Depressed Fairy

Chapter 145: Driven by greed, the underworld seeks a mysterious treasure

As the dark Taoist spoke, he raised his hand and touched his eyes, and when he looked at it attentively, he showed joy!

"What a rich cloud of merit! What a treasure! What a thing! I didn't expect that this poor Taoist would encounter such a thing!" He looked greedy, but also a little afraid, "But how did he refine it? So many merits?”

After thinking about it, greed still overcame vigilance.

"Although this thing has a foundation, I also have the confidence to borrow that treasure. Isn't this just an opportunity? I only need to prepare a little before going to snatch it!"

far away.

Yellow clouds floated, carrying chariots and horses to protect them, flying majestically over the heads of the aborigines covered in indigo fish scales!

But such a scene made these aborigines so panicked that they didn't care about pursuing them. They actually knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and murmured to themselves.

Inside the carriage, Lei Chongli felt the ups and downs of the carriage and looked out the window.

"It's flying!" After several exclamations, he sat back and looked at Chen Yuan with a different look: "In what realm, can you ride on foreign objects and ride on the clouds? Could it be that the Taoist priest is a great monk?"

Great monk?

"Those who refine the Qi Golden Pill are great monks!" Su Qian said quickly, then thanked her, and then half-complimented, half-reminded her nephew, "Controlling objects is not an ordinary method, but it usually requires refining." Only Taoist Master Xuyanzi can handle other things. It is not common for him to carry other things directly! If he were not the Taoist Master, the consequences would be disastrous! "

Chen Yuan waved his hand: "No need to thank me, we each get what we need."

Su Qian immediately agreed: "Please rest assured, Taoist Master, but if there is a need, as long as the Lei family can handle it, I will never refuse!"

Chen Yuan was a little curious: "You seem to have an unusual status in the Lei family."

"What the Taoist Master wants to ask is actually why my surname is Su, right?" Su Qian pursed her lips and smiled, charmingly, "Because I have my mother's surname. As for the rest, it is inconvenient to reveal too much."

Naturally, Chen Yuan didn't ask further questions. He flicked his sleeve, and the billowing yellow clouds flew back from the outside and went into his sleeve.


The carriage shook and fell to the ground again.

Outside the car, Abang and the other guards were all shocked and confused. When they figured out the reason, they were in awe of Chen Yuan.

In the car, Lei Chongli was full of admiration for Chen Yuan, asking for questions and making insinuations, which was very annoying. Even Lei Jing could not sit still. Although he was still reserved, he was also trying to show his talent in his words. The purpose is self-evident.

Finally, it was Su Qian who saw that Chen Yuan did not like to be disturbed, so she stopped the two nephews, and said to Chen Yuan: "Taoist Master, not far ahead is Luzhou City. It is located in the center of Wangzang Island and is a hub for people coming and going. It's a lot, and it's quite prosperous. When you get there, I'll prepare a carriage for you to meditate on the road."

"That's fine." Chen Yuan really couldn't stand the two brothers. If he hadn't relied on the fate of these two people to cover up the rejection of heaven, he would have left in a hurry!

"We have to think of a way to solve this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be too passive. We can't really go to Lei's house to make offerings and follow these two boys all day long, right? Besides, now we have to use the aura of merit to cover it up, which is quite difficult. For the inconvenience.”

However, speaking of this, after the siege by the aborigines just now, Chen Yuan noticed that in the red luck emanating from Lei Chongli's head, the black color was actually much darker.

"This Lei Chongli is destined for a disaster. The siege just now should be just the beginning. But because of my intervention, his fate has been slightly deflected. Although I don't say whether he will be lucky or not, at least there is a turn for the better."

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Yuan thought secretly.

"Having said that, if this kid has escaped several disasters and the dark disasters that suppressed the red luck are dissipated, his destiny will be greatly enhanced, and he will be qualified to become the protagonist of this island. However, , Luck and destiny are just trends, and they have a great impact, but they are not irreversible. Just like me, if I lose my destiny, I still have room to move. But no matter what, this kid must be a source of trouble, so it's best not to involve him too much."

A stick of incense later, the carriage drove into Luzhou City.

Just like Su Qian said, this city is quite prosperous, with people coming and going, shops in groups, selling everything.

Chen Yuan also noticed that among the people coming and going, there were many monks with spiritual energy, walking and stopping in the market and shops, chatting, or asking for prices.

"There are so many monks in one street of this city. Although this is a corner of Gouchen Realm, you can see the whole body at a glance. It is conceivable that the cultivation trend in this world must be very prosperous. In addition, The spiritual energy is rich, and there are probably several monks and ancestors who have returned to the void and refined the void."

He thought to himself, adjusting his thoughts.

"I am at the top of the Shenzang Realm, but this is not a small realm. There must be hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so I have to be restrained and cautious. Fortunately, I don't want to cause trouble in the Gouchen Realm. Once I stabilize my destiny, I won't Being rejected, he repaired the Xuyan Bell and searched for the remains of the Qishan Sect to see if he could find a way back to the Dongxu Realm."

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan asked Su Qian again: "Do you know the division of sects in Gouchen Realm?"

He feels that his purpose is clear and he will not conflict with others, but he should pay attention and ask more questions.

"The world of Gouchen is vast, and the small world of Dingyuan is relatively closed-off. The things I know about Gouchen are very old, and most of them are hearsay," Su Qian said apologetically, "However, if it is about the small world of Dingyuan, I still Know something.”

