Depressed Fairy

Chapter 201 The stars respond to the fate and get a glimpse of the fairy


The cold light flickered, swallowing up all the spiritual energy around it. The spiritual energy quickly declined and died, turning into natural death energy, and then it was controlled!


Centered on the place where the two men fought, two terrifying cold currents formed instantly, colliding and churning with each other, forming a huge storm on the earth and spreading in all directions!

Leaf Green Girl exclaimed and immediately balled up into a ball. The soil rolled under her feet. Huge vines rose up and blossomed, wrapping her body up to protect her from the strong wind!

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the explosion, the cold light scattered, and the two figures were shaken by the huge force and flew away!

Where two cold currents collide and meet, a violent cold wind tornado has taken shape!

"Have you ever practiced the Yin Fu Sutra?"

Across the violent tornado, the man in black shimmered with cold light, and he froze in an instant. His face was extremely ugly, and he flicked his right hand to temporarily suppress the eroding fairy spirit in his hand. He asked urgently: " There should be no one in the world who has practiced this method! This should be my unique method. Where did you learn it secretly?"

On the opposite side, a man in the fog was tumbling in the air, his figures gathering and dispersing uncertainly, and then reuniting as a gust of cold wind blew by.

"Unique skills? When did Qishan Sect's skills become your unique skill?"

As he spoke, more than a dozen sharp cold lights formed out of thin air, pierced into the tornado, turned around, and shot out again. With a little more force, they rushed towards the man in black!

Bang bang bang!

The man in black retreated instantly, and at the same time, the cold light around him turned into a barrier, smashing into thousands of pieces, even the violent tornado was torn apart!

"Everything in the Qishan Sect belongs to me!" He smiled coldly, "Although you have gained a little bit, you can only compete with me with the help of the blessing of the fairy spirit! It is like the spirit of vanity and impetuousness. The foundation is very unstable! You are not worthy of using this method! Today, in the name of the Lord of Qishan, I will clean up this thief!"

He raised his finger!

In the sky, a star shines brightly!

Immediately, a ray of light fell and enveloped the man in black!

In an instant, a majestic, thick, and powerful chilling aura spread from his body, and his whole aura surged instantly. The extremely cold light that wrapped around his body transformed at an extremely fast rate, and disappeared in an instant. The purest three-yin light, with strands of illusory flames covering the surface, beating endlessly!

Three Yins True Fire?

No, it's not pure, it's more like the aura mixed with a little bit of real fire, strong but not powerful.

The man in the fog's spiritual thoughts stirred up and enveloped him in a mighty way, but as soon as he came into contact, he was burned out, and a trace of the terrifying power that shocked the true spirit was leaked out.

"Not only has the original aura been upgraded, but with a bit of true fire, this person's fate and luck have suddenly changed, as if he has changed into a different person. Could it be that the stars, fate stars, and fate are carrying others? The destiny of the immortal?"

He couldn't help but think of a method in the cave world.

"This is quite similar to the art of subduing gods, but it uses the power of the past gods. What is this destiny star? The immortal who ascended with the help of power? Is the relationship between Gouchenjie and the immortal so close?"


Just as he was thinking, the violent light of the three yins roared towards him, like a torrent, rushing violently and moving forward indomitably!

The man in the fog was instantly engulfed by the raging spiritual light, and the body made of fairy spirit collapsed instantly and turned into nothingness. A few stars in it were revealed and slowly disappeared.

But there was a bit of starry sky mixed in, floating in the wind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The huge leaf wrapping Chlorophytum opened a crack. She peered inside and saw this scene, and immediately understood: "This person is just the incarnation of a mist? No wonder Brother Lin said that his foundation is frivolous..."

"Impossible! How can a mist incarnation carry the Yin Talisman to that extent?" The man in black's aura quickly faded, and his flesh and blood all over his body showed signs of shrinkage. His expression was surprised, but he immediately calmed down, "This must be a carefully crafted The incarnation of the refined immortal energy! I don’t know how much effort it took to expose it because of my high self-esteem, but it is a joke. Even if the person comes here in person, he is not my opponent! This person made a mistake this time and exposed his secret study of Qishan's secret method. I will capture him and suppress him!"

"This is what you said, then come on."

Suddenly, another voice came.


The man in black, holding his chest and panting, and the leaf-green girl who walked out of the layers of packages were both stunned. Then they turned their heads and saw another figure wrapped in clouds and mist appearing on the edge of the canyon behind them. They pressed the seal with their hands. .

Suddenly, twelve shining Qi talismans appeared in all directions, shining brightly, and then they all sank into the earth, forming a circle and forming a circle in the blink of an eye!

The next moment, the earth's veins were in chaos and the earth collapsed!

"No! I just fought against the incarnation of the immortal energy, retreated several times, and reached the edge of the canyon!"

The moment he wakes up, the man in black is about to rise into the air.


Twelve Qi talismans flashed, the energy of life and death around him reversed, the starry sky above appeared, and a few stray thoughts caused the man to fall.

