Depressed Fairy

Chapter 3 What a coincidence



As soon as the cold wind blew, the master and the disciple came back to their senses!

"Dead!" Yang Yunqing exclaimed, looking at Chen Yuan with surprise and joy, "You..."

"Trouble is coming!" The old Taoist priest who arrived at the last moment suddenly interrupted. He tugged on his beard and looked at Yang Yunqing with a bitter look on his face, "Qing'er, Qing'er, you are in trouble this time!"

"Master, what do you say?" Yang Yunqing frowned and said in confusion: "Shou leader came here to bully others. He was beaten to death because of his lack of skills. If he dies, he will die. He can't blame others!"

The old Taoist priest blew his beard and stared: "Who taught you these rules?"

"Now," Yang Yunqing pointed to the birdman lying on the ground, "Last month, a black bear came to the house of Chief Shou and was stabbed to death by the birdman. That's what he said at the time."

"Confused!" The old Taoist priest frowned, "Can the people in Shanshen Mansion be the same as us? They can kill people, how can others offend them? Besides, the bear's blood relatives were all skinned and gutted by Shou Tou. He will kill everyone and take revenge at all costs. How can he be compared with the villain? "

"Master, you also know that this birdman is not a good person. As for punishing evil and promoting good, wouldn't it be a good thing if he died?" Yang Yunqing curled her lips and glanced at the birdman's body, "Huh?"

Chen Yuan slowly withdrew his right arm, and the relatively strong birdman's body quickly shrank, as if it had shrunk, and in the end there was only a puddle of clothes left.

“Apart from each other~~”

Chen Yuan burped and lifted a corner of his clothes with his toes, revealing a little bird with a crown and black feathers.

"Is this the true form of Chief Shou?"

Yang Yunqing wanted to watch with curiosity, but was pulled back by the old Taoist priest. The latter looked at Chen Yuan warily and asked: "Your Excellency is obviously very skilled, but you still show weakness on purpose. Taking advantage of the rampant power of the ribbon demon, you decisively attack , I think you have a plan, why are you here?"

When Chen Yuan heard this, he realized that from the perspective of an old Taoist priest, he had considerable fighting power, but let Yang Yunqing stand in front and make the final decision at the critical moment. Doesn't it look like a scheming person with ulterior motives?

Who would have thought that he was actually a visitor from another world who had been living in the world for more than a hundred years. Because he didn't understand the environment, he had to test it carefully. Unexpectedly, this birdman was so irresistible that he died after trying it!

"The Taoist Master misunderstood," he said half-truthfully when he thought of this: "I lost my memory for some reason and can't remember many things. I don't know the strength of the monster, so I don't dare to attack rashly. In the end, I thanked the disciple for fighting to the death. I tried my best to protect him, but I didn’t expect to succeed. To be honest, I was also surprised.”

"It's right to be cautious! Master, don't you always say that you can't use your skills casually, otherwise others will know that I really have no skills?" Yang Yunqing also helped: "Besides, I asked him to leave just now, but he just didn't want to Escape! There is love and justice!”

She gave a thumbs up.

"You said you have lost your memory?" The old Taoist priest frowned and was about to say more, but suddenly stopped and then tilted his ears slightly.


A wolf howl came from the distance.

"Go first!" The old Taoist priest whispered to his disciple and Chen Yuan: "This is not the place to talk, and -" He looked at the ball of clothes on the ground, "Take this thing with you."

Chen Yuan bent down and picked up the clothes and the bird inside.

The old Taoist priest took out a piece of talisman paper, buried it where the bird fell, and made a seal with his hand. With a "bang", smoke and dust rose up and enveloped the surrounding area. Then he turned around and ran towards the dense forest.

"follow me."

The three of them were all very fast on their feet, and their bodies were flexible, and they could run several miles in just a few breaths.


A strong wind broke out behind him, and Chen Yuan vaguely felt a faint demonic air coming from him, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Even at such a long distance, the demonic energy has not dissipated." Chen Yuan felt soothed after killing the birdman, and became vigilant again, "The Shou leader may only be a small role under the mountain god, and he cannot be killed just because of his title as a pioneer officer. Just take it lightly.”

