Depressed Fairy

Chapter 177 When fame is strong, heaven takes the opportunity to kill someone

"Feizhou? At this time, Feizhou is not going to Tuo Xuan Mountain, but why does it come to Zangming City? That's weird!"

The sword boy narrowed his eyes and looked at the flying boat, but his mind was focused on searching for Xu Yanzi.

Different from the relaxed and carefree mood when he first came, when he followed his plan, he approached various parties and tried to take advantage of it, but ended up being rejected several times in a row. After realizing that those people were afraid of the illusive person, he finally realized Here comes the seriousness of the problem.

"This person is not simple! If we don't investigate clearly and grasp his weak points, and the master is determined not to kill him, he might really be in danger of capsizing in the gutter!"

With this thought, the sword boy took his eyes back from the flying boat, jumped off the city wall, and was about to follow the spiritual energy fluctuations to search for the spiritual vein nodes outside the forest. A sharp sword energy suddenly flew out of the city. , pointed directly at the sword boy!

He was not surprised. He grabbed the sword energy and gathered a sword light in his sleeve!


A bit of blood burst out, and the sword boy groaned, and then he got the information contained in the sword energy, so his expression changed slightly, he turned over, and jumped up the city wall again, and then used the luck body sword technique, like a flying sword, flying through the air , after a few turns, we arrived at an elegant building and saw the Kenshin user sitting in it.

He hurriedly saluted and said, "I have met Master. Did you say there is a new order coming from the island?"

The sword heart envoy did not answer, but first looked at the sword boy's right hand, shook his head and said: "At this point, you can still be injured by the sword letter. Your mind is even more confused and impure than when you came!"

The sword boy quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake, saying, "Master, my disciple was indeed distracted. I'm ashamed."

The swordsman stopped talking and turned to say: "My master has just received a message from the island, saying that the Venerable has calculated that a passage to another world will appear in Tuoxuan Mountain! This world has a close relationship with the Eight Sects of Qishan , probably the relics of the Qishan Sect. They used to hide the secrets of the Eight Sects so that they did not appear. Now that they are exposed, I happen to be on the island and can take a look. In addition, the dark tower hidden in the dark seems to have been targeted. Here, Your Majesty asks you to pay attention and see if you can find anyone related to it."

"A passage to another world?" The sword boy's eyes lit up, and he was extremely excited. "Isn't this the long-cherished wish of the Dingyuan Islands for four hundred years? We are trapped in a corner of the sea, with new cultivators watching eagerly from outside, and trapped by fairy spirits inside. It’s hard to do your best if you are so angry! If we can find a new realm and move the whole family, the situation will be different! The Eight Sects are actually hiding this!”

"This is no longer my concern. Since the Lord has given an order, you must obey it. But before that..." The swordsman looked at the sword boy, "Have you asked clearly about the movements of Xu Yanzi?"

The sword boy hesitated for a moment and said, "I found some traces and was about to confirm them."

The swordsman envoy said: "Then go quickly and don't delay other things."

At this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from outside the pavilion, followed by a voice from outside——

"Sir Kenshinji! There is news about Xu Yanzi!"

"Oh?" The swordsman glanced at the sword boy and said to the door: "Come in and talk."

The door was pushed open, and a thin young man walked in quickly, with his head lowered, not daring to look at the people in the room. After he stood still, he immediately said: "Our people saw Xu Yanzi getting off a flying boat. , has been invited by the Lei family!"

"Getting off the flying boat?" The sword boy thought for a moment, estimated the time, and said, "Have you ever seen it wrong?"

"How could you be wrong? After the night of the king's disaster, there was no one in Zangming who didn't know the Taoist priest! His portrait was widely circulated in private! Especially among the wealthy and aristocratic families, everyone knew it ! Those dignitaries and military elites have repeatedly warned their own children to walk around the people in the paintings, let alone talk nonsense! There are some paintings in our building that are well-informed. "


Before the sword boy could ask again, the swordsman had already taken the sword and stood up: "Since we have found the trace, let's not waste time. Where is the Lei family?" After a pause, he said to the frail young man: "You Come lead the way!”

The Taoist in gray clothed in the form of Niu Falcon did not go to Lei Mansion.

After he stepped out of the flying boat, he had no intention of hiding his identity. After all, this identity was fake, just to use his reputation to show himself as a saint in front of others!

Therefore, after the gray-clothed Taoist appeared, he put his hands behind his back, looked as usual, and appeared in front of the city gate while floating in the air!

When people along the way saw him, they were confused at first. When they saw his appearance clearly, they were all frightened. Even the soldiers guarding the gate were so scared that their hands and feet trembled...

"Yes, yes, it's that vicious Taoist! Hurry! Go and report!"

The messenger left quickly. The gray-clothed Taoist wanted this effect, so of course he would not stop him.

He stepped forward, feeling the thoughts of awe and fear, like torrential rivers, gathering from all directions, filling his body, making a golden elixir become more active and shining, the aura around him became richer, and his heart was filled with joy. Enjoy!

"Sure enough, it is in this city that we can gain the most! As soon as we showed up, such strong human thoughts intercepted us. By the time we finish walking through the city, I don't know how much we will gain! I heard that the people in the city are extremely afraid of the Xuyanzi. Even the royal family is no exception. If I go to the royal family again, I am afraid that I will be able to accumulate human thoughts and attack the gods in an instant! I will be able to leave calmly before the real thing gets the news! "

The gray-robed Taoist was just thinking when he saw two people coming towards him, it was the Lei family brothers!

