Depressed Fairy

Chapter 156 Who is he?

The third floor of Chengxian Building.

With the arrival of the three warriors, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The people closest to Ku Hewei vaguely heard something, and their expressions became unnatural.

"Why did I seem to hear the great monk guarding the copper gate mention the term outsider monk? Did I hear it wrong?"

In the corner, a young man wearing a brocade suit and a blue shirt was holding a wine glass. His eyes scanned everywhere. He noticed the change in the atmosphere, his expression became tense, and he whispered in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, an old voice sounded in his heart: "You heard it right. Xuan Yuanzhu has re-tempered your body, and your five senses are sensitive. Of course you heard it wrong."

"Did you hear that right? Did you get discovered? The water in this Zangming Kingdom is so deep? Didn't you say that you are very powerful? Are you exposed so quickly?" A series of questions popped up in the young man's heart, and then he looked To the three warriors, "Today's dinner is already weird. Why does it seem like something happened to the sponsor?"

"The Zangming Kingdom itself does not have such ability," the old voice in his heart said unhurriedly: "The predecessor of the Zangming Kingdom was a continent on the southeast coast of the Dingyuan Kingdom in Honbuzhou. It was used as a fiefdom and canonized To Zhu Ziqi, the Marquis of Yongchang at that time."

The young man whispered: "I know this, he is the founding monarch!"

The old voice continued: "In the Battle of Taiyuan, our ancestors clarified the continent, clarified the bad habits of the old cultivators, and drove away the old cultivators' forces. The Marquis of Yongchang relied on a magic weapon to gather all the heads of Guizhou in the continent. Fleeing overseas, he occupied this island, and based on the more than 300,000 Guizhou leaders from Honbuzhou, he established the Zangming Kingdom. Therefore, the roots of this country are still the secular dynasty, even though it has been a little longer over the years. The monks worship and the increasing connections with various major sects have not changed this."

"But it seems that none of these people are from Zangming's own country. They are large-scale true cultivators from outside."

"Even so, with the methods of these old cultivators, I will not be discovered." The old voice was slightly weak, but there was still a hint of arrogance. "In the entire Dingyuan Islands, there are no more than 100 people who can discover me at this time." You can count it with one hand! Now that you have obtained the Xuanyuan Pearl, you are my descendant. Even though it has not been completely refined, it is not something that these so-called golden elixir monks can detect. "

"That means you were not discovered?" The young man was thinking in his mind when he suddenly heard footsteps, which made a crunching sound on the stairs.

He followed the sound and saw a long-bearded old man in a wide-sleeved robe walking up to the third floor step by step.

When he saw the person coming, Ku Hewei immediately went up to greet him.

The young man suddenly became curious: "Who is this person? How can he make the great monk who guards the bronze door care so much?"

Next to him, Li Fuzhen, the legitimate daughter of the Li family who invited him over, chuckled and reminded: "Brother Zhong'er, you don't know this person, do you?"

The Zhong'er in her mouth, whose full name is Zhang Zhong'er, comes from the Zhang family of the Tibetan Ming Kingdom. He is the son of a concubine. He broke up with the family for some reason. After going through many twists and turns, he arrived in the capital.

The Zhang family is a wealthy family in the local area, but it is not ranked high in the capital. However, this tomb has always had adventures, and now has friendships with several nobles in the capital, so it was only possible to be invited here.

At this moment, listening to the woman's words, Zhang Zhong'er honestly asked for advice: "I hope Miss Li will not hesitate to give me some advice."

Li Fuzhen smiled and said: "This person has a big background. He is the Jindan elder of Dingjun Mountain. He is called Yu Shuzi and is known as Jade Faced Yama."

Zhang Zhonger understood immediately.

"Dingjun Mountain? Tongshoumen, this is one of the largest sects in the Northern Territory. In terms of sect power alone, it is actually still higher than any of the eight sects, but it is not as powerful as the combined power of the eight sects and was suppressed by Qishan Island."

Yu Shuzi from Dingjun Mountain came straight to Ku Hewei's side and sat opposite him.

Ku Hewei saw the visitor and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist is actually here? Didn't I hear that you threw out King Jinru's invitation?"

Yu Shuzi looked indifferent and responded calmly: "Jinru is dead. A self-righteous person like him should have ended like this long ago. But since a person is dead, the grudges will of course disappear. I came here this time to be a monk. The Lord Ming invited me to come here to discuss matters.”

"Discuss the matter?" Ku Hewei asked, "Is it because of that Xu Yanzi? This person killed King Jinru. He was indeed extremely vicious, and he was also a Jindan monk without any sect's restrictions. It is really worrying to let him go. I should uphold justice and prevent Zangming Country from being in chaos because of this!"

Yu Shuzi remained indifferent and said: "You don't have to say so high-sounding. You are willing to take action. You just want to make Tong Shoumen more influential in Zangming Country. However, that Xuyanzi may be an outsider monk. This point It must be clarified, otherwise, if he is allowed to take root, there will be endless troubles!”

While he was talking, tables and chairs had been prepared for him in the building and placed next to Ku Hewei.

Yu Shuzi was not polite and sat down directly.

When everyone heard the explosive news, they immediately exploded!


Suddenly, Yu Shuzi spoke lightly, which shocked everyone's blood, and they all stopped talking. However, the surprise in their hearts did not diminish at all, and they all looked at each other with shock.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you so angry?" Ku Hewei smiled softly, waved his sleeves to clear the wind and soothe everyone's blood.

"There's so much animosity between these two!"

