Depressed Fairy

Chapter 199 The old man is hidden in the gods, and the mysterious traces in Qishan

The deep canyon runs for five hundred miles.

The canyon is dark and lightless, and there is ice-cold air blowing out and whistling all year round. When it combines with the spiritual energy, it turns into ice and snow, flying all over the sky.

Chen Yuan rode a huge land boat. The deeper he went into the forest and closer to the grand canyon, the more he saw many ice sculptures——

They are tall and short, some are male and some are female, some are old and some are young, and many of them are not human, but they are all lifelike and as if they are real.

"These are not fake, they are monks and warriors who have achieved foundation building. Within three to five miles of the edge of this canyon, when they are blown by the cold air, they are freezing to the bones and frozen to the heart. The time they spent there As time goes by, your mind will gradually become confused!”

In the corridor, pointing at the ice sculptures outside the window, Lin Xiangjuan said seriously, his eyes still a little heavy: "At the beginning, this big crack was not big. Each of the eight sects had a station, and there were many disciples with low cultivation levels. Stationed in it, but then suddenly there were several dark blizzards. The blizzard was blown out from the deepest part of the Great Crack. It was not only extremely cold, but also contained illusory words that confused people's hearts. Once the Taoist mind is confused, people will instantly It will be frozen! I will wait..."

"Okay." Chen Yuan interrupted, "I probably understand."


Lin Xiang opened his mouth, but said nothing in the end.

Chen Yuan looked at it a few more times and asked: "How long will it take to reach the edge of the canyon, where you can see the land of black evil?"

Lin Xiang said casually: "According to the distance, there is still one hour."

"Okay, call me when you're almost there." Chen Yuan nodded, walked a few steps in the corridor, and then walked downstairs——

Different from ordinary merchant ships and airships driven by spiritual energy, this land boat is huge. From a distance, it looks like a two-story building on the ship. The interior is even more elegantly decorated, and there are many restraints to avoid dust, remove moisture, prevent wind, keep warm, etc. Inside, people not only do not feel the hardship of traveling long distances, but also feel at home and comfortable.

Of course, even among land boating, the boat Chen Yuan is currently riding is the best. It was specially deployed by the Eighth Sect of Qishan, the overlord of the Northern Territory, and arranged in Junchi City for Chen Yuan to use for transportation. Even the people related to him got the benefit of the doubt. For example, Yu Linglong and Niu Falcon each had a room at this time, and the captured female cultivator in flower coats and the male cultivator in Confucian attire were also assigned to a lower room.

At this moment, the female cultivator in flower coats and the male cultivator in Confucian attire were uneasy and whispering in the room.


As soon as the door opened, the two of them were startled. When they looked for the sound, they saw it was Chen Yuan, and their tense heartstrings relaxed slightly.

Chen Yuan came to the two of them, found a chair and sat down, and said: "You seemed to be relieved when you saw me coming? Not only this time, even when I banned your cultivation, you didn't resist. Why?" "

The male cultivator said: "With your cultivation, not to mention that you have sealed our cultivation, even if we are at our peak, we are not a general, so what is there to worry about?"

"Is this the only reason?" Chen Yuan laughed, "There are a lot of people who have been caught by me, but most of them will be resistant. After all, there are only a few like you two. Forget it, I don't want to say it, I don't want to say it. No force, but I am going to a dangerous place and I have to entrust you to the people of the Eight Sects. They may not treat you as favorably as I do."

After saying that, he stood up, turned around and left.


The flower-coated female cultivator couldn't help but speak, and said: "I...we come from a divine realm. The reason why we are not afraid of you is...because we feel that you and I are from the same hometown."

"Shenzang Realm?" Chen Yuan stopped and turned to look at the woman: "Did you ascend from the Immortal Platform?"

"As expected, you are also from Shenzang!" The flower-coated female cultivator's eyes lit up and her whole body relaxed, "Yes, we have also ascended here."

The male cultivator's expression condensed and he said in a deep voice: "May I ask how you got here? As far as I know, the ascension platform has been destroyed long ago, and no one should be able to come to Gouchen later."

