Depressed Fairy

Chapter 168: Broken Array and Broken Spirit Group Cultivation Defeat

At this moment, Chen Yuan's whole body was filled with surging fairy spirit!

The white jade golden elixir was wrapped by the power of time, and these fairy spirits had no place to go, so they filled his body, accumulating more and more!

The feeling of expansion became more and more intense. If the mysterious body was not repeatedly strengthened by the fairy spirit energy from the severed fingers, the power of this expansion alone would be enough to explode his body!

However, his mysterious body is already filled with fairy energy, which will not be digested for a while. If it continues like this, it will explode sooner or later, unless Chen Yuan stops sealing.

But at this moment, the sharp sword energy struck!

The strong desire contained in the sword aura, together with the surging murderous aura, was like a firefly in the dark night, instantly attracting Chen Yuan's attention, and at the same time, the aura of the fairy spirit was ready to move, giving birth to a force to protect himself. instinct!

"Just in time!"

Chen Yuan turned his eyes and saw Qing Yangzi who turned into a sword, and in an instant he caught a glimpse of the secret of his martial arts.

"God Transformation Monk! Body Refining Sword Cultivator! I didn't expect that there are such inheritances in Gouchen Realm and Dingyuan Islands! Originally, to deal with such a person, I was afraid that I would have to use the dream soul smoke at the bottom of the box to briefly display the spiritual light, but Give these fairies a chance to vent their energy!"

If you can’t digest it, let it out!

The red rainbow and the dazzling lightning also hit!

But the next moment, billowing white light burst out from Chen Yuan's palm!

The sword light, Changhong and Thunder were as if they were made of paper and were instantly swallowed up by the white light!


Qing Yangzi screamed, and the cold light that enveloped his body shattered instantly. He turned around in a hurry, and finally did not get involved in the white light, but his body was hit by the aftermath of the whistling white light and flew backwards!

"Impossible! I have obviously cut through the fairy mist!"

In a state of shock and anger, Qing Yangzi noticed that in the corner of the palace, a man and a woman suddenly appeared, riding a red rainbow and fine iron thunder. Taking advantage of the white light whizzing towards him, he wanted to rush towards the depths of the palace and where Chen Yuan was!

The woman pulled the red long bow, and red light continued to condense, turning into a rainbow, and shot out one after another!

The man waved a spear, and lightning flew!

The red rainbow intertwined with the electric light, erupting with astonishing power. Even the surging white light was temporarily suppressed and tended to disintegrate.

But when Qing Yangzi saw this scene, he was furious!

"You want to play the fisherman's game? Are you worthy of it?!"

While the other person was still in mid-air, he raised his right hand and a spiritual light bloomed on his fingertips!

"Three thousand miles of sword energy and aura!"

The aura burst out from the fingertips, and the aura was like a sword, and he swung his arm along with it!

"Behead and decide!"


The next moment, Chen Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and spat out!

The turbulent and intense white light roared out from it, seemingly endless, the white light roared out!

Three exclamations in a row!

The man and woman retreated decisively and escaped into the shadows. Their breath disappeared instantly, as if they had disappeared.

Only Qing Yangzi was left to fight head-on!

"I can cut it open!"

He roared angrily, and then the aura sword broke into pieces!

"What's going on? Why is my sword light..."

In shock, his entire right arm and half of his body were involved!


at this time!

"The formation to protect the spirits! The formation to guard the mountain! The formation to calm the soul! The formation to calm the mind! The formation to receive the sun and the moon!"

With many rays of light flashing, five magical weapons of different shapes were thrown out by Chen Nisou, and then he made a seal with his hand!

Suddenly, five large formations formed in an instant, not only covering the miserable Qingyangzi, but also falling around to block the billowing white light!

However, the next moment, several large formations were shattered one after another!

Outside the hall, there was a muffled groan.

Fortunately, Qing Yangzi took advantage of the opportunity of the fifth formation to turn over and get out of the white light, but even so, his entire arm was covered in blood, half of his body was dripping with blood, the skin was torn, and white bones were exposed in many places. !

Threads of white mist are constantly seeping into his flesh and blood!

"Why...these fairy spirits are so barbaric and tyrannical! Could it be that they are being controlled by others?"

He fell to the ground, blood gurgling from his mouth, and his body was shaking!

With just one encounter, the incarnated Taoist Lord was severely injured!

With a look of shock on his face, Qing Yangzi couldn't care about anything else, and he noticed something strange in his heart. Knowing how powerful he was, he was frightened. Then he hurriedly used the mysterious power of silent movement, turned his thoughts into sword intent, rushed into his body, and continued to fight with that The white mist that wanted to corrode the body fought and cut off one after another, but it no longer cared about him!

"I tried my best to rescue, but I didn't expect it was too late!" Shen Nisou covered his chest and walked in. Seeing Qing Yangzi's appearance, his expression was solemn, "The people in the palace were obviously corroded by the immortal treasure! Just rely on me. With such power, without the copper skin and iron bones of fellow Taoist Qingyang and the sword of cutting thoughts, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive! "

As he spoke, he crossed his hands and the seals on his hands changed continuously!

The brilliance of the complex formation spread out in front of him!

Boom boom boom!

Ahead, billowing white light roars!

At this moment,

Lord Chenghe floated over, swept his long sleeves, and thirteen bamboo swords flew out of the air, intertwined in front of him, forming a barrier, blocking the aftermath of the white light!


The white light suddenly shattered and disintegrated into strands of breath. If it was spiritual, it rushed towards a few people!


Chenghe Jun's Seal Technique changed, and thirteen bamboo slips were connected end to end to form a circle, guiding the spirit's aura into nothingness.

"It's just nonsense!"

