Depressed Fairy

Chapter 186 Magical powers can also become spirits

"I ran away in such a hurry that I forgot to return this painting to the dragon."

In the bumpy cabin, Chen Yuan held the long box containing the painting scroll and pondered for a while before putting it back into the bag.

"However, this thing is also useful to me, not only the fairy spirit in it, but also the secret hidden in it. If I can understand it clearly, it will be beneficial to me. Besides, the prince gave this painting to Later, he intentionally or unintentionally revealed that he wanted me to keep it temporarily. He seemed not to be in a hurry to take it back. Maybe he had other intentions. "

As I was thinking about it, there was a "crunching" sound coming from the side, which was the sound of friction in the cabin, followed by waves of waves roaring, bringing salty water vapor.

Chen Yuan turned around and looked through the narrow window slits, mostly covered with clam slices, into the endless blue ocean. Looking back, I saw a slightly narrow cabin next to me, no more than ten square meters in size. It was made of slightly gray wooden boards, and there was a light layer of moss at some joints.

Three days have passed since the battle with Kenshinji.

During these three days, Chen Yuan was not busy on the road. He arrived at a port city in the Zangming Kingdom leisurely.

At the moment, he was dressed like an ordinary rich man, boarded a large ship heading to Qishan Island, and left Wangzang Island, which was attracting attention from all parties.

Chen Yuan was not short of money, so he chose a large ship with better conditions. Of course, compared to the conditions on land, the conditions on the ship were still much more difficult. Fortunately, as a monk, he didn't care, and choosing this ship was not all bad. Because the conditions are good and the speed is fast.

"When you don't know the way, taking a vehicle is undoubtedly the best choice, and this ship has the strongest luck in the harbor. The most important thing when crossing the ocean is safety. In addition, this ship also has Good for me."

Sitting cross-legged in the cabin, his thoughts were spinning.

"No matter how many secrets there are on that island, and what opportunities there are, it has nothing to do with me after all. Let's go to Qishan Island first. Not to mention the passages to all realms, who said before that there is an earth element treasure there? Let's see if we can get it. By the way, I will put an end to the grudges between me and the Eight Sects. Yes, this news came from Zhang Zhonger. This person is somewhat of a son of destiny. He should not fall into Wangzang, and he will still be with him in the future. The day we meet.”

Dong dong dong——

At this time, someone knocked on the cabin door, and then a dry voice came in: "Mr. Chen, we will be sailing into the rapids in a moment. There may be various strange phenomena. There are often collisions in the house, but it is worse than on the deck. It’s much safer. Until then, please don’t leave the cabin with your two servants.”

"Okay, thanks for letting me know."

Chen Yuan replied and looked at the bunk beds on the other side. There were two people sitting cross-legged on them.

The one above is a woman, with a curvy body wrapped in coarse cloth. It is the woman in black who calls herself "Yu Linglong";

The one below is a man dressed as a domestic servant, with a red and white face make-up. He is Niu Falcon, one of the six heroes of Dingyuan who transformed into a gray-clothed Taoist in the "Sacrifice of Self-Sacrifice".

These two people were now restrained by Chen Yuan and taken with him. They did not stay on the island, but dressed up and were on the boat together.

Noticing Chen Yuan's gaze, the Niu Falcon trembled slightly and lowered his head.

Waving his hand to place a layer of silence ban, Chen Yuan said to the two of them: "Now that we have time, I will ask and you will answer."

"It can be seen from your behavior that you don't like to travel with others." Suddenly, Yu Linglong spoke first, "Why do you still bring us with you? I might as well tell you clearly that you can't get any information from us. !" Her tone was still cold, "And I also want to advise you, the more you know, the faster you will die."

"How did you say these things so shamelessly?" Chen Yuan looked at her in surprise and laughed, "If I came to your house for no reason and traveled thousands of miles to capture you, why would I capture you? , the most I can say is free sailing. But now, if you take the initiative to provoke me, you will cut off my destiny. Otherwise, no matter how you make trouble in Zangming Country, what does it have to do with me?"

Yu Linglong was speechless, unable to speak for a moment.