Chen Yuan did not answer, but asked: "How many people are there like you? Why did you become a companion with that Taoist? Why did you come to Qishan Island?"

The male cultivator remained silent.

The flower-coated female cultivator hesitated for a moment and said: "When we first ascended, most of them were introduced to Qishan Sect. Although they were outer disciples, we had some incestuous feelings. After the old and new wars, everyone was in chaos and ascended. Companions, some of them are dead, some of them have been captured, and the remaining ones who are still in contact and still alive are probably no more than a handful of people away. In addition to the fate of the master, the reason for coming back is also..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly hesitated and glanced at the male cultivator.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and was about to speak.

The male cultivator sighed and said: "I've said it all, what else is there to hide? We were hunted by others before, and it was the master of Yin Yang and Five Elements Temple who took us in. But he is not a good person. He recruits us. They value our relationship with Qishan Sect and Shenzang, and want to obtain the treasure of Qishan and find the entrance to Shenzang! This time, the eight sects of Qishan suffered heavy damage on Wangzang Island. We also had insiders and severely damaged eight sects. The Alliance Leader chose this moment to take action! Unexpectedly, although the Guan Leader was very powerful, he ended up with a bad move."

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Yuan with awe in his eyes.

"Your traitor is Fang Xia?" Chen Yuan got the answer from the expressions of the two of them. Without going into details, he said instead: "You said someone is chasing you. Who is it?"

"I don't know." The male cultivator shook his head, "Since the fall of Qishan and our lack of shelter, many people have suddenly come to hunt us down. No matter where we escape, we can't hide, so we can only cover our whereabouts or search for them. People took me in, but every time I was alone or lost my shelter, I would be found. The friends and classmates who had fled together gradually withered away, and only the two of me were left."

As they talked, the two of them felt depressed.

The flower-coated female cultivator said: "This is also the reason why we didn't think about escaping after being caught by Your Excellency. From your side, if you give those people eight courages, they won't dare to come over."

Chen Yuan ignored the compliment and continued to ask: "Are those people chasing and killing those who have ascended from Shenzang? Or are they the disciples who are living in exile in Qishan?"

The male cultivator said, "We are all from the same hometown of Shenzang."


Chen Yuan frowned slightly.

Could it be that the hidden people have any secrets that I haven't discovered yet?

Apart from their bloodline defects, the biggest difference between this group of people is that they are closely related to the Rahu world. What is the reason for those who are chasing them?


Outside the window, a strong wind suddenly blew!


The dark bell in Chen Yuan's arms suddenly trembled, and then an icy breath burst out!

Immediately afterwards, strange rays of light burst out, like several cracks!

Outside the door, hurried footsteps sounded, and Lin Xiangjuan's voice came from afar: "Uncle Master! Oh no! A dark blizzard is coming! We are still more than ten miles away from the Great Rift Valley, how could there be a blizzard? !”

Click! Click! Click!

Outside the boat, there was a breaking sound, and along with the ripples of spiritual energy, the entire hull shook!


There was chaos upstairs and downstairs, with the sounds of various objects falling and tables, chairs and bookshelves toppling over.

"The restrictions used to protect the ship's hull outside have been shattered!" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and then made a seal with his hand. Starlight flashed around him and spread to all parts of the ship in the blink of an eye.


The rocking boat came to a standstill.

at this time!

A ray of fiery red light rushed in from outside the door. It was the fox transformed by the Taoist Fox. Before it could stop, it said anxiously: "Fellow Taoist, be careful. Just now, a spell to restrain the spirit of the poor Taoist fell, but because of the poor Taoist, The bloodline has changed, and the living soul has also changed, but it is not affected, but this is not a trivial matter, because... only the bloodline descendants of the master's family can operate this technique!"

Chen Yuan's eyes changed: "The descendants of Qishan manipulated the blizzard to attack?"

"Impossible!" The fox stopped, his face full of horror, "The master's family has all perished!"

The kid ran around and fell hard on the tile floor. I had to coax him for a long time, ugh...

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