Qing Yangzi struggled to get up, looking at Chen Yuan who was surrounded by white light and with a black and yellow aura rolling in front of him, and said angrily: "Who is this person? He absorbs the spirit of the immortal spirit without restraint, so he is not afraid of being killed by the immortal spirit in it. It erodes the spiritual intelligence and brings about the arrival of true immortals? It’s simply crazy! It’s even more extreme than a demon!”

There was a hint of anger in his voice!

"He is Xuyanzi!"

Mr. Chenghe had a complicated expression, and his heart was in a state of turmoil——

"The Immortal asked me to win over this man! But he was actually contaminated with the Immortal Treasure! His body was even corroded by the unpurified Immortal Spirit Qi. This man is probably going to be crippled!"

Thinking this, he first looked at Chen Yuan.

After the surging white light hit, although a lot of it disintegrated, more of it surged out of Chen Yuan's body, rolling and changing, like clouds and mist, filling the surrounding area and covering half of the palace.

"This man still has some sense!"

Suddenly, a crisp voice came from the shadows in the corner, followed by two people walking out.

This is a man and a woman.

They hid on one side and exploded the moment Qing Yangzi took action. The power and power they erupted were no less than that of the monks who transformed themselves into gods. But at this time, Lord Chenghe looked intently and found that there was no aura of aura on the two of them. But the objects he carried with him shone with a strange light.

One is a flaming red longbow, held by the woman; the other is a long spear wrapped with white thunder, held by the man.

The woman wears a long gown, has long hair hanging down her waist, and has a beautiful face; the man is slightly thinner, with loose hair covering half of his face, revealing a pair of gloomy eyes.

Compared to the seriously injured Qing Yangzi, the man and the woman only looked slightly embarrassed.

"Two magic weapons! And the level is not low! If you control it with golden elixir cultivation, you can exert the power of transforming into gods! They relied on these two magic weapons to attack! Moreover, even Qing Yangzi was seriously injured, but these two people were not injured at all Without damage, if you escape into the shadows, you must still have many secrets!”

"Who are you waiting for? Dare to get involved in this matter?" Shen Nisou frowned, "Retreat quickly, so as not to lose your life in vain!" After saying that, he said to Lord Chenghe: "That person is Xuyanzi? He With just one blow, all the large formations I had set up were destroyed! This person must have become the immortal treasure, and we should leave as soon as possible!"

"We can't leave!" Qing Yangzi struggled to get up, "When we leave, if we let him turn into the body of an immortal treasure, not to mention Wangzang Island, the entire Dingyuan will suffer! Moreover, he can't get his hands on that treasure. Yes! The country is in chaos and the country’s leader has lost his moral integrity. This should be suppressed and supervised by us!”

"It is true that he cannot leave. The one named Xu Yanzi can still maintain the fairy cloud with a little self-will, but it is only a matter of time before he completely loses consciousness and falls." The young woman holding a red long bow said: "Besides, No matter how tough his body is, how can he bear it for a long time? After a while, his body will naturally collapse." After saying this, the woman handed over to several people, "I have seen a few of you."

The young man holding the spear said coldly: "I'm Li Gan."

"An arrow piercing the sun hits Li's heart? Thunder grabs Li Gan? It turns out it's you, the younger generation of masters who are newly ranked!" Mr. Chenghe's expression moved slightly and he frowned, "Why are you here?" He thought of himself. Mission, be vigilant.

"Senior, now is not the time to worry about this!" Mu Lixin shook his head and pointed at the white light rolling in the hall, "This person has been trapped in the immortal calamity, and his will must have been wiped out. Even if the physical body has limits and cannot affect the entire Ding Yuan, But the tens of thousands of creatures on Wangzang Island will inevitably suffer!”

She pointed to the billowing white light in the palace.

"The fairy spirit energy is showing signs of boiling! Let's work together to open the barrier of the fairy spirit energy and drive straight in! Destroy the physical body of Xu Yanzi! Don't give the immortal treasure a chance! I think the Taoist priest is still struggling to maintain his will at this time. Resisting the invasion of Immortal Broken Finger is also a matter of great righteousness and does not want to sink and cause suffering to the common people!"

As she spoke, she turned to Shen Nisou again: "Senior, you should be the elder of Dingjun Mountain. Dingjunshan is best at formations. I wonder if you have ever mastered the Nine Palaces and Six Yao Great Forbidden Formation?"

"You are familiar with our sect." Shen Nisou frowned slightly, but still replied: "I have low qualifications and cannot learn this method, but I am fairly proficient in the Six Yao Three Talents Formation."

"Six Yao Three Talents? This formation can seal the three spirits of heaven, earth, man, and even eradicate cause and effect. It is also a unique skill! That will be easy! Later, Brother Li and I will find a way to break the barrier and suppress the physical body. Senior will take the opportunity to seal the immortal treasure. ! Only in this way can we have a chance of winning!”

In a few words, the woman arranged for someone, as if it were a matter of course. After she finished speaking, she glanced at several people and said sincerely: "This arrangement is disrespectful, but now is an extraordinary time. Once the immortal treasure breaks out, The catastrophe is coming, not to mention all the god-transforming Dao Lords, even if the real god-refining ones come, they will not be able to save the day!"

She said sternly: "Now is the only chance! The Immortal Broken Finger has not obtained the cauldron, so he has no way to control the situation. The aura of the Immortal Spirits in this temple has lost its spirituality. The Taoist Master Xu Yanzi is still resisting, and his body has not yet interacted with the Immortal Spirits. If they are combined, they can be destroyed with magic! Once this body is killed, the fire will be removed from the bottom of the cauldron and the catastrophe of the immortal spirit will be cut off from the root!"

The second update is to strive for before midnight...

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