Depressed Fairy

Chapter 162 The current guest in the palace

"I didn't expect that an island country would have such a grand palace."

When I came to the edge of the palace city, I looked at the magnificent palaces inside, which were arranged one after another, like nine heavenly gates, with beautiful buildings, jade chambers, pavilions and pavilions. Chen Yuan sighed, this was much bigger than the ancient palace he had seen on Earth in his previous life.

The ground trembled, and a piece of green bamboo emerged from the gap in the bluestone slab, and was held by Chen Yuan in his hand.

Immediately, the layout of the palace became known.

Zhang Zhong'er said: "I heard that the palaces of several other Dingyuan countries are much larger than Zangming! Not to mention those big sects that control the earth's spiritual points! I heard that some sects, just the mountain sect This headquarters can occupy an entire mountain, and even the interior of the mountain needs to be opened up for construction!"

"Such a high utilization rate is in line with the characteristics of an island country." Upon hearing this, Chen Yuan asked, "Is Zangming Country considered weak among the Dingyuan countries?"

Zhang Zhong'er continued: "The national power is average. I have never been to Wangzang Island, so I don't have a deep feeling about these things. However, although the national power of the Zangming Kingdom is not top-notch, the status of the royal family among the many secular dynasties in Dingyuan is not. Not low. I heard that at the last Taiyuan meeting, the leader of the Zangming Kingdom was ranked next to the heads of the major sects, and his position was higher than that of many small sect leaders! "

"Oh?" Chen Yuan had a strange look on his face, and then he made a guess, "Since I came to Wangzang, I have noticed that in addition to the royal family of the dynasty, this place also respects the use of strength to gain respect, especially in the spiritual world. Zang Ming For a secular king to be valued by a great leader, he must have something to do with the supernatural." After a pause, he asked: "Do you know more about the secret treasures and treasures of this country that you mentioned?"

Zhang Zhonger shook his head.

Chen Yuan was not worried and nodded: "It seems that it is right to make more preparations." After that, he walked towards the main entrance of the palace.

Zhang Zhong'er saw this and hurriedly followed him, saying, "Senior, do we want to enter the palace through the main entrance?"

"Since it's a visit, how can we climb over the walls?" Chen Yuan replied with a smile, then raised his hand and pointed to the top of the palace, "The palace actually already knows that we are coming, so if we make any surprise attack, we will be disadvantaged."

On the way here, Chen Yuan noticed the changes in the gas phase of the Zangming Palace. Although it was originally very tight and there were faint signs of tightening up the defenses, when the two people arrived, the atmosphere had changed. The strictness remained the same, with more rules and regulations. It was obvious that defensive formations and traps were set up, waiting for outsiders to jump in. .

Therefore, he sent the bamboo spirit boy to understand the situation inside.

"The palace already knows?!" Zhang Zhong'er was horrified, "The news has been leaked? But how many people know about this? Seniors, juniors..."

"The magic is mysterious. I have made up my mind to visit again. It doesn't matter if I am noticed by someone with extraordinary spiritual awareness." Chen Yuan said as he walked, "Besides, this time I want to make the king like Orion." Pan knows how to advance and retreat, and use surprise attacks. Maybe he is still unconvinced, and there will be more follow-up. I don't plan to leave too many chapters here. "

Zhang Zhong'er said: "I thought senior took the time to come here because he wanted to win a quick victory."

Chen Yuan nodded and said: "Of course it is for the sake of a quick victory to prevent forces that do not belong to the Zangming Kingdom from joining in and disrupting the situation. However, I have generally left a backup plan. It may not really be impossible to deal with it, but there will be Beyond the control of possibility.”

In front of the main entrance of the Zangming Palace, there were many people coming and going, but there was no hustle and bustle from the downtown area and the neighborhood. It was orderly, with majestic men in official robes walking around, and cars and sedans coming and going. With many brave guards, the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

Therefore, when Chen Yuan, who was dressed in Taoist robes, and Zhang Zhong'er, who was dressed as a farmer, appeared, everyone's eyes were focused on them. Several people suddenly changed their expressions, and several guards left in a hurry.

A few breaths later, there was a sound of military boots hitting the ground, and then a group of palace guards with spears and swords rushed out and surrounded Chen Yuan and the two.

The leading general looked at Chen Yuan as if facing a formidable enemy, with a solemn look on his face, but he was unwilling to give in. He was more than ten feet away, holding a long sword in front of him, and said in a loud voice: "You monster... …This man has committed so many things, yet he dares to come here to plead guilty?”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding officials and guards immediately guessed Chen Yuan's identity and retreated one after another. They were all nervous, but also curious and confused.

Chen Yuan didn't stop at all and said as he walked: "King Jinru plotted against me. It's just that the Lord of Zangming didn't take warning. He also wanted to target him. I came here this time to visit him and ask him to surrender to Jinru." Please give me an explanation about King Ru.”


As soon as these words came out, even Zhang Zhong'er was stunned.

We promised to come to visit, but if you are so disrespectful in front of someone's door, aren't you just here to stir up trouble?

The general of the bodyguard couldn't even get off the stage. Even though he was afraid in his heart, he didn't dare to retreat. He had to bite the bullet and say harsh words cautiously.

At this moment, a white-faced and beardless eunuch was seen walking quickly. He bowed his hands in front of several people and said to the leader: "General Yuan, the Holy One has ordered that the matters here be left to our family."

"Thank you, Eunuch Cao." General Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Eunuch Cao came to Chen Yuan, looked at him carefully, and said with a flattering smile: "His Majesty, Taoist Master Xuyanzi, is here. Your Majesty has specially ordered your servants to come and invite you."

