Depressed Fairy

Chapter 406: The way of heaven is hidden, the Holy Saint returns today


The white-robed divine image made a judgment after just one encounter!

"This kind of aura and power are so similar to the left and right guardians under the lord's seat! Could they also be immortals!?"

He was straightforward. He pinched the seal with his hand, and the divine light surged in the hall around him. The incense that had been accumulated for who knows how many years instantly turned into divine power, but did not gather towards the divine image, but exploded on the spot, turning into endless human sorrows and joys, and exploded!


In an instant, the majestic and solemn hall was completely disintegrated!

The divine image seized the opportunity, changed on the spot, turned into a divine light, followed the divine cause and effect in the void, and fled into the distance!

The incense and divine power that made up the hall exploded step by step, and the thoughts of sustenance contained in each one surged like a tsunami, and rushed towards the elegant young man!

The various thoughts in the hope of entrusting, involving the obstacles of the mortal world, are like a plague to him!

"Good boy!"

The man dressed as a young man is naturally Yao Qin. Seeing this, he frowned slightly, but he was not panicked. He fanned the fan in his hand, and the wind surged, knocking the incoming incense wave aside. Then he stretched out his hand and reached into the void, and then expanded infinitely. He was the first to arrive, and stopped the fleeing white-clothed god. Then he ignored the magical powers, magic, and artifacts of the other party, and put his five fingers together to capture the man.


The void exploded, and cracks appeared in the world, reflecting the collapsed towering hall.

Yao Qin rose up against the wind, and was unrestrained and calm in the exploding firelight, with lotus flowers blooming at every step. It was really a stunning demeanor.

He threw his hand, and a figure appeared from nothing. He shook it out of his hand, and threw it again. It fell to the ground, rolled twice, and was covered with dust. The divine light on his body dissipated. It was the white-clothed god.

However, at this moment, his body was covered with mud. How could he still look spotless?

"Insult the body of the gods, and seal the incense!"

He reluctantly got up, panting and sitting cross-legged, with drops of cold sweat on his head. A good Western Region god suddenly seemed weaker than a mortal.

This was because he was used to the power of the gods, and suddenly lost his power, so he felt that his body was heavy, so there were many inconveniences.

After struggling for a few times, He stopped, looked at Yao Qin, took a deep breath, and bowed, saying: "You are indeed a true immortal! Not only do you know the method of deification, but you can also capture a top-grade god like me with ease! However, since you are a true immortal, don't you know the reputation of my master? With the ability of my master, if he gets angry, it will shake the four directions!" "Your master?" Yao Qin looked at him, but did not answer, but looked at his body with a little surprise, "It's really strange, your body is actually made up of flesh and blood and thoughts, If it were an ordinary god, this blow would be enough to seal his consciousness, but you just fell into the mortal world. "However, he was just surprised and had no intention of investigating further. He turned and said, "As for the master you are talking about? Why should I know? Do you want to use the reputation of one or two immortal gods to bully others? No matter how powerful your master is, how can he compare to the heavenly way of the spiritual fairy world? On the contrary, if my master is offended by you, it will be a disaster for you!" "Your lord! ?" The white-clothed god was shocked when he heard this! Such a powerful immortal in front of him was actually only under the command of others? Then how powerful should the master behind this person be? Suddenly, he thought of the key. "The immortal in front of me looks strange, and I have never seen or heard of his magical powers. If he is not hiding in the past, then he is a newcomer to this world. There is actually a master behind him. Could it be that the powerful and tyrannical immortal of fortune has descended again?"

Thinking like this, he felt doubtful for a moment, and then he firmly remembered the appearance of the immortal in front of him.

True immortals are indeed powerful, but everyone has their own specialties. Yao Qin would not have expected that the divine way, which originated from the treasure of the creation of the gods, is a self-contained system, especially when the gods were banned one after another in the past, causing the divine court to suffer a great loss. After that, a special way of communication naturally developed. Even if the divine talismans were banned, the corresponding information can still be transmitted through the divine veins.

While the two were talking, simple information about this matter was placed in front of a tall and fat Rong Daoxian. There was no content of the conversation between Yao Qin and the two, and it was impossible to involve Yao Qin's "master", but the fact that the Xiyue Shenxiang was defeated and banned was recorded clearly.