"I've met the Taoist priest!"

The two brothers gave a big salute.

Lei Chongli said excitedly: "Thank you so much, Taoist Priest, for helping us escape from danger! I thought I had no way to repay you, but I didn't expect to see Taoist Priest again today!"

"It's easy." The gray-clothed Taoist waved his hand. He understood Xuyanzi's experience to some extent and his relationship with the Lei family. "After all, the Lei family and I have a history. You guys came just in time to come with me to the palace." ”

"Going to the palace? I'll wait for the head of the family to return..." Lei Chongli was about to speak, but Lei Jing stopped him.

Lei Jing looked at the Taoist in front of her, her brows furrowed, but she relaxed immediately, bowed and said, "Follow the Taoist Master's order."


Lei Chongli was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lei Jing shaking his head.

"The Taoist Master is kind to us. Since he has given orders, how can we disobey them?"

"Okay! With your decisiveness, I will give you another chance after today!" The Taoist priest in gray made a casual promise. It was just an excuse, and he was not worried at all about not being able to fulfill it.

So, the three of them followed the road and walked towards the palace.

the other side.

As the news came out one after another, in less than half a cup of tea, the major aristocratic families in Zangming Capital came to know that the villain who almost overthrew the palace and the capital that night had returned again!

Soon, every household made a decision——

"Quick! Call all the children and servants at home and stop lingering on the street! Don't make this person angry! This person is moody and has no scruples. He would even kill the king of the country, let alone us?"

"It's the royal family who has a grudge against him, not us. Let's just wait and see what happens! But the premise is, don't let a few dudes in the family annoy him! Call everyone back quickly!"

"From now on, within three days, let Shu'er and the others study at home honestly without... what? Sneaking out? That's unreasonable! Don't they know that the murderous star is coming again? What? They just know it. , just slipped out? You don’t know whether to live or die! Come on, get him back!”

All the major families have issued a ban, but the more the ban, the more impatient the younger generation of the clan is, and they have to see the true face of the "violent man who only meets once in a hundred years"! Only the tribesmen who have truly practiced, have the foundation and talent to know how powerful it is, and dare not take risks themselves.

Therefore, when the Taoist priest in gray clothes arrived at the long street of the capital, many young men and ladies from aristocratic families had gathered in the pavilions on both sides to watch the excitement.

"I'm coming!"

"Incredible! Incredible! This posture is indeed... really extraordinary!"

"This is the style a devil should have! Unrestrained and bohemian! It's fascinating!"

"This Taoist priest looks so young, I wonder if he has ever been married! Little girls like this kind of people!"

"Since you are a monk, you should not have a wife, but..."

As everyone discussed, strong thoughts of sustenance roared in!

Many of these people have wealthy families, aristocratic families, or powerful forces behind them. They not only represent themselves, but are also vaguely involved in the fate of the family. At this time, the yearning for the Taoist in gray immediately caused the surge of people to fall!


The aura of the gray-robed Taoist suddenly became thick, like soaring clouds and mist!

His face couldn't help but show a look of intoxication and joy!

"A little more! A little more! The reputation of this man of false words is so wonderful! He just committed a big case, and everyone still remembers it. I may now occupy one of the strongest reputations in his life. What a great luck!”

Little did he know that his expression fell into the eyes of the calm Lei Jing next to him, and immediately made the son of the Lei family feel trembling in his heart!

"The Taoist Priest has never had such an expression! He has always been decisive and straightforward, without any ostentation! This person looks more and more fake! He pretended to be the Taoist Priest and went to the palace. There must be a conspiracy? But this person seems to have a high level of cultivation. If he discovers my strange behavior, he will probably be restrained by him before he can reveal it! What should I do? The Taoist Master has been very kind to us, so we must not turn a blind eye. I looked at it, but..."

He was worried, but unexpectedly, Lei Chongli said: "Taoist Priest, why are you acting strange today? It's like you've changed into a different person..."


Lei Jing's heart suddenly shrank, as if being pinched by someone's hand, and then he watched the "Taoist Master" stop, turn around, and look at the two of them faintly.

"Oh? You said I look like a different person?" The gray-clothed Taoist narrowed his eyes, a cold light and ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. The situation is so good now, and he will never tolerate any mistakes, "But I feel that you two There is something wrong with the talent, oh, it turns out that he is possessed by a demon! In this case, I just want to get rid of the demon in public! It’s also a good way to remind the people in this city not to forget my majesty!”

As soon as he finished speaking, clouds and mist surged around his body, exuding cold murderous intent!

"Taoist Priest, you..."

Lei Chongli finally realized something was wrong and felt horrified.

Lei Jing sighed, stood in front of his clan brother, and whispered: "I'll delay him, you run away quickly, remember, this person is a fake, not real! You must tell the world, so that the Taoist community will not be clean." Reputation damaged..."

"How brave! How dare you talk nonsense and throw dirty water on me!"

The gray-clothed Taoist shouted violently, and with murderous intent, he raised his palm to strike!

But at this moment.


Suddenly, a sharp sword energy came through the air!

Timed out, but before midnight!

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