure of a gray-robed Taoist about to fly out, with gray mist wrapping around his body, and a hidden artistic conception of nothingness and all things! For a moment, he had some thoughts of fear and fear. Just when he was about to speak, he saw that the original demon was also shaking all over. He hurriedly raised his hand to grab it and suddenly closed the crack!


Like a door closing, the sound echoed in the empty hall.

Morayan's eyes widened: "Is he...scared?"


The high level collapsed and luck declined!

Cracks spread rapidly and spread all over the hall in the blink of an eye.


The roof collapsed and the pillars fell, and dust flew up.

Deep in the dust is the original demon with a dejected look on his face and his personality beginning to slip.

His boyish face was filled with anger and fear. After killing the remaining inner demons in his heart, he looked down at his hands, his eyes flashing red.

"How dare you use inner demons to confuse my thoughts and pretend to be afraid, it is simply a shame and a great humiliation!"

"Lord..." Mo Luoyan looked directly at the person and suddenly asked: "Original Demon, what did you just say? The person who took action was Chen Zu? Which Chen Zu? It can't be the Chen Shiji in Dacheng rumors, right?"

Press the line, press the line...

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