After thinking about it, he looked at the master and apprentice in front of him.

Chen Yuan had already seen that Master Yang Yunqing's cultivation was only for self-refinement and not for building a foundation. However, the master used his spiritual thoughts to activate the talismans and remove his and others' auras with ease. He had obviously been immersed in the use of spiritual thoughts for many years.

"This Taoist has mastered the method of transcending foundation building, refining oneself, refining Qi, and condensing consciousness, which may be able to make up for the shortcomings of the 'Nine Revolutions of Corpse Analysis'." Chen Yuan thought, "After all, the Corpse Analysis is a killing method. Jue, without cultivating life, if it can be supplemented by the way of knowing God, it may be perfected."

The way of cultivation in the cave world can be roughly divided into the true solution method of intertwining life and life, and the method of protecting the way of fighting with others. If the true solution method is the food that strengthens oneself and maintains growth, then the protection method is more like a killing weapon.

The "Nine Transformations of the Corpse Chapter" that Chen Yuan used to refine himself is actually a method of protecting the Tao recorded in the True Interpretation of Life. The situation was critical at the time, and he had no choice but to make amends, improve himself, and return to the path of seeking the truth.

While he was walking quickly, he was deep in thought. Unexpectedly, the old Taoist priest in front of him suddenly stopped.

"That's it."

Yang Yunqing slowed down, looked around, and asked, "Aren't you going back to the Taoist temple?"

Chen Yuan stopped a few feet away from the master and apprentice, keeping a distance.

"How can we allow people of unknown origins to enter the Taoist temple?" The old Taoist priest stroked his white beard and looked at Chen Yuan, "Your Excellency the poor Taoist temple's skills and pace are at least the sixth level of Qi and blood. It is impossible for him to remain anonymous. You said you have been divorced I don’t know much about the soul disease, but I’m just taking you for the sake of the human race. If you go south from here, you can get out of the Lushou Mountain boundary, so leave quickly.”

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment and then said: "If I leave and the mountain god pursues me, how will you two deal with it?"


"The poor Taoist people live in this mountain, so naturally they have ways to deal with it." The old Taoist priest shook his head, and even though his apprentice looked like he was begging, he still didn't let go, "Keep the original body of Chief Shou, even though it is your trophy. But it will bring you endless trouble, and you won’t be able to live without Lushou Mountain.”

"In that case, I say goodbye to you two. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will come back to repay your kindness." Chen Yuan bowed his hands and put the clothes and the bird on the ground. He turned around and left without looking back.

Although he had some thoughts about the method of spiritual thought, he made it clear that he wanted to drive away guests, so he didn't want to go out of his way to please him. After all, since I have escaped from the predicament, the world is vast, and I have plenty of time and place to seek the way and ask the Dharma. Now that I think about it, it is just the nearest convenience.

As for the original body of Leader Shou, the essence of death inside had been sucked out by Chen Yuan. It was just an empty shell. It was really troublesome to carry it around.

Besides, one of the two masters and disciples had protected him in danger, and the other had led him out of danger. Neither of them were evil people, and there was no need to argue over a few words.

"Unfortunately, I wanted to ask how the six levels of qi and blood are divided. Now I have to go elsewhere to inquire."

"Master, why did you let him leave! I haven't asked his name yet."

Seeing Chen Yuan's back disappear into the depths of the forest, Yang Yunqing complained unhappily.

"He said he has lost his memory. What's your name?" The old Taoist glanced at his apprentice and bent down to put away the bird. "Don't think that my master can't see your little thoughts. It's just because he sees that the young man is handsome. That’s why I will protect you.”

"Master, what are you talking about!" Yang Yunqing's cheeks were slightly red, "Look at his cold appearance. He didn't have a second expression all the way. He was like a dead person. How could I fall in love with him? I was... on the road. Draw your sword to help when you see injustice! You don’t know what he is like in Jedi..."

"Master, I was worried that you would trespass into a dangerous place, so I came here in a hurry. Fortunately, nothing happened." The old Taoist priest interrupted her.

"It's not because that little brother took action..." Yang Yunqing muttered.

