Depressed Fairy

Chapter 158 Hiding people in my heart

Outside Chengxian Tower, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the figure that was quickly disappearing, and the golden light in his eyes continued to appear.

"This man's luck is really strange. If he hadn't jumped out on his own initiative, he wouldn't have noticed it. Now that he takes a closer look, he realizes that it's strange. He looks like an ordinary person, with the red clouds covering his head, just like the two sons of the Lei family, as if they are in the future. When you become a powerful person, you can only find out if you look closely, you will find that this person has actually put a cover on his luck, which is also a kind of matryoshka doll!"

Between the lightning and flint, Chen Yuan glimpsed a lot of information.

"More importantly, the fluctuations of thoughts emitted by this person are also very weird and strange. They seem chaotic, but in fact there are rules inside. It's like there are two completely different thoughts in one head."

Thanks to the blessing given to him by the Starry Sky Demon, Chen Yuan is most sensitive to changes in people's thoughts. Coupled with the sense of good or bad luck left behind by the soul after its retreat, he realized that this escaped person would involve him in the future.

"Such a key figure cannot be allowed to escape."

Thinking of this, he moved his steps and was about to catch up, but suddenly stopped.

"I almost forgot, I came here this time not just to plant a mountain here or to gain authority with three Jindan juniors, but to get something."

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts swept across the entire venue like the wind, and he immediately stretched out his hand to grab it.

Ku Hewei, who was covering his eyes and whining softly, was suddenly picked up, and then a box flew out of his arms and landed in Chen Yuan's palm.

"If after all the hard work, I forget this in the end and come back to do it again, today's battle will be in vain." After thinking about it, Chen Yuan flicked his finger and the box was opened. Immediately, a cool breath came out of it, revealing the contents inside.


This is an indigo bead, crystal clear, but the surface is covered with scales.

The moment Chen Yuan held it, the scales on the surface of the bead stood up, like a flower blooming, with water vapor overflowing, with a soft and cold breath!

When Chen Yuan looked intently, he could see many thoughts of incense in the layers of water vapor, as if tens of millions of people were worshiping this bead!

"The water vapor is rich, the incense is sustenance, the spirituality is nourished, and it is a treasure from the past! This thing can indeed be called the spirit of water!"

While he was satisfied, Chen Yuan also noticed that this spiritual bead was resisting him!

Even in the depths of the bead, the most basic spirituality still reveals strong anger, breeding huge anger!

It was the ultimate anger bred from the blood feud of someone who had invaded his home, massacred his fellow tribesmen, and seized treasures!

"Although it is still very weak, once it matures in the future, this bead will be enough to cause a bloody storm. At least this Wangzang Island, the Zangming Kingdom on the island, will be turned upside down, and there will even be a huge disaster! If you want to refine this This kind of spiritual treasure that contains strong hatred is not simple."

The reason why Lingbao is called Lingbao is because it breeds spirituality, and if something with spirituality is to be completely refined, it is necessary to imprint its own imprint on it while maintaining spirituality.

"The stronger the emotion, the harder it is to eliminate. Although this thing can make up for the lack of water, it also has many hidden dangers. You have to plan slowly in the future."

With a thought, he suppressed the spirit of the bead, put it back into the box, and put it into the brocade bag. Chen Yuan raised his hand to look into the distance, squeezed the seal on his hand, and the person disappeared.

"On the way here, in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the escape arrangement was specially designed. Now it will work, saving time and effort."

As soon as he left, many people poured out of the surrounding streets, all whispering.

Chengxian Tower was suddenly suppressed by a broken mountain that appeared out of thin air. Violent shocks spread in all directions. However, they knew the background of this building and did not dare to rush out to investigate. They only dared to hide in the house and look through the cracks in the door and windows from a distance. Looking at it from a distance, one can naturally see that the gray-robed Taoist is the culprit!

Especially the bearded man in the tea shop. When he was hiding in the Chengxian Tower during the drastic change, he was thrown out by the turbulent airflow. After barely landing, he hid behind the table and carefully observed the distance, waiting to see Chen Yuan clearly. After the appearance, his face was as pale as paper!

"Isn't this the foreigner who just talked to me? He...he really went to Chengxian Tower and overthrew the whole building! What kind of vicious person is this! How dare he provoke Chengxian Tower! "

Da da da da da——

He was frightened when he suddenly heard the sound of rapid and heavy footsteps, followed immediately by a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor and serious expressions walking quickly!

They crossed the street and arrived at the original site of Chengxian Tower. Then the queue dispersed and a Taoist priest came out.

Compared with ordinary monks, this man's temperament is more like that of a soldier in the army. He wears a tight-fitting robe, has a beard on his face, and has resolute eyes.

People along the way recognized this person immediately.

"Zang Ming Taoist General, Li Shouge!"

He stepped out from the crowd and looked at the broken mountain in front of him, his expression ugly and solemn!

Suddenly, Li Shouge made a sword move with his hand, and a sword light flew out from his waist and stabbed the mountain!