Zhang Zhong'er in the corner noticed the conflict in the words and deeds of the two.

Li Fuzhen whispered: "Tongshoumen and Dingjunshan are equally powerful. Now that the eight sects are declining, they both want to rise. There is a lot of conflict between them."

"That's it." Zhang Zhonger nodded, and then asked: "What happened to the outsider monk Xu Yanzi mentioned by the two great monks?"

"You've asked the right person," Li Fuzhen said with a proud smile, "I know that you have been practicing in seclusion recently and don't know anything else, but this Xuyanzi has become very famous recently. However, if you ask others, you will most likely know that he is a new recruit. He was worshiped by the Lei family and defeated many people on the immortal spectrum along the way, but I knew that this person was actually very close to the Lei family, and his origins were mysterious and he had no roots. As for whether he was a monk from outside the world, I didn't know. But he actually killed King Jinru! It’s really… really…”

She also knew the layout of Prince Jinru's palace, and was shocked.

With no roots and no sect, he suddenly appeared and defeated the masters on the immortal spectrum one after another! ?

Zhang Zhong'er's heart stirred up huge waves, and he whispered in his heart: "Is this person really a monk from outside the world?"

"I don't know. My contact with Jiewai has been cut off for a long time, but with Jiewai's way of doing things, I shouldn't act in a high-profile manner until I'm absolutely sure!"

Zhang Zhong'er was having a conversation in his mind when suddenly a strong wind blew, making the doors and windows rattle.

Following a puff of blurry smoke, in front of everyone's eyes was a young woman dressed in pure white gauze. Her black hair was like silk, blowing in the wind, and a faint fragrance filled the air.

Everyone present was stunned and in a daze, but when they came back to their senses, everyone was shocked!

Only Zhang Zhong'er, whose eyes were shining brightly, was unaffected, and his Taoist heart was not shaken at all.

"Fairy Shanli!"

Li Fuzhen didn't wait for Zhang Zhong'er to ask, and introduced her: "She is the owner of Chengxian Tower! It is said that she is related to the royal family, and she was a Jindan cultivator thirty years ago!"

Thirty years ago…

Looking at that cold face that was as white as jade and could be broken by a blow, Zhang Zhong'er was secretly frightened.

But most of the others looked like they were possessed by lust and soul, but they also knew how powerful they were and only dared to peep secretly.

The white-clothed fairy did not look at anyone else. She saluted Ku Hewei and Yu Shuzi and said, "My two fellow Taoists are willing to lend a helping hand. I would like to express my gratitude to you."

Ku Hewei smiled and said: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist, it's our duty to eliminate evil, defend the Tao, and protect order!"

Yu Shuzi asked, "Now that fellow Taoist has arrived, have you found traces of Xu Yanzi?"

Fairy Kari shook his head and sighed: "I haven't found it yet. He left the palace and disappeared. He must have known how powerful he was and hid it. However, several people in the Lei family knew a lot about it, and they wanted to ask you two to move... "

the other side.

"Miss Li, you are so awesome! You actually know so many things." Zhang Zhong'er was praising his companion, "But the most important thing is to have a broad vision and broad knowledge. Although I have heard of these people's names, when I meet them in person, I can see at most They are powerful monks, but they definitely can’t recognize them! Only someone who has actually seen them can tell.”

"Where is it!" Li Fuzhen smiled softly, with crooked eyes, "You have met them this time and listened to my introduction. Won't you know them all next time?"

"This is different." Zhang Zhong'er shook his head and said with a serious face: "At most, I know these three people. When I meet other cultivation masters, I still don't know them. For example..."

He suddenly raised his hand, pointed to the opposite side, and whispered: "This senior arrived silently. After waiting for a long time, no one else noticed. Such methods are definitely not something ordinary people can do. Does Miss Li know that he The origin?”


Li Fuzhen was shocked when she heard this. She had known Zhang Zhonger for a long time and knew that this man had a pair of true eyes that could see through illusions and could see things that ordinary people could not! He had used these eyes to shock the second generation of aristocratic families in Beijing, including himself, several times before, and even turned the situation around!

At this time, following Zhang Zhong'er's fingers, he saw a gray-robed Taoist leaning against the wall. He was holding a wine bottle in one hand and a chicken leg in the other. He took a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine, and looked at the three golden men. Brother Dan looked very interested.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Li Fuzhen, and then glanced at Zhang Zhong'er.



Li Fuzhen screamed!

Her family is also one of the pillars of Zangming and is well-informed. Therefore, she has seen Chen Yuan's portrait and was in this situation, so she recognized it at a glance!

When Li Fuzhen shouted like this, everyone could not notice it. They all looked at him and were stunned when they saw the Taoist!

"Who are you!"

Even the three golden elixir monks were shocked. They really didn't expect that someone would come to them silently and sit next to them so arrogantly, without even noticing it!

What method is this?

What cultivation level?

If this person wants to harm himself...

When they think of this, they are filled with fear!

Suddenly, the true energy in the three people surged, and their aura suddenly rose!

"Are you Xu Yanzi?"

"It's really disappointing." Chen Yuan put down the wine and meat in his hand and said with a smile: "I wanted to take a look at the situation again, but I didn't expect that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers here, and I could see the changes between reality and reality. However, it's okay. Since we have made it clear, let's not go around in circles. I came here with the intention of picking up something, but with what you said just now, if you don’t show some means, it will be troublesome..."

I came back very late today! Just helpless.

The second update will be before zero o'clock, but most likely around one o'clock, it depends on the situation...

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