"The Western God was imprisoned and captured? He was nourished by his elder brother's ambergris, and his cultivation level was close to that of the Yang God. He was imprisoned so quickly that he couldn't even get a proper battle report. Who did it? Whose Yuanshen or half-immortal?"

The Rong Daoxian glanced at the gods who came to report, nodded slightly, then took the bamboo slip in his hand, squinted his eyes, and flicked it lightly.


The bamboo slip broke, and a divine light shot out from it. It turned in the air, like a person turning a pen, outlining a figure, which was the elegant Yao Qin.

As soon as his body appeared, he immediately shook the fan in his hand, lifelike, as if he was coming alive!

"It's a real immortal I've never seen before!" Seeing this, the fat Rong Daoxian was shocked. He made a seal with his hands and drew a talisman in the air to suppress the figure. Then he frowned and scolded: "If you draw the form of an immortal without permission, he will know it under the connection of cause and effect! What are you doing!?" "I really didn't know it was a real immortal! I hope the lion guardian will forgive me! Forgive me!" The god who reported the news knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Hmph!" The Immortal Lion Protector of Fusion Dao sneered, waved his hand and flicked the god away, smashing into pieces of the palace. He fell down, still kneeling, kowtowing like garlic.

"Why should second brother be angry? The reason why these gods are negligent is because they have never seen the person who took action."

A sharp, cold voice came from the shadows, and then a thin Taoist walked out. His face was sunken, his eyes were animal pupils, and he was spitting snake letters in his mouth. As he walked, he said: "And this immortal who took action is very... He likes to play tricks and often takes advantage of others. It is normal for him to plot against Huasheng Shenxiang and fall into a trap. "

"Oh? Third brother, do you know this person?" The lion guardian turned his head and looked over.

"Yes, this person is also from the Jinxiu Realm." The thin Taoist said coldly: "The group of immortals in the Jinxiu Realm are all good at sneaking into the camp and trying every possible means to escape from the realm. It is not surprising to meet them wherever they are. After all, their The situation in the upper realm is special. If you want to avoid being eroded by the world of mortals, you must be most interested in the new realm below us. What's more, there was news not long ago that Immortal Splendid came to buy this realm. Counting the time, this Yao family. He probably appeared here after getting the information.”

"Splendid Immortal? Another trouble." The lion protector frowned more and more, "Big brother is trying to usurp luck at a critical moment. If there is another group of Splendid Immortal, it will be another variable! It was not easy to bluff the original demon and Yun Ling. The Xian family drove back..."

The thin Taoist shook his head and said: "Don't worry about them coming in groups. They are instigating each other in the Splendid Realm, and they can't unite when they come out. It's extremely difficult to exchange information. What we need to be prepared for is whether there is someone behind the Yao family. Others intervened, but again, although this person came to the New Territory, he may not have come to Dacheng. He may just have met the Xiyue Shenxiang at the right time. "

"Understood! Don't alert the snake first, it's best to divert the trouble to the west!" The Lion Protector nodded immediately, "Everything will wait until the elder brother takes advantage of Chen Zu's luck and personality! By then, this Dacheng will work together to improve the luck. Become one, and return to the heart together with the little heavenly Dao to which you belong, only then can you truly strive to dominate this world and establish the foundation of the Dao system!" There was a hint of disdain in his words.

Seeing this, the thin Taoist said coldly: "Although Chen is a monk from a small world, his ability to break free from the shackles of Shenzang is remarkable. His personality is at least quite valuable in this world."

"Of course I understand. I just thought that that person has only been able to escape for two hundred years. Now I am afraid that he may not even be a Yin Shen. He is a complete junior. However, we have to work hard to gain his status. It is really disturbing. People are unhappy!”

Hearing this, the Lion Protector said bitterly: "This group of accomplished monks and some gods are all afraid of power and have no morals. They don't know what is good or bad! For example, the Chenghua who led a group of gods to cause chaos is an example. If it weren't for Suppressed early, if it really develops, a few small gods who are not as good as Yang Shen are actually nothing, but if other companies seize the opportunity, it will be a bad thing! The so-called Chen Zu’s belief also forced the eldest brother to usurp the foundation of Xiaoxiu..."

Seeing that he was getting more and more angry as he talked, the thin Taoist shook his head and said: "The matter is already here, why bother to say more? Second brother, you have a rough temper, so you should stay in Jingyang City. I will handle the matters on the Huashan side." As soon as he finished speaking, his body was like a snake, melting into the black shadow and disappearing.