"Okay, let's talk about it."

Su Qian said: "There are many islands in Dingyuan Xiaojie, but there are five largest ones, namely Dongyuan Island, Xijing Island, Qishan Island, Nalanda Island and Zunshan Island. The reason why these five islands are mentioned is, It’s because there are major sects on it, each occupying one side, and they can be said to be the overlords of the five directions! For example, Qishan Island is the overlord of the Northern Territory, and each of the eight sects on the island is very powerful!”

"The Eight Sects are so powerful?"

As soon as the words came out, Chen Yuan suddenly shook his head, secretly thinking that he was a little drifting, and thought to himself: In the Shenzang Realm, due to the restrictions of the realm, the only ones who can cross the realm are at most the God Transformation monks, the only God Refiner, and deliberately The realm has been lowered, and in this Gouchen world, there are no restrictions on the sect monks. With the large number of people and deep foundation, they can naturally be strong!

"It's still floating, we must take this as a warning!"

After thinking about this, Chen Yuanfu asked again: "I wonder what the cultivation level of the monk with the deepest cultivation among these eight sects is?"

"It should be the sect master of the Scarlet Blood Sect and Master Fengxia of the Mingxia Valley. Both of them are powerful at refining gods!"


Questions popped up in Chen Yuan's mind.

Just then the carriage stopped, and there was a noise outside.

Su Qian took a look outside and saw an antique small building, so she said: "This Wangxuan Tower is the best inn in the city. It is said that it was originally a fairy cave and a land of earthly blessings. It is famous in the capital. This major repair and All virtuous people will live here, so that they will not be contaminated by the filth of the world! Taoist priest, you can go and rest first. I have to inform my family about today's events, and then inform you that you are an honored guest, so that someone from the clan can come to contact you. You can tell me whatever you need at that time.”

"That's fine." Seeing her eagerness, Chen Yuan didn't stop her. He got out of the car and entered the Wangxuan Tower under the leadership of Lei Chongli.

The layout of this building is very elegant, with ancient and elegant colors and fragrance everywhere. If you look closely, you will see that many inconspicuous corners are actually decorated with luxurious things and are unique.

After passing the front lobby, there is a courtyard, divided into several small courtyards.

Chen Yuan was led into one of them.

"Who is this person?"

In the courtyard next door, there happened to be a monk who was pushing the door open. When he saw Chen Yuan, he was stunned, his eyes gleamed, and he looked shocked!

"This person has meritorious deeds. Xuanhuang Qi gushes out from the Niwan Palace, covering his whole body in an endless stream! It rolls like waves in the sea of ​​clouds! How many good things has he done? Even if he saved the entire Dingyuan Islands, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that. ! But I have never heard of any disasters affecting the islands! Could it be the reincarnation of good people?"

At this thought, the monk smiled.

"Such a good man, even though he is wearing Taoist robes, but since he is seen by a poor monk, he is destined to be a Buddha and should be visited!"

The monk was thinking, when his expression suddenly changed slightly, he saw a red cloud flying from the sky in the distance, with a black-clothed Taoist sitting on it. He didn't bother to visit Chen Yuan, and immediately the golden light rose up and went straight to the red cloud. And go, blocking the way.

"Amitabha, fellow Taoist monk Heichan, what kind of wind brings you to Wangzang Island?"

"It turns out to be Master Yunqing," the black-clothed Taoist stopped the red cloud and bowed, "The poor Taoist heard about the movements of the eight sects, so he came over with several fellow Taoists. He also saw a strange scene in the mountain and thought that a strange treasure had come to the world. I came here specifically to investigate, but I failed. I wanted to go back, but I didn't expect that someone had stolen a magic weapon, so I followed the traces and found it. Why is it that Master You is here?"

Master Yunqing said: "I was invited by the leader of the Zangming Kingdom to travel to this island country, and because of the relationship with several Taoist friends from the Eight Sects, I came here to find out. I wonder what my friends have lost?"

The black-clothed Taoist said: "Masters should also know that I belong to the Wusha sect and like to refine cloud energy."

"Yes, fellow Taoist, this soul-stealing blood cloud has a great reputation!" Mage Yunqing clasped his hands together and whispered.

The black-clothed Taoist smiled and said: "That's it. This soul-taking red cloud was made by me by refining my master's treasure. In fact, my teacher also left another spiritual object, called the merit yellow cloud. Today, for a moment If you don’t check it, it will be stolen!”

"What?" The monk's expression changed, and he recalled the man just now, "Could it be that the merits of that man were due to fellow Taoists? But I have never heard of this before."

"Then Huang Yun has never succeeded in the sacrifice, so I didn't say anything." The black-clothed Taoist said, changing the subject, "I heard from my fellow Taoist that he saw a thief? That man has an aura of merit and virtue, as if he has the power to save the world!"

"Exactly! The poor monk is still surprised by this, but..."

"That's it. In times of peace, where is the world of destruction for him to save? This small world of Dingyuan is not accessible to the outside world. If it is not the inheritance of my master, who else can it be?" The black-clothed Taoist said, smiling slightly, "As soon as Master and I go there together and see that man using Huang Yun's magical power, we will know that he is the direct descendant of my master!"

Master Yunqing thought for a while and said, "The poor monk will go with you to see if there is a misunderstanding."

Start with it, change it later, I feel a little dizzy...

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