Depressed Fairy

Chapter 166

The pure air is light, but after it appears, it seems to be contaminated by turbid air and becomes hazy, making it difficult to distinguish between west and east.

The ordinary people and heads of Guizhou in the city just took a few breaths of the cloud and mist, and immediately became drowsy. There was a squirming shape on their foreheads, but it was much better than that of everyone in the palace. At first glance, it just looked like blood vessels beating.

This group of people were drowsy and confused, and were pulled by a force towards the palace.

In contrast, those monks who fell into the fog were a little panicked at first, but soon they lost their panic and became more surprised.

"Easy and light, changing at the touch! Could this be the spirit of the fairy?"

At this moment, in addition to a few great monks and powerful monks, the monks trapped inside also had many ordinary casual cultivators and disciples.

No matter how you say it, the Zangming Kingdom is a country that occupies only one island. There are also mountain gates practicing small sects on the island and a large number of traveling disciples of domestic sects. The capital of Zangming is the capital of the country. It is the most prosperous and attracts many people. .

In addition, in the past few days, Chen Yuan had been in a series of battles, killing several famous monks on the Immortal Species, causing a stir. Many people came here to see how this would end.

"I have never seen fairy spirit, but I have heard a lot of rumors! This thing is a shortcut to profound cultivation. Regardless of whether it is real or fake, I would rather accept the mistake than let it go, otherwise I will regret it later if I miss it. It’s too late!”

"Yes, I heard that the source of this fairy energy is very rare. Apart from the caves left by the immortals, only a few strands are contained in the fairy flowers!"

"Yes, but how precious are fairy flowers? I heard that they all grow in inaccessible places, difficult for ordinary people to touch, and some places are even dead areas! I didn't expect that this time I came to Wangzang Island, There will be such a situation!”

This group of monks was different from ordinary people. After seeing the clouds and mist, they did not rush to swallow it. Instead, they calmed down, stabilized their bodies with the turtle breath method, held their breath, and then looked at the surrounding clouds and mist, and noticed the subtleties in it. Everywhere there was a look of surprise. Even those who have never seen the spirit of fairy spirit have heard of this thing, and they know that absorbing it hastily without preparation will be a disaster rather than a blessing, so they all use magic vessels to collect the spirit of cloud and mist.

One uses a gourd, the other takes out a jade vase, or simply takes out a box, makes seals with his hands, recites the incantation, and looks at the clouds and mist everywhere.

It was in full swing for a while.

There were quite a few people who saw those confused ordinary people, but they didn't take them to heart at all.

"Amitabha, this scene is really a paradise on earth, but the extreme joy that comes with it brings sorrow. I'm afraid there will be many disasters after this!"

In the guest house of the Lei family, the fallen monk walked out of the room and looked at the fairy spirit everywhere, but his expression was very solemn. He hesitated for a moment, returned to the house, put away the notes he had written down, and then Get ready to leave.

But from the next room, Luo Zhensheng came out and said, "Where are you going, Master? When we entered the city, we all made an agreement with the Taoist Master. We will discuss the Tao together after he has solved the matters at hand. You go Well, I can’t explain why the Taoist priest blamed me afterwards.”

"Fellow Taoist, what you said is wrong. It was business as usual before, so we have to abide by the agreement. Now the situation is not good. The whole island is extinct. Even if you and I have some cultivation, it will be a disaster. How can we worry too much?" The Qing Monk spoke frankly and did not hide his thoughts at all, "What's more, the Taoist priest has great luck and great merits. He will be favored by heaven and will be fine."

"You can't leave."

Suddenly, the voice of Jingchi Sanren came from outside, followed by the golden elixir great monk Shi Shiran, who walked in: "I have looked around, and the roads leaving the city are all shrouded in the spirit of the fairy. I can’t leave! Not only that, I also noticed traces of the formation in this city!”

After talking about it, his voice was particularly solemn.

"Great formation? Where is the great formation?"

Jingchi Sanren pointed at his feet: "The entire city is a big formation!"

"The energy of fairy spirits! Formation formed out of thin air! Its power shows signs of being created by nature!"

On the high building of the city wall, Mr. Chenghe, dressed in white, stood in the air with his hands behind his back.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"How could this formation be formed in front of me and reveal its innate meaning? It's like the distortion of the earth's veins. It is a natural change of heaven and earth, not man-made! Could it be that it is really an immortal method or an immortal formation? However, this formation is too simple, but I don't know It is useful, but there will be no changes for no reason, there must be something to ask for!”

Seeing this, Mr. Chenghe frowned.

"Tomorrow and the next two days are the deadline, but something unexpected happened today! According to the calculation of the immortal, something that will affect the fate of the entire Dingyuan is about to happen! Unexpectedly, the fairy lost control before the time came! Could it be God's will? Luck The change cannot be reversed without human intervention?”

After thinking about it, he looked at the broken mountain again.

"There is also this mountain. It is said that it was made by Xuyanzi. However, the five elements in this mountain are neat and full of vitality. If it were not moved from other places by means of moving, there would be a certain amount of Yuan Ling's magical power. He has magic skills! But the most he can do is the golden elixir. How can he develop magical powers? Could it be that he has inherited some god-refining inheritance to become famous?"


There was a throbbing in his heart, and the spiritual light in his body shook suddenly, as if being pulled by a suction force, and he was about to fall towards the palace!

At the same time, a tingling sensation appeared in his spiritual sense!

Looking at the common people all over the city, drops of blood are flowing out of every pore, falling on the ground intermittently and seeping into the soil.