"As for the mysterious organization behind you, you can't just do whatever you want because of your deep background and powerful power. A weak victim like me will not be able to get justice. I can't see this in the world!"

Chen Yuan was originally an outsider, but when things went badly he ran away. In addition, he had offended a Venerable Master from West Whale Island, and had an inscrutable immortal rejected him. He had no worries about his debts. Without fear.

not to mention……

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yu Linglong.

"What is hidden behind this woman may be the power of demons. I used the inner demon as my nature and penetrated into the inner demon. I just followed the clues and found out. If there is a secret, I can promote the right way."

He was thinking this in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "I know you have scruples in your heart. Hidden sects like you often have many restraints behind you. If you say anything rashly, you will die, so I won't ask you first. The secret of the sect. "Following Chen Yuan, he pressed the seal with his hands and enveloped the cabin with the aura of merit.

"Don't ask about the secret of the sect?" Yu Linglong frowned.

"Yes, please tell me first what happened to the Venerable Xijing Island and the Immortal Shou Xianju, and what kind of cultivation they have." Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation and asked, and at the same time, with a flick of his finger, the Niu Falcon said "Ah" , and fainted, "I will ask him again later to verify the truth."

Yu Linglong frowned and stared at Chen Yuan, her eyes flashing with fear and confusion, which eventually turned into pure fear.

"Xu Yanzi, who are you? What is your purpose?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said, "Don't answer with rhetorical questions."

Yu Linglong seemed unaffected, and said: "You caused such a big disturbance on Wangzang Island, almost disrupting the entire Northern Territory, and you actually walked away with such skill. I'm afraid you have done this in other places in the past. ! It’s really a person in troubled times! It’s impossible for people like you to have no reputation in the past! Now you ask about Xijing Island and Shouxianju directly, and you want to repeat the same trick in other sea areas. Also disturbing?”


Chen Yuan was too lazy to explain to the prisoner, and only said: "I am asking now. If you don't want to say it, let's get on with it."

I can't die!

Yu Linglong suddenly felt a sense of mission in her heart.

If I die here, I'm afraid no one will know about this devil's plan!

After thinking about this, Yu Linglong breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed a little. She looked directly at Chen Yuan and said: "If you want to know, I will tell you! Whether it is a venerable or an immortal, they are not only The leaders of the five major forces are the true cultivators of Youdao who became famous in Honbu Continent four hundred years ago! Each of them has mastered one of the six most precious magical powers!"

After saying that, she said mockingly: "How? After knowing this, do you still have the guts to stir up trouble?"

Chen Yuan remained calm and asked, "What are the cultivation levels of the Venerable Xijing Island and the Immortal Shou Xianju?"

"Four hundred years ago, he was the God-Transforming Dao Lord! Later, he obtained the most precious magical power. After all these years, he should be the God-Refining True Lord."

Transform into a divine Taoist, breed spiritual thoughts, and master the light of spiritual awareness.

The true king of Lian Shen has the essence of magic and masters the magical power of Yinshen.

After that, Yang Shen Zhenhuo, who returned to the void, became angry.

"It's the Dongxu Realm. When you reach the realm of refining gods, the Yin God derives magical powers and becomes a character! Although the islands in the Dingyuan Small Realm are large, they are only a part of the realm. There are two true kings of refining gods?! Yes! Could there be a third one? From this point of view, although Gouchen's system is incomplete, it may not be inferior to Dongxu. However, this is the woman's speculation and there is no evidence. However, if it is true, I may be able to survive the catastrophe of Hedao here and return to Dongxu in full glory. In this way, I can better deal with the many tails over there."

Thinking of this, he continued: "The next question is, what is the most precious magical power?"

He really doesn’t know about the supreme treasure and magical power!

Yu Linglong was shocked, but tried not to show it, her face remained cold, and she introduced competently: "In the battle between the old and the new more than 400 years ago, the old cultivators were retreating steadily, and finally fell into a desperate situation, so the top ones at that time The seven major sects took out the treasures from the bottom of the box! They are nine high-grade magic weapons that carry the magical power of the fairyland! With these, they can barely resist for several decades. "

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes: "Great magical power in the fairyland?"