There was a sound, and the sword light was bounced away, turning into a spinning blue steel sword!

However, the mountain was unscathed. Instead, clusters of shadows of formations appeared on the surface, glowing with light and combining with spiritual energy from all directions, like pearls inlaid on the mountain!

"The entire mountain is a seal! The original Chengxian Tower is sealed in it!"

Reaching out to recall the flying sword, Li Shouge's face became even more ugly, because his beloved daughter was also in the building!

"Dig the ground for me! Before sunset, dig out the underground passage and rescue the people in the building!"

"Got the order!"

Another person came forward and asked for instructions: "General, do you want someone to track down the thief?"

Li Shouge said in a deep voice: "No! This person is not something we can deal with. We will wait until a few great monks are rescued."


With a long sigh of relief, Zhang Zhong'er's running pace paused slightly. Even though he had penetrated the three spiritual veins in his body, he could be said to be invincible at the same level under the golden elixir, but this time he ran and moved with all his life, In a short period of time, nearly half of his spiritual energy was consumed, and he still felt tired.

Fortunately, he had already left the capital and reached the mountains and forests. When he saw that there were no pursuers behind him, he felt a little relieved. Then he asked his doubts: "Did you say that except for the top few, no one can spy on you?" Is it true? Then why did you rush to let me escape? Are you exposed, or is that person actually the top monk Yu Fengchen? "

"No, it was my spirit that warned you that it was very dangerous to stay where you were, so I asked you to leave!" The old voice in his heart replied: "You should have seen how terrifying that mountain magic weapon is, and it has sealed the town. It’s so powerful! If you stay where you are, you won’t be able to break the seal even with my help!”

Hearing this, Zhang Zhong'er immediately felt uneasy and asked: "How are the people in Chengxian Tower? That mountain looks so tall, are the people inside..."

The old voice said: "No, that mountain is not real. The spiritual energy inside fluctuates very violently. It is obviously a magic weapon that has been completely refined! Since it is a magic weapon, it cannot be measured with common sense. The mountain does not suppress people but suppresses them! However, , I did make a miscalculation. Although Xuyanzi’s cultivation level is not high, his cultivation method is very weird, and he has such a mountain magic weapon, which is not easy for him to do! If you meet him again in the future, you must remember to go around. Don’t reveal secrets.”

"I just exerted my spiritual power with all my strength, it should have been exposed. This Tibetan Ming Capital is not easy to treat, so..." Zhang Zhong'er was thinking, his heart suddenly jumped, and when he looked up, he saw a gray-robed Taoist. Standing in the distance, he looked at himself with a smile.

"How did he catch up?"

With his heart tense, Zhang Zhong'er subconsciously turned around and left, but he soon realized the problem: "I ran all the way without escaping, so what's the use of turning around now? This person's methods are secretive and ruthless. Since he's looking for It's useless to avoid him, it's better to figure out his purpose! According to the old man, my trump card has not been exposed. I have encountered such a crisis several times and was able to survive it!

As soon as he thought about this, he asked again in his heart: "Have you ever seen this person's skills and feet? Are you sure it has nothing to do with Honbuzhou?"

"This person has no spiritual veins, so he is definitely not a spiritual practitioner!"

Nodding secretly, Zhang Zhong'er made up his mind, not retreating but advancing, and walked towards Chen Yuan. When he arrived, he raised his hands in salute and said: "I have met senior. Previously, the junior left because he was afraid of being involved. But I don't know why senior. Find me?"

"You have good courage." Chen Yuan did not answer, but praised first, then narrowed his eyes, and the golden light gradually filled his eyes!

Zhang Zhonger suddenly felt horrified, as if his true soul had been glimpsed!

"Could it be that……"

Just as his thoughts were ups and downs, Chen Yuan had a strange look on his face.

"What a rich luck! Could it be that you are a successful king in this world?"


"Who is Chengjun?" Zhang Zhong'er was confused at first, and then noticed another part of Chen Yuan's words, "This world? Are you also..."

"Don't bother guessing." Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and the gold in his eyes faded and turned into a rich black like ink. "Let me talk to the person who is really in charge! Maybe we can cooperate."

"The person who is really in charge? Who are you talking about?" Zhang Zhong'er was extremely vigilant for a moment, but unfortunately his vigilance had no effect. As soon as he realized something was wrong and made a move, he caught a glimpse of the dark starry sky behind Chen Yuan!

The next moment, Zhang Zhong'er froze like a clay sculpture, his whole body stiff.

The starry sky expanded and enveloped his body, and his eyes also turned into pitch black.

When the breeze blows, the crystal clear lake ripples.

By the lake, an old man with a white beard wearing a long gown was sitting on his knees in front of the chessboard, lowering his head and closing his eyes, as if thinking.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the other side of the chessboard.

Chen Yuan, who was wearing a gray Taoist robe, picked up a sunspot in his left hand and dropped it on the empty chessboard.

"Fellow Taoist, please."

Another early update failed...

The second update, the high probability is still one point, but there is also a 0.73% chance that it can be completed before zero point.

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