On the other side, Yao Qin, who was still unaware, relayed all the information she obtained to Chen Yuan.

"You want to usurp my destiny and status? You are really brave."

When Chen Yuan got the information, he changed his mind and laughed angrily: "The reputation I worked so hard to build in this world is actually being remembered by others? But it's fine if I haven't returned. Now that I'm back, If he still wants to usurp the identity, he is just seeking death. I will wait until he reaches the point where he can touch the identity and face my essence to see what realm he is in. Speaking of which, what is there in this new realm? The characters have not been figured out yet..."

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately made a note to the immortal behind Dacheng. At the same time, he said to Yao Qin: "You did a good job in this matter. I don't like people like this who are behind the scenes the most in my life. Please spend some time during this time to find out for me all the people involved in this matter. The more the better, the more the better. As for the others, if it’s a small one or an old one. , I don’t want to bother, so I’ll let you handle it.”


Yao Qin was shocked and confused by what he said. After all, he didn't know that the so-called Chen Zu was King Chen. In the end, he just thought that King Chen wanted to play a big chess game and intervened in Dacheng. Perhaps he wanted to stop him midway, so he all nodded in agreement. Down.

In Lushou Mountain, after Chen Yuan gave orders to Yao Qin, he suddenly thought of something: "That white-clothed god said that he wanted to rank me as the second class, but why did he directly mention me to the second class after the first class? Woolen cloth?"

Thinking about it, he followed Jiang Zhongjiu and gradually reached the depths of Lushou Mountain.

Although the outline and spiritual veins of this mountain range are still the same as before, the mountain has undergone great changes. The whole mountain is now thousands of miles long, and the mountains are rich in spiritual energy and good luck.

"After all, several realms have come together, and the aura of heaven and earth has become different. Judging from the current aura, it is not a big problem to practice to the Hedao and ascend. If I didn't leave back then... No, if I didn't destroy the demon The remnant soul cannot escape from the gods, so how can I have a chance to be promoted? But once this devil is eliminated, the heavens will not tolerate me, but fortunately, it is fair and has given me enough compensation..."

The past came to mind.

It must have been nearly two hundred years since he left this world.

During this period, Chen Yuan went through the Gouchen Realm, the Moshou Realm, the Dongxu Realm, the End of Dharma World, and the Spiritual Immortal Realm. It seemed like only a few decades, but there were many places where time was distorted during this period, such as in the Lingxian Realm. , where he and the Lord of the Circle battled across time and space for nearly three hundred years!

However, the speed of time in the fairy world is different from that in the outside world, so three hundred years have not really passed since we left.

At the same time, the Creation Divine Treasure has experienced the fusion of many realms, and its time has also been distorted. After two and a half years, it has been two hundred years.

"Two hundred years is neither long nor short. If one has never practiced the method of immortality, it is enough to replace four or five generations, or even go through the rise and fall of a dynasty. However, if one has cultivated Even if you don't become a Yin God or a Yang God, you may not be able to make many changes in these two hundred years."

After thinking about it, I walked across the forest and across the stream, and there were sounds coming from ahead. After going around another place, the scenery suddenly became clearer. It was a pool, with a stone rising in the pool, and a mansion gate visible on the stone.

The cave is located in the pond and under the mountain, and has all five elements.

The familiar place and the familiar scenery immediately brought Chen Yuan into a familiar rhythm.

He raised his head and looked across the pool at the huge stone statue carved on the mountain.

It was a statue of a young Taoist priest. Although it was slightly old due to weather and frost, you could still see the aura of flying, rising from the dust, and looking down at the world!

Inexplicably, a thread of cause and effect that had been silent for a long time and stained by time shook!

In the void, a group of Heavenly Will that was struggling to support suddenly trembled, and then exuded emotions of surprise, ecstasy, and admiration. A brilliant destiny that had been cultivated by Him for a long time and was being eroded by external forces appeared from it.

In Lushou Mountain, there is the Tiger Cave.

There were monsters from the mountains making noise in front of the door, as if they were forming a formation to welcome guests, but they were so chaotic and noisy that it was better not to welcome guests.

In front of the water pool, Jiang Zhongjiu turned around with a wry smile on his face and said, "Fellow Taoist, these guys..."

He suddenly stopped in the middle of his words, because in his eyes Chen Yuan suddenly seemed to be out of breath, as if he didn't exist, but he was right in front of him, as if he could reach him with his hands.