This is an unfamiliar term that does not exist in the Dongxu Realm.

The gold content of Gouchenjie is rising.

"At the level of refining the gods and becoming the Yin God, the divine thoughts and the true essence are combined into magic power, and then mixed with the spiritual light. After understanding and understanding, the magic can have the yuan spirit, and the Yin God is perfect! At this point, every magic power is like a living thing. It can cast Yin Shen magic in a myriad of ways! Based on the mysterious secrets and the principles of heaven and earth, it can also condense magical powers! It can exist independently, or exist in the body, or reside in the void!"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Linglong's face showed a look of awe: "The great magical power of the fairyland is a step further. It is the true magical power that becomes a spirit and comes to life! Legend has it that this is a great magical power that belongs only to immortals! Even if the person who sacrifices the refinement dies, It will not turn back or dissipate! The supreme magical power is the original magic weapon of the old cultivator, which was captured and refined! It is the foundation of those great sects to suppress their luck!"

The supernatural power became a spirit, and he was completely alive?

Chen Yuan chewed on these words, and for some unknown reason, the two magic weapons that made up the Xuwang Palace flashed across his mind.

However, what is banned in the Void Flame Bell is not some great magical power of an immortal, but... the real fire of the Heavenly Demon and the remnant soul of the Heavenly Demon!

Are immortals equal in personality to demons?

"We have touched a new realm, and it is a term that has never been used in the Dongxu Realm, but fundamentally, the roots of these names all point to the same place..."

Excitement surged in his heart, and Chen Yuan immediately asked: "Is there really an immortal who descended to earth?"

Yu Linglong was stunned and said: "How can we know this? If I can master such secrets, how could it fall into your hands?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "You are no better than a fake elixir, but you know much more about the mystery of god refining and the treasures and great supernatural powers than I expected. In addition, you also speak clearly about past allusions. Especially when you talk about old cultivation and new cultivation, it is completely different from the people from Dingyuan claiming to be true cultivation, or the spiritual cultivation of this continent. I naturally feel that you have an unpredictable origin and know everything."


Yu Linglong was startled, her expression became even colder, and she remained silent.

"I won't lie to you," Chen Yuan saw her appearance and did not press her, because he realized that this woman was a treasure trove and could ask for a lot of information. Ask the last one, that’s it for today.”

Yu Linglong looked relaxed and said, "Do you have any more questions?" But she had already guessed a few in her mind.

Chen Yuan asked: "Four hundred years ago, there were nine. How come there are six now? Which six are they?"

Naturally, one cannot believe everything this woman says, but there cannot be any discrepancy in the general context, because it is easy to verify. And what the woman said from then on can actually connect some threads together.

"For more than four hundred years, the Shen Zang was closed, the Qishan Sect declined, the Xu Yan Bell fell, and the old cultivators moved away... A line can be vaguely seen. However, with the great magical power of an immortal as the foundation, it cannot withstand the new cultivators. The attack of spiritual cultivation, what does spiritual cultivation rely on?”

Although he has been exposed to spiritual practice, one is a soul after death, and the other is a dabbler, with no intuitive understanding of the top realm of spiritual practice.

"However, the Son of Destiny is a spiritual cultivator hiding in the place of old cultivation. This setting itself is worthy of scrutiny..."

Here, thinking about it, Yu Linglong also gave the expected answer: "Three of them have been lost. There are rumors that they fell into the hands of new cultivators, but Dingyuan is relatively closed and has never been confirmed. As for There are actually different opinions on what those six treasures and great supernatural powers are..."


Just as he was talking, the entire cabin suddenly shook!

Yu Linglong's expression changed, and she changed the topic: "Did you enter the rapid wave formation in the sea?"

"No." Chen Yuan shook his head and looked up at the roof of the cabin with interest, "There are some uninvited guests."

I have been updating outside for the past two days. I used mobile phone code to modify it. There was a setting error in the chapter. I will simply modify it first and then go through it again when I get home.

The second one may be a little later...

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