"Okay, it saves a lot of effort." Chen Yuan didn't ask any more questions at all, "Lead the way."

Eunuch Cao was stunned, then turned around and said, "Please come with our family."

General Yuan followed closely behind him with a group of palace guards.

As soon as they left, everyone at the palace gate finally became a little confused.

"Xu Yanzi? The lawless maniac who killed King Jinru and smashed the Chengxian Tower? How dare he come to the palace openly?"

"Do you think that if you suppress Chengxian Tower, no one in the entire Zangming Kingdom can control him? So you get confused and directly go to the palace to stir up trouble? It's simply stupid! How can a dynasty that has lasted for hundreds of years not have the luck of Dingding? thing?”

"Having said that, this person is really evil. Moreover, such advanced monks cannot be dealt with by relying on the number of troops. They must also be dealt with by expert monks. We should just wait and see what happens. After all, we are the royal family. Things……"

There were many discussions, everyone had their own thoughts.

Opposite the palace gate, there was a luxurious carriage parked. The curtains of the carriage were opened, revealing a pair of crystal eyes, as clear as crystal. They looked at the backs of the people who were gradually receding, showing a look of contemplation.

In front of the main hall, there are four people standing, all of them have extraordinary bearings, and they are all cultivated in Jindan!

Although the auras of two of them were slightly unstable, it seemed that they were temporarily catalyzed by a special method. However, being able to come up with four golden elixir masters in a hurry shows that he has a lot of background.

Some ordinary small sects may not be able to have such a lineup.

On the other hand, on my side, I am actually the only one. Moreover, Chen Yuan's mysterious body, strictly speaking, is only at the golden elixir level.

However, when they saw Chen Yuan, the four golden elixir monks opposite them all had solemn expressions and tense muscles, as if they were facing a powerful enemy, as if they were the weaker side!

Looking behind the four people, one could vaguely see the supreme king of the country sitting deep in the palace.

The four Jindan cultivators were as powerful as a rainbow, turning into billowing air waves and rushing towards Chen Yuan!

Chen Yuan chuckled lightly, flicked his long sleeve to defeat the air wave, and then stretched out his hand to press it!


The star handprints fell from the sky and were printed towards the four of them!

The next moment, the energy of fire, the sword of ice, the two wheels of shadow, and the invisible sound waves erupted at the same time. They could barely block the handprints, but then they all groaned and took a few steps back! One step at a time, each step will leave clear footprints on the ground of the high platform.

When they raised their heads again, all four of them had a look of shock in their eyes.

Opposite him, Chen Yuan smiled slightly, and the starry sky appeared behind him.

"The foundation of you is already known to me."

"This fictitious man who appeared out of nowhere is indeed extraordinary."

In the palace, beside the dragon chair, a slightly older voice sounded.

The person speaking has delicate skin on his face, but his beard and hair are all white. His fine eyes have a look of vicissitudes of life, and he is tall. He is Huang Jing, the Supreme Elder of the Zangming Royal Family.

This man was born in a clan and became a member of the Tongshou clan. Three hundred years ago he achieved the Golden Elixir, but there was no hope of promotion, so he returned to the royal family and served as a protector of the country.

Next to him, a white-haired old woman with a childlike face snorted coldly and said: "If you can fight one against three and suppress Ku Hewei, Xueli Yatou and Yu Shuzi together, how can you be an easy person? If we talk about the current cultivation level, The young girl, Harili, is still better than you and me. But some things cannot be solved by just relying on one's cultivation! The moment he stepped into the palace, his fate was already determined."

This person's name was Su Lagu, and she was the personal maid of the former Empress Dowager. Because of her advanced cultivation, after the Empress Dowager's death, she was respected by the Lord of Zangming and respected as an elder.

The leader of the Zangming Kingdom looked at this scene and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Huang, Aunt Su, if you two also take action and cooperate with the four people, can you win this Xu Yanzi?"

After pondering for a moment, Huang Jing said, "It's hard to say."

The face of the Lord of Zangming changed drastically, and he said: "What? Is he already a powerful god? If so, I don't need to fight with him, otherwise after using the treasure, if he escapes, there will be endless troubles! "

"Not really. The powers he displayed are very strange. They are neither new nor legitimate, but they are undoubtedly still within the realm of the golden elixir. But for some reason, his skills are extraordinarily profound. His true energy is probably that of ordinary monks. Several times! Because of this, even if we join forces to attack him, we may not be able to defeat him without cooperation."

Su Lagu said: "Brother Taoist and I stay here, the more important thing is to use the royal treasure at the critical moment! This siege will not change qualitatively if there are two of us, so we still have to control the situation here."

When the Lord of Zangming heard this, his heart was heavy, but he was not panicked.

He was about to reply, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by a voice——

"I'm very curious about what the treasure of the Hidden Inscription Royal Family is. I heard it is related to the immortal ruins."

With this sound, the three people in the hall were all startled. They looked around and saw the figure of the gray-robed Taoist at the door of the hall!

"Xuyanzi!" The leader of the Zangming Kingdom stared, "How is that possible? Those are four golden elixirs..." He looked outside the palace, and what he saw was a bright starry sky.

The starry sky enveloped the space in front of the temple, where the four enshrined monks each used spells to greet each other, fighting endlessly, as if they were besieging an invisible enemy!

"How to confuse the mind!" Huang Jing's expression changed slightly, and a strange brilliance bloomed in his eyes, as if he was surprised and happy, "You can confuse the Taoist mind of the golden elixir monk with just a breath. Do you really have the idea to confuse the Taoist mind of others and breed... The secret to inner demons?”

The second update will probably be after midnight...

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