Looking at the ordinary monks who were rejoicing in the clouds and mist, they seemed to be possessed. They kept gathering the clouds and mist, gradually approaching the palace city where the mist was thickest. Many people walked and laughed, with blood gurgling in their seven orifices, as if they were unconscious. , instead chanting "immortal energy, immortal energy".

Seeing this scene, Mr. Chenghe was shocked and understood.

"Blood refining formation? This formation is going to refine all the people in a city? The legendary immortals are carefree and carefree, so why do they do such bloody things?"

Mr. Chenghe frowned and made a decision.

"Although it goes against my decision to take charge of my own affairs, the matters here must be reported to the Immortal!"

As soon as he had this thought, his true spirit suddenly vibrated, and then a strange character rose in his heart and went straight into Niwan Palace. The center of his eyebrows trembled, and the slender mark was instantly clear. Mr. Chenghe's eyes were momentarily indifferent.

These indifferent eyes swept over the broken mountain first, revealing an unexpected look.

"It is a half-dead situation. It is actually an unfinished divine passage method. Is this the handiwork of Xu Yanzi? He has understood the method of refining gods with the realm of golden elixir? Is his talent so high?"

Then, his eyes fell on the palace again, and he squinted slightly, his eyes filled with light.

"The immortal's severed finger broke out of the ground? It also became a natural formation. This is an immortal formation! It is a change beyond destiny! In the original long river, this reflection should have appeared ten years later! And there is no way to break it. The whole Wangzang is about to fall! Now that it has been triggered in advance, there is a turn for the better! This is all because of the false words. Is he the key figure in the battle between the old and the new? "

Thinking of this, the man immediately made a decision, and then the strange character turned around, fell from Niwan Palace, and returned to the depths of Chenghe Lord's consciousness, leaving only one order -

"Recruit Xu Yanzi at all costs! Be sure to let him leave his real name on the Immortal Genealogy. In addition, Wangzang Island is facing the disaster of overthrow. There are also Taojun Qingyang on the island who guards the copper gate, Shen Nisou from Dingjun Mountain, The second prince of Dragon Palace must work with these Taoist Lords to put down the disaster and prevent the poison from spreading, otherwise he will not come back."

"What? The immortal actually asked me to recruit Xuyanzi at all costs?"

Mr. Chenghe's face turned extremely ugly all of a sudden. He still clearly remembered that Xuyanzi refused to join the Immortal Book. He also mocked the other person, saying that the other party would regret it.

"How long has it been since then that I have to recruit him at all costs? Let him sign his real name and be included in the immortal tree? Where can I put my shame?"

Having said that, this was the Immortal's order, and he had no way of refusing it!

"Fortunately, I was not given a time limit. I will first follow the Immortal's order and join forces with others to solve the blood refining formations spread throughout the Tibetan Inscription Capital!"

As soon as he thought of this, Lord Chenghe made a seal with his hand, and with a sweep of his mind, he noticed the presence of the other three Tao Lords who transformed into gods. He was about to go over to join them, but there was a slight movement in his heart. He looked towards the street in front of the palace gate, but there was no Discover something.

"It's strange. I always feel that there are ripples of spiritual light somewhere. How can I actually try this illusion? With my level of cultivation, I can make mistakes on a whim and sense things. This formation is really dangerous!"

While he was thinking, he parted the clouds and went straight to the sky to meet the two Taoist Lords on the flying boat, but just as he made a sound, a scream came from the palace!

"Return to one! Return to one! Return to one!"

As soon as this sound came out, it pierced the eardrum like a sharp sword. Even with the Taoist cultivation of the Taoist Transformation God, he was suddenly shaken to the point of turmoil!

Then, a vague figure took shape in his heart.

The figure twisted and changed, and the appearance could not be clearly seen. Even the outlines were scattered and not gathered together, like a shadow formed by a group of small black shadows. However, the ring finger on the left hand of this figure was particularly clear.

Dry, pale, and cold!

"No! I was bewitched!"

Suddenly, a character appeared in Mr. Chenghe's heart, and it was as if a basin of cold water was poured over his head, making his hair stand on end!

Two more exclamations came from the clouds and mist.

"Is this... the immortal limbs unearthed? How is it possible!? No! We can't let it go!"

As the exclamation came, a figure transformed into a sword and flew towards the palace again!

Following closely behind him was the old man driving the flying boat!

"It actually printed the figure directly in my thoughts, breeding other thoughts, and came to occupy the magpie's nest! What a weird method! It's impossible to guard against it!"

Inside the bronze mirror, Patriarch Chen Yuan's eyes were clear, but there was a figure in his heart, but that figure was immediately enveloped by time and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"However, there is no immortality in this vague and twisted appearance. Is there any way to overcome the immortality? I never heard of it when I was on earth!"

His mind focused forward.

In front of the white jade golden elixir, the shadow shrouded by time has almost disappeared.

But a strange pressure came over, making Chen Yuan realize that at the moment when the shadow was erased by time, something extra was going to happen.

"Forget it! If there is no risk at all, it would be like a trap. Now it's like a fight!"


The consciousness gathered by Chen Yuan suddenly rushed out of the bronze mirror and spread to all parts of his body in an instant!

Some of them rushed straight towards the white jade golden elixir!

The palace that was once magnificent is now dark and strange.

In the center of the palace, a gray-robed Taoist sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. He had a handsome face and an evil temperament. The shadow beneath him twisted and stretched, spreading over half of the palace.

A skinny finger hung in front of him, exuding a soft yet broad pure aura.


The Taoist opened his eyes!

One of his eyes is as white as jade, and the other is as black as ink!

Yesterday, the ban was finally lifted. It was such a twist... I hope this upload goes smoothly...

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