"Hmm!" He grunted, then rushed towards the second man in the fog, and six sword lights flew out of his sleeves, "You angered me! There is a way to kill you!"

But after hearing a chuckle, the second man in the fog dispersed, leaving only two Waidan, which suddenly collided!


Amidst the roar, white light and rays of light entwined and surged in all directions. The entire cliff was completely shattered. The twelve Qi talismans turned into a large array of talismans, shrouding the two men in black and falling into the dark canyon!

"Damn it!!!"

The roar sounded and echoed in the canyon!

"I suddenly can't speak anymore. Isn't this a joke?"

In the magnificent, spacious and empty palace, eight people sat around a huge round table.

Everyone had solemn expressions, and one of them, an old man with white hair, complained suddenly after he had just received a communication talisman.

When the people present heard this, their expressions changed one after another.

The purple-haired man sitting at the top said: "Mr. Xu, don't talk nonsense. That...that person is above us in terms of seniority, so it's not good to make confusing discussions."

I don't know who it was, but he muttered in a low voice: "We are not worried about the embarrassment of the situation, so we specially selected people of our seniority to come and meet that fake... senior brother."

The cold wind blew through all the palace rooms, but they were all deserted, like a ghost town.

The eight people here are all the sect leaders and elders who hold the real power of the eight sects. Except for Mingxia Valley and Chixue Sect, they are all Taoist Lords.

Of course they gathered here to meet Chen Yuan.

Unexpectedly, as I hurriedly hurried over, the other party changed the route.

"It's okay if you don't come! If you don't come, it's not necessarily a bad thing!"


Slapping his palm on the table, Si Jie, the bearded elder of the Scarlet Blood Sect, stood up.

He looked around everyone and said in a deep voice: "After much thought, I still feel that something is wrong! No matter how powerful that person is, what does it have to do with us? You are also confused. After hearing a few comments from Monk Xuan, you actually thought Granting the great righteousness of the sect to others! This person pretended to be a disciple of Mingxia Valley, and he had bad intentions. Maybe the whole eight sects would change their colors! Look, if this plan is really implemented, maybe even the key to the city's fortune will be usurped. What's the difference between it and having the mountain gate breached? Oh, there is a difference, it was given by us!"

"Elder Secretary, be careful what you say, be careful what you say! You must know..."

Upon hearing this, the purple-haired man stood up to persuade him, and immediately noticed that the expressions of several people changed.

"You think so too?"

"The risk is too great, it is unnecessary." The beautiful woman with her hair tied up also stood up, "Our eight sects have been controlling the Northern Territory for many years, and our influence is spread everywhere, and there are many subordinates and helpers. Although the leader of the alliance is suddenly in trouble, But it may not be possible to suppress the situation.”

This woman's name is Jiang Fei, and she is the execution elder of the Qingcheng Sect.

"That's wrong." A black-robed monk shook his head, stood up and said, "If you only regard the current situation as the decline of the sect, you are right, because there are many ways to maintain the sect's prestige. In fact, No, shrinking the power means handing over key areas to the control of our allies. But we, the Eight Sects of Qishan, are the overlords of the Northern Territory. In the past, we have obtained many benefits beyond our sect's strength by relying on our power and name. Is it possible for ordinary sects to intervene in Zangming Country and come and go freely on other people's territory? "

This person was Monk Xuan, the master of the Xuanji Pavilion. He looked around at everyone and asked, "Have you ever thought about what will happen if this situation continues to decline?"

The white-haired old man said bluntly: "Monk, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

"Without Refining God, even though the eight sects have a large number of people, they are not essentially different from other sects? Why do they occupy the original interests?" Monk Xuan then asked: "Why do you think the leader of the Red Blood Alliance wants to fight against everyone's opinions? Are you insisting on sealing the mountain for a hundred years just to cultivate your voice and wait for the new god to appear? "

Si Jie frowned: "What else?"

"He is afraid that we will be backlashed by the past hegemony!" Monk Xuan said seriously: "It is to avoid annihilation of the family!"

As soon as this statement came out, no one said anything for a long time.

"You are pretending to make shocking remarks!" The white-haired old man snorted coldly, "Besides, what does this have to do with that Xuyanzi? You want us to accompany him in acting? Lian Shen..."

At this time, the child-like monk stood up and asked: "Can you find me a refining god who can come and sit for us and let us use his name to support our prestige? You are suspicious of someone from other sects who came to our door." , can you believe it?”

"It still doesn't make sense." Si Jie frowned, "Xu Yanzi Chen's background is mysterious. Is it a hidden danger? Or do you want to know his details?" His eyes fell on Monk Xuan's head.

Sighing, the monk proclaimed the name of the Buddha, and then said: "I didn't want to make it clear because there are too many consequences, but since my fellow Taoist asked, the poor monk will tell me. If the poor monk's calculation is good, then the false words should be the flag. The remaining disciples of the Shan Sect! So, if we talk about..."


Jiang Fei and the white-haired old man spoke at the same time, their tone was quite urgent!

Sure enough, the time was getting late again, and it was gradually returning to the underworld time. This was not okay!

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