"Then, I have to wipe your butts for you!" The old Taoist priest raised his eyebrows. "You also said that you found him in the dead place! Thunder Tribulation fell nearby, so you didn't think more about it?"

"Master doubts him?" Yang Yunqing became nervous, "Could it be that he is also a demon incarnation?"

"All monsters will retain their original characteristics after transformation, without exception. There is nothing strange about that kid, and this cannot be faked."

The old Taoist priest glared at his apprentice and continued: "But as a master, I have never seen any majestic energy in him, just like a mortal who has never practiced martial arts. But a mortal cannot kill Chief Shou with one punch! In short, that boy It’s very weird, so you should stay away, especially when this lightning disaster appears and is confusing!”

Yang Yunqing pouted and said: "Since it is so dangerous, why do you let him go? He is so powerful and he is still a human being like us. He stays to be a Taoist temple and protects the home. He is not afraid of the mountain gods."

"Have you forgotten what I said?" The old Taoist priest couldn't help but glare again: "Not to mention the mountain god's own cultivation, just because he can command the mountains, unless he is an innate warrior at the ninth level of Qi and Blood or higher, otherwise no matter how much People are useless!”

As he spoke, he became furious and urged: "Hurry back with your master. The situation is unclear. Even though you have an ultimatum, you are not stable. There is also this bird, which must be dealt with quickly. The concealment charm cannot last too long. time."

"It's really troublesome," Yang Yunqing muttered, and was about to follow the master to leave, but saw the old Taoist priest standing there suddenly, with a tense expression, "What's wrong?"

Before she finished asking, she saw the thick fog billowing in front of her, and accompanying it, there was laughter that came and went from far to near——

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee--"

The old Taoist priest's face gradually became serious, while Yang Yunqing grabbed the corner of his clothes with a pale face.


"Old Taoist priest, old Taoist priest, my master invites you to have a drink."

An ethereal voice appeared behind the two of them.

"Don't look!"

The old Taoist priest suddenly spoke, but it was too late. Yang Yunqing subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw a huge shadow reflected in her pupils, and then she screamed.

"Ah, don't scream, don't scream, take the little bird with you to see the Lord. His old man wants to ask about the thunder."

The sound suddenly became far away again.

"...No one who knows can escape."

Finally, it disappeared deep into the jungle.

"Master...Master." Yang Yunqing's eyes were slightly absent-minded, "What was that just now?"

"Alas," the old Taoist priest sighed, "it was my master's miscalculation. Since it involves the calamity of locking the essence, how could the mountain god not see it personally? A small talisman cannot stop it."

at the same time.

Chen Yuan, who was close to the edge of the jungle and saw Lin Waichi Road, slowed down and stared at the land in front of him.


The dirt tumbles.

One, two, three, four pale, rotten arms emerged from the soil, and then they were pressed to the ground, holding up the two crooked men.

One had a face full of rotten flesh, missing a nose and few eyes, and his pale skin was covered with criss-crossing wounds; the other had no chin, a mouth full of fangs, and a tattered robe exuding a disgusting corpse odor.

"Mortal, we are ordered to invite you..."

"You have committed a serious crime and deserve to be punished. Come with us and confess your guilt in the Lord's Cave."

After the two of them crawled out of the soil, a faint aura of death spread around them.

They lay on the ground and looked up at Chen Yuan. They intended to admire the frightened expression on his face, but what they saw was an extremely cold and expressionless face.

"I really want to make a suppressed smile expression," Chen Yuan sighed, "This kind of death energy can be in the middle stage of self-refining at most, and there are still traces of being forcibly catalyzed. The prince you call is the mountain god, right? I'm curious, the demon type How come these two systems, the living dead, are led by one person?"

"How dare you be disrespectful to the Lord!" the young-eyed man scolded, and just as he was about to pounce, his body suddenly trembled and froze in place!

Opposite him, Chen Yuan let go of the lifeless energy he had been holding back.

"Isn't this a coincidence? In fact, I am also a dead person."

The extremely rich gray death energy surged over like a big wave in the horrified eyes of the two dead men!

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