With an inexplicable awe in his heart, Jiang Zhongjiu didn't dare to speak, let alone look directly at him. He could only follow Chen Yuan's gaze and look over.

Chen Yuan was looking at the stone statue behind the pool.

"Statue of Chen Zu!"

Upon seeing this image, Jiang Zhongjiu also felt heroic and dispelled some of his awe, but at this moment!


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound coming from all directions, as if countless birds and insects were shouting at the same time!

Boom boom boom——

The earth's veins tremble and the spiritual veins beat!

"what happened!?"

In the cave, the Lord of the Mountain, who was sitting on a high platform, wearing court clothes and with a big belly, felt his heart tremble. He realized that the authority of Lushou Mountain, which was thousands of miles away, was trembling and was about to break away from his control! I couldn't help but be so frightened that all the souls of the dead were expelled!

"Could it be that those strong men from outside the region are going to attack me!?"

Not only him, the mountain god, but also the monks, capable people, and warriors from all walks of life who had gathered in the cave also felt a surging momentum rising from the earth's veins and pressing on them!

Those with a low level of cultivation felt dizzy for a while, while those with a high level of cultivation were even more frightened and even the movement of their thoughts was sluggish!

"What's wrong? Where does this sense of oppression come from? It's too scary!"

"Someone is attacking? Want to cause chaos in the mountains!?"

"Could it be that the people from Lou Li Kingdom are planning to take action in advance!?"


Lushou Mountain is a place of absolute evil.

The two people hiding here slowly opened their eyes!

One of them was covered with colorful clouds, resisting the invasion of the ultimate evil, with a pair of blood-red eyes and demonic energy surging all over his body!

Under the original demon seat, the demon envoy of the Yang God killed Jin.

He raised his head, took a deep breath, and smelled the changes that came with the wind.

"The earth's veins are changing, and the destiny is changing! The destiny of Lushou Mountain, which was originally about to decline, is actually changing rapidly, from decline to prosperity! Is it the method of the Nine Transformations of Heaven? Or is it that the method of usurping fate by Master Canglong is about to come true? Even the mountains related to Chen's Xiaoxiu are going to change?"

"Since there has been a change in the mountain, we can no longer wait as planned. We must take action in advance! Otherwise, it is really possible for Master Canglong to rely on the destiny of a small cultivator to leverage the situation and completely master the small way of heaven. But it would be bad. It’s a big deal for the Demon Lord!”

Next to him, the blood-transforming demon user Sha Feiyan, who was dressed in red scales and had proud curves, stood up from the evil aura. The crystal scales that originally covered his body gradually shrank, revealing a pure white color.

She looked indifferent, and after finishing her words, she rose into the air without waiting for a response.

However, Sha Jin did not follow immediately. Instead, he flicked his long sleeves, took out a few pieces of tortoise shell, and threw them in the air!

“It’s so easy to count mountains, it’s so... ah!!!”

The tortoise shell was about to fall, and just when the divination calculation was about to be fully revealed, he suddenly screamed, covered his head, raised his head and fell down. In a blink of an eye, his breath was weak, his energy was declining, and he couldn't even hold on to the five smokes around him, and he was struck by the evil. Qi eats away at the body!


At the same time, things were changing everywhere in the mountain, and the monks from all walks of life who were scattered in the sleeves had their own actions due to the strange movements in the mountain, and all these changes were gathered in Chen Yuan's heart.

"Sure enough, this mountain has been cared about for a long time, but that's normal. Even Jianzu City, which was developed from an uninhabited village in the past, has been cared for like that, let alone this mountain? But..."

He withdrew his gaze and looked down.

A brilliant destiny crystal hangs on the fingertips.

"You really haven't forgotten me, stingy heaven. Chen Zu's fate..." Feeling the condensed Yuanshen Daoyue tremble slightly, with signs of breakthrough and transformation, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, "I seem to know what the biggest gain I can get in this world is." "Daoyou," at this time, Jiang Zhongjiu's doubtful and slightly trembling voice came from the side: "Just now, the mountain changed, but you..." "This is not what you should worry about now," Chen Yuan interrupted him, pointing to the sky, "Something is coming!" Jiang Zhongjiu was startled, and then he felt a strong murderous and demonic aura! He turned around suddenly and saw the blood-colored curtain, spreading from a distance, covering the entire mountain range! Five thousand and two merged into one, and